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Contextual effects on metaphor comprehension in reading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Subjects read target sentences preceded by either short or long context that induced either a metaphoric or a literal target reading. As had been found by Ortony, Schallert, Reynolds, and Antos (1978), metaphoric targets were comprehended about as quickly as literals when context was long, but more slowly than literals when context was short. The latter result may have been due to the failure of computing a conceptual relationship between short context and metaphoric target; targets unrelated to prior context took as long to comprehend as metaphoric targets. Another experiment showed that metaphorically expressed targets were read more quickly when they followed metaphorically expressed context than when they followed literal context, but literal targets were read quickest when they followed literal context. These results are discussed within a schema framework and within a “process priming” hypothesis.  相似文献   

Effects of picture-word format were investigated with four problem-solving items. In Experiment 1, picture-word input was presented for 8 sec followed by a test sentence that included verbatim and inference statements. Subjects made a true/false reaction time to the test sentence. In Experiment 2, the input remained on the screen while the test sentence was presented with varied stimulus onset asynchronies from 0 to 1,000 msec. Results showed that responses to pictures were faster than responses to words, and the format effect was larger with inference than with verbatim sentences. The picture advantage seemed to be due to the nature of the input and how information is extracted from it. The findings are discussed within the context of text-processing theories (Glenberg & Langston, 1992; Larkin & Simon, 1987).  相似文献   

Naming latencies for words, objects and faces have been shown to be affected by the age at which an item is acquired (AoA). Originally, this effect was explained in terms of differential access to name representations. However, a number of recent studies have found AoA effects in tasks which do not require access to names (e.g. Brysbaert, Van Wijnendaele, & De Deynes, 2000 ; Lewis, 1999 ; Moore, Smith Spark, & Valentine, 2004 ; Moore & Valentine, 1999 ). Ellis and Lambon Ralph (2000) propose an alternative account of AoA, predicting that the effect should arise in any task where previously stored information is retrieved. The current study explored the effect of AoA on an object‐name verification task. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that early acquired objects were verified significantly faster than later acquired objects. A third experiment collected naming latencies for the same picture stimuli in order to allow a comparison of the magnitude of the AoA effect for object verification and naming. The implications of these findings for accounts of AoA and its locus of effect are discussed.  相似文献   

In a recent critique of Carpenter and Just’s (1975) verification model, Tanenhaus, Carroll, and Bever (1976) pointed out that the estimates of the comparison parameter of the model varied considerably among tasks. In particular, estimates of this parameter were higher for picture-first than for sentence-first sentence-picture verification tasks. The picture-first estimates, however, were based upon an analysis of only a subset of the trials: namely, those in which the preposition “above” was embedded in the sentence. When a more comprehensive model is applied to the data of picture-first experiments, the estimates of the comparison operation are comparable to those based on sentence-first tasks.  相似文献   

Manipulating stimulus spacing, stimulus frequency, or stimulus range usually affects intensity judgments. In six experiments, I investigated the locus of analogues of these contextual effects in a “difference” estimation task. When all stimuli elicited the same taste quality, stimulus distribution affected the scale values only when water was included in the stimulus set (Experiments 1–3). When the subjective ranges of two taste qualities were manipulated, different scale values were obtained for the separate qualities in the two conditions (Experiment 4). Manipulation of the expected response distribution did not affect the scale values or the responses (Experiments 5–6). It is concluded that shifts in stimulus distributions or stimulus ranges result in shifts in subjective scale values. The contextual effects can be interpreted as relative shifts of a number of gustatory continua, with water lying on a separate continuum. Proposed is a model for context-dependent judgments, consisting of four stages: stimulus classification, stimulus placement, continuum placement, and continuum projection.  相似文献   

The role of contextual factors on duration estimates was investigated, employing 6 time intervals ranging from 15 to 35 sec (demarcated by the onset and termination of a display panel of lights). When compared with earlier research, the results suggest that duration estimates are affected by the context of the stimulus intervals with regard to other stimuli in the series. Specifically, those stimuli that were overestimated when they were the shortest members of the series were underestimated when they were the longest intervals of the stimulus series. In addition, a lengthening effect was observed: duration estimates increased over blocks of trials for all stimulus intervals.  相似文献   

Judges were asked to evaluate the overall performance of hypothetical students, given their scores on two examinations. The distribution of total scores was manipulated in order to investigate the loci of contextual effects. The interaction between the two exams was reversed by manipulation of the distribution. When the distribution of total scores was positively skewed, judgments showed a convergent interaction as a function of the two exams; when the distribution was negatively skewed, the interaction was divergent. The data were consistent with the hypothesis that the distribution of total scores affects only the transformation from integrated impressions to overt responses. This transformation (judgment function) was well-described by an extension of range-frequency theory. The finding that the interaction can be manipulated by changing the stimulus distribution has methodological implications for the popular interpretation of interactions or lack thereof. A good model may be improperly rejected or a bad one improperly retained through lack of attention to contextual effects.  相似文献   

In a variety of situations it has been observed that the processing of a verbal stimulus is facilitated when it is preceded by an associated word. This article is concerned with determining whether such facilitation occurs automatically upon prime presentation or whether facilitation depends on the manner of processing the prime. Experiment 1 demonstrated that a letter search in a target word was facilitated when the target was preceded by either an identical or semantically associated word. If, however, a letter search was required in the prime as well as in the target (Experiment 2), the relative advantage enjoyed by targets preceded by identical-word primes disappeared. Experiment 3 replicated this loss of facilitation using semantically associated word pairs. Contextual facilitation thus appears to depend upon the mode of analysis of the prime. If the prime is analyzed as a meaningful unit, facilitation occurs. If, however, it is subjected to a more discrete, letter-by-letter analysis, the priming effect vanishes.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of task format and individual differences in cognitive ability on performance of the sentence-picture verification task. Four groups of subjects were selected on the basis of their scores on psychometric tests of verbal and spatial ability: low verbal/low spatial, high verbal/high spatial, low verbal/high spatial, and high verbal/low spatial. Subjects completed four different versions of the sentence verification task, each version differing in terms of the interval between sentence and picture presentation. The results confirmed the importance of both task format and spatial ability in determining the cognitive strategy employed by subjects in carrying out the task. The finding of principal interest, however, was that spatial ability was the most significant determinant of strategy choice, and that low spatial subjects made substantial use of linguistic strategies under task formats designed to encourage imaginal strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to examine sources of the framing bias. While previous research has focused on task-responsive (experimentally manipulated) frames, it was argued that the context of the task may also frame the decision. Citing previous empirical studies which illustrated that buyers systematically outperformed sellers in symmetrical, negotiation simulations, it was suggested that the role of a participant may influence performance, independent of the task-characteristic demands. A study was conducted using an economically symmetrical negotiation simulation. Results indicated that negotiators positively framed by task characteristics completed more transactions, independent of the presence or absence of role-relevant information. When role-relevant information was absent, negotiators negatively framed by task characteristics completed transactions of greater mean value. When role-relevant information was present, buyers completed transactions of greater mean value than sellers, while task characteristics had no effect on mean transaction value. Implications of these results and directions for continued study were discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the interface between motivation and choice. In category learning, a regulatory fit has been shown to increase exploration of alternative response strategies even when exploration is suboptimal. In the present study, promotion- and prevention-focused subjects performed a choice task that required them to choose from one of two decks of cards on each trial. They either gained or lost points with each draw. In Experiment 1, optimal performance required an exploratory response pattern that entailed sampling from a deck that initially appeared disadvantageous but ultimately became advantageous. In Experiment 2, optimal performance required an exploitative response pattern. A softmax action selection model that includes an exploitation parameter was applied to each subject’s data from both experiments and revealed greater exploration of alternative strategies for people with a regulatory fit. This response strategy was optimal in Experiment 1 and led to superior performance, but was suboptimal in Experiment 2 and led to inferior performance.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine better performance in long-term memory when stimulus items are pictures or spoken words compared to printed words. Hypotheses regarding the allocation of attention to printed words, the semantic link between pictures and processing, and a rich long-term representation for pictures were tested. Using levels-of-processing tasks eliminated format effects when no memory test was expected and processing was deep (El), and when study and test formats did not match (E3). Pictures produced superior performance when a memory test was expected (El & 2) and when study and test formats were the same (E3). Results of all experiments support the attenuation of attention model and that picture superiority is due to a more direct access to semantic processing and a richer visual code. General principles to guide the processing of stimulus information are discussed.  相似文献   

Time perception has long been known to be affected by numerical representations. Recent studies further demonstrate that when participants estimate the duration of Arabic numbers, number magnitude, though task-irrelevant, biases duration judgment to produce underestimation for smaller numbers and overestimation for larger numbers. Such effects were found in the present study to be significantly reduced when a weight unit gram was suffixed to the numbers rendering the mental magnitude differences between different numbers less distinctive. The effects were enhanced when a different unit kilogram was suffixed to the numbers enlarging the perceived magnitude differences between different numbers. The results indicate that effects of number magnitude on duration estimation should not be attributed to the mathematical differences between numbers but to how the numbers are perceived to differ from each other in magnitude in specific contexts when they denote concrete items. The results also provide new evidence for the theoretical proposal of a common generalized magnitude system and indicate that the system must be extended to include other action-oriented magnitudes, such as weight.  相似文献   

Two reaction time experiments explored the effect of semantic associations on the time required to make mental size comparisons. Subjects in both experiments were able to judge relative size more quickly for associated than for nonassociated pairs. This association effect was found for a variety of different types of semantic relationships. Experiment 2 used a large pool of pairs that were scaled for degree of association and subjective size of the individual items. This experiment demonstrated that a high degree of association is more facilitative for pairs with small rather than large size differences. Two different explanations of the results are presented, and it is tentatively suggested that work on mental comparison may be integrated with a broader range of semantic memory research.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined mechanisms that underlie free-recall performance in bilinguals' first language (L1) and second language (L2) through the prism of serial-position effects. On free-recall tasks, a typical pattern of performance follows a U-shaped serial-position curve, where items from the beginning of the list (the primacy effect) and items from the end of the list (the recency effect) are recalled with higher accuracy than items from the middle of the list. The present study contrasted serial-position effects on the free-recall task in Korean-English bilinguals' L1 vs. L2 and examined the relationship between an independent working memory (WM) measure and serial-position effects in bilinguals' two languages. Results revealed stronger pre-recency (primacy and middle) effects in L1 than in L2, but similar recency effects in the two languages. A close association was observed between WM and recall performance in the pre-recency region in the L1 but not in the L2. Together, these findings suggest that linguistic knowledge constrains free-recall performance in bilinguals, but only in the pre-recency region.  相似文献   

Twenty-four subjects performed a symbolic two-choice serial reaction task under four conditions. These were with a delay from previous response to onset of next stimulus of 100 millisec, 600 millisec., 2 sec., and a fourth condition of 2 sec. delay with verbal prediction of the next stimulus. A positive recency or repetition effect occurred at 100 millisec. delay where RTs to repeated stimuli were faster than RTs to alternate stimuli. At 600 millisec. this effect was still present, though much reduced. The 2 sec. delay gave a negative recency effect where RTs were slower to repeated than to alternate stimuli. This effect increased significantly with simultaneous prediction of the next stimulus. The verbal predictions themselves displayed negative recency. Run analysis of the four conditions revealed strking differences. These results emphasize the need for analysing the microstructure of choice RT situations and reveal deficiencies in present models.  相似文献   

Researchers assume that time pressure impairs performance in decision tasks by invoking heuristic processes. In the present study, the authors inquired (a) whether it was possible in some cases for time pressure to improve performance or to alter it without impairing it, and (b) whether the heuristic invoked by base-rate neglect under direct experience can be identified. They used a probability-learning design in 2 experiments, and they measured the choice proportions after each of 2 possible cues in each experiment. In 1 comparison, time pressure increased predictions of the more likely outcome, which improved performance. In 2 comparisons, time pressure changed the choice proportions without affecting performance. In a 4th comparison, time pressure hindered performance. The choice proportions were consistent with heuristic processing that is based on cue matching rather than on cue accuracy, base rates, or posterior probabilities.  相似文献   

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