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Sixty female subjects performed a paired-associates learning task either alone or under surveillance by the experimenter, who openly evaluated the subject's performance. To half of the subjects the experimenter described her evaluation as instrumental to the rendering of future help on a similar task; to the remaining half she gave no such promise. Subjects who were evaluated without the expectation of future help performed better than subjects who worked alone when the paired-associates list was easy, but less well when the list was difficult. For both types of list, evaluation with the added promise of future help produced performance no different from that of isolated subjects. Evaluation without the promise of help also produced a higher level of state anxiety than that observed in isolated subjects. The findings were discussed in terms of the effects of evaluation apprehension on the social facilitation and inhibition of learning.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the relationship between some predictions generated by a cognitive-feature model of association and metaphor understanding. Several kinds of data were collected from University of Tennessee undergraduates on the two key nouns in each of 28 randomly selected metaphors—both in and out of metaphor context—as well as judged goodness and ease of writing interpretations for the metaphors themselves. Interword similarity, free association variability, and characteristics of common property distributions for key-noun pairs were highly intercorrelated (as predicted by the associative model) and also related to metaphor goodness and difficulty of metaphor interpretation (canonical r=0.78). These results provide indirect support for the associative model and also provide some insight into the cognitive processes underlying metaphor understanding.  相似文献   

Social facilitation refers to cases in which the presence of others increases the probability of certain responses on the part of an independently operating individual. Drive theory attributes these effects to an unconscious facilitation of dominant responses, as defined by Hull-Spence learning theory. Self-presentation explanations posit changes in motivation and cognitive strategies that result from an increased concern with favorable private and public images. The present paper reviews evidence and presents an experiment indicating both points of view are valid, but that neither perspective by itself can account for all relevant data.  相似文献   

Sanders and Baron (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1975, 32, 956–963) suggested that increases in drive produced by the presence of others (social facilitation) are due to the tendency for others to distract task performers as they worked on a task. This Distraction-Conflict theory proposes that socially mediated drive induction will occur whenever there is some reason to shift attention from the task to the social stimuli. In the case of humans, one such reason may be the opportunity to obtain social comparison information from an audience or coactors. The present research demonstrated that social facilitation effects (improved simple task performance and impaired complex task performance produced by the presence of others) occurred only when subjects were motivated to obtain comparison information (Experiment I) and when comparison information was available (Experiment II). The availability of comparison information also led to increased accuracy in estimating the coactor's performance. This indicated that in conditions manifesting social facilitation, subjects were spending some time monitoring the coactor's work, which is an inherently distracting activity. Several supplementary measures of distraction were generally consistent in indicating greater distraction under conditions manifesting social facilitation. The present results offer no support for the explanations of social facilitation suggested by Zajonc and by Cottrell.  相似文献   

Little is known about the origins of the pointing gesture. We sought to gain insight into its emergence by investigating individual differences in the pointing of 12-month-old infants in two ways. First, we looked at differences in the communicative and interactional uses of pointing and asked how different hand shapes relate to point frequency, accompanying vocalizations, and mothers’ pointing. Second, we looked at differences in social-cognitive skills of point comprehension and imitation and tested whether these were related to infants’ own pointing. Infants’ and mothers’ spontaneous pointing correlated with one another, as did infants’ point production and comprehension. In particular, infants’ index-finger pointing had a profile different from simple whole-hand pointing. It was more frequent, it was more often accompanied by vocalizations, and it correlated more strongly with comprehension of pointing (especially to occluded referents). We conclude that whole-hand and index-finger pointing differ qualitatively and suggest that it is index-finger pointing that first embodies infants’ understanding of communicative intentions.  相似文献   

Persistence of chronic nicotine-induced cognitive facilitation.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Nicotine has been found in a variety of species and behavioral paradigms to improve memory performance. The beneficial effect of nicotine has been seen after both acute and chronic administration. Interestingly, improved performance has been seen 24 h after acute injection and for at least 2 weeks after chronic administration. However, it is not clear from previous studies whether the persistence of the improved performance represents a true carryover of the drug effect or is due to the behavioral experience while under nicotine's effect. The current study was conducted to determine whether the facilitating effect of nicotine on learning and memory performance could be seen after withdrawal even if there was no behavioral training during the period of chronic nicotine administration. Rats were administered nicotine chronically for 3 weeks but were not tested during that time. Starting 1 week after withdrawal they were trained on a working memory paradigm in an eight-arm radial maze. The nicotine-treated rats started out at control-like levels of performance, but showed significantly faster learning as detected by three different measures of choice accuracy. By the final phase of testing the control subjects had caught up with the nicotine-treated rats. After the acquisition phase, acute challenges with the nicotinic and muscarinic antagonists, mecamylamine and scopolamine, did not elicit any differential effects in the nicotine-treated and control groups. The current study demonstrated that nicotine-induced cognitive facilitation persists for at least 4 weeks after withdrawal and does not depend upon behavioral test experience under the influence of the drug. The mechanism for this persisting effect is not currently understood.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

It has been proposed that self-directed attention leads to the engagement of a cybernetic feedback loop, by which discrepancies between present behavior and a standard of comparison are reduced. This analysis is applied to performance facilitation effects, which are more typically explained in terms of drive theories. Though these two approaches to motivation make similar behavioral predictions in this context, they assume different mediating states. Support is noted for the assumptions that mirror presence and audience presence induce self-focus, and that they lead to comparison with salient behavioral standards. Support for the assumption that these manipulations increase arousal is also reviewed, and is challenged on methodological grounds. The attentional analysis is used to derive predictions regarding changes in physiological state over the course of a typical social facilitation procedure. An experiment is reported which confirmed these predictions. Discussion centers on how to interpret physiological changes in terms that are compatible with control theory, how to account for social impairment phenomena in terms of the present model, and the conceptual relationship between mirror presence and audience presence as experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

A review is made of the behavioral effects of the presence of a conspecific. A large number of behavior changes are discussed, in three groups. First, there are effects of the presence of others on the level of arousal or alertness; under predictable conditions the presence of a conspecific will increase arousal level. Second, there are effects on attentional processes. For a variety of reasons, conspecifics require attending. Third, the presence of others can induce a social valuation on particular behaviors, so that they become positively or negatively valued. For each of these three groups, a number of possible mechanisms are elaborated, and a number of mediating variables are discussed. Further, an attempt is made to link each of these behavioral effects to human and nonhuman social relations, to show how they function in social organization. Even the “minimal” social setting, one person with another, can have effects ranging from physiological changes to inducing the “presence” of the social power structures or social organization of a social group. Lastly, future directions for research in this area are suggested, and problems with the present research are examined. Foremost here is the use of implied audiences, mirrors, and real audiences, as manipulations of social conditions. It is argued that these will result in different effects, and some evidence for this is reviewed.  相似文献   

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a clinical diagnosis in which deficits in cognitive function are evident but not of sufficient severity to warrant a diagnosis of dementia. For the majority of patients, MCI represents a transitional state between normal aging and mild dementia, usually Alzheimer's disease. Multiple subtypes of MCI are now recognized. In addition to presentations featuring memory impairment, symptoms in other cognitive domains (eg, executive function, language, visuospatial) have been identified. Neuropsychological testing can be extremely useful in making the MCI diagnosis and tracking the evolution of cognitive symptoms over time. A comprehensive test battery includes measures of baseline intellectual ability, attention, executive function, memory, language, visuospatial skills, and mood. Informant-based measures of neuropsychiatric symptoms, behaviors, and competency in instrumental activity are also included. Careful assessment can identify subtle deficits that may otherwise elude detection, particularly in individuals of superior baseline intellectual ability. As we move closer to disease-modifying therapy for Alzheimer's disease, early identification becomes critical for identifying patients who have an opportunity to benefit from treatment.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, the authors investigated whether anxiety proneness is associated with impaired inhibitory processing. Participants made speeded decisions requiring inhibition of threatening or neutral meanings of ambiguous words, which were inappropriate in their current context. In Experiment 1 there were no differences found in inhibitory processing associated with anxiety. However, in Experiment 2, when the capacity for controlled processing was reduced by imposition of a mental load, anxious individuals showed a response pattern consistent with a general impairment of inhibitory processing. In Experiment 3, a group who had experienced a traumatic event also showed evidence of impaired inhibition, despite the absence of additional load. Thus anxiety proneness is associated with a general deficit of inhibitory processing, but this may be revealed only under conditions that limit the availability of controlled processing resources.  相似文献   

Koo M  Clore GL  Kim J  Choi I 《Cognition & emotion》2012,26(4):680-689
Research in South Korea and the United States examined how affective states facilitate or inhibit culturally dominant styles of reasoning. According to the affect-as-information hypothesis, affective cues of mood influence judgements by serving as embodied information about the value of accessible inclinations and cognitions. Extending this line of research to culture, we hypothesised that positive affect should promote (and negative affect should inhibit) culturally normative reasoning. The results of two studies of causal reasoning supported this hypothesis. Positive and negative affect functioned like "go" and "stop" signals, respectively, for culturally typical reasoning styles. Thus, in happy (compared to sad) moods, Koreans engaged in more holistic reasoning, whereas Americans engaged in more analytic reasoning.  相似文献   

Research in South Korea and the United States examined how affective states facilitate or inhibit culturally dominant styles of reasoning. According to the affect-as-information hypothesis, affective cues of mood influence judgements by serving as embodied information about the value of accessible inclinations and cognitions. Extending this line of research to culture, we hypothesised that positive affect should promote (and negative affect should inhibit) culturally normative reasoning. The results of two studies of causal reasoning supported this hypothesis. Positive and negative affect functioned like “go” and “stop” signals, respectively, for culturally typical reasoning styles. Thus, in happy (compared to sad) moods, Koreans engaged in more holistic reasoning, whereas Americans engaged in more analytic reasoning.  相似文献   

Does the presence of others facilitate or inhibit emotional expression? Female "senders" (n = 45) viewed 12 emotionally loaded slides either alone or with another sender while responses were secretly videotaped. In Study 1, 14 "receivers" guessed the type of slide viewed by dyads more accurately (eta = .366). In Study 2, 42 receivers viewed 10 senders with friends, 10 with strangers, and 10 alone. One dyad member was covered so that only 1 sender was visible. Analysis revealed significant effects of condition (alone, friend, or stranger; eta = .456), slide type (sexual, scenic, unpleasant, or unusual; eta = .325), and the Condition x Slide Type interaction (eta = .350). Strangers had overall inhibitory effects on communication accuracy, whereas friends had facilitative effects on some slides and inhibitory effects on others. Thus, both social facilitation and inhibition of expression occurred on the basis of the emotional stimulus and personal relationship involved.  相似文献   

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