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20世纪初,太虚大师等人倡导的"人间佛教"运动警醒了明清至民国陷于腐败、堕落的中国佛教,开始了近一个世纪的"人间佛教"运动.进入新世纪,回头分析"人间佛教"的发展,可以从中吸取很多经验,同时也可发现当中存在的问题.笔者提出"都市佛教"理念,以期通过它为"人间佛教"的发展瓶颈找到解决之策.  相似文献   

在全球化浪潮中,佛教也正在走向西方社会,其中佛光山系统的人间佛教取得了最为突出的成绩。基于对大洋洲佛光山系统人间佛教信仰群体的田野调查所获得的数据和其他相关信息,我们可以基本把握这一群体的社会身份、信仰生成、实践开展以及面临的挑战,从而理解具有中华文化基因的人间佛教进入西方社会的民众基础和传播渠道,特别是这一群体所呈现的信仰取向与实践特征。以此作为东方文明进入西方社会的一个重要窗口,有助于我们认识佛教挺近西方社会的内在机制与具体进程,从而为理解全球化时代人类文明的多元交往提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

佛教的中国化不应被片面地理解,佛教的根本宗旨和根本精神不应在人间佛教的推展中被忽视。在当前有关人间佛教的理论和实践中,与契机性的被强调相比,其契理性似乎略显不足。如何在理论上和实践上真正贯彻太虚法师当年提出的契理契机原则,是人间佛教在当前和未来所面临的极为重要的课题。  相似文献   

论藏传佛教章嘉活佛系统的社会功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为清朝、民国时期重要的藏传佛教活佛系统,章嘉呼图克图负责北京、内蒙古、青海等地的藏传佛教事务。它忠实履行中央政府治理边疆地区的政策和方略,在政治、文化等方面作出了巨大的贡献。深入剖析章嘉呼图克图活佛系统这一个案,有助于我们进一步理解藏传佛教的社会功能。  相似文献   

愈演愈烈的医疗纠纷带来了诸多值得研究的现实课题,也引发了医疗机构的许多深层次思考。在现代医疗呼唤人文关怀回归的背景下,京东中美医院以文化为路径,进行了一系列的有益尝试。以实录的形式记录了京东中美医院人文关怀的点滴细节,以期探求细节背后的文化根源。介绍了京东中美医院“人本、仁爱、公益”的文化理念和极具特色的医院行为文化,在医院发展过程中,重视医院文化的建设和发展,是让现代医疗回归人文关怀的有效路径。  相似文献   

五台山是享誉国内外的佛教圣地。唐代时五台山佛教达到鼎盛,寺庙林立,高僧倍出,“学佛道者,多宗旨于五台”。因此并有许多国内外的僧人前来巡礼弘法,特别是吴越之地的天台宗九祖湛然、华严宗四祖澄观等高僧至五台山弘传天台教义与华严宗旨,从而促进了五台山佛教的兴盛发展。五台山也有好多僧人至吴越参访弘法。这种相互交流为两地的佛教文化丰富发展起到积极作用。  相似文献   

Although experiences of positive psychological states such as self-actualization, love, happiness, meaning, authenticity, and spiritual connection are of interest to a number of psychologists, they are also difficult to study with rigorous scientific methods. This article argues that a complementary approach, or methodological pluralism, is appropriate and adequate for such study. The underpinnings of two approaches to psychological research methods, natural science and human science, are reviewed. Although these two approaches typically lead to different research strategies, quantitative and qualitative methods respectively, they have common values in assessing the truth-value of research claims, consistency of research findings, and neutrality of scientific conclusions. Three examples of research using complementary approaches are given: life satisfaction, meditation, and nature-based peak experiences.  相似文献   

The current research addresses the psychological benefits of superstitious rituals in top sport, examining the circumstances under which top‐class sportspersons are especially committed to enacting rituals prior to a game (ritual commitment). Consistent with the hypotheses, findings revealed that ritual commitment is greater when (a) uncertainty is high rather than low; and (b) importance of the game is high rather than low. Complementary analyses revealed that the state of psychological tension mediated both effect of importance and uncertainty on ritual commitment. Moreover, players with an external locus of control exhibited greater levels of ritual commitment than did players with an internal locus of control. The results are discussed in terms of the tension‐regulation function of superstitious rituals in top sport.  相似文献   

对神的崇奉和敬仰,应该说是所有宗教的共性。道教在对神的崇奉中有别于其他宗教的一大特点,就在于道教的多神崇奉。在道教的信仰中究竟有多少位神灵?这很难精确统计出来。本文  相似文献   

Metaethicists typically develop and assess their theories—in part—on the basis of the consistency of those theories with “ordinary” first‐order normative judgment. They are, in this sense, “methodologically conservative.” This article shows that this methodologically conservative approach obstructs a proper assessment of the debate between internalists and externalists. Specifically, it obstructs one of the most promising readings of internalism. This is a reading—owed to Bernard Williams—in which internalism is part of a practically and politically motivated revision of the assessment of action. The article uses this case study to highlight the role of methodological conservatism in contemporary metaethics more generally.  相似文献   

禅宗发展到北宋中叶,逐渐由原来“不立文字”、“离经慢教”的内证禅转变为“不离文字”、“以教说禅”的文字禅。禅宗的这种转变,与儒道语言观的影响是分不开的,文字禅“因言显道”、“见道忘言”的提法就分别与儒家“文以明道”、道家“得意忘言”的观点渊源有自。当然,文字禅在兼采儒道的同时又运用佛教的二谛思维使儒道矛盾的语言观在自己身上得到了调和。  相似文献   

Suspension removes a troublesome pupil from school but it merely relocates the problem and does nothing to teach him/her new coping behaviours. This paper is an account of how a behaviour-modification programme, systematic exclusion, was implemented as an alternative to suspension, with a pupil whose classroom behaviour was extremely disruptive. It outlines how, in this particular case, the difficulties of implementing such a programme in a secondary school were overcome.  相似文献   

Stepfamily education programs are becoming increasingly common. While research on these programs is also increasing, the extant literature tends to be quantitative and cross-sectional. To more fully understand the stepfamily education experience, this case study focuses on the perceptions, feelings, and reports of one participating couple in the Smart Steps program. The nuances and complexities of this single case highlight the sequentiality and reasons for seeking out and participating in stepfamily education. A holistic portrayal of the perceived benefits of attending is also provided, including improvements with spouse, ex-spouse, and children.  相似文献   

五台山是内地唯一一处汉藏并行、青黄共存的佛教圣地,具有自身独特的魅力;五台山藏传佛教是中外文化交流和汉藏满蒙民族文化交流的桥梁与纽带,是凝聚民族心理的最好方式与例证。它在民族团结与政治稳定中发挥着重要的作用,其地位与作用正在日益加强与凸显。  相似文献   

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