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Objectives: The purposes of the study were to: (a) ascertain the degree of similarity amongst normative and idiosyncratic measures of affect; (b) test the notion of reversal effects on the functional impact and the hedonic tone of emotions; (c) analyse the differences on the intensity of facilitating-positive, facilitating-negative, inhibiting-positive, and inhibiting-negative performance emotion content categories, and (d) test whether competitive trait anxiety intensity could predict pre-performance normative or idiosyncratic negative affect intensity.Design: A cross-sectional study design was employed using normative and idiosyncratic measures of affect.Methods: Experienced male soccer and volleyball players (N =124) were individually assessed. Normative scales were the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) used as a sport-specific trait measure of competitive affect, and the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) administered for the assessment of competitive trait anxiety. Idiosyncratic affect occurring prior to or during optimal and poor competitions was identified in the conceptual framework of the Hanin's Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) model (Hanin, Y.L. (1997). Emotions and athletic performance: Individual zones of optimal functioning model. European Yearbook of Sport Psychology, 1, 29–72).Results: Findings revealed low overlap amongst the PANAS items and the idiosyncratic items, reversal effects on the functional impact and the hedonic tone of emotions, higher level of positive affect associated with optimal performance when compared with all other affect categories, and lower levels of facilitating-negative category when compared with the facilitating-positive. Moreover, sport trait anxiety intensity was found to predict negative affect intensity as assessed by the PANAS normative scales and by the idiosyncratic items. For idiosyncratic affect, however, significant differences emerged only when comparing individuals with very high or very low anxiety symptoms.Conclusions: Idiosyncratic affect scales together with normative scales are recommended for research and applied purposes. The functional impact as well as the hedonic tone of emotion items need to be examined according to individual perception.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated a strong connection between an infant’s ability to regulate their affective states and their attentional processes. In particular, negative affect can disrupt attention to the environment. In the object permanence literature, attention has been implicated as a factor in performance on the A‐not‐B task, yet factors that may disrupt attention, such as negative affect, have been largely ignored as a possible factor which predicts correct search. In the present study, we examined the effects of negative affect and attention on correct search performance for a sample of 36 9‐month‐old infants in a two location A‐not‐B task with a 5‐second delay between hiding and search. Infants’ levels of negative affect and attention to the task were coded on the third A trial of the A‐not‐B task. It was predicted that infants who searched incorrectly on the B trial would show high levels of negative affect and low levels of attention whereas infants who searched correctly would show the opposite pattern and furthermore, that negative affect would mediate the association between attention and search performance. The results of the study supported the hypotheses and are taken as indicating the importance of emotion‐cognition interactions in the development of cognitive competence.  相似文献   

Current approaches to work stress do not address in detail the mental processes by which work events cause unpleasant affect. We propose a cognitive account that incorporates: (1) the distinction between controlled and automatic information processing; (2) the categorization of emotionally relevant stimuli; (3) the role of mental models in coping choice; (4) the enactment of beneficial job conditions through coping; and (5) reciprocal influences between cognition and affect. We conclude by discussing how this account can help explain a range of findings in the work stress literature and how a cognitive approach to work stress informs practice.  相似文献   

The current research examined task difficulty and affect activation level as factors that determine the relevance of affect as information in a performance context. Participants viewed a series of pictures designed to elicit an affective state that was high or low in activation and positive or negative in valence. They completed an easy or difficult anagram task and then rated their satisfaction with their performance. Analyses revealed that low activation affect was used as information for judging one's performance on the difficult task and high activation affect was used as information for judging one's performance on the easy task. In these cases, the valence of participants' affect influenced their judgments about their performance, such that positive affect resulted in greater satisfaction. These findings suggest that affective states with activation levels that match one's typical level of energy after a particular task are seen as more relevant for judging one's performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study is to examine the cross‐level three‐way interactions among individual trait positive affect (PA), group trait PA, and group PA diversity on individual work outcomes. Drawing on situation strength theory, we hypothesized that the relationship of individual trait PA with work outcomes depends on the strength of a group's affective contexts including group trait PA and PA diversity. The hierarchical linear modelling results for 261 employees in 42 South Korean organizational teams showed that individuals' trait PA was positively associated with their team commitment, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). The findings also demonstrated that individual trait PA had the strongest relationship with team commitment when group trait PA was low and PA diversity was high simultaneously. In addition, the relationship between individual trait PA and OCB was found to be stronger for affectively diverse groups than for homogeneous groups.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate a follow-up study based on hormonal, physical, and psychological parameters among rugby players who trained during a whole season interspersed with competitions on an international level. Fitness or reciprocally tiredness as well as competitive anxiety were evaluated, respectively, using the French Society for Sports Medicine (SFMS) and the sport competition anxiety test (SCAT) questionnaires. In this study, SFMS and SCAT scores increased respectively over the competitive season. The SFMS score revealed a state of relative tiredness at the end of the season, highlighted by a slight decrement in physical performances. The SCAT score changes are related to the competition context and therefore increased accordingly to the importance of the competition stake. We analyzed the corticotrope and the gonadotrope axis before (T(1)), and at the end of the national and international rugby season (T(2)). Training did not affect the resting salivary cortisol (Csal) levels, but induced a decrease in resting testosterone (Tsal) values, resulting in a dropped T/C ratio. Competition, in both periods (T(1)-T(2)), provoked a significant increase in Csal levels, but the Tsal responses depended on the match stake. Their concentrations increased when the competition generated an important stress and decreased when the psychological conditions remained relatively stable. SFMS is preferentially correlated with resting Csal levels and T/C values measured at 08:00 hr but not with Tsal. SCAT is highly correlated with competitive Csal and Tsal concentrations measured before and after the matches.  相似文献   

Mumma GH 《心理评价》2004,16(3):211-230
This article describes a method for the intraindividual clinical validation of a cognitive case formulation (CCF) involving hypotheses about the patient's idiosyncratic cognitive schema (ICS). The two-stage approach begins by testing the convergent and discriminant validity of the hypothesized ICS against the individual's daily ratings of cognition items using confirmatory dynamic factor analysis. The second stage evaluates the extent to which the ICS factor scores predict daily variability in symptoms and distress and further addresses convergent and discriminant validity by evaluating intraindividual cognitive content specificity and the incremental validity of the idiographic cognition factors compared with nomothetic measures of thoughts/beliefs. This approach to validating idiographic assessment is illustrated with the CCF of a woman with comorbid mood and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Past research on the personality structure of affect suggests that hedonic level and emotional intensity are two separate major dimensions. The present study employed a multitrait-multimethod approach to verify this finding. Seventy-four University of Illinois students completed daily mood reports and self-report questionnaires, and their parents completed a questionnaire about them. Both hedonic level and intensity measures were used. The convergent validities (monotrait-multimethod correlations) were all significant and tended to be highest for emotional intensity. The multitrait-monomethod coefficients were nonsignificant, as were the correlations based on different measures of different traits. The data were interpreted as supporting the distinction between hedonic level and affect intensity, as well as supporting the validity of the measures.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Knez (1991) showed an interaction of data and hypotheses in probabilistic inference tasks. The results illustrated two, earlier not obtained, significant main effects on subjects' hypothesis sampling , viz. the effect of different forms of data presentation and subjects' execution of cognitive control over their hypothesis pool throughout the series of trials. The present paper followed up these results in that the subjects' hypothesis testing , in Knez (1991) was subjected to an analysis. Hence, to see if the effects mentioned above significantly influenced the subjects' hypothesis testing, as they did for subjects' hypothesis sampling. The results showed a consistency with Knez (1991), i.e. the results emphasize the interaction of data and hypothesis in probabilistic inference tasks, as well as the subjects' execution of cognitive control over their hypothesis pool concerning both the subjects' hypothesis sampling and testing.  相似文献   

Research over the last two decades has explored the relationship between a variety of states of consciousness, performance, and motivation. These have included flow and a sense of presence in face-to-face, online, and virtual environments. This study examined the relationship between presence and flow experienced by 75 male and female participants from several Pacific Rim nations on 4 international teams and their self-reported performance, enjoyment, and motivation associated with team-related tasks. The results indicate that in these task situations, which are relatively novel because of their cultural diversity, self-reported performance correlated more highly with presence (r=.34, df=72, p<.01) than flow (r=.26, df=71, p<.05). Enjoyment and motivation, however, correlated more highly with flow (r =.60, df=71, p<.01 and r=.40, df=71, p<.01, respectively) than presence (r=.26, p<.05 and r=.25, p<.05). These findings suggest the need to explore further the relationship between activity- or task-related states of consciousness, the characteristics of the tasks involved, particularly in terms of their novelty, and the effect on performance and motivation.  相似文献   

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