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In the natural world, observers perceive an object to have a relatively fixed size and depth over a wide range of distances. Retinal image size and binocular disparity are to some extent scaled with distance to give observers a measure of size constancy. The angle of convergence of the two eyes and their accommodative states are one source of scaling information, but even at close range this must be supplemented by other cues. We have investigated how angular size and oculomotor state interact in the perception of size and depth at different distances. Computer-generated images of planar and stereoscopically simulated 3-D surfaces covered with an irregular blobby texture were viewed on a computer monitor. The monitor rested on a movable sled running on rails within a darkened tunnel. An observer looking into the tunnel could see nothing but the simulated surface so that oculomotor signals provided the major potential cues to the distance of the image. Observers estimated the height of the surface, their distance from it, or the stereoscopically simulated depth within it over viewing distances which ranged from 45 cm to 130 cm. The angular width of the images lay between 2 deg and 10 deg. Estimates of the magnitude of a constant simulated depth dropped with increasing viewing distance when surfaces were of constant angular size. But with surfaces of constant physical size, estimates were more nearly independent of viewing distance. At any one distance, depths appeared to be greater, the smaller the angular size of the image. With most observers, the influence of angular size on perceived depth grew with increasing viewing distance. These findings suggest that there are two components to scaling. One is independent of angular size and related to viewing distance. The second component is related to angular size, and the weighting accorded to it grows with viewing distance. Control experiments indicate that in the tunnel, oculomotor state provides the principal cue to viewing distance. Thus, the contribution of oculomotor signals to depth scaling is gradually supplanted by other cues as viewing distance grows. Binocular estimates of the heights and distances of planar surfaces of different sizes revealed that angular size and viewing distance interact in a similar way to determine perceived size and perceived distance.  相似文献   

Hemispatial asymmetries in judgment of stimulus size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research has demonstrated a leftward bias in judgments of size. In the present experiments, hemispatial size bias was measured through simultaneous presentation of a circle and an ellipse varying in horizontal or vertical extent. A consistent leftward bias of horizontal size judgments (but not vertical) was obtained; at the point of subjective equality, the width of the objects that were presented in left hemispace was smaller than the width of the objects that were presented in right hemispace. These data suggest that the horizontal extent of stimuli appear larger in left hemispace than in right hemispace. Results also indicated that symmetrical stimulus presentation, with respect to the vertical meridian, is required for the bias to emerge. Furthermore, increasing or decreasing stimulus eccentricity weakened the effect. Attenuation of this bias upon the manipulation of parameters indicates that this phenomenon is context specific and is affected by similar parameters that are known to influence the magnitude of error in pseudoneglect.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained in a discrete-trials signal-detection procedure to discriminate between a fixed-duration stimulus (5 s or 20 s) and a set of variable durations ranging from 2.5 s to 57.5 s in steps of 5 s. For each fixed-duration stimulus, the ratio of reinforcer frequencies contingent upon reporting the fixed versus the variable stimulus was systematically manipulated. Detection performance was well controlled by both the stimulus value and the reinforcer ratio. Both the discriminability between the fixed duration and the set of variable durations, and the discriminability between the fixed duration and each of the variable durations, were independent of the reinforcer-frequency ratio when discriminability was measured as log d. The sensitivity of response bias to reinforcement-ratio changes was independent of the value of the fixed duration, but was not independent of the discriminability of the variable durations from the fixed durations. Under current models, discriminability measures in complex temporal discrimination may be independent of biasing manipulations, but bias measures are not independent of stimulus values.  相似文献   

In a symbolic matching-to-sample task, 6 pigeons obtained food by pecking a red side key when the brighter of two white lights had been presented on the center key and by pecking a green side key when the dimmer of two white lights had been presented on the center key. Across Part 1 and Parts 6 to 10, the delay between sample-stimulus presentation and the availability of the choice keys was varied between 0 s and 25 s. Across Parts 1 to 5, the delay between the emission of a correct choice and the delivery of a reinforcer was varied between 0 s and 30 s. Although increasing both types of delay decreased stimulus discriminability, lengthening the stimulus-choice delay produced a greater decrement in choice accuracy than did lengthening the choice-reinforcer delay. Additionally, the relative reinforcer rate for correct choice was varied across both types of delay. The sensitivity of behavior to the distribution of reinforcers decreased as discriminability decreased under both procedures. These data are consistent with the view, based on the generalized matching law, that sample stimuli and reinforcers interact in their control over remembering.  相似文献   

Although children over one year of age are able to code spatial information with respect to objects other than the self, there are many instances in which the self is inappropriately used as a spatial referent by children between 2 and 4 years of age. L. G. Braine and R. A. Eder (1983, Developmental Psychology, 19, 45-55) found that, in a search task, the nature of the array influenced the spatial referent used by 2-year-old children. The present work investigated the effect of varying the number, size, and arrangement of boxes in the array. It was found that only the number of boxes defining the left and right sides of the array influenced performance; that is, multiple boxes were associated with the use of external objects as spatial referents. These results were interpreted as stemming from the tendency of young children to code the location of an object with respect to nearby objects. This tendency would lead to the use of adjacent boxes and environmental objects as spatial referents for the multiple-box side, and the use of the self as a spatial referent for the single-box side.  相似文献   

Primate data suggest that near (peripersonal) and far (extrapersonal) space are coded within distinct representations. Support for this claim has been gained from human studies of line bisection, many of which have focused on neuropsychological, rather than normative, samples. One important aspect of these bisection studies has been to control for the changes in angular extent of stimuli that normally accompany changes in viewing distance. The control of angular information, however, requires alterations in the linear dimensions (actual stimulus size) of stimuli. We report two experiments in which normal subjects made manual bisection judgements on stimuli positioned in near or far space, and which were oriented in either the left-right (Experiment 1) or radial plane (Experiment 2). Both experiments were designed to enable the separable effects of linear and angular extent to be disentangled. Viewing distance effects were obtained when angular information was controlled, but many of these were dependent on changes in linear extent, and were only apparent at the individual subject level. Our data confirm that genuine near/far effects may be observed in normative bisection, but that many previous studies which appeared to support a near/far distinction in both normal and brain-damaged bisection behaviour may reflect a failure to control for changes in stimulus size.  相似文献   

Metacontrast masking occurs both at the fovea and in the retinal periphery; foveally, the smallest stimulus elicited the strongest masking, whereas peripherally the reverse was the case. An analysis of variance showed a significant size effect, eccentricity effect, and size-eccentricity interaction. As stimulus size increased, the stimulus onset asynchrony of maximum masking shifted to greater values. Both foveal metacontrast and peak shifts contradicted predictions made by the hypothesis that metacontrast is mediated by an interaction of sustained and transient channels in the visual system. The data are consistent, however, with a lateral inhibitory model of metacontrast masking and stimulus coding.  相似文献   

We report two experiments that use transfer tests to investigate whether in concurrent chains the value of a terminal-link stimulus is affected by the alternate terminal link. In Experiment 1, two groups of pigeons were trained on multiple concurrent-chains schedules in which switching between the schedules was via pecking a changeover key. For one group, the terminal links were fixed-interval 8 s versus fixed-interval 16 s in one component and fixed-interval 16 s versus fixed-interval 32 s in the other component. For a second group, the terminal links were variable-interval 10 s versus variable-interval 20 s in one component and variable-interval 20 s versus variable-interval 40 s in the other. After sufficient baseline training had been given so that performances had stabilized, transfer tests were conducted in which the two chains with equal terminal-link schedules were presented together as a new concurrent pair. For 6 of the 7 subjects, initial-link responding changed fairly rapidly during the test in the manner predicted if the values of the terminal links were equal. In Experiment 2, pigeons were trained on multiple concurrent chains using a two-key procedure, and the terminal links were the same variable-interval schedules as in Experiment 1. After baseline training, transfer tests were conducted that assessed (a) the relative reinforcing strength of the terminal-link stimuli in a novel initial-link situation and (b) the relative ability of those stimuli to evoke responding. The data from the reinforcing strength test were consistent with those from Experiment 1, but those from the evocation strength test were not. Although this discrepancy shows that responding in transfer tests is not solely a function of stimulus value, the results from both experiments suggest, overall, that value is determined by the stimulus—reinforcer relation independently of the alternative terminal link.  相似文献   

Octopuses were trained in a successive situation to discriminate between vertical and horizontal rectangles: Group S was trained with rectangles of side length 5 × 1 cm., Group M with 10 × 2 cm. rectangles, and Group L with 20 × 4 cm. rectangles. The larger the shapes used, the more readily were they discriminated, both in terms of speed of learning and of the asymptote of performance. After training, each group was given transfer tests with the two pairs of rectangles not used in training and with two further pairs of 2.5 × 0.5 cm. and 40 × 8 cm. The results can be summarized in three generalizations: (1) When the size of a shape is changed, performance is worse than on the original training shape. (2) The bigger the change in proportionate size, the less transfer is shown. (3) For corresponding changes of proportionate size, there is better transfer to larger shapes than to smaller. These generalizations are supported by data from earlier experiments on the question of transfer to different sized shapes: some of these data were reworked and are presented in detail here. The theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported which examine immediate serial recall for high-and low-frequency words. The words in each list were either repeatedly drawn from the same small pool of candidates (in the closed set conditions) or each word only ever occurred once during the experiment (in the open set conditions). The results consistently show an effect of word frequency but the effect of set size was only apparent for low-frequency words. It is argued that both frequency and set size effects reflect processes concerning the “clean-up” of degraded short-term memory traces.  相似文献   

Fifty-two subjects differing in sex, age, education and domicile (rural or urban) were given the problem of judging the height of an upright board in a natural setting. A preliminary analysis was made on the basis of the simple initial ratio method, both for the original data in feet and for original data converted to log units. Because the effects of interaction of the several variables made the results of this method inconclusive, the analysis of variance technique, as described by Yates (11) for data where the classes are not equally represented, was applied. This technique showed that, while together the four factors markedly affected judgment, sex had no significant individual effect, age had the biggest individual effect but possibly a spurious one, education and domicile had suspiciously large individual effects, and the effect of the four factors may be regarded as simply additive. The relation of the findings to those of previous investigators is discussed. The authors regard as an important result of the analysis the guidance it offers in the design of further experiments, since it demonstrates the value of equal representation for all classes into which data are to be segregated.Responsible for the experiment and general interpretation.Responsible for the statistical analysis.  相似文献   

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