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This study tested James's theoretical assumption that the importance people attribute to different physical self-domains, in combination with perceived competence in those domains, influences higher order self-concepts. Data from four large samples (total N=1,831) from Sweden, Great Britain, Portugal, and Turkey were analyzed. A new version of an instrument, the Physical Self-Perception Profile-Revised (PSPP-R), was used to measure perceived competence and importance of physical self-domains, along with global self-esteem. Competence-importance interactions contributed significantly to higher order self-concepts in 3 of 4 PSPP subdomains. The same result was found in the structural equation modeling analyses and latent interaction analyses. Idiographic analyses showed that domains rated as intraindividually more important explained more global self-esteem variance compared with less important domains. In general, support for James's hypothesis was found across the different analyses. Differences between the methodology and results in the present study compared with previous studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The actor–partner interdependence model (APIM) has been widely used for the analysis of pairs of individuals who interact with each other. The goal of this article is to detail in a nontechnical way how the APIM for binary or count outcomes can be implemented and how actor and partner effects can be estimated using generalized estimating equations (GEE) methodology. Both SPSS‐ and SAS‐syntax needed to estimate the model and the interpretation of the output are illustrated using data from a study exploring the effect of satisfaction with the relationship before the breakup on unwanted pursuit behavior after the breakup in formerly married partners. The use of this GEE method will allow researchers to test a wide array of research hypotheses.  相似文献   

On the basis of the interdependence and interpersonal perception literatures, this article advanced and tested a dyadic model of mutuality of commitment. It is argued that mutuality of commitment is composed of 4 perceptions (i.e., A's self and other perceptions, and B's self and other perceptions) and 4 types of interconnections among the perceptions (i.e., actual, assumed, empathic, and reciprocal mutuality). Evidence for the presence of the 4 types of mutuality of commitment was found in a sample of 121 romantically involved couples. Furthermore, in several situations the perceptions and types of mutuality had significant associations with people's perceptions of relationship quality. Each of these results is discussed, as well as the utility of the new conceptualization of mutuality of commitment.  相似文献   

This paper describes an innovative investigation of commonsense conceptions of emotion using a two-person game where one player asked questions intended to determine the nature of an emotional state imagined by the other player. All questions used by players were then sorted into categories by expert judges. Based on cluster analysis, questions were categorized as relating to ‘causes’, ‘characteristics’, and ‘consequences’ of emotional states. Potential advantages and applications of this technique are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Research to date has indicated that childhood abuse is associated with suicide, though little research has examined the unique contribution of specific types of abuse to suicidal behavior. We predict that childhood physical and violent sexual abuse will have a greater effect on suicide attempts than molestation and verbal abuse. METHODS: The National Comorbidity Survey data were used to test these predictions while controlling for a number of psychiatric and psychosocial variables. RESULTS: As expected, childhood physical and violent sexual abuse showed similar effects on lifetime suicide attempts, which were stronger than the effects of molestation and verbal abuse. LIMITATIONS: This was a cross-sectional, retrospective study, so true causality cannot be shown. Some measurement limitations exist. Additionally, effect sizes were small but still significant. CONCLUSIONS: While all forms of childhood abuse are troubling and create risk for future psychopathology and suicidality, the present study indicates that childhood physical and violent sexual abuse should be seen as greater risk factors for future suicide attempts than molestation and verbal abuse.  相似文献   

刘怡婷  范洁琼  陈斌斌 《心理学报》2022,54(10):1216-1233
共同命运模型(common fate model, CFM)是在家庭或二元层面研究中值得信赖的模型, 其更好地解释了亲密关系内在的相互依赖性。本研究基于共同命运模型探讨了家庭整体婚姻质量对父母协同养育程度的影响, 以及教养能力感在两者间的跨层中介作用。采用问卷法分层整群抽取上海市幼儿园中孩子(平均年龄5.14岁, 年龄范围4~7岁)的父亲与母亲参与调研, 分两个时间段(T1, T2; 间隔1年)收集数据, 最终得到650个家庭的父亲、母亲的婚姻满意度问卷(T1), 教养能力感问卷(T2)和协同养育感知问卷(T2)数据进行分析。结果发现: (1)基于共同命运模型, 家庭层面的婚姻质量正向预测家庭层面的支持性协同养育, 并负向预测家庭层面的破坏性协同养育; (2)家庭层面的婚姻质量正向预测父母各自的教养能力感; (3)父母各自的教养能力感正向预测家庭层面的支持性协同养育, 并负向预测家庭层面的破坏性协同养育; (4)父母个人层面的教养能力感在家庭层面的婚姻质量与家庭层面的支持性协同养育和破坏性协同养育起中介作用。总之, 本研究基于追踪数据运用共同命运模型, 并结合家庭层面(婚姻质量和协同养育)和个人层面(教养能力感)探讨了教养能力感在婚姻质量与父母协同养育间的跨层中介效应, 为营造良好的家庭环境提供一定的理论支持与指导意见, 并进一步促进了共同命运模型发展。  相似文献   

The study of gender differences is a pervasive topic in relationship science. However, there are several neglected issues in this area that require special care and attention. First, there is not just one gender effect but rather three gender effects: gender of the respondent, gender of the partner, and the gender of respondent by gender of the partner interaction. To separate these three effects, the dyadic research design should ideally have three different types of dyads: male-female, male-male, and female-female. Second, the analysis of gender differences in relational studies could benefit from the application of recent advances in the analysis of dyadic data, most notably the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Third, relationship researchers need to consider the confounding, mediating, and moderating effects of demographic variables. We use the American Couples (Blumstein & Schwartz, 1983) data set to illustrate these points.  相似文献   

The DIAGNOSER is a HyperCard tutorial construction system based on a framework of naive physics conceptions and developed for high school classroom use. It assesses students’ conceptions in a domain, and prescribes a course of action on the basis of that assessment. In addition, it collects data for instructional enhancement and theoretical investigations. It is sufficiently general to allow tutorials to be developed in other knowledge domains, such as probability, economics, and psychology. An advanced version exploring naive conceptions of circuit electricity is also discussed.  相似文献   

胡路明  苏晶  魏柳青  张学民 《心理学报》2018,50(11):1235-1248
本研究旨在探讨运动信息对多目标追踪的影响, 具体为考察多目标追踪中是否存在基于运动信息的分组效应, 以及不同类型表面特征(颜色和形状)对这一效应的影响。实验1发现多目标追踪中存在基于运动信息的分组效应, 并且这一分组效应是自动化的。实验2和实验3分别在不同颜色和不同形状组合条件下考察了基于运动信息的分组效应的稳定性, 结果都表明不同表面特征的组合不会干扰基于运动信息的分组效应的形成, 但其效应量都因表面特征的出现而缩减。整体而言, 多目标追踪中存在基于运动信息的自动化分组效应, 并且这一效应是格式塔法则中共同命运律的具体表现, 能稳定存在于不同表面特征组合之间。  相似文献   

Is forgotten information deemed less important than remembered information? The present study examined potential biases regarding the importance of information that was initially forgotten. In Experiment 1 participants studied words paired with varying point values that denoted their importance and were encouraged to recall higher value words. Participants recalled more high-value words on an initial test. However, on a later cued recall test for the values, initially forgotten words were rated as less valuable than remembered words. Experiment 2 used a similar procedure with the exception that participants rated the importance of traits when evaluating a significant other (e.g., honest, intelligent). Participants were more likely to recall highly valued traits but regarded forgotten traits as less valuable than remembered traits. These results suggest that a forgetting bias exists: If information is initially forgotten, it is later deemed as less important.  相似文献   

Building to discover: a common coding model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I present a case study of scientific discovery, where building two functional and behavioral approximations of neurons, one physical and the other computational, led to conceptual and implementation breakthroughs in a neural engineering laboratory. Such building of external systems that mimic target phenomena, and the use of these external systems to generate novel concepts and control structures, is a standard strategy in the new engineering sciences. I develop a model of the cognitive mechanism that connects such built external systems with internal models, and I examine how new discoveries, and consensus on discoveries, could arise from this external-internal coupling and the building process. The model is based on the emerging framework of common coding, which proposes a shared representation in the brain between the execution, perception, and imagination of movement.  相似文献   

It has been argued that the Openness (O) dimension from the five factor model (FFM) of personality may in fact be an associate of the ability domain more than the personality domain. This paper explores this hypothesis using a sample of 101 managers. Participants completed the NEO-FFI and a measure of ability assessing the construct as typical performance. This measure was an occupational specific measure of typical intellectual engagement (TIE), termed the “problem solving through challenge” PSC scale. A combination of LISREL CFA and hierarchical multiple linear regression (HMLR) indicated that in fact O was a distinct but related construct to the other four dimensions of the FFM (N, E, A and C), but that O was more strongly correlated with PSC than the other dimensions. These results are taken to indicate that O, while associated with personality, assesses something to do with problem solving as a personality trait. Further the results suggest that E linked O to the other personality scales.  相似文献   

Multilevel models are proposed to study relational or dyadic data from multiple persons in families or other groups. The variable under study is assumed to refer to a dyadic relation between individuals in the groups. The proposed models are elaborations of the Social Relations Model. The different roles of father, mother, and child are emphasized in these models. Multilevel models provide researchers with a method to estimate the variances and correlations of the Social Relations Model and to incorporate the effects of covariates and test specialized models, even with missing observations.  相似文献   

Jonathan Lear in Radical Hope tackles the idea of cultural devastation, in the specific case of the Crow Indians. What do we mean by “annihilation” of a culture? The moral point of view that he imagines as he reconstructs the eve and aftermath of this annihilation is not second personal, of obligation, but first personal, in the collective and singular, as told by the Crows, with Lear as “analyst.” Radical Hope is a study of representative character of a people—of virtue, courage, resilience, and hope in the face of cultural collapse. The leading questions are shaped by ancient Greek ethics, but with a twist: On the brink of cultural death, what counts for us as good living and what is the nature of the virtues or excellences that constitute it? How might a leader, a phronimos, exemplify it? This puts it too narrowly. The questions, also, are Wittgensteinian: How does a nation go on, when the concepts and way of life it has lived by for centuries are no more? What does it mean to go on? What does it mean to stop when the marks of going on are no longer?  相似文献   

Although many scholars and practitioners are interested in understanding how to motivate individuals to be more creative, whether and how rewards affect creativity remain unclear. We argue that the conflicting evidence may be due to differences between studies in terms of reward conditions and the context in which rewards are offered. Specifically, we examine 5 potential moderators of the rewards-creative performance relationship: (a) the reward contingency, (b) the extent to which participants are provided information about their past or current creative performance, (c) the extent to which the reward and context offer choice or impose control, (d) the extent to which the context serves to enhance task engagement, and (e) the extent to which the performance tasks are complex. Using random-effects models, we meta-analyzed 60 experimental and nonexperimental studies (including 69 independent samples) that examined the rewards-creativity relationship with children or adults. Our results suggest that creativity-contingent rewards tend to increase creative performance-and are more positively related to creative performance when individuals are given more positive, contingent, and task-focused performance feedback and are provided more choice (and are less controlled). In contrast, performance-contingent or completion-contingent rewards tend to have a slight negative effect on creative performance.  相似文献   

Many theories have been put forward on how people become synchronized or co-regulate each other in daily interactions. These theories are often tested by observing a dyad and coding the presence of multiple target behaviours in small time intervals. The sequencing and co-occurrence of the partners’ behaviours across time are then quantified by means of association measures (e.g., kappa coefficient, Jaccard similarity index, proportion of agreement). We demonstrate that the association values obtained are not easy to interpret, because they depend on the marginal frequencies and the amount of auto-dependency in the data. Moreover, often no inferential framework is available to test the significance of the association. Even if a significance test exists (e.g., kappa coefficient) auto-dependencies are not taken into account, which, as we will show, can seriously inflate the Type I error rate. We compare the effectiveness of a model- and a permutation-based framework for significance testing. Results of two simulation studies show that within both frameworks test variants exist that successfully account for auto-dependency, as the Type I error rate is under control, while power is good.  相似文献   

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