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外伤后细菌性致死性肉芽肿(FBGT)是一种新发现的疾病,该病的研究没有成熟的思路可供借鉴.我们从该病的临床表型出发,通过综合分析,推测该病属于细菌感染性疾病,并成功分离、鉴定了该病的病原菌;为研究该病的发病机制,依据该病的临床特点,确认患者对病原菌易感是该病发生的主要因素;在充分借鉴他人的研究成果的基础上,我们提出了IFN-γ相关分子基因多态性是FBGT发病的主要机制的假说,最终通过实验证实了该假说.  相似文献   

基于心理治疗实践提出了以“分析自我”为核心的心理治疗模型。模型假设心理治疗需要整体地分析自我,包括从需要、能力、感受和交互角色等不同角度的自我分析。提出了对该治疗模型的基于认知任务分析方法的过程性质性研究框架,以促进理论与实践的相互提升。  相似文献   

为深入了解中青年脑卒中患者创伤后成长的真实体验,运用现象学研究方法,选取10例受访者进行深度面对面半结构化访谈,访谈资料采用Colaizzi现象学分析法进行整理分析。提炼主题可归纳为中青年经历脑卒中后的心理痛苦、中青年患者创伤后成长促进因素及中青年患者创伤后成长体验三个部分。中青年脑卒中患者存在创伤后成长这一积极心理体验,为临床心理护理干预提供新的切入点。临床医护人员应关注患者早期创伤反应及压力源,从促进因素入手,激发中青年患者的潜能和力量,充分利用其心理资源以达到身心适宜的状态。  相似文献   

捧读《中国天主教》2003.5刊载刘元仁主教的“关于教会的人世性”一文后,深有感触。 刘主教高度概括了我教会从古至今由主内到主外面貌的全盘素描,导言简洁明析,引人人深,发人省醒,导人奋进,教会如此,联想到天主教徒亦如此。仅就天主教信友的人世与出世表达肤浅之见感慨之  相似文献   

基于心理治疗实践提出了以"分析自我"为核心的心理治疗模型.模型假设心理治疗需要整体地分析自我,包括从需要、能力、感受和交互角色等不同角度的自我分析.提出了对该治疗模型的基于认知任务分析方法的过程性质性研究框架,以促进理论与实践的相互提升.  相似文献   

为了解结直肠癌术后患者寻求中医药治疗的目的、体验、信念.采用目的抽样的办法,选取18位结直肠癌术后患者进行个人深入访谈.发现结直肠癌术后的患者,选择中医药治疗的目的主要有以下几个方面:减轻放、化疗的不良反应,使身体尽快恢复,提高生活质量,防止复发转移等.随着治疗的进行,患者对中医的认识逐步提高.中医药的疗效主要体现在各种症状及客观指标的改善上,近期良好的治疗体验使患者对实现远期目标更具信心.  相似文献   

由于佛教各宗各派对于“心”与“性”的理解各别,所持的理论立场也互不相同,因此对心性的阐述便呈现出非常复杂的形态。本文既对心”、“性”两个范畴的含义进行了诠释,又对佛教心性论所涉及的主要问题作出了归纳。  相似文献   

毛主义与后毛主义的关系是国外当代中国研究中的重要问题之一,经历了一个持续发展的过程,形成了割裂对立论和继承发展论两类观点。继承发展论既看到二者的共同点,也分析了二者的差异。割裂对立论则只看到二者的差异,割裂了二者的联系。国外研究坚持文本研究与实际考察相结合、心理分析与背景分析相结合、结构研究与案例解剖相结合、现代化与中国传统文化相结合的研究方法,这是值得借鉴的。  相似文献   

时限性自我调节理论是在“意图-行为”模型基础上,强调时间、行为优势和自我调节能力对健康行为共同影响的新理论.该理论认为一致性观念和时限性效价影响行为意图,行为优势和自我调节能力调节“意图-行为”联系的强度或直接影响行为.与其他健康行为模型的主要区别在于加入了影响行为的自我调节能力和时间因素.未来研究应进一步明确针对健康行为的干预措施,给予行为优势合理的定位.  相似文献   

用“元衡论”的思路对痤疮病因及治疗的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
痤疮是一种着有复杂发病机制的疾病,在现代医学中对于它的病因及治疗仍有许多不同的观点。运用传统中医的阴阳平衡理论结合现代医学组织结构理论、微生态学理论和生物物理学的超循环理论,通过建立一个单元平衡模型,简称"元衡论",以它来解释痤疮的发病机制及指导治疗方案。运用这一思路能够更好地分析病因并有助于治疗。  相似文献   

Peri- and posttraumatic emotional responses have been understudied, and furthermore, have rarely been compared among trauma types. The current study compared college students' retrospective self-reports of peri- and posttraumatic responses of fear, shame, guilt, anger, and sadness among four types of traumatic events: sexual assault, physical assault, transportation accident, and illness/injury. Overall emotional responding was generally high for all trauma types, and for those in the sexual assault group, emotion increased sharply from the peri- to posttraumatic time point. Generally, fear was higher during the trauma compared to after the trauma, whereas the other emotions tended to remain stable or increase posttrauma. The sexual assault group tended to report higher levels of posttrauma emotion than the other trauma type groups.  相似文献   

We examined outcomes of a promising 21-session trauma treatment model for children aged 3 to 17 and their caregivers. All children in treatment had experienced at least one traumatic event. The treatment intervention was rooted in theories of trauma and attachment and combines parent training with cognitive behavioral therapy to form a comprehensive trauma treatment program. We report on 27 families who completed the program. Results reflect significant reductions in conduct disorder, problems in social relations, and caregiver depression at an average of a one-year post-treatment follow-up. Results from our preliminary study offer support for further evaluation of the model.  相似文献   

The present study sought to investigate how alexithymia (a deficit in identifying and describing emotions) may hinder the development of posttraumatic growth (PTG) and contribute to ongoing distress. Participants were 250 undergraduate college students who had experienced a highly stressful event in the past six months. Regression analyses were conducted to examine how alexithymia contributes to PTG and distress in addition to other known predictors. Analyses revealed that alexithymia was a significant negative predictor of PTG, and a significant positive predictor of distress. It was also found that Difficulty in Identifying Feelings was the alexithymia component that best predicted PTG and distress.  相似文献   

Developmental trauma disorder is a provisional disorder that characterizes multiple trauma exposure that impairs certain domains of human development. These domains are attachment, cognition, behavior regulation, affect regulation, self-concept, dissociation, and biological functioning and maturation. This article reviews the literature and discusses the present understanding of these 7 domains. It discusses the effects of developmental trauma exposure on each domain and alludes to the importance of clinicians understanding the complexity and diversity of development trauma outcomes.  相似文献   

This study is the first to expand the investigation of study-abroad risks to include a range of traumatic experiences for male and female students and to examine effects of institutional betrayal (i.e., an institution’s failure to prevent trauma or support survivors). In an online survey of 173 university students who had studied abroad, many respondents (45.44%, n = 79) reported exposure to at least 1 traumatic experience while abroad, most frequently natural disasters, sexual assault, and unwanted sexual experiences. Of students exposed to potentially traumatic events, more than one third (35.44%, n = 28) also reported at least 1 form of related institutional betrayal, which uniquely correlated with posttraumatic distress in some participants, when controlling for lifetime trauma history.  相似文献   

An existential trauma therapy treatment approach with men who are recovering from a heart attack is described as well as the treatment elements within the approach. Single-subject design case material is provided to evaluate and illustrate the described treatment approach.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study was designed to describe the shared trauma perspectives of 8 counselors who experienced the shootings at Virginia Tech and responded to community mental health needs. Shared trauma, vicarious traumatization, compassion fatigue, vicarious resilience, and posttraumatic growth were examined. Themes derived from interviews included changed perceptions of those who experienced shared trauma and the influence of the experiences on clinicians' work. Implications for practitioners and for counselor training are presented.  相似文献   

The findings presented in this article come from a two-generation study exploring the psychological impact of trauma among American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) families and its perceived relationship to substance abuse across generations. Psychological traumas and stressors found to be pervasive across generations included physical and sexual abuse as well as persistent discrimination and racism, such as fear of having children removed from the home. A noteworthy finding was a decrease in reports of childhood traumas across the two generations within this sample. Implications and recommendations for clinicians and researchers working with AI populations are discussed in light of the findings.  相似文献   

Transgenerational trauma, which was first documented in the 1960s to describe trauma symptoms experienced by descendants of holocaust survivors, has been linked to psychological and physiological transmission factors. Although traumatization still occurs among contemporary immigrant groups, particularly Latino immigrants, little attention has been paid to the experiences of these individuals. The authors present the relevant cultural considerations and conditions that support the need for proactive assessment of transgenerational trauma in U.S.‐born Latino youth. El trauma transgeneracional, que fue documentado por primera vez en los años 60 para describir los síntomas de trauma experimentados por descendientes de los supervivientes del holocausto, ha sido relacionado con factores de transmisión psicológicos y fisiológicos. Aunque la traumatización todavía ocurre entre grupos de inmigrantes en la actualidad, particularmente en inmigrantes latinos, se ha prestado escasa atención a las experiencias de estos individuos. Los autores presentan las consideraciones y condiciones culturales relevantes que apoyan la necesidad de realizar una evaluación proactiva del trauma transgeneracional en la población de jóvenes latinos nacidos en los Estados Unidos.  相似文献   

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