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What motivates clergy political attitudes and behavior? We investigate this using a questions‐as‐treatment randomized experiment focusing on Roman Catholic priests in the United States. Our results suggest substantial utility in using a question frame referencing the distinct institutional expectations that clergy regularly confront. Specifically, when randomly primed to consider the expectations of institutional reference groups, clergy exhibit significantly higher levels of conservatism and report higher levels of political engagement, which is in line with their church's institutional preferences more generally. Our findings underscore the need for experimental methodology to make increased inroads into understanding political outcomes in religious contexts.  相似文献   

This exploratory study of Roman Catholic secular priests examined their psycho-spiritual well-being and vocational challenges. With a 52% response rate, this population study indicated that most respondents had a balanced ministry life and healthy spirituality. However, pastoral and vocational satisfactions, together with mandated celibacy, remain contentious issues. An initial instrument was developed to discern what contributes to priests’ vocational satisfaction. Psycho-spiritual well-being, intrinsic religion, vocational frustrations, and celibacy emerged as four key domains. Results were scrutinized to determine how they could serve as a platform for a future and more robust scale. This paper also contains a discussion of the pastoral implications of this study, and how the church could be more true to its calling.  相似文献   

This article highlights four of Melissa Kelley’s contributions in her book Grief: Contemporary Theory and Practice. The author identifies these as: 1) Kelley’s capacity to distill and synthesize the most important areas of contemporary grief theory; 2) her work on attachment theory and its relationship to people’s ways of coping with grief; 3) the focus on the research of Bonanno et al. (Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 60:67–73, 2005) and showing us who is most vulnerable and in need of pastoral care during grief; 4) her emphasis on meaning making as the core of the grieving process. The article also lifts up questions concerning communal practices for grieving loss born of injustice and the need for prevention and fostering coping mechanisms so that the worst effects of grief might be mitigated.  相似文献   

The authors propose an alternative conceptualization to the Strack, Werth, and Deutsch (2006) model. This alternative conceptualization considers how the forecasting of emotional outcomes linked to controlling or failing to control impulses affects self‐regulatory behavior. A set of future research questions is identified based on this conceptualization. The proposed model differs from that of Strack et al. (2006) by its focus on (a) affect, (b) impulse control (versus buying), and (c) deliberative processing linked to impulse control (or lack thereof).  相似文献   

Through a national survey, Roman Catholic deacons (n = 1349) and men in spiritual formation for the diaconate, called candidates (n = 205), completed on-line measures of personality dimensions (i.e., HEXACO-60) and transformational leadership, as well as demographic variables. Results indicated that for both candidates and deacons, personality dimensions of agreeableness and conscientiousness were the most important variables for predicting transformational leadership styles. For deacons only, higher levels of honesty/humility, extraversion, and openness to experience also led to higher transformational leadership styles. Adding demographic variables as co-variates (age, years in a parish, number of children, and number of families in a parish) in the models did not seem to affect the predictive models; however, years in formation (for candidates) and years as a deacon did affect servant leadership style. Implications for the personality and leadership attributes of Catholic “married clergy” are discussed.  相似文献   

Amendments to the Age-Universal I-E scale, used to measure intrinsic and extrinsic orientations toward religion, are proposed to facilitate the scales' use among both religious and non-religious samples. The original and revised versions of the intrinsic and extrinsic scales were administered to six adult samples from the U.S.A. (N = 156; N = 144), England (N = 135; N = 149) and Norhern Ireland and Republic of Ireland (N = 189; N = 167). Data show in all six samples the percentage of I-E scales completed was greater for the revised version than the original version. In addition, the revised version of the scales demonstrates more satisfactory reliability estimates than the original version. It is suggested that researchers examining intrinsic and extrinsic orientation towards religion may benefit from using the revised version.  相似文献   

The power of the Catholic Church in Poland can be seen throughout modern Polish history. It can also be observed in the influence of the Catholic clergy on political and social life in Poland. But how far-reaching is this power? Does it only concern the Catholic majority in Polish society or does it extend also to the atheist minority? In this article, we address this question through a study of the linguistic habitus of two groups (Polish Catholics and Polish atheists), specifically an analysis of conceptual metaphors in a corpus compiled from web forums. We examine the frequencies of three metaphors concerning love, death and sin previously identified in Catholic transition rituals, such as baptisms or weddings. The results show no quantitative differences in the usage of these metaphors and instead significant qualitative similarities in the language form of the metaphors. The findings thus suggest the ability of the Catholic Church to influence the ways of speaking and possibly also of thinking and acting among both Catholics and atheists in Poland.  相似文献   

Results of two studies indicated that tasting a familiar product designed to be refreshing (iced tea), without knowledge of the brand, induced positive affect, as did the gift-of-candy (not consumed) induction, used in many previous studies. As compared to controls, these participants showed more positive affect as reflected by 5 implicit measures and 2~explicit ratings of the refreshingness and pleasingness of the product. They performed significantly better on items from the Remote Associates Test (a test of creativity), generated more unusual and more pleasant first associates to a randomly selected letter of the alphabet, and to neutral words (the implicit measures). Results also indicated that similar affect did not arise when participants tasted a less liked, unfamiliar, brand of iced tea, without knowledge of the brand. However, when the brand name (a known brand) of that tea was presented with the less liked product sample, people who tasted that same tea showed positive affect responses on the implicit measures of affect and also explicitly rated the tea as more refreshing and pleasing than the unbranded version of the same tea.  相似文献   

This article reviews Pamela Cooper-White's book as an extraordinarily well developed, nuanced, and empirically grounded reflection on the significance of transference and countertransference dynamics in ministry; it also points to several ways in which the book's thesis could be more fully developed theologically and more broadly applied in ministry.  相似文献   

Feelings of positive or negative affect are not restricted to temporary states. They can also determine future affective experiences, by influencing the building of an individual’s personal resources. The present study was designed to understand the daily fluctuations in positive and negative affect more fully. To this end, we examined the involvement of a variety of affect regulation strategies in these fluctuations. The affect regulation strategies we explored included positive reappraisal, problem-focused coping, appreciation and rumination. We adopted an experience sampling method, consisting of five daily assessments over a 2-week period. As expected, within a few hours of experiencing more positive affect, participants engaged in greater positive reappraisal, problem-focused coping and appreciation. In turn, greater use of each of these three strategies was followed by more intense experiences of positive affect. We observed analogous reciprocal influences between rumination and the experience of negative affect, within the same time interval. Changes in affective experience over several hours were also directly influenced by concurrent use of these strategies. More specifically, greater positive reappraisal, problem-focused coping and appreciation accelerated the rise in positive affect that follows low feelings of positive affect, and slowed the decline in positive affect that follows high feelings. Rumination had an analogous influence on change in negative affect. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews evidence indicating that, in most circumstances, positive affect enhances problem solving and decision making, leading to cognitive processing that is not only flexible, innovative, and creative, but also thorough and efficient. These results have implications regarding consumers’ potential reactions to affect generated by ads, products, consumption situations, and service encounters. These cognitive effects of positive affect are considered in the context of effects on social interaction that show that positive affect leads to helping, generosity, and interpersonal understanding. Together, these findings suggest implications especially for customer satisfaction, and particularly for a role for employee positive affect, or employee satisfaction, in generating customer satisfaction. Moreover, studies specifically in the domain of medical decision making and problem solving indicate that these implications would apply to the specific areas of doctor–patient interaction, medical decision making, and medical consumer satisfaction. Finally, it is suggested that the benefits of positive affect be considered when formulating healthcare policy and be included in economic models and policy decisions more generally as well.  相似文献   

Current Psychology - Immigration has become a global phenomenon as part of modern life. However, immigrants often demonstrate negative emotional states following the immigration process, which may...  相似文献   

Intuition may be a critical component of creative thought. To test this hypothesis, a measure of individual differences in intuition was developed. After completing this measure, 320 undergraduates were asked to work on a domain-relevant creative problem-solving task under conditions where positive and neutral affect were induced and they were exposed to 1 of 3 different types of training. It was found that intuitive people produced more creative problem solutions, but that positive affect and training offset the advantage intuitive people showed in creative problem-solving. The implications of these findings for understanding the nature of intuition, and its role in creative problem-solving, are discussed.  相似文献   

The author describes experiences of mutual recognition, of regulation of affect, of reciprocity and “taking in” as they occurred in classrooms of emotionally disturbed latency aged children. These experiences were embedded with curriculum as well as within aspects of an attuned relationship between teacher and students and expanded to resonate within expeneriences in the wider community. The role and nature of attachments in classrooms of disturbed children is considered.  相似文献   

以3353名初一、初二、高一、高二年级学生为被试,探讨了青少年消极情感的特点,并进一步检验了不同依恋类型对青少年消极情感的独特效应、同伴依恋在亲子依恋与消极情感中的中介作用以及二者对消极情感的交互作用。结果发现:1)青少年的消极情感水平总体上呈现从初一到高二逐渐上升的趋势,且女生得分显著高于男生;2)同伴与父子依恋对消极情感的独特效应显著,但母子依恋的独特效应不显著,且同伴依恋在消极情感中的独特效应显著高于父子与母子依恋;3)同伴依恋部分中介父子依恋与消极情感、完全中介母子依恋与消极情感的联系,同时,父子与母子依恋又调节同伴依恋对消极情感的影响,表现为同伴依恋对消极情感的预测在高亲子依恋个体中更显著。因而,依恋对消极情感的作用机制中,间接效应模型与交互作用模型同时成立,是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   


The Purpose in Life Scale was designed to provide a 12-item unidimensional measure of purpose in life employing a five-point Likert rating for each item. The present study supports the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of this instrument among 155 Catholic priests (mean age?=?46 years, SD?=?12.16). Internal consistency reliability generated an alpha coefficient of .90. The first factor generated by principal component analysis accounted for 49.5% of variance. Concurrent validity against the Purpose in Life Test was supported by a correlation of .63. Construct validity was supported by a correlation of .54 with the Satisfaction in Ministry Scale and by a correlation of ?.51 with the Scale of Emotional Exhaustion in Ministry. These properties commend the scale for future use among Catholic priests.  相似文献   

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