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This article provides a brief history of key developments in the growth of the Lausanne Trilogue Play (LTP) paradigm that paved a foundation for new scholarship featured in the papers that follow. We outline core, foundational elements of the LTP work, highlighting the close interplay between clinical and research applications, the systems orientation in both regards, the dual attention to both top down (metamodel) and bottom up (microanalysis, in particular) frames, and the relevance of transitions from dyad to triad. Next, later developments in methodological refinement and expansion within the LTP’s country-of-origin are described, with closing commentary provided on the path-breaking contributions of several investigations that employed the LTP in five different countries, each illuminating previously under-studied family phenomena. The historical considerations spotlighted in this article, and the lessons learned from new empirical investigations the early work has inspired, are important to consider in tandem as the field begins expanding beyond the LTP’s original foundations and makes increasing use of the paradigm as a research instrument beyond clinical settings.  相似文献   

The author writes a rejoinder to M. S. Kiselica's (2003) article “Anti‐Semitism and Insensitivity Toward Jews by the Counseling Profession: A Gentile's View on the Problem and His Hope for Reconciliation—A Response to Weinrach (2002),” which is part of a dialogue in the fall 2003 Journal of Counseling & Development on anti‐Semitism in the counseling profession. M. S. Kiselica supports the notion that Jewish concerns are inextricable from multicultural counseling. The author has asserted that there has been a critical mass of anti‐Semitic behavior within the counseling profession, including the American Counseling Association, for more than 3 decades. The author's perspective may be viewed as an application of the Torah's dictum “I am my brother's [and sister's] keeper.” The author also argues that while culture may influence behavior, it does not determine it exclusively.  相似文献   

Empathy is associated with positive outcomes in addictions counseling. The moral model of addiction and unresolved countertransference issues may hinder counseling students’ development of empathic understanding for clients with substance use disorders. Counselor educators must structure courses in such a way as to help students overcome obstacles to empathy. We provide examples of several experiential activities framed within the context of Kolb’s experiential-learning cycle that are designed to deconstruct obstacles to student empathy development.  相似文献   

工匠传统在心理治疗(咨询)中的复兴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑维廉 《心理科学》2004,27(4):940-942
作者站在科学史的高度,分析了学者传统对心理咨询的方向性误导。从精神分析、行为主义,以至人本主义,心理治疗显示朝向整体论的倾向。但此种倾向被作为科学时代范式的学者传统所阻碍。心理治疗仍专注于根本原因,而忽视效果;专注于学派提供的片面视野,而忽视解决问题的完整过程;重于知而轻于行。伊根博士的模式提供了真正整体论的.能将各种视野,方法有效组织起来的心理咨询路线图,它能将知行整合、创造心理咨询最大成效。推动了心理咨询方法论根本转变。  相似文献   

The National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) supports the development of practice recommendations (guidelines) in the field of genetic counseling. This paper reviews the basic components of NSGC genetic counseling practice recommendations as well as the process for formal adoption of such documents, as approved by the Board of Directors of the NSGC.  相似文献   

The Adult Persistence in Learning (APIL) model focuses on personal issues of the individual adult learner, learning process issues, and environmental issues related to the particular institution to guide counseling services for adult leaners. Factors that facilitate a realistic approach to adult learning provide the focus: self-awareness, willingness to delay gratification, clarification of career and life goals, mastery of life transitions, sense of interpersonal competence, educational competence, intellectual and political competence in learning, information retrieval from the institution, awareness of opportunities and impediments in the environment, and perceptions of the compati-bility of the learning environment. Counseling interventions for individuals and groups based on the factors in the model can aid retention of adult learners.  相似文献   

To shape its work, the Research Centre for Occupation & Mental Health is interested in research priorities. Systematic reviews develop an overview of the research available about an intervention, which can provide evidence to underpin practice. They also however, identify gaps in the knowledge base and so are useful for research-prioritization exercises. A rigorous literature search identified only four systematic reviews about occupational therapy in mental health, which suggests that more are needed to underpin practice. This article also explains a six-stage process for conducting a systematic review that can be used by occupational therapists in mental health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— We present a novel role of affect in the expression of culture. Four experiments tested whether individuals' affective states moderate the expression of culturally normative cognitions and behaviors. We consistently found that value expressions, self-construals, and behaviors were less consistent with cultural norms when individuals were experiencing positive rather than negative affect. Positive affect allowed individuals to explore novel thoughts and behaviors that departed from cultural constraints, whereas negative affect bound people to cultural norms. As a result, when Westerners experienced positive rather than negative affect, they valued self-expression less, showed a greater preference for objects that reflected conformity, viewed the self in more interdependent terms, and sat closer to other people. East Asians showed the reverse pattern for each of these measures, valuing and expressing individuality and independence more when experiencing positive than when experiencing negative affect. The results suggest that affect serves an important functional purpose of attuning individuals more or less closely to their cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Whilst research indicates that happiness-enhancing activities can boost happiness, the measurement of intentional happiness-enhancing activities has thus far been inadequate. This paper describes the development and initial empirical testing of the Happiness-enhancing Activities and Positive Practices Inventory (HAPPI), a self-report inventory designed to measure older adults’ happiness-enhancing activities. An exploratory factor analysis of the HAPPI responses from a population sample of 2,313 older adults identified four factors: self-concordant work, personal recreation and people, spiritual and thought-related, and goal-focused activities. Results demonstrated evidence of reliability, convergent and discriminant validity and support for the predictive utility of the HAPPI. The subscales derived from the factor analysis correlated as expected with measures of subjective well-being and other relevant measures, and showed moderately high subscale intercorrelations and satisfactory internal consistency. The results provide a basis for continuing to develop and clarify the types of intentional activities people engage in. Differences between our results and studies with younger adults are discussed, including possible age-related differences in the types of happiness-enhancing activities engaged in and the potential influence of these activities on happiness. The HAPPI is a relatively brief, easily administered inventory that shows promise as a useful tool for the measurement of happiness-enhancing activities and can be employed to follow cohorts to determine which domains demonstrate the greatest contribution to happiness and other well-being outcomes, which have implications for social policy, education and intervention programmes to enhance well-being.  相似文献   



This research advances understanding of empirical time modeling techniques in self-regulated learning research. We intuitively explain several such methods by situating their use in the extant literature. Further, we note key statistical and inferential assumptions of each method while making clear the inferential consequences of inattention to such assumptions.


Using a population model derived from a recent large-scale review of the training and work learning literature, we employ a Monte Carlo simulation fitting six variations of linear mixed models, seven variations of latent common factor models, and a single latent change score model to 1500 simulated datasets.


The latent change score model outperformed all six of the linear mixed models and all seven of the latent common factor models with respect to (1) estimation precision of the average learner improvement, (2) correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis about such average improvement, and (3) correctly failing to reject true null hypothesis about between-learner differences (i.e., random slopes) in average improvement.


The latent change score model is a more flexible method of modeling time in self-regulated learning research, particularly for learner processes consistent with twenty-first-century workplaces. Consequently, defaulting to linear mixed or latent common factor modeling methods may have adverse inferential consequences for better understanding self-regulated learning in twenty-first-century work.


Ours is the first study to critically, rigorously, and empirically evaluate self-regulated learning modeling methods and to provide a more flexible alternative consistent with modern self-regulated learning knowledge.

Counselor education has been repeatedly faulted for failing to adequately train counselors in research methodology, generally, and practice‐relevant methods, specifically. Continued emphasis and education in the use of group experimental design methodology, which is by definition insensitive to the exigencies of everyday practice, will have little effect on counseling practice. It is ironic that single‐case (N = 1) design developed for use in practice settings continues to be the “best kept secret” in counseling. Single‐case (N = 1) designs offer a scientifically credible means to objectively evaluate practice and conduct clinically relevant research in practice settings. A 7‐component model for establishing the use of single‐case design research methods in counseling programs is presented.  相似文献   

The Turkish counseling system has been developing since the 1950s. Over the past 15 years, rapid and substantial changes have started to affect counseling and counselor education in Turkey. These changes have both positive and negative ramifications. Overall, the changes appear to represent a new stage of counseling that the authors refer to as explosive growth (2000 to the present). In this article, the authors describe this new stage and discuss positive and negative trends associated with it. El sistema turco de consejería se ha estado desarrollando desde los años 50. En los últimos 15 años, cambios rápidos y sustanciales han comenzado a afectar a la consejería y la formación de consejeros en Turquía. Estos cambios tienen ramificaciones tanto positivas como negativas. En general, los cambios parecen representar una nueva etapa en la consejería a la que nosotros los autores nos referimos como de crecimiento explosivo (desde el año 2000 hasta el presente). En este artículo, los autores describen esta nueva etapa y discuten las tendencias positivas y negativas asociadas con la misma.  相似文献   

We respond to the commentary by Gray, Nash, and Litz (this issue) regarding the use of cognitive processing therapy (CPT) to address moral injury as described in our previous publication (Wachen et al., 2016). In their commentary, Gray et al. posit that CPT is inappropriate when applied to the treatment of war-related traumas involving “real moral and ethical transgressions” (i.e., moral injuries). However, Gray and colleagues’ assertions are centered on a premise that is incorrect, namely that CPT is based on the idea that “self-blame and guilt are inherently illogical or inaccurate,” and that CPT assumes that all beliefs associated with moral injury are erroneous. On the contrary, we acknowledge that self-blame and guilt may be accurate responses to warzone trauma, yet disagree that CPT is not suitable in these situations. This response serves to clarify some of the inaccurate interpretations of the treatment as stated by Gray and colleagues, and reiterates the position of CPT on many of the issues that were raised. Specifically, we discuss the use of Socratic questioning within CPT to address the issue of moral injury. Furthermore, we highlight the strong evidence base for the use of CPT in treating veterans and active military. Until it has been determined through empirical study, it is premature to assert that CPT is insufficient in addressing moral injury in combat personnel.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study, using an online methodology, was to investigate therapists' perceptions of the role of creativity in couples' and family therapy. Along with completing a quantitative measure assessing creativity in their work, participants responded to four open-ended questions which addressed the meaning of creativity, characteristics of a creative family therapist, some creative interventions they have used with couples and families, and barriers to their own creativity as a family therapist. A total of 142 marriage and family therapists in 36 states in the United States participated. The findings shed light on the unique importance of creativity in couples and family treatment.  相似文献   

The relationship of age and IQ to response inhibition in children was investigated in two experiments. Two tasks were employed: a “walk slowly” task designed to measure motor inhibition and a simple matching task designed to measure cognitive inhibition. In Experiment I, the Ss were 20 “normal” children at ages 4, 5, 6, and 7 years of age. Response inhibition was found to increase with age. In Experiment II, the Ss were 48 institutionalized retardates, half between the ages of 8 to 12 and half between the ages of 13 to 17. Half of each age group had IQs between 40 and 55, and half had IQs between 56 and 70. Motor response inhibition varied as a function of age but not IQ, while cognitive inhibition varied as a function of IQ but not age.  相似文献   

In an era of increasing accountability, there is a need to provide data on counseling outcomes. That is, there is a need to substantiate the claim that counseling works. This article describes the American Counseling Association Practice Research Network (ACA‐PRN), which is designed to provide data on evidence‐based counseling.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the statistical issues in factor analyzing ipsative measures and then illustrates the issue using ipsative data from Kolb's revised Learning Style Inventory (LSI-1985) and Dunlap & Cronwell's (1994) recommended procedures. The statistical findings underscore the problem of determining the valid underlying factor structure of ipsative measures.  相似文献   

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