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Animal Cognition - Serial reversal learning is considered a reliable approach for the testing of behavioral flexibility, and animals that inhabit fluctuating habitats and different environments are...  相似文献   

Social learning is considered one of the hallmarks of cognition. Observers learn from demonstrators that a particular behavior pattern leads to a specific consequence or outcome, which may be either positive or negative. In the last few years, social learning has been studied in a variety of taxa including birds and bony fish. To date, there are few studies demonstrating learning processes in cartilaginous fish. Our study shows that the cartilaginous fish freshwater stingrays (Potamotrygon falkneri) are capable of social learning and isolates the processes involved. Using a task that required animals to learn to remove a food reward from a tube, we found that observers needed significantly (P < 0.01) fewer trials to learn to extract the reward than demonstrators. Furthermore, observers immediately showed a significantly (P < 0.05) higher frequency of the most efficient “suck and undulation” strategy exhibited by the experienced demonstrators, suggesting imitation. Shedding light on social learning processes in cartilaginous fish advances the systematic comparison of cognition between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates and helps unravel the evolutionary origins of social cognition.  相似文献   

Symmetry groups-rules that connect different configurations of a given set of components-represent a compact means of coding for effects, a feature that is desirable in both model- and theory-building. The present study was designed to compare the effects of spatial orientation differences with the various other asymmetries (e.g., timing differences, handedness preferences, the direction of attention) that are accommodated by current models of bimanual coordination. The authors used symmetry groups to predict specific patterns of results. In 2 experiments, participants (N = 13, Experiment 1; N = 9, Experiment 2) coordinated the movements of differently oriented (1 downward and 1 upward) pendulum pairs at a low (0.62 Hz) or high (0.82 Hz) movement frequency to establish an in-phase or antiphase pattern. Consistent with previous results (P. G. Amazeen, E. L. Amazeen, & M. T. Turvey, 1998a), the downward-oriented pendulum tended to lead slightly. In contrast to the effects of other bimanual asymmetries, the downward-oriented pendulum lead was amplified at low frequencies. Although the results contradicted the predictions of existing models of bimanual coordination, they were consistent with predictions from symmetry group theory. In the discussion, the authors focus on the application of symmetry groups to both bimanual coordination and other phenomena with more complex symmetric structures.  相似文献   

眼动轨迹匹配法是近年来新兴的一种眼动数据分析方法, 该方法包括注视数据的预处理、兴趣区划分和编码、形成眼动轨迹字符串、计算相似性得分四个步骤。研究者采用眼动轨迹匹配法对决策过程理论及其影响因素进行的探索性研究, 证实了眼动轨迹匹配法在决策领域的可行性、精确性和高价值性。未来的研究应进一步利用眼动轨迹匹配法加强对各种决策理论及其影响因素的研究, 以揭示决策的认知过程, 构建更加完善的决策理论模型。  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors investigated what prosocial-assertive, passive, and coercive strategies 6-year-olds (N=257) would propose in response to stories about 2 socially challenging situations: displacing another child in a game and obtaining a toy from another child. The scenarios also varied the gender composition of the characters. Participants' verbalizations while acting out their responses using toy props fell into 13 categories of strategies. Teachers reported antisocial behavior and social competence of the participants. Girls and boys responded similarly in their general suggestions of prosocial or assertive strategies, but girls were more likely to offer prosocial strategies with other girls than with boys. Teacher-rated competence and antisocial behavior interacted in predicting coercive responses by girls but not by boys. The results demonstrate that prosocial and antisocial behaviors need to be considered in interaction to fully understand the nature of social competence.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between flexible strategic thinking and problem solving performance. In the first experiment, gifted, average, and poor problem solvers performed a number of tasks which were designed to provoke rigidity. The results indicated that the average and poor performance groups did not differ in the number of answers indicating response and perceptual set. On the other hand, creative and intelligent students showed fewer rigid answers than the other two groups. In the second experiment, gifted and average students were asked to think aloud while solving different problems with open and closed solution situations. The thinking aloud protocols were analyzed by classifying the statements into different strategy types. Gifted students used a variety of strategies when solving problems, as well as different strategies for different problem types. No such differences were observed with the average problem solvers. The results of both experiments demonstrated consistent evidence for the role of flexible strategic thinking in gifted problem solving, as well as less direct evidence of the importance of metacognitive knowledge.  相似文献   

A formal model for diagnostic problem solving is proposed which comprises a goal block and an operational block in short-term memory, together with an environment information block and a psychoinformation block in long-term memory.  相似文献   

The use of diagrams in analogical problem solving   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In four experiments, we examined the impact of perceptual properties on the effectiveness of diagrams in analogical problem solving, using variants of convergence diagrams as source analogues for the radiation problem. Static diagrams representing the initial problematic state (one large line directed at a target) and the final state for a convergence solution (multiple converging lines) were not accessed spontaneously but were often used successfully once a hint to consider the diagram had been provided. The inaccessibility of static diagrams was not alleviated by adding additional diagrams to represent intermediate states (Experiment 1), but spontaneous access was improved by augmenting static diagrams with a verbal statement of the convergence principle (Experiment 3). Spontaneous retrieval and noticing were increased markedly by animating displays representing converging forces and thereby encouraging encoding of the lines as indicating motion toward a target (Experiments 3 and 4). However, neither static nor animated diagrams were effective when the arrows were reversed to imply divergence rather than convergence (Experiment 2). The results indicate that when animation encourages the interpretation of a diagram as a helpful source analogue, it can greatly enhance analogical transfer.  相似文献   

The authors report 4 experiments that investigated the role of recognition memory and plausibility in a display-based problem-solving task (computer menu search). It was found that both the familiarity of options and their plausibility played a role in determining choices when the correct options could not be recollected. The use of familiarity was adaptive: Participants relied less on familiarity when it was a less valid guide to correct choices. The implications of these findings for theories of problem solving and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

The success of modern heuristics (Simulated Annealing (S.A.), Tabu Search, Genetic Algorithms, …) in solving classical combinatorial optimization problems has drawn the attention of the research community in multicriteria methods. In fact, for large‐scale problems, the simultaneous difficulties of 𝒩𝒫‐hard complexity and of multiobjective framework make most Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization (MOCO) problems intractable for exact methods. This paper develops the so‐called MOSA (Multiobjective Simulated Annealing) method to approximate the set of efficient solutions of a MOCO problem. Different options for the implementation are illustrated and extensive experiments prove the efficiency of the approach. Its results are compared to exact methods on bi‐objective knapsack problems. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two adult male chimpanzees reached through a hole in the wall of their home cage and, by tracking the images of their hands and of an otherwise hidden target object in a mirror or closed-circuit television picture, moved their hands in whichever direction was necessary to make contact with the target object. They discriminated between live video images and tapes and performed effectively when the target objects were presented in novel locations and when the video picture was presented at random in different orientations. There was thus no consistent relation between the location of images on the monitor and the location of their real-world counterparts. Comparable performances in monkeys and nonprimates seem unlikely.  相似文献   

A method is outlined whereby the equations resulting from multivariate analyses may be solved. Only the upper or lower triangular coefficient matrix need be employed. All solutions involving any combination(s) of the variables represented in the coefficient matrix are readily obtainable without permutation of the matrix. All solutions are given immediately without the need for back solving. One variable is added to or subtracted from the regression equation with each application of the method. The method may be applied as repeatedly as needed for any particular solution.  相似文献   

Summary A new production system model was developed for a class of transformation problems, based upon the results of an experiment which evaluated the psychological validity of a noticing order in problem solving. This model specifies how general problem solving heuristics interact with domain knowledge and how possible actions are assembled from externally presented information. The production system may conceptually be divided into three groups: move generation, move evaluation, and move execution productions. The simulation model was evaluated by a second experiment. With a common set of parameter values, good fits were obtained between the predicted and observed data. The significance of individual productions was assessed by running simulations with individual productions deleted. While previous simulations have described subjects' behavior on a single problem, the present model successfully predicted human problem solving in three structurally different problems. The proposed production system thus gives a detailed account of the procedural knowledge that subjects use in transformation problems.  相似文献   

A new approach to testing for and training in spatial aptitude is described. Figurai analogy problem terms from the cognitive abilities test are photodigitized and arrayed in zones on the computer screen; they can be seen only when selected with the mouse (i.e., one at a time). Viewing patterns and durations can then be analyzed to assess problem encoding and solution strategies. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Multiple-step arithmetic problems can be solved by diverse strategies depending on the mental representation constructed by individuals from the situation described in the text of the problem. This representation will indeed determine the organization of subgoals to be reached or in other words the order of completion of calculations. This study aims at determining the conditions under which specific strategies are set up by adults. Using a paradigm that allows us to assess when calculations are performed, we show that adults usually organize their subgoals as they are explicitly mentioned in the problem, even though a strategy that is less demanding on working memory could have been used. However, we show that increasing the difficulty of the problem leads individuals to set up more economic strategies. Moreover, these economic strategies are even more likely to be used when the cognitive cost of the construction of the representation they rely on is low.  相似文献   

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