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In two visual search experiments, the detection of singleton feature targets redundantly defined on multiple dimensions was investigated. Targets differed from the distractors in orientation, color, or both (redundant targets). In Experiment 1, the various target types were presented either in separate blocks or in random order within blocks. Reaction times to redundant targets significantly violated the race model inequality (Miller, 1982), but only when there was constancy of the target-defining dimension(s) within trial blocks. In Experiment 2, there was dimensional variability within blocks. Consistent with Experiment 1, constancy of the target-defining dimension(s), but this time across successive trials (rather than within blocks), was critical for observing violations of the race model inequality. These results provide evidence for parallel-coactive processing of multiple dimensions, consistent with the dimension-weighting account of Müller, Heller, and Ziegler (1995).  相似文献   

Three visual search experiments investigated redundancy gains for single and dual odd-one-out feature targets that differed from distractors in orientation, color, or both. In Experiment 1, redundant-target displays contained (a) a single target defined in 2 dimensions, (b) dual targets each defined in a different dimension, or (c) dual targets both defined in the same dimension. The redundancy gains, relative to single nonredundant targets, decreased from the first condition on, with violations of J. Miller's (1982) race model inequality (RMI) manifested only in the first 2 conditions. Experiment 2 systematically varied the spatial separation between dual targets each defined in a different dimension. Violations of the RMI were evident only when the 2 targets occupied nearby locations. Experiment 3 provided evidence of RMI violations by dimensionally redundant targets at both precued (likely) and noncued (unlikely) display locations. Taken together, these results suggest that there is coactivation of a common mechanism by target signals in different dimensions (not by signals in the same dimension), that the coactivation effects are spatially specific, and that the coactivated mechanisms are located at a preattentive, perceptual stage of processing.  相似文献   

Two visual search experiments investigated the detection of odd-one-out feature targets redundantly defined on multiple dimensions. Targets differed from the distractors in either orientation or colour or both (redundant targets). In Experiment 1, the three types of target were presented either in separate trial blocks or randomized within blocks, and the task involved either a simple target detection response or a “compound” response based on the position of dials inside the target. Mean reaction times (RTs) were faster to redundant targets than to singly defined targets, with greater gains in simple detection than in compound tasks. Further, simple detection RTs to redundant targets were faster than the fastest RTs to singly defined targets, violating Miller's (1982) “race model inequality” (RMI). Experiment 2 showed that, with compound tasks, mean RT redundancy gains (and violations of the RMI) depend on practice. The results suggest that separate colour and orientation feature contrast signals coactivate perceptual mechanisms involved in target detection.  相似文献   

The present experiment tested for preattentive visual search in 3- and 4-month-old infants using stimulus features described by Treisman and Souther (1985) as producing visual “pop-out” effects in adults. Infants were presented with two visual arrays to the left and right of midline. One array comprised homogeneous elements, while the other had a discrepant element embedded in it. On the basis of previous research, we expected infants to fixate the array containing the embedded discrepant element. The pattern of fixation indicated detection of the embedded discrepant element for both age groups, but only with stimuli shown to elicit visual pop out in adults. This asymmetry in detection is consistent with the presence of preattentive visual search in infants as young as 3 months.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated visual search for singleton feature targets. The critical dimension on which the target differed from the nontargets was either known in advance or unknown—that is, the critical difference varied eitherwithin a dimension oracross dimensions. Previous work (Treisman, 1988) had shown that, while the search reaction time (RT) functions were flat in both conditions, there was an intercept cost for the cross-dimension condition. Experiment 1 examined whether this cost would disappear when responses could be based on the detection ofany (target—nontarget) difference in the display (by requiring a “heterogeneity/homogeneity” decision). The cost remained. This argues that pop-out requires (or involves) knowledge of the particular dimension in which an odd-one-out target differs from the nontargets; furthermore, that knowledge is acquired through the elimination of dimensions not containing a target. In Experiment 2, the subjects had to eliminate (or ignore) one potential source of difference in order to give a positive response (displays could contain a “noncritical” difference requiring a negative response). The result was a comparatively large cost in the within-dimension (positive) condition. This can be taken to indicate that popout as such does not make available information as to the particular feature value in which the target differs from the nontargets. Experiment 3 examined whether search priorities can be biased in accordance with advance knowledge of the likely source of difference. The subjects were found to have a high degree of top-down control over what particular dimension to assign priority of checking to. The implication of the results for models of visual search and selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Four pop-out search experiments investigated whether dimension-based visual attention is top-down modulable. Observers searched for singleton feature targets defined, variably across trials, by a color or an orientation difference to nontargets. Observers were precued to the most probable target-defining dimension (e.g., by the word color) or feature (red) on a given trial. Results revealed expedited reaction times (RTs) for valid-dimension targets relative to neutral-cue conditions, and slowed RTs for invalid-dimension targets. Cue information as to precise target feature yielded some extra effect only for color targets. The dimensional cuing significantly reduced, but did not abolish, the dimension-specific influence of the previous target on detection of the current target (same-dimension RT < different-dimension RT). These findings confirm that top-down dimensional set modulates stimulus-driven dimension processes in the detection of pop-out signals. ((c) 2003 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Search targets are typically remembered much better than other objects even when they are viewed for less time. However, targets have two advantages that other objects in search displays do not have: They are identified categorically before the search, and finding them represents the goal of the search task. The current research investigated the contributions of both of these types of information to the long-term visual memory representations of search targets. Participants completed either a predefined search or a unique-object search in which targets were not defined with specific categorical labels before searching. Subsequent memory results indicated that search target memory was better than distractor memory even following ambiguously defined searches and when the distractors were viewed significantly longer. Superior target memory appears to result from a qualitatively different representation from those of distractor objects, indicating that decision processes influence visual memory.  相似文献   

Rewards have long been known to modulate overt behavior. But their possible impact on attentional and perceptual processes is less well documented. Here, we study whether the (changeable) reward level associated with two different pop-out targets might affect visual search and trial-to-trial target repetition effects (see Maljkovic & Nakayama, 1994). Observers searched for a target diamond shape with a singleton color among distractor diamond shapes of another color (e.g., green among red or vice versa) and then judged whether the target had a notch at its top or bottom. Correct judgments led to reward, with symbolic feedback indicating this immediately; actual rewards accumulated for receipt at study end. One particular target color led to a higher (10:1) reward for 75% of its correct judgments, whereas the other singleton target color (counterbalanced over participants) yielded the higher reward on only 25% of the trials. We measured search performance in terms of inverse efficiency (response time/proportion correct). The reward schedules not only led to better performance overall for the more rewarding target color, but also increased trial-to-trial priming for successively repeated targets in that color. The actual level of reward received on the preceding trial affected this, as did (orthogonally) the likely level. When reward schedules were reversed within blocks, without explicit instruction, corresponding reversal of the impact on search performance emerged within around 6 trials, asymptoting at around 15 trials, apparently without the observers’ explicit knowledge of the contingency. These results establish that pop-out search and target repetition effects can be influenced by target reward levels, with search performance and repetition effects dynamically tracking changes in reward contingency.  相似文献   

The underlying mechanism of search asymmetry is still unknown. Many computational models postulate top-down selection of target-defining features as a crucial factor. This feature selection account implies, and other theories implicitly assume, that predefined target identity is necessary for search asymmetry. The authors tested the validity of the feature selection account using a singleton search task without a predefined target. Participants conducted a target-defined and a singleton search task with a circle (O) and a circle with a vertical bar (Q). Search asymmetry was observed in both tasks with almost identical magnitude. The results were not due to trial-by-trial feature selection, because search asymmetry persisted even when the target was completely unpredictable. Asymmetry in the singleton search was also observed with more complex stimuli, Kanji characters. These results suggest that feature selection is not necessary for search asymmetry, and they impose important constraints on current visual search theories.  相似文献   

Age differences in the redundant-signals effect and coactivation of visual dimensions were investigated in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1 the task required the conjoining of dimensions, whereas in Experiment 2 the spatial separation of dimensions was manipulated. Although coactivation was evident for both age groups when the redundant dimensions occurred at the same location, older adults showed more evidence for coactivation, perhaps because of compensation for declines in perceptual processing. When the redundant dimensions were separated, neither age group showed evidence for coactivation. These findings indicate that the coactive processing of redundant visual dimensions is spared in healthy older adults and that for both groups, attention must be focused on both dimensions for coactivation to occur.  相似文献   

Two experiments compared reaction times (RTs) in visual search for singleton feature targets defined, variably across trials, in either the color or the orientation dimension. Experiment 1 required observers to simply discern target presence versus absence (simple-detection task); Experiment 2 required them to respond to a detection-irrelevant form attribute of the target (compound-search task). Experiment 1 revealed a marked dimensional intertrial effect of 34 ms for an target defined in a changed versus a repeated dimension, and an intertrial target distance effect, with an 4-ms increase in RTs (per unit of distance) as the separation of the current relative to the preceding target increased. Conversely, in Experiment 2, the dimension change effect was markedly reduced (11 ms), while the intertrial target distance effect was markedly increased (11 ms per unit of distance). The results suggest that dimension change/repetition effects are modulated by the amount of attentional focusing required by the task, with space-based attention altering the integration of dimension-specific feature contrast signals at the level of the overall-saliency map.
Joseph KrummenacherEmail:

Partial orientation pop-out helps difficult search for orientation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We interrupted pop-out search before it produced a detection response by adding extra distractors to the search display. We show that when pop-out for an orientation target fails because of this interruption, it nevertheless provides useful information to the processes responsible for difficult search. That is, partial pop-out assists difficult search. This interaction has also been found for color stimuli (Olds, Cowan, & Jolicoeur, 2000a, 2000b). These results indicate that interactions and/or overlap between the mechanisms responsible for pop-out and the mechanisms responsible for difficult search may be quite general in early visual selection.  相似文献   

When searching for a discrepant target along a simple dimension such as color or shape, repetition of the target feature substantially speeds search, an effect known as feature priming of pop-out (V. Maljkovic and K. Nakayama, 1994). The authors present the first report of emotional priming of pop-out. Participants had to detect the face displaying a discrepant expression of emotion in an array of four face photographs. On each trial, the target when present was either a neutral face among emotional faces (angry in Experiment 1 or happy in Experiment 2), or an emotional face among neutral faces. Target detection was faster when the target displayed the same emotion on successive trials. This effect occurred for angry and for happy faces, not for neutral faces. It was completely abolished when faces were inverted instead of upright, suggesting that emotional categories rather than physical feature properties drive emotional priming of pop-out. The implications of the present findings for theoretical accounts of intertrial priming and for the face-in-the-crowd phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

When a visual search for a color oddball is performed, responses to target-present trials are affected by the color of items in immediately preceding target-absent trials, a phenomenon known as the distractor-previewing effect (DPE). Specifically, the color of the items in the target-absent trial suppresses responses to a target of that color in the subsequent trial, even though participants report a target feature uncorrelated with color. We believe that this suppression reflects a transient inhibitory effect on focused attention that biases attention away from items that are of the same color as the items in the target-absent trial. Experiments 1-3 show that the DPE is present only in tasks that require focused attention. Experiments 4A and 4B show that the DPE persists even when target-absent displays are masked. Last, Experiment 5 shows that the DPE emerges as early as within the first 100 msec of a target-present trial and is fully in place by the 250-msec mark.  相似文献   

Our lab recently found evidence that efficient visual search (with a fixed target) is characterized by logarithmic Reaction Time (RT) × Set Size functions whose steepness is modulated by the similarity between target and distractors. To determine whether this pattern of results was based on low-level visual factors uncontrolled by previous experiments, we minimized the possibility of crowding effects in the display, compensated for the cortical magnification factor by magnifying search items based on their eccentricity, and compared search performance on such displays to performance on displays without magnification compensation. In both cases, the RT × Set Size functions were found to be logarithmic, and the modulation of the log slopes by target–distractor similarity was replicated. Consistent with previous results in the literature, cortical magnification compensation eliminated most target eccentricity effects. We conclude that the log functions and their modulation by target–distractor similarity relations reflect a parallel exhaustive processing architecture for early vision.  相似文献   

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