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It is shown that restricted solvability need not be required to hold w.r.t. every component for deriving the existence of additive utilities: additive representations can be shown to exist even when restricted solvability holds w.r.t. only two components. In such cases, the uniqueness property of these representations departs from the classical theory in that it is between ordinal and cardinal.  相似文献   

A unifying framework for generalized multilevel structural equation modeling is introduced. The models in the framework, called generalized linear latent and mixed models (GLLAMM), combine features of generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and structural equation models (SEM) and consist of a response model and a structural model for the latent variables. The response model generalizes GLMMs to incorporate factor structures in addition to random intercepts and coefficients. As in GLMMs, the data can have an arbitrary number of levels and can be highly unbalanced with different numbers of lower-level units in the higher-level units and missing data. A wide range of response processes can be modeled including ordered and unordered categorical responses, counts, and responses of mixed types. The structural model is similar to the structural part of a SEM except that it may include latent and observed variables varying at different levels. For example, unit-level latent variables (factors or random coefficients) can be regressed on cluster-level latent variables. Special cases of this framework are explored and data from the British Social Attitudes Survey are used for illustration. Maximum likelihood estimation and empirical Bayes latent score prediction within the GLLAMM framework can be performed using adaptive quadrature in gllamm, a freely available program running in Stata.gllamm can be downloaded from http://www.gllamm.org. The paper was written while Sophia Rabe-Hesketh was employed at and Anders Skrondal was visiting the Department of Biostatistics and Computing, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.  相似文献   

The generalized graded unfolding model (GGUM) is capable of analyzing polytomous scored, unfolding data such as agree‐disagree responses to attitude statements. In the present study, we proposed a GGUM with structural equation for subject parameters, which enabled us to evaluate the relation between subject parameters and covariates and/or latent variables simultaneously, in order to avoid the influence of attenuation. Additionally, an algorithm for parameter estimation is newly implemented via the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, based on Bayesian statistics. In the simulation, we compared the accuracy of estimates of regression coefficients between the proposed model and a conventional method using a GGUM (where regression coefficients are estimated using estimates of θ). As a result, the proposed model performed much better than the conventional method in terms of bias and root mean squared errors of estimates of regression coefficients. The study concluded by verifying the efficacy of the proposed model, using an actual data example of attitude measurement.  相似文献   

A procedure that utilizes the sample multiple correlation to form a lower bound for the level of predictive precision of a fitted regression equation is suggested. The procedure is shown to yield probability statements which are true at least 100(1–)% of the time.  相似文献   

Do people represent space, time, number, and other conceptual domains using a generalized magnitude system (GMS)? To answer this question, numerous studies have used the spatial‐numerical association of response codes (SNARC) task and its variants. Yet, for a combination of reasons, SNARC‐like effects cannot provide evidence for a GMS, even in principle. Rather, these effects support a broader theory of how people use space metaphorically to scaffold their understanding of myriad non‐spatial domains, whether or not these domains exhibit variation in magnitude.  相似文献   

The current study focused on analyzing steering control of the drivers during a car-following situation under increasing time pressure conditions. A driving simulator experiment was conducted on ninety-two participants to assess steering performance measures. Five different steering control measures: Variability in Steering Angle (VSA), Steering Reversal Rate (SRR), Steering Speed (SS), Stability of Steering Control (SSC), and Maximum Steering Swerve (MSS) were examined under No Time Pressure (NTP), Low Time Pressure (LTP), and High Time Pressure (HTP) driving conditions. Repeated measures ANOVA (for continuous data) and Friedman’s test (count data) with post-hoc analysis and Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) modeling technique were used to investigate the influence of time pressure and different predictor variables. The statistical analysis showed that time pressure driving conditions significantly affected steering control of the drivers. The pairwise comparison of time pressure conditions revealed that HTP significantly affected most of the steering control measures as compared to LTP. Further, a GEE model also exhibited similar results where steering control measures were substantially influenced by HTP as compared to LTP. Moreover, in addition to time pressure conditions, demographic characteristics showed significant influence on steering control measures. The GEE model results showed that female drivers performed 13% more steering corrections (5° SRR) which led to better SSC by 124.44% than male drivers. Additionally, it was discovered that young-aged and experienced drivers took extra steering efforts to control lateral position of the vehicle by increasing 53.50% SS and 1% SRR compared to middle-aged and inexperienced drivers. The findings from the current study revealed that drivers undergo fast and abrupt steering maneuvers under time pressure conditions. The research approach demonstrated in the current study can be beneficial to discriminate minimum requirement of steering efforts and set-up threshold values for various steering evasion techniques to control and maintain safe lateral position during car-following maneuvers.  相似文献   

Thought-action fusion (TAF), the phenomenon whereby one has difficulty separating cognitions from corresponding behaviors, has implications in a wide variety of disturbances, including eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Numerous constructs believed to contribute to the etiology or maintenance of TAF have been identified in the literature, but to date, no study has empirically integrated these findings into a comprehensive model. In this study, we examined simultaneously an array of variables thought to be related to TAF, and subsequently developed a model that elucidates the role of those variables that seem most involved in this phenomenon using a structural equation modeling approach. Results indicated that religiosity, as predicted by ethnic identity, was a significant predictor of TAF. Additionally, the relation between ethnic identity and TAF was partially mediated by an inflated sense of responsibility. Both TAF and obsessive-compulsive symptoms were found to be significant predictors of engagement in neutralization activities. Clinical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

运用广义回归神经网络(GRNN)方法对小样本多维项目反应理论(MIRT)补偿性模型的项目参数进行估计,尝试解决传统参数估计方法样本数量要求较大的问题。MIRT双参数Logistic补偿模型被设置为二级计分的二维模型。首先,模拟二维能力参数、项目参数值与考生作答矩阵。其次,把通过主成分分析得到的前两个因子在每个题目上的载荷作为区分度的初始值以及题目通过率作为难度的初始值,这两个指标的初始值作为神经网络的输入。集成100个神经网络,其输出值的均值作为MIRT的项目参数估计值。最后,设置2×2种(能力相关水平:0.3和0.7; 两种估计方法:GRNN和MCMC方法)实验处理,对GRNN和MCMC估计方法的返真性进行比较。结果表明,小样本的情况下,基于GRNN集成方法的参数估计结果优于MCMC方法。  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型的多层调节效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用多层线性模型进行调节效应分析在社科领域已常有应用。尽管多层线性模型区分了层1自变量的组间和组内效应、实现了多层调节效应的分解, 仍然存在抽样误差和测量误差。建议在多层结构方程模型框架下, 设置潜变量和多指标来有效校正抽样误差和测量误差。在介绍多层调节SEM分析的随机系数预测法和潜调节结构方程法后, 总结出一套多层调节的SEM分析流程, 通过一个例子来演示如何用Mplus软件进行多层调节SEM分析。随后评述了多层调节效应分析方法在国内心理学的应用现状, 并展望了多层结构方程和多层调节研究的拓展方向。  相似文献   

以一般结果期待的双维结构观点为基础,按照一般结果期待的乐观期待和悲观期待的水平将184名大学生样本划分为明显乐观、明显悲观、双重倾向和倾向不明四个类型,进而探讨不同类型大学生在创业投资情境下一般结果期待对风险决策偏好的影响。结果表明,风险概率、描述框架与一般结果期待的交互作用显著,在低风险概率、积极框架下,双重倾向型一般结果期待大学生比其他三个类型的大学生表现出明显的风险寻求偏好。  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle is known about the acute effects of exercise among individuals with clinical or subclinical Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).PurposeThus, this study examined worry, state anxiety, and feelings of energy and fatigue responses to acute aerobic exercise and quiet rest, and explored potential moderators of response among young adult women with worry scores indicative of GAD.MethodsSeventeen young women with Penn State Worry Questionnaire scores ≥45 (60 ± 8) completed 30-min treadmill running at 65%–85% heart rate reserve (%HRR) and 30-min seated quiet rest in counterbalanced order. Outcomes included worry, state anxiety, and feelings of energy and fatigue. Two condition X two time repeated measures ANOVA examined differences across condition and time. Hedges’ d effect sizes (95%CI) were calculated to quantify and compare the magnitude of change. Independent-samples t-tests explored potential moderators of outcome response.ResultsTotal exercise time was 35.8 ± 3.4min with a mean 30.3 ± 0.16 in-zone minutes (65%-85%HRR); participants exercised at ∼72.9 ± 0.03 %HRR (range 66%–79%). Compared with quiet rest, acute exercise significantly improved worry engagement, state anxiety, and feelings of energy and fatigue (all p ≤ 0.031). Moderate-to-large (d = 0.44 to 1.69) reductions in state anxiety and feelings of fatigue and improvements in feelings of energy were found. Exercise-induced reductions in worry engagement were significantly larger among non-high trait anxious participants. Compared to normal sleepers, quiet rest significantly increased feelings of fatigue among poor sleepers.ConclusionFindings provide support for the positive effects of acute aerobic exercise on worry, state anxiety, and feelings of energy and fatigue among young women with worry indicative of GAD.  相似文献   

This experiment examined the relationship between two qualitatively different reinforcers and the parameters of a quantitative model of reinforced responding, referred to as the response-strength equation or the Herrnstein equation. A group of rats was first food deprived and later water deprived. An 11.5% sucrose solution served as the reinforcer in the food-deprivation condition, and water was the reinforcer in the water-deprivation condition. Each experimental session consisted of a series of seven variable-interval schedules, providing reinforcement rates that varied between 20 and 1,200 reinforcers per hour. The response rates increased in a negatively accelerating function in a manner consistent with the response-strength equation. This equation has two fitted parameters, k and Re. According to one theory, the k parameter is a measure of motor performance, and Re is indicative of the relative reinforcement efficacy of the background uncontrollable sources of reinforcement in relation to the experimentally arranged reinforcer. In this study, k did not change as a result of the different reinforcers, but Re was significantly larger in the sucrose-reinforcement condition. These results are consistent with the interpretation that k and Re measure two independent and experimentally distinguishable parameters and provide further evidence that absolute response rate is a function of relative reinforcement rate, as implied by the derivation of the response-strength equation based on the matching law.  相似文献   

Although findings from cognitive science have suggested learning benefits of confronting errors (Metcalfe, 2017), they are not often capitalized on in many mathematics classrooms (Tulis, 2013). The current study assessed the effects of examples focused on either common mathematical misconceptions and errors or correct concepts and procedures on algebraic feature knowledge and solving quadratic equations. Middle school algebra students (N = 206) were randomly assigned to four conditions. Two errorful conditions either displayed errors and asked students to explain or displayed correct solutions and primed students to reflect on potential errors by problem type. A correct example condition and problem-solving control group were also included. Studying and explaining common errors displayed in incorrect examples improved equation-solving ability. An aptitude-by-treatment interaction revealed that learners with limited understandings of algebraic features demonstrated greater benefits. Theoretical implications about using examples to promote learning from errors are considered in addition to suggestions for educational practice.  相似文献   


The Young-Laplace equation was firstly established based on a liquid film without shearing resistance. It is not valid for a solid. By taking into account the in-plane shearing and transverse shearing within a surface layer, we reconstruct the Young-Laplace equation for a solid. This new version shows that the equilibrium of a solid surface is determined by the bulk stress, the surface membrane stress and the transverse shear stress acting together. The transverse shear stress depends on the gradient of the Gaussian curvature of the surface and the strain. The intrinsic membrane stress and transverse shear stress cause residual stresses to appear in the interior of the solid. The intrinsic transverse shear stress occurs only in a non-spherical shaped body.  相似文献   

A new schematic diagram is presented which shows the displacement paths of surface particles within the contact circle when a rigid cone is loaded normally on an elastic half-space. With the help of this diagram and the information available in the literature, it is argued here that a modification made to the Love equation in 1999 is unnecessary and incorrect. It is also shown that the modification results in an incorrect expression for the surface radial displacement outside the contact circle. Therefore, it is suggested that the modification be dropped forthwith.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test two structural models of the relationship between appraised psychological workload and musculoskeletal symptoms from the neck, shoulder, and upper and lower back with different aspects of perceived fatigue as mediating variables. In this cross-sectional study a questionnaire survey was conducted among employees at three Swedish assembly plants (n= 305). The proposed models were tested for one general fatigue dimension--lack of energy--and four specific fatigue dimensions--physical discomfort, physical exertion, lack of motivation, and sleepiness--using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the role of perceived fatigue in the relationship between appraised workload and musculoskeletal symptoms is different for different aspects of fatigue. The general fatigue dimension, lack of energy, does not mediate the relationship. As regards the specific fatigue dimensions, the relationship is partially mediated by physical discomfort and lack of motivation but not by physical exertion or sleepiness. Appraised psychological workload has a unique effect on musculoskeletal symptoms not mediated by fatigue.  相似文献   

许多证据表明权力在大脑中是以垂直空间来进行表征的, 具体而言为言语和视觉空间编码。前人研究发现两种编码具有情境依赖性, 即当前任务决定了激活哪种编码。一般的词类判断任务主要依赖于言语编码。然而仍不确定的是, 当排除言语空间编码后, 词类判断任务能否激活视觉空间编码。本研究拟借助双任务范式探讨此问题。实验结果发现单任务条件下出现权力-空间交互, 并且双任务条件下, 这一交互只受到视觉空间次要任务的干扰。这说明, 词类判断任务也可依赖视觉空间编码, 并进一步支持了权力空间表征的情境依赖性。  相似文献   

Many studies have suggested that the motor system is organized in a hierarchical fashion, around the prototypical end location associated with using objects. However, most studies supporting the hierarchical view have used well-known actions and objects that are highly over-learned. Accordingly, at present it is unclear if the hierarchical principle applies to learning the use of novel objects as well. In the present study we found that when learning to use a novel object subjects acquired an action representation of the end location associated with using the object, as evidenced by slower responses in an action observation task, when the object was presented at an incorrect end location. By showing the importance of knowledge about end locations when learning to use a novel object, the present study suggests that end locations are a fundamental organizing feature of the human motor system.  相似文献   

王阳  温忠麟  付媛姝 《心理科学进展》2020,28(11):1961-1969
常用的结构方程模型拟合指数存在一定局限, 如χ 2以传统零假设为目标假设, 无法验证模型, 而RMSEA和CFI等描述性的拟合指数不具备推断统计性质, 等效性检验有效弥补了这些问题。首先说明等效性检验如何评价单个模型的拟合, 并解释其与零假设检验的不同, 然后介绍等效性检验如何分析测量不变性, 接着用实证数据展示了等效性检验在单个模型评价和测量不变性检验中的效果, 并与传统模型评价方法比较。  相似文献   

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