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现代教育,必须在教学中发挥学生的主观能动性,培养学生发散性思维能力,变被动地接受知识为主动摄取。这就要求教师必须在每一节课选择适当的教学模式,达到提高教学质量的目的。“开放式”教学就是我在教学实践中总结出的一种比较理想的教学模式。  相似文献   

一、“中国梦”需要文化软实力的有力支撑“软实力”的概念是美国哈佛大学教授小约瑟夫·奈提出来的。他指出,一个国家的综合国力既包括由经济、科技、军事实力等表现出来的“硬实力”,也包括以文化和意识形态吸引力体现出来的“软实力”。有数据表明,目前美欧占据世界文化市场总额的76.5%,日本、澳大利亚、韩国等亚太国家占19%,美国文化产业创造的价值早已超过了该国重工业和轻工业生产的总值,占美国GDP的25%左右。  相似文献   

朱熹曾说过:“学贵有疑。读书无疑须有疑,有疑定要求无疑。无疑本自有疑始。”可见,学习就是一个“以质疑始、以释疑终”的过程,其关键就是如何在“疑”字上下工夫。  相似文献   

江西某县原县委宣传部长李强兴(化名)2005年再次迁祖坟的消息不胫而走。李强兴原本是李家一根独苗,家境十分贫寒,但天资聪明,读书勤  相似文献   

As powerful socializing agents, schools can be important facilitators in changing social norms of gender-role expectations. This research study was designed to determine the impact of an interdisciplinary course in the effects of sex-role stereotyping on awareness and attitudes of the participants. The high school students in the experimental program increased their awareness of the stereotyping process and the effects of narrowly defined sex roles. These students perceived the roles of males and females in a more socially androgynous context than did students who did not take the course.  相似文献   

There were no differences in achievement in a college-level general psychology course between students who had completed a high school psychology course and those students who had not completed a high school psychology course. The results are discussed in terms of the content, quality, and objectives of high school psychology courses. The discussion includes a consideration of the role of school psychologists in high-school-level psychology courses. Future trends in the teaching of psychology at the secondary and university level are reviewed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of retrieval practice (i.e., the use of testing to enhance learning) by middle school students on science learning in an authentic educational setting. For initial study, all students (n = 39) read a science text and made study notes about the text, a regular study activity in their course. For restudy (2 days later), students either copied their notes or did retrieval practice. For the final test (an additional 2 days later), all students did a recall task from memory. Students in the retrieval practice condition showed better retention of information than students in the copy condition. These results add to a growing body of research on the use of retrieval practice as an effective learning tool for retention within authentic school settings.  相似文献   

A sample of 324 practicing school psychologists received a fictitious case study to which was attached a photograph of an attractive boy, an attractive girl, an unattractive boy, or an unattractive girl. Otherwise the case studies were identical. Each psychologist was asked to make several decisions based upon the information provided in the case study. Results of a multivariate analysis of variance indicated that a pupil's attractiveness had a significant effect on the judgments of school psychologists.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the consultant's role in dealing with problems in large special classes and the value of introducing operant techniques through untrained teachers were investigated in the present study. Twenty-two out-of-control boys in a special class for emotionally disturbed children were brought under the control of a number of token reinforcement systems with a resultant increase in task-oriented behavior and academic productivity. With teachers acting as observer-recorders and behavior change agents the school psychologist was able to minimize his role as a consultant with considerable success.  相似文献   

The paper describes and evaluates the GOFER course in decision making for high school students (Mann, Harmoni and Power, 1988). The course was based on principles from the conflict theory of decision making (Janis and Mann, 1977) and was designed to provide adolescents with an understanding of factors that produce good and poor decision making as well as knowledge and practice of sound decision skills. Two evaluation studies were conducted to examine effectiveness of the course. Study 1 was conducted with young adolescents (12 year olds). It found a significant difference between students trained in the course and a control group on measures of self-esteem as a decision maker, self reported decision habits and knowledge of decision strategy. Study 2 was conducted with mid-adolescents (15 year olds). It, too, found a significant difference between students who took the course and a control group on measures of self esteem as a decision maker and self-reported decision habits. It is concluded that while the evaluation study fell short of an ideal test, the GOFER course met the criteria of improving student knowledge, raising confidence in decision making and changing self reported decision habits.  相似文献   

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