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Incarcerated women's perceptions of the prison environment were explored with respect to relative level of safety from interpersonal abuse in prison as compared to before incarceration. Perceived levels of safety were analyzed based on reported past experiences of interpersonal violence. Participants were 65 women incarcerated in a medium security prison for women with mental and physical health problems. Women's perceptions of safety were evaluated using close–ended quantitative and open–ended qualitative self–report questions. The results suggest that, for some women, prison may be a relatively safe environment and that perceived level of safety may vary with the extent of previous experience of interpersonal violence in childhood and adulthood. Given that the structure of correctional institutions often incorporates abusive dynamics, the directionality of the findings is theoretically and socially important. The patterns apparent in these data are also consistent with other research and theory on the experiences of incarcerated women.  相似文献   

Counseling psychologists are working in correctional settings; yet, research on how the profession and setting interact to achieve successful solutions for corrections is lacking. This paper provides a conceptual starting point for such research by describing three core themes of counseling psychology: strengths-based approaches, person and environment interaction, and developmental approach across the lifespan. Each core theme is applied to various correctional setting needs (e.g. multiculturalism, violence prevention and rehabilitative treatments, developmentally appropriate vocational services across the lifespan) illustrate the unique fit and ability of counseling psychology to produce successful solutions within this non-traditional counseling setting. Describing the solutions generated by the profession of counseling psychology in the correctional setting may encourage more counseling psychologists to consider applying their knowledge skills and abilities to this important and diverse area of public service and professional work.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes an exploratory study undertaken to consider the work of Australian chaplaincy personnel ministering to prisoners within correctional facilities. This qualitative research was not concerned with specific correctional institutions per se, but predominantly about the perspectives of chaplains concerning their professional contribution and issues they experienced while trying to provide pastoral care to prisoners. Data from a single-focus group indicated that prison chaplains were striving to fulfill religious and spiritual duties according to national and international standards for the treatment of prisoners. Given various frustrations identified by participants, that either impeded or thwarted their professional role as chaplains, a number of improvements were subsequently identified in order to develop the efficiency and effectiveness of chaplaincy and thus maximize the benefits of pastoral care to prisoners. Implications of this exploratory study relate not only to prison chaplaincy but also to ecclesiastical organizations, correctional facilities, governments and the need of support for further research to be conducted.  相似文献   

Although psychodynamic concepts may be helpful in identifying the complex interpersonal and manipulative processes that occur between inmates and therapists and to transform them into the therapeutic process they are hardly ever applied in a correctional setting. The author provides an insight into the psychotherapeutic work conducted in prison. The first part of the paper outlines the special conditions in which psychodynamic psychotherapy occurs in a social therapeutic intervention institution within the German prison service. Characteristic transference and countertransference constellations are described. Based on a verbatim report an account is provided of a therapy session with a serious violent offender. In his reflections on the session the author focuses on the effects on the transference process of, in the offender’s eyes, being both therapist and assessor at the same time.  相似文献   

Supervision of mental health counselors and psychologists is a developing field within psychology. Supervision models and needs are being researched and defined. Supervision for correctional mental health counselors and psychologists is an important part of correctional psychology, but has received very little research attention. There are many aspects of correctional psychology that are unique from the field of psychology as a whole; this is certainly true for supervision of correctional mental health staff. This article examines the supervision needs of correctional mental health counselors and psychologists. An application of one supervision model to correctional psychology is presented.  相似文献   

The significant expansion of correctional populations in the last decade, coupled with the gradual erosion of community treatment infrastructure and health insurance, have brought greater attention to the needs of offenders who have co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Individuals with co-occurring disorders frequently cycle through acute care facilities in the community and increasingly are placed in jails or prisons. Approximately 16% of inmates in correctional facilities have major mental health disorders (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1999), and a large majority of these inmates have co-occurring substance use disorders. Few studies have examined the effectiveness of correctional treatment for co-occurring disorders, and there is little information available regarding clinical and programmatic approaches used with this population. The current study provides findings from a comprehensive national survey of co-occurring disorder treatment programs in correctional settings. A total of 20 co-occurring disorder treatment programs from 13 state correctional systems were identified and surveyed. Many of the programs featured modified therapeutic communities, but there was significant diversity in the duration of treatment and type of services provided. Several unique structural and clinical modifications to treatment have been developed in these settings. Implementation of co-occurring disorder treatment programs has led to enhanced collaboration with prison health services and community supervision and treatment agencies, and greater use of interdisciplinary staff to provide outreach and case management services. Research is now being conducted to examine outcomes in several of these correctional treatment programs.  相似文献   

Any consideration of human sexuality inevitably refers to fundamental and powerful physical, psychological, behavioral, attitudinal, and social forces that permeate many important aspects of human life and culture. As with many issues impacting society in general, these become magnified within the correctional environment.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the significant challenges that are involved in the development of services for perpetrators of intimate partner violence who are in prison. It is suggested that difficulties in accurately identifying intimate partner violence, reliably assessing risk of re-offense, and in identifying offending behavior programs that meet the specific needs of prisoners have limited the development of services in this area. As a result it is argued that unique and complex victim related issues that arise during incarceration and post-release are not adequately recognized in current correctional assessment and case management systems. Four avenues for future research and service development in this area are identified, with a view to developing the role that correctional services have to play in preventing intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

Recent media reports have attempted to shed light on correctional officers who end their careers in disgrace for either having sexual relationships with prisoners or for smuggling contraband into correctional facilities. In this article, I take an autoethnographic approach, reflecting on my seven years as a “guard-researcher” and demonstrate through real-life examples how inmates identify the weak links among prison employees, subtly feel them out, and then untiringly persist in establishing these inappropriate relationships. This article shows how seemingly benign gestures of inmates are actually calculated moves taken to gain leverage and exploit their marks, the weak correctional staff members, who fall for these tricks.  相似文献   

Recently, Joyce Mitchell, a correctional employee in New York, confessed to assisting two dangerous murderers in an elaborate escape attempt. While our study does not focus on correctional officers who admit to such deviant behaviors, it examines correctional officers’ perceptions of boundary violations committed by their co-workers. Using a macro-level ecological framework as our theoretical perspective, namely Sampson, Raudenbush, and Earl’s (1997) theory of collective efficacy, we surmise that organizational factors such as strong supervision and peer support can build mutual trust in prison environments where correctional officers perceive their jobs to be dangerous and stressful. Our findings have important implications for the management of correctional facilities as well as for the contemporary development and significance of the theory of collective efficacy.  相似文献   

South African prisons were overcrowded by more than sixty-three percent in 2005. Overcrowding and poor prison conditions have enormous implications for rehabilitation efforts made by the South African Department of Correctional Services. The South African White Paper on Corrections (2005) commits the Department of Correctional Services to provide needs-based rehabilitation processes and a framework of continuous evaluation to measure the impact and success of such processes. It also acknowledges that monitoring the rates of recidivism is a critical indicator of the success, the effectiveness of needs-based rehabilitation, and improved service. A reliable system for monitoring recidivism will have to be developed and put in place. In this respect, actuarial criminology can make a vital contribution. This article poses a strategic alternative to the correctional industry in Southern Africa that can be used for the realization of correctional ideals, especially where retribution and overcrowding are still the main features of correctional institutions.  相似文献   


Background: Many jurisdictions globally have no specific prison policy to guide prison management and prison staff in relation to the special needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) prisoners despite the United Nations for the Treatment of Prisoners Standard Minimum Rules and the updated 2017 Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Within LGBT prison groups, transgender people represent a key special population with distinct needs and rights, with incarceration rates greater than that of the general population, and who experience unique vulnerabilities in prisons.

Aims/Method: A scoping review was conducted of extant information on the transgender prison situation, their unique health needs and outcomes in contemporary prison settings. Fifty-nine publications were charted and thematically analyzed.

Results: Five key themes emerged: Transgender definition and terminology used in prison publications; Prison housing and classification systems; Conduct of correctional staff toward incarcerated transgender people; Gender affirmation, health experiences and situational health risks of incarcerated transgender people; and Transgender access to gender-related healthcare in prison.

Conclusions: The review highlights the need for practical prison based measures in the form of increased advocacy, awareness raising, desensitization of high level prison management, prison staff and prison healthcare providers, and clinical and cultural competence institutional training on transgender patient care. The review underscores the need to uphold the existing international mandates to take measures to protect incarcerated transgender people from violence and stigmatization without restricting rights, and provide adequate gender sensitive and gender affirming healthcare, including hormone therapy and gender reassignment.  相似文献   

This survey examined policies of correctional facilities as they relate to transsexual inmates in the European Community as well as Australia, Canada and the United States. Where formal policies were reported, we inquired into whether these policies addressed the following issues: is hormonal therapy provided and if so under what conditions; are transsexual inmates at greater risk of physical or sexual assault; is surgery ever available to those in the prison system; and are placement decisions of corrections departments influenced by surgical status. We found that only 40% of correctional services departments had either formal or informal policies which addressed issues such as hormone treatment. While more than half of correctional services departments would not initiate hormone therapy, almost half would maintain previously prescribed hormone treatment. Genital status was the overwhelming factor in determining placement in a men's or women's prison. There was no consensus on the risk of either physical or sexual assault of transsexual inmates. The 60% of respondents without formal or informal policies were largely consistent in asserting that policy is developed and implemented on a case management basis in the best interests of the institution and the inmate.  相似文献   

The Federal Constitutional Court is searching for a legal instrument with which it can enforce the entitlement to freedom of those sentenced to lengthy prison terms when leniency is not shown due to the passivity of correctional facilities. Increasingly – and in contrast to the 1990s – judicial ministries urge correctional facilities to be conservative with respect to decisions on privileges due to the prioritization of aspects of public security (trial vs. expectation clauses). The courts responsible for the execution of civil judgment need successful experiences in the liberalization of the enforcement of sentences in order to give a positive legal prognosis. With its most recent decision, the Federal Constitutional Court affirmed its determination to aid the inmates’ entitlement to freedom if the penal system does not relax sentences. From a criminological perspective, it is already the case that the relevance of leniency tests for the creation of prognoses is questioned. A sentence enforcement chamber of the regional court in Aachen recently ordered the release of a prisoner after 35 years without any leniencies. Specialists’ appraisals were given priority over the judicial correctional facility’s judgment. Under consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of denied privileges the paper calls for stronger constitutional access for the courts responsible for the enforcement of sentences.  相似文献   

The BB-JuSt is a newly developed standardized instrument used in juvenile correctional settings to document the results of the inital assessment of treatment and educational needs of young offenders. It is made up of 23 items with 5-point rating scales (with the exception of the item caring for a child) which refer to specific needs and responsivity factors relating to educational attainments and basic reading/writing and mathematic skills, alcohol/drug/gambling problems, criminogenic disposition (e.g., aggressiveness), psychological disorders, lifestyle and social environment (e.g. associates and family). To determine the interrater reliability of this instrument 42 young offenders were classified by professional prison staff as usual, and additionally by 2 external researchers. Whereas excellent agreement between the external researchers was achieved on all items, the comparison between staff and researchers showed only moderate correlations. These results indicate that the BB-JuSt is a reliable instrument that can be used for treatment planning decisions and for research purposes but extensive training is required for users.  相似文献   

Correctional practitioners work within a context that is heavily influenced and constrained by punishment policies and practices. The overlap between the normative frameworks of punishment and offender rehabilitation creates a unique set of ethical challenges for program developers and therapists. In this paper we set out to briefly outline three major punishment theories and draw out their implications for correctional practitioners. First, we discuss the nature of punishment and the problems it poses for practitioners and all citizens in liberal democracies. Second, consequential, retributive, and communicative justifications of punishment are succinctly described and their clinical implications analyzed and some limitations noted. Finally we conclude with some suggestions for ethical practice in correctional settings.  相似文献   

Turner and Johnson attempted to determine the attitudes of federal prison employees regarding job satisfaction and personal safety. They designed a questionnaire to measure these factors and sent it to 147 workers in 19 federal correctional institutions. The results of the questionnaire, which had a return rate of 80%, generally indicate a high level of job satisfaction and relatively little concern about safety among employees who completed the questionnaire.  相似文献   

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