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产品设计领域的消费者审美体验   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
消费者从产品设计上获得的审美体验会影响他们对产品的感知和购买.审美体验的作用机制涉及神经科学研究、信息处理模型和情感反应过程三部分.具体图形与结构元素、一般化的设计要素、个体因素都会影响消费者对设计的审美体验,而审美体验会进一步通过溢出效应、感染效应和对比效应等方式影响产品性能感知、产品评价和购买意向.未来研究应解决已有研究结果间的矛盾并继续探索美学在消费者行为领域的理论和实践价值.  相似文献   


Despite the huge interest in different philosophical questions surrounding literature, particularly analytic philosophers have had relatively little to say about literature’s specifically aesthetic character. Peter Kivy has developed this antiaesthetic tendency furthest, ultimately denying that the reading of prose literature has any deep aesthetic content. Building on Alan Goldman’s and John Dewey’s work on aesthetic experience, I argue that a key literary feature of novels I single out – what I term a replete moment – has the potential to trigger in readers significant aesthetic experiences. Along with revealing aesthetic aspects in reading that Kivy’s position does not cover, my account shows that contemplation of the overall structure of the novel is not the sole, more substantial form aesthetic experience can take in the case of reading, as Kivy’s formalistic literary aesthetics assumes. This conclusion is argued to be significant also for the general philosophical discussion on aesthetic experience. An analysis of a key passage in John Irving’s A Prayer for Owen Meany is an important part of the view of literary aesthetic experience put forth.  相似文献   

This article defends the content approach to aesthetic experience. It begins by sketching this approach to aesthetic experience. It then rehearses certain recent criticisms of the view by Alan Goldman and attempts to rebut them. One of those criticisms raises a long‐standing concern about the author's account that has recently been called the “qua” problem. The article concludes by putting this issue to rest.  相似文献   

双加工理论认为锻炼行为形成中自动加工(系统1)和熟虑加工(系统2)是两个相互作用但又截然不同的信息处理系统,其中自动评价通过触发系统1的自动加工过程激活运动记忆自发的心理联想,并对运动进行情感评价,从而影响锻炼行为。本研究的目的是检测锻炼相关刺激在不同锻炼人群中引发的自动评价特点。采用评价启动任务范式,实验1和实验2分别给予阈上和阈下锻炼词或非锻炼词作为启动刺激,之后要求被试对积极或者消极目标词进行按键反应。研究结果显示无论阈上还是阈下呈现锻炼启动词,均表现为锻炼组对积极目标词反应速度更快。结果表明:锻炼人群对于锻炼词具有积极自动评价。  相似文献   

In this paper I examine a controversy ongoingwithin current Deweyan philosophy of educationscholarship regarding the proper role and scopeof science in Dewey's concept of inquiry. Theside I take is nuanced. It is one that issensitive to the importance that Dewey attachesto science as the best method of solvingproblems, while also sensitive to thosestatements in Dewey that counter a wholesalereductivism of inquiry to scientific method. Iutilize Dewey's statements regarding the placeaccorded to inquiry in aesthetic experiences ascharacteristic of his method, as bestconceived.  相似文献   

Are aesthetic judgements cognitive, belief-like states or non-cognitive, desire-like states? There have been a number of attempts in recent years to evaluate the plausibility of a non-cognitivist theory of aesthetic judgements. These attempts borrow heavily from non-cognitivism in metaethics. One argument that is used to support metaethical non-cognitivism is the argument from Motivational Judgement Internalism. It is claimed that accepting this view, together with a plausible theory of motivation, pushes us towards accepting non-cognitivism. A tempting option, then, for those wishing to defend aesthetic non-cognitivism, would be to appeal to a similar argument. However, both Caj Strandberg and Walter Sinnott-Armstong have argued that Internalism is a less plausible claim to make about aesthetic judgements than about moral judgements by raising objections against aesthetic internalism. In this paper, I will argue that both of these objections can be raised against internalism about moral judgements as well. As a result, internalism is no less plausible a claim to make about aesthetic judgements than about moral judgements. I will then show how a theory of internalism about normative judgements in general is capable of avoiding both of these objections.  相似文献   

中国审美文化从本质意义上说是一种与天地亲和的生命文化,儒家传统最基本的特征就是肯定天人之间所具有本体论的一致性,因此儒家不从信仰出发来解释生命的伟大德行,而是从生生不息的生命本身来观照道德的本源。儒家作为生命的实践者,凭借其内在的生命力量,通过澄心静虑、心游目想,通过直观感悟、直觉体悟,以达到人生境界与审美境界的合一。这一过程既是道德主体的一种心理体验,更是道德主体通过一种外在践履工夫的求证。  相似文献   

丁晓君  周昌乐 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1247-1249
本文主要介绍了审美神经机制研究的初步成果,特别有关Zeki,Solso等人开创性的研究工作,并着重讨论了这些研究工作的美学意义,指出审美神经机制的研究不但在美学理论的确证方面,具有更强的说服力和广泛的应用性,而且在21世纪美学理论的重建方面,也一定会起着不可替代的重要作用。  相似文献   

神经美学采用神经科学的技术手段来探索审美的神经机制。本文从审美认知加工过程的角度来探讨审美的心理学原理及其神经机制。回顾了近年来神经美学取得的主要成果, 研究发现与审美加工相关的脑区主要涉及感知觉、运动、情绪以及奖赏等机能系统。神经美学的三个重要研究主题是真与美、离身认知与具身认知以及认知与情绪。未来研究应从时间维度来探讨审美体验的动态性, 从跨艺术形式以及跨文化的视角来探讨审美神经机制的普遍性。  相似文献   

采用两个艺术创造力测量任务比较了中国留学生、德国大学生和中国国内学生的艺术创造力水平。使用共感评价技术作为评判艺术作品创造程度、技术水平等维度的方法。研究发现:(1)在艺术创造力任务中,中国留学生没有表现出比中国国内学生的优势,说明可能多元文化经验对创造力表达的影响是有条件的;(2)德国学生的艺术创造力水平高于中国学生,本结果支持前人研究中有关个人主义文化相对于集体主义文化更有助于创造力表达的相关假设;(3)共感评价技术是艺术创造力研究的有效工具。  相似文献   

早期养育经验与母子依恋水平的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李凌 《心理科学》2005,28(3):699-701
运用沃特期-迪因儿童依恋行为分类卡片的相关条目,评估81名寄宿制幼儿园幼儿与母亲的依恋水平,并用自编问卷回溯幼儿三岁前的养育经验及相关基本信息。结果显示:幼儿与母亲的依恋总体上都处于比较积极的状态;主要照料者非保姆的、母亲产后复工时间在三个月内的、母亲主观陪伴愿望强的、与母亲分离增多始于2岁半及以上的、母亲从未威胁抛弃的,母子依恋总分较高;女孩、主要照料者非保姆的、母亲主观陪伴愿望强的、与母亲分离增多始于2岁半及以上的、母亲从未威胁抛弃的,与母亲直接相关的依恋分数都较高;高年级及母亲从未威胁抛弃的,一般行为倾向上表现更为积极;断奶和母亲产后复工时间在三个月内的、母亲无暇或不能全心全意陪伴的、母亲从未威胁抛弃的,对陌生人的兴趣和接近性更强;而喂养方式、母亲实际陪伴孩子时间的多少、及早期与母亲的分离经验,未发现对各依恋指标的显著性影响。提示:早期养育中,母亲对孩子的主观感情倾向和相处质量,更有利于增进母子依恋及相关积极行为;了解孩子心理的阶段性发展特点也具重要意义。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with pragmatic connectives and their uses in discursive argumentation. Three approaches to pragmatic connectives will be presented: (1) argumentation theory, which implies a conception of pragmatics integrated within semantics, and a specific type of argumentative rules, called topoi; (2) discourse structure theory, which associates a function in the structuring of discourse sequences to pragmatic connectives; (3) relevance theory, which constitutes a cognitive pragmatic theory, in which no specific principle is associated to linguistic items. However, two main functions to pragmatic connectives can be proposed: the facilitation of inferences, and the access to relevance. The final purpose of this article is to indicate how argumentative effects in discourse can be explained in a cognitively-based pragmatic theory.  相似文献   

While many scholars have demonstrated the effectiveness of theatre-based knowledge mobilization, fewer studies have examined its psychological dimensions. This article examines some psychological theories that may account for the success behind theatre-based knowledge mobilization. Drawing from the Canadian Experience Project, a study about the labor market challenges of skilled immigrant workers, we show how theatre-based research dissemination efforts attempt to achieve optimal stress by using aesthetic distance processes. We maintain that this psychological capacity to attune to audience members, especially evident in forum theatre, makes theatre a particularly effective means for knowledge mobilization.  相似文献   

日常经验研究:一种独具特色的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日常经验研究是一种通过研究日常生活中各种事件发生时人们的瞬时感受而在自发、自然的情景中对人的心理现象、过程进行探索的方法。其目的是通过获得关于个人日常生活中某些特定事件或特定时刻的详细描述,来提取有关思维、情绪、行为的持久性、周期性、变化以及时间结构等方面的信息,并确定上述因素之间的情境性以及倾向性相关。日常经验研究的价值和意义在于在方法论三角互证原则的指导下,与其他各种方法结合起来,帮助研究者从不同角度理解心理现象及其过程,从而达到最大限度地探索、了解人类心理世界的目的  相似文献   

躯体变形障碍是一种并不罕见的精神障碍,其临床表现的特殊性使大多数患者以普通求术者的身份出现在美容整形科医生面前。然而,关容整形手术非但不能解决患者的心理问题,更可能引发复杂的医疗纠纷。基于躯体变形障碍在美容整形科呈高发生率的特点,文章对美容整形术前心理评估的必要性和现状进行分析,并列举了有效的评估工具以提高心理评估的准确性。  相似文献   

徐文泽 《现代哲学》2007,(5):126-130
文章阐明了霍克海默的审美教育观及其当代价值,提出他的审美教育观是以主客体相互中介的"社会批判理论"为基础,以强调培育反思能力与自由个性的人为目标;他的这一审美教育观念不仅影响了现代德国美育教育学理论,也影响了美育教学和艺术创作,对于我国当代美育理论与教学实验及发展文化产业,都具有积极的借鉴及启示意义。  相似文献   




This study examined the role of values or guiding principles emerging from the life histories and reflections of 111 older adults as predictors of the experience of aging. Participants completed a detailed life history interview in which they described themselves on 10 major life dimensions. They also completed standardized questionnaires of well-being, personality traits, and intolerance of uncertainty. Participants expressed a mix of prosocial and self-interest values in their interviews. Multiple regression analyses indicated that social support and intolerance of uncertainty positively predicted the extent of values articulated in the interviews. Better quality of aging was predicted positively by extent of emergent values and greater well-being and negatively by age. The results indicate that an examination of values provides a unique contribution to the understanding of the experience of aging.  相似文献   

我国整形美容外科在迅速发展的同时还存在许多弊病,为了促进学科整体健康快速发展,整形美容外科的年轻医师除了精进专业技术,还必须进行必要的人文修炼。本文介绍并分析了整形美容外科面临的五个人文困境,指出整形美容外科年轻医师具有进行人文修炼的必要性,并提出人文修炼的三条途径。  相似文献   

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