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Using data from a survey conducted in Psychodynamic of Work in a maximum security penitentiary with monitors of industrial workshops, this paper proposes an understanding of the impact of organizational constraints on the psychological health. This qualitative study shows that the situation faced by these workers produces significant sources of suffering for example, work prevented, oppositions between different groups of workers, rough social relationships, fears and dangers). Few sources of pleasure, based on the team relationship, the challenge of rehabilitation of prisoners and the satisfaction of making quality products. The study identified various defensive strategies to counter the suffering at work. Finally, the discussion focuses on the importance of collective work as a means of protecting psychological health.  相似文献   

The negative consequences faced by students who are victims of school bullying are clearly documented. Nevertheless, few studies have examined victim's reactions and strategies to cope with bullying. Yet a better understanding of these reactions would allow a better support from health professionals and to improved prevention actions. This study aims to explore the victim's coping strategies through the content-analysis of 32 interviews conducted with former victims. Given their decisive influence on the bullying's situation, spontaneous or requested reactions of peers, teachers and parents are examined as well. To include these two aspects in a common theoretical framework, this research proposes to combine two distinct approaches: the coping strategies and the Participant Role Approach (Salmivalli, 2010; Salmivalli et al., 1996). The efficiency of each highlighted strategy is analysed and discussed regarding current scientific knowledge. Results suggest that victims generally experiment a large panel of reactions and strategies to cope with bullying. Nevertheless, few of these strategies seem to have an effect on bullying itself, but some can improve the emotional well-being of the victims. Victims who attempted to be liked by their bullies by changing their own behaviour reported no improvement of their relations with the bullies, neither did the ones who used humour in order to get closer to bullies. Bullies didn’t get tired when victims passively endured the bullying, hoping that it would stop by itself. Stand up (verbally or physically) to the bully led to increased bullying (one situation excepted). Physical avoidance of bullies (e.g. staying in classroom during playtimes) allowed some victims to temporarily reduce their emotional distress. Several victims experimented positive interactions with peers in extra-curricular activities (e.g. sport, art, scouting) that helped them recovering confidence in their social skills. Most of victims sought social support at one point of the bullying time. The efficiency of this strategy entirely belongs to the warned person's reaction and is thus highly variable. Based on participants’ report, only increased connectedness with a peer could have an impact on the bullying behaviour through a better integration in the peer-group. On the contrary, parents and teachers’ reactions are often perceived by the victims as not appropriate and as leading to a worse situation. In terms of practical implications, these results highlight the importance of raising teachers and parents’ awareness of the bullying, as well as the significance of the peers group dynamic. Following-up any bullying situation observed or reported in the school would probably help ensuring relevant interventions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to show the impact of social position, category and culture on strategies of influence in a managerial context. Although cultural norms in a society can lead to preferences for certain types of behaviour, status and organizational culture are also determinants in interpersonal relations. To demonstrate this phenomenon, a questionnaire was presented to middle managers belonging to different cultures (Chinese/French) and working in different sectors of activity (finance/industry). The participants were asked to evaluate strategies for dealing with situations in which a manager asks the target (of superior, equal or inferior status) to carry out a task. The results reveal some cultural similarities: there is relative consensus between Chinese and French managers on the strategies to adopt according to the status of the target. However, differences were also identified: in China there is more focus on relations with greater flexibility concerning social position. It appears therefore that certain values are necessary to participate in the phenomenon of globalisation, but these values seem to be negotiable, if not entirely negotiated, according to the culture.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to explore reciprocal relations between acculturative strategies of immigrant trainees and their “strategies” of integration into a workgroup. The investigation of each participant’s identity dynamics served as a basis to this qualitative and exploratory study, using the IMIS (multistage social identity investigator), created by Zavalloni and Louis-Guérin (1984, 2007). In both the cases presented here, work environments echoed back to some of the main obstacles opposing to the social integration of immigrants. Therefore, part of the results revealed spontaneous emergence of adaptative strategies simultaneously linking to cultures and the profession.  相似文献   

Using two empirical studies, this article compare assessment methods and tools used in personnel selection and career counseling. Subjects are requested to point up their methods and assessment tools, on the one hand by 327 recruiters, on the other hand, by 318 competences reports. The results indicated a spread tendency to use interview and personality assessment tools. This spread tendency to use work psychology tools whatever the assessment context raises thought about choices and representations associated with psychometrical methods.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the age-related differences in control strategies deployment, and examined the relations of control strategies with indicators of well-being and cognitive efficiency. Eighty-five participants aged from 18 to 93 years old completed measures of control strategies and anxiety, and were administered several cognitive tests designed to assess processing speed, reasoning and episodic memory. Results showed that (1) middle-aged individuals use more control strategies based on emotional regulation and goal disengagement than younger and older individuals, (2) individuals who deploy more control strategies focused on emotions report lower levels of anxiety, and (3) cognitive resources moderate the relation between age and control strategies deployment. That is, although increased age is associated with lower deployment of control strategies, the current project showed that age effects in control strategies were weaker for people with higher levels of cognitive resources than for people with lower levels of cognitive resources.  相似文献   

IntroductionCrohn's disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, has strong psychological and social repercussions related to the specificity of the symptomatology. To better understand how patients cope with the disease, coping strategies have been studied but without taking into account the specificity of the CD experience.ObjectiveOur objective is to identify the perceived coping strategies used by patients in relation to their illness experience.MethodUsing a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews and thematic content analysis with 33 CD patients in remission were conducted.ResultsOur results highlight that some of the coping strategies used are not taken into account by the coping scales frequently used in the literature. Indeed, the illness experience appears to be fundamental in the establishment of new strategies based on the experiential knowledge patients use to reduce the stress induced by a potential relapse. Moreover, coping strategies based on positive emotions are also implemented, and they enable patients to make sense of the disease.ConclusionThe coping strategies, i.e., “experiential knowledge” and “positive emotions”, may shed more light on the complexity of the illness experience of CD patients and allow us to make recommendations concerning the psychological support of patients.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine what organizational and personal factors may have protected workers, placed in different professional status (in the office, teleworking or absence of activity at home) from developing anxiety during the lockdown in the spring 2020 in France. Effects of professional status and personal resources mobilized in these different contexts, through coping strategies and perceived social support, have been studied. Three hundred and twenty-seven public officials were interviewed. The results show that work activity protects from anxiety, like social support from colleagues and friends. Emotion-focused coping strategies has been deleterious unlike problem-focused ones. The family situation does not seem to have had an effect. This study highlights the positive role that work, both in terms of activity and relationships, may have had on individuals during this period.  相似文献   

We focus in this study on strategies used by clinical psychologists to cope with their own or patient psychological distress in the framework of help relationship. A self-administered form was sent to listings of professionals by e-mail. The sample is made of 187 French clinical psychologists. To cope with patients’ suffering, psychologists use mostly avoidance coping style. And the strategies they prefer are “supervision”, “personal therapy” and “speaking with colleagues” (problem focused coping strategies). To cope with their own distress, which has a lot of negative impacts on help relationship, psychologists have most frequently a problem focused coping style but their favourite strategy is to “lighten their schedules”. And almost a quarter of the sample presents a significant level of distress. In conclusion, results show that psychological distress management by psychologists is an important question with a lot of ethical questions.  相似文献   

Entering a male-dominated occupation is favorable to the study of identity strategies. Based on a research among thirty female bus drivers, this article aims to demonstrate that the transfer – in the professional sphere – of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and values acquired in other spheres and times of socialization, is an important component of such strategies. Referred to the model of an active and plural socialization (Baubion-Broye & Hajjar, 1998 ; Almudever & al, 1999) and to Dubar’s distinction (2000) of a biographical and a relational transaction, the content analysis of the female bus drivers interviews allowed : a) to emphasize the relevance of using transfer of experiences acquisitions as an indicator of biographical transaction; b) to establish the links between transfer processes and gender positioning (as an indicator of relational transaction); c) to define three types of identity strategies distinguished by their level of transfer activation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to deal with the questions of stress and emotions in the sports fields based on transactional theory and reversal theory. Competitive marathon runners (n = 36) completed self-report questionnaires a few hours before and after a marathon. Results highlighted the importance to precompetitive phase in terms of the subjective states of tension–stress, effort–stress, anxiety and excitation. Interesting links were observed between some of these expressions of emotional experience and the performance. It was also demonstrated that the same coping strategy could be associated with pleasant and unpleasant emotions. The limits of this study and the practice perspectives for marathon running will be reviewed in this study.  相似文献   

This article examines the ways in which representational and identity transformations work during the socialization in the workplace of young LGBT hires, linked to discrimination perceived in their workplace environment as well as their impact on professional goals. Working within the theoretical framework of active socialization, the study is based on the IMIS method and proposes a detailed analysis of two cases recently entering the transportation workplace. The results show that, depending on how severe the perceived discrimination is in the workplace, previous experiences of homophobia encountered in other environments and already built self-image are reactivated in different ways, leading to a more or less important reconstruction of professional and identity representations, as well as the future goals of the individual. These elements are discussed from the point of view of interactions between environments and possible interventions by valuing diversity and accompanying the integration of young hires into organizations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to show that the organization of work, appearing in a cultural context marked by inequity, and raising the symptoms of stress, has an adverse impact on the functioning of Cameroonian universities. From a random probability sample of 287 university teachers were selected. Relative to the French version of the organizational factors Karasek and Siegrist questionnaire and inventory-based stress symptoms questionnaire were administered to them. The analysis method was statistical results and hypotheses were tested with multiple regression. All hypotheses are confirmed.This research raises awareness of mental health, if it is not supported, can further contribute to weaken higher education in Cameroon.  相似文献   

An approach to the evolution of the relations between school and career counselling activities and those of personnel selection during the 20th century in France leads to distinguish between three periods. During the first one, these activities (organised around the notion of aptitudes) were close. The second period was marked by the birth of procedures for selecting and distributing the students within the school organisation: vocational counselling activities grew apart from those in the domains of employment counselling and selection. In the last period (characterized by a high unemployment rate and a growth of very flexible forms of work and employment) these different activities – organised around the notion of competence – came closer. In short, these activities appear to find their meaning only through their reciprocal links, in connection with the kind of work and school organizations where they take place.  相似文献   

To be in prison consists in enduring the enticements of multiple stressors and constraints leading to an unpredictable and often uncontrollable situation. This generates serious health troubles and distress in the population living in prison. Physical Exercise (PE) is well acquainted for its benefits in terms of health and as such it seems reasonable to suggest its contribution in ameliorating life conditions among detainees, although the literature on the subject is quite scanty. The present report shows that moderate PE may contribute actively in ameliorating the health status. Notably perceived stress and other psychological factors are significantly improved in a small and particular population of detainees, sex offenders.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2023,29(2):125-135
IntroductionThe impostor syndrome is a frequent phenomenon that can have deleterious consequences for the individual from a psychological point of view. It is a vicious circle in which the individual perceives feedback as a threat. This syndrome seems to impact the individual's feedback seeking strategies.ObjectivesThe aim of our study is to show that impostor syndrome will have an effect on the type of feedback seeking used by employees with their supervisor.MethodThrough an online questionnaire with 370 French-speaking employees, we assessed the impostor syndrome, the level of perceived experience, and the types of strategies used in seeking feedback from the superior.ResultsOur results show, after controlling for perceived experience and gender, that individuals with a strong imposter syndrome tend to seek feedback more often and in a less direct way (i.e., indirect, or observational).ConclusionThese results confirm the hypothesis of a link between the impostor syndrome and feedback seeking. The latter would be an element to be considered in the understanding of the impostor syndrome and its consequences.  相似文献   

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