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Umemura H  Watanabe H  Matsuoka K 《Perception》2007,36(8):1229-1243
We examined whether the position of objects in external space affects the visual-search task associated with the tilt of 3-D objects. An array of cube-like objects was stereoscopically displayed at a distance of 4.5 m on a large screen 1.5 m above or below eye height. Subjects were required to detect a downward-tilted target among upward-tilted distractors or an upward-tilted target among downward-tilted distractors. When the stimuli consisted of shaded parallelepipeds whose upper/bottom faces were lighter than their side faces, the upward-tilted target was detected faster. This result was in accordance with the 'top-view assumption' reported in previous research. Displaying stimuli in the upper position degraded overall performance. However, when the shaded objects whose upper/bottom faces were darker than their side faces were displayed, the detection of a downward-tilted target became as efficient as that of an upward-tilted target only at the upper position. These results indicate that it is possible for the spatial position of the stimulus to promote the detection of a downward-tilted target when shading and perspective information are consistent with the viewing direction.  相似文献   

A visual acuity testing procedure is described which uses a self-adjustment procedure combined with shock avoidance and punishment. The S adjusts the size of the gap opening in Landolt rings by pressing levers. Correct trials decrease the size of the gap opening and are followed by a tone; incorrect trials increase the size of the gap opening and are followed by shock. The number of correct and incorrect trials needed to change the gap-opening size can be varied.  相似文献   

We examined attentional biases for social and non-social emotional stimuli in young adult men and compared the results to those of male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) previously tested in a similar dot-probe task (King et al. in Psychoneuroendocrinology 37(3):396–409, 2012). Recognition memory for these stimuli was also analyzed in each species, using a recognition memory task in humans and a delayed non-matching-to-sample task in monkeys. We found that both humans and monkeys displayed a similar pattern of attentional biases toward threatening facial expressions of conspecifics. The bias was significant in monkeys and of marginal significance in humans. In addition, humans, but not monkeys, exhibited an attentional bias away from negative non-social images. Attentional biases for social and non-social threat differed significantly, with both species showing a pattern of vigilance toward negative social images and avoidance of negative non-social images. Positive stimuli did not elicit significant attentional biases for either species. In humans, emotional content facilitated the recognition of non-social images, but no effect of emotion was found for the recognition of social images. Recognition accuracy was not affected by emotion in monkeys, but response times were faster for negative relative to positive images. Altogether, these results suggest shared mechanisms of social attention in humans and monkeys, with both species showing a pattern of selective attention toward threatening faces of conspecifics. These data are consistent with the view that selective vigilance to social threat is the result of evolutionary constraints. Yet, selective attention to threat was weaker in humans than in monkeys, suggesting that regulatory mechanisms enable non-anxious humans to reduce sensitivity to social threat in this paradigm, likely through enhanced prefrontal control and reduced amygdala activation. In addition, the findings emphasize important differences in attentional biases to social versus non-social threat in both species. Differences in the impact of emotional stimuli on recognition memory between monkeys and humans will require further study, as methodological differences in the recognition tasks may have affected the results.  相似文献   

Conscious and unconscious cognitive processes contribute independently to human behavior and can be dissociated. For example, humans report failing to see objects clearly in the periphery while simultaneously being able to grasp those objects accurately (Milner in Proc R Soc B Biol Sci 279:2289–2298, 2012). Knowing whether similar dissociations are present in nonverbal species is critical to our understanding of comparative psychology and the evolution of brains. However, such dissociations are difficult to detect in nonhumans because verbal reports of experience are the main way we discriminate putative conscious from unconscious processing. We trained monkeys in a localization task in which they responded to the location where a target appeared, and a matched detection task in which they reported the presence or absence of the same target. We used masking to manipulate the visibility of targets. Accuracy was high in both tasks when stimuli were unmasked and was attenuated by visual masking. At the strongest level of masking, performance in the detection task was at chance, while localization remained significantly above chance. Critically, errors in the detection task were predominantly misses, indicating that the monkeys’ behavior remained under stimulus control, but that the monkeys did not detect the target despite above-chance localization. While these results cannot establish the existence of phenomenal vision in monkeys, the dissociation of visually guided action from detection parallels the dissociation of conscious and unconscious vision seen in humans.  相似文献   

Four monkeys, trained to match to sample, were asked to judge seven stimuli which differed in lightness, in terms of five response categories. The sample stimulus was presented on a black or white background, and all responses were made on a gray background. The mean judgment category for a stimulus was a function of the adaptation reflectance, and, in general, the ease of categorization depended upon the distance of the stimulus from the adaptation level.  相似文献   

It is shown that an irrelevant visual perception interferes more with verbal learning by means of imagery than does an irrelevant auditory perception. The relative interfering effects of these perceptions were reversed in a verbal learning task involving highly abstract materials. Such results implicate the existence of a true visual component in imaginal mediation. A theoretical model is presented in which a visual system and a verbal-auditory system are distinguished. The visual system controls visual perception and visual imagination. The verbal-auditory system controls auditory perception, auditory imagination, internal verbal representation, and speech. Attention can be more easily divided between the two systems than within either one taken by itself. Furthermore, the visual and verbal-auditory systems are functionally linked by information recoding operations. The application of mnemonic imagery appears to involve a recoding of initially verbal information into visual form, and then the encoding of a primarily visual schema into memory. During recall, the schema is decoded as a visual image, and then recoded once again into the verbal-auditory system. Evidence for such transformations is provided not only by the interference data, but also by an analysis of recall-errors made by Ss using mnemonic imagery.  相似文献   

Many species classify images according to visual attributes. In pigeons, local features may disproportionately control classification, whereas in primates global features may exert greater control. In the absence of explicitly comparative studies, in which different species are tested with the same stimuli under similar conditions, it is not possible to determine how much of the variation in the control of classification is due to species differences and how much is due to differences in the stimuli, training, or testing conditions. We tested rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abelii) in identical tests in which images were modified to determine which stimulus features controlled classification. Monkeys and orangutans were trained to classify full color images of birds, fish, flowers, and people; they were later given generalization tests in which images were novel, black and white, black and white line drawings, or scrambled. Classification in these primate species was controlled by multiple stimulus attributes, both global and local, and the species behaved similarly.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of an infrared corneal reflection technique to monitor visual activity in infant rhesus monkeys. To establish the validity of the method, calibration data were collected and a mathematical correction for systematic sources of error was used.  相似文献   

Double dissociations in visual and spatial short-term memory   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A visual short-term memory task was more strongly disrupted by visual than spatial interference, and a spatial memory task was simultaneously more strongly disrupted by spatial than visual interference. This double dissociation supports a fractionation of visuospatial short-term memory into separate visual and spatial components. In 6 experiments, this interpretation could be defended against alternative explanations in terms of trade-offs in resource allocation between memory tasks and interference tasks, in terms of an involvement of short-term consolidation and long-term memory, in terms of differential phonological-loop and central-executive involvement, and in terms of similarity-based interference.  相似文献   

The organization of visual memory for pictures was studied in the rhesus monkey. Two monkeys were tested in a same/different task in which sequentially presented pictures were compared to each other in a pair-wise fashion. The resulting confusion matrixes were analyzed using a multidimensional scaling procedure to obtain two- and three-dimensional graphic representations of the stimulus space. In Experiment 1, the monkeys' confusion errors caused pictures of human and rhesus monkey faces to fall in the same region of multidimensional space, which suggested that the monkeys categorized facial stimuli. A similar effect was found for pictures of different types of fruit. Experiment 2 replicated the categorization of faces with a more diverse collection of human and nonhuman primate faces. Experiment 3 explored the fruit category by varying stimulus attributes orthogonally. The results from this experiment showed that both monkeys encoded the pictures in this category by type of fruit (apples or grapes) and color (red or yellow). Taken together, these studies indicate that rhesus monkeys will treat some classes of pictorial stimuli categorically in visual memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated effects of mental spatial representation on memory for verbal navigation instructions. The navigation instructions referred to a grid of stacked matrices displayed on a computer screen or on paper, with or without depth cues, and presented as two-dimensional diagrams or a three-dimensional physical model. Experimental instructions either did or did not promote a three-dimensional mental representation of the space. Subjects heard navigation instructions, immediately repeated them, and then followed them manually on the grid. In all display and experimental instruction conditions, memory for the navigation instructions was reduced when the task required mentally representing a three-dimensional space, with movements across multiple matrices, as compared with a two-dimensional space, with movements within a single matrix, even though the words in the navigation instructions were identical in all cases. The findings demonstrate that the mental representation of the space influences immediate verbatim memory for navigation instructions.  相似文献   

Li J 《Cognitive processing》2012,13(Z1):S229-S232
There has been some research on the comparison of spatial frame of reference system (FoRs) preferences between different areas in China. The goal of this research was to find out whether different habits could affect the performance in driving with the navigation system, with a dual-task experimental paradigm applied. Forty participants from South and North China (10 male and 10 female in each area group) were required to finish spatial term judgment task while playing simulated driving game. The results showed that Southern participants responded more quickly to relative FoRs terms than absolute terms during driving, but there was no significant difference between these two kinds of terms for Northerners--similarly to their habits. All participants' driving actions were disturbed by the spatial term judgment. Unexpectedly, the male participants drove better when responding to relative terms than absolute terms, while female performed conversely. These findings would be useful in navigation systems design for Chinese.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported, which have investigated the nature of the cognitive mechanisms that underlie performance on specific visuo-spatial working memory tasks, with the emphasis on exploring the extent of central executive involvement. Experiments 1 and 2 employed oral random digit generation as an executive task within a dual-task paradigm. The results of both experiments indicated that visuo-spatial tasks that involve sequential processing of information show more interference with random digit generation than do visuo-spatial tasks that involve simultaneous processing. The third experiment substituted oral random digit generation for executive tasks that did not involve memory for serial order (vigilance tasks adapted from Vandierendonck, De Vooght, & Van der Goten, 1998b). The results indicated significant interference between the vigilance tasks and the sequential visuo-spatial task, but not with the simultaneous visuo-spatial task. Overall the results of the three experiments are interpreted as indicating that serial sequential visuo-spatial tasks involve executive resources to a significantly greater extent than do simultaneous visuo-spatial tasks, and that this can have implications for studies that attempt to make use of such tasks to fractionate separable visual and spatial components within working memory.  相似文献   

Executive processes in visual and spatial working memory tasks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three experiments are reported, which have investigated the nature of the cognitive mechanisms that underlie performance on specific visuo-spatial working memory tasks, with the emphasis on exploring the extent of central executive involvement. Experiments 1 and 2 employed oral random digit generation as an executive task within a dual-task paradigm. The results of both experiments indicated that visuo-spatial tasks that involve sequential processing of information show more interference with random digit generation than do visuo-spatial tasks that involve simultaneous processing. The third experiment substituted oral random digit generation for executive tasks that did not involve memory for serial order (vigilance tasks adapted from Vandierendonck, De Vooght, & Van der Goten, 1998b). The results indicated significant interference between the vigilance tasks and the sequential visuo-spatial task, but not with the simultaneous visuo-spatial task. Overall the results of the three experiments are interpreted as indicating that serial sequential visuo-spatial tasks involve executive resources to a significantly greater extent than do simultaneous visuo-spatial tasks, and that this can have implications for studies that attempt to make use of such tasks to fractionate separable visual and spatial components within working memory.  相似文献   

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