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中医全科医学是一门新兴学科,既融合中医学、全科医学的特点,又是两者的补充。通过对中医全科医学的哲学反思,发现中医学和全科医学具有相关性,两者的整体观念、辨证论治、未病养生等医学观、诊疗方式、思维特点都十分契合,是中西医两大医学体系在哲学层面的交融,都强调整体观、辨证观、预防观。通过研究发现中医全科医学值得大力发展的必要性及意义,并提出推进人才培养、推广适宜技术、推动基层发展等三条拓宽中医全科医学发展的路径,以此并助力中医药事业发展。  相似文献   

印度教认为生命源于最高神梵,梵作为最高真实和永恒所在,统摄宇宙.万物生命为梵所赐,其生命构成皆为五大元素,一切生命皆平等,皆值得尊重,皆具神圣性.人类个体生命存在是整个大宇宙生命轮回的一个驿站,人生过程就是不断在神力的引导之下实现生命的更高层次的神圣化,以期回归最高终极.  相似文献   

历史领悟与哲学革命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈立新 《哲学动态》2004,4(1):13-17
近年来,学界基本认同实践观对于马克思哲学革命的决定性作用,强调马克思是按照实践的观点来看待人、社会、自然的.但这种解读,并不能把马克思与近代哲学真正区别开来.本文旨在阐明:"巨大的历史感"使黑格尔成为近代哲学的集大成者,而马克思拒绝黑格尔对历史运动的"抽象的、逻辑的、思辨的"表达,他深入到历史的本质性,把历史原则导入哲学存在论领域,从而实现了哲学的革命性变革.  相似文献   

A historical perspective can shed light on the dilemmas and dimensions of current ecological predicaments. Consideration of long-term trends in economic, demographic, and energy history show just how peculiar, disruptive, liberating, and unsustainable modern times have been. The current era of ecological tumult derives its impetus from many sources, not least the near-stasis in ideas and politics. It is the big ideas, like nationalism, communism, or the premium placed on economic growth, rather than explicitly environmental ideas, that most affected environmental policy and outcomes in the 20th century, and will likely continue to do so in the 21st.  相似文献   

由于医院本身具有复杂性,不确定性和高风险性等专业特性,再加上越来越多新技术及新疗法的介入等错综复杂的因素,使得医疗风险无处不在。世界各国均存在不同程度的患者安全问题,这在发展中国家尤为严重,并由此产生了巨大的经济负担。患者安全问题已成为一个全球性的、亟待解决的问题,因此很有必要建立一个医疗安全监管系统。欧美多个国家已建立起医疗不良事件报告系统,我国虽然也有患者安全(不良事件)自愿报告系统,但发展还很不成熟。我们还应做出更多努力以推进该系统的发展,全面保障患者安全。  相似文献   

The success of the Chinese path is not an accidental “miracle,” but an inevitable result that conforms to the historical law. In practice, it is inseparable from the diligent and creative work of the Chinese people, the timely formulation of policies by the Communist Party of China and governments at all levels seeking truth from facts, and the change and improvement of policies according to the changes of the situation. In addition to these practical reasons, the success of the Chinese path has very farreaching historical and cultural reasons, which are the metaphysical basis of the Chinese path in a more philosophical sense. Unlike Western culture, which is in a sense a culture of ultimate entities, deep Chinese culture is based on a metaphysical reflection of the existence of a relational system, whereas European culture and Middle Eastern Muslim culture are based on the “origin” and “source” of a single entity or a single “God.” In the West, “God” is the creator of mankind; in China, “heaven” or “emperor” is actually binga symbol of a ruling relationship and has an interactive relationship with the people, which is a very subtle interdependent relationship. It is this concept of “relationship” about the world that endows the Chinese spiritual world with a special resilience on concept of time and historical behavior, because “relationship” can be adjusted and is constantly changing.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The dual-use dilemma arises in the context of research in the biological and other sciences as a consequence of the fact that one and the same piece of scientific research sometimes has the potential to be used for bad as well as good purposes. It is an ethical dilemma since it is about promoting good in the context of the potential for also causing harm, e.g., the promotion of health in the context of providing the wherewithal for the killing of innocents. It is an ethical dilemma for the researcher because of the potential actions of others, e.g., malevolent non-researchers who might steal dangerous biological agents, or make use of the original researcher's work. And it is a dilemma for governments concerned with the security of their citizens, as well as their health. In this article we construct a taxonomy of types of "experiments of concern" in the biological sciences, and thereby map the terrain of ethical risk. We then provide a series of analyses of the ethical problems and considerations at issue in the dual-use dilemma, including the impermissibility of certain kinds of research and possible restrictions on dissemination of research results given the risks to health and security. Finally, we explore the main available institutional responses to some of the specific ethical problems posed by the dual-use dilemma in the biological sciences.  相似文献   

The field of community psychology has long been interested in the relations between how community problems are defined, what interventions are developed in response, and to what degree power is distributed as a result. Tensions around these issues have come to the fore in debates over the influence of historical trauma (HT) in American Indian (AI) communities. After interviewing the two most influential medicine men on a Great Plains reservation to investigate how these tensions were being resolved, we found that both respondents were engaging with their own unique elaboration of HT theory. The first, George, engaged in a therapeutic discourse that reconfigured HT as a recognizable but malleable term that could help to communicate his “spiritual perspective” on distress and the need for healing in the reservation community. The second, Henry, engaged in a nation-building discourse that shifted attention away from past colonial military violence toward ongoing systemic oppression and the need for sociostructural change. These two interviews located HT at the heart of important tensions between globalization and indigeneity while opening the door for constructive but critical reflection within AI communities, as well as dialogue with allied social scientists, to consider how emerging discourses surrounding behavioral health disparities might be helpful for promoting healing and/or sociostructural change.  相似文献   

心理治疗中的循证实践是指治疗者根据个体已有的临床技能与经验,利用最佳的研究证据,在考虑病人人格、文化及偏好等因素的情况下进行的心理治疗实践。通过描述心理治疗中循证实践运动发展的两个阶段,考察其哲学基础及存在的问题,对其发展趋势及对整个心理学发展的意义进行了展望。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学的创立,不仅是哲学史上的伟大变革,而且是人类思想史上的伟大创举.马克思在通向科学理论殿堂的征程中,不仅通过艰辛的理论探索,在批判继承人类优秀文明成果的基础上,不断地冲破以往旧哲学(包括旧唯物主义和唯心主义)的樊篱,而且更重要的还在于,马克思把握住了时代的脉博,把理论创新与时代课题密切地结合在一起,把无产阶级乃至全人类的解放作为理论研究的最终指向,因而创立了"解释世界"和"改变世界"高度统一并以"改变世界"为旨归的现代唯物主义或新唯物主义.这种新唯物主义不仅终结了以黑格尔为代表的传统形而上学,而且从实践的高度揭示了形而上学与资本主义和现代性之间的内在关联.但问题是:马克思所创立的新唯物主义是辩证唯物主义、实践唯物主义还是历史唯物主义?这是哲学界近30余年来时有争论且分歧很大的问题.本文从马克思哲学革命的角度,谈谈笔者对这个问题的粗浅理解.  相似文献   

杨玉昌 《现代哲学》2004,2(4):121-127
本文通过分析叔本华的意志和维特根斯坦的语言游戏探讨了哲学问题与生活方式之间的关系问题,认为叔本华和维特根斯坦分别提出意志和语言游戏的目的是要通过改变人们的生活方式来消除传统的哲学问题。他们的这一探索对于我们重新认识哲学的性质、意义和功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

循证医学证据的哲学蕴义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循证医学的核心理念是开发利用最佳证据用以指导临床医疗实践。从认识论的角度看,其证据的本质仍然是通过以病人为研究对象的临床医学研究所获得的知识信息,但却是经过分层滤过、系统综合和翻译转化的知识信息,是可以用于提高临床诊断、治疗水平和服务质量的,即可以直接转化为“现实生产力”的可运用的知识信息。  相似文献   

循证医学的核心理念是开发利用最佳证据用以指导临床医疗实践.从认识论的角度看,其证据的本质仍然是通过以病人为研究对象的临床医学研究所获得的知识信息,但却是经过分层滤过、系统综合和翻译转化的知识信息,是可以用于提高临床诊断、治疗水平和服务质量的,即可以直接转化为"现实生产力"的可运用的知识信息.  相似文献   

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