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D Rose  D L Halpern 《Perception》1992,21(3):289-296
It was previously reported that briefly presented peripheral stimuli are perceived closer to fixation than continuously presented stimuli at the same eccentricity; this effect has, however, not proved consistently replicable. In this study it was investigated whether the misperception of location might depend upon the spatial frequency content of the stimulus. Spatial-frequency-filtered vertical bars were displayed briefly and their locations were judged relative to continuously visible comparison spots. For monocular stimuli, a significant foveopetal mislocalization of the bar was obtained that increased in size as spatial frequency was lowered. Even larger mislocalizations were obtained for dichoptically presented horizontally disparate pairs of bars, and this effect also increased at low spatial frequencies. Possible underlying mechanisms are discussed, and spatial frequency is suggested to have been the confounding factor in previous studies.  相似文献   

G L Shulman  J Wilson 《Perception》1987,16(1):103-111
The effect of spatial attention on the detectability of gratings of different spatial frequency was measured using a probe technique. Three experiments are reported in which the detectability of full-field probe gratings was measured while subjects analyzed stimuli presented in either the central or the peripheral visual field. Selective attention to peripheral stimuli produced a facilitation at low frequencies and a decrement at high frequencies. These effects disappeared under forced-choice presentation.  相似文献   

Despite the important role that the physical environment plays in shaping human cognition, few studies have endeavoured to experimentally examine the principles underlying how individuals organize objects in their space. The current investigation examines the idea that humans organize objects in their space in order to minimize effort or maximize performance. We devised a novel spatial organization task whereby participants freely arranged objects in the context of a writing task. Critically, we manipulated the frequency with which each object was used and assessed participants’ spontaneous placements. In the first set of experiments, participants showed a counterintuitive tendency to match pen pairs with their initial placements rather than placing pens in the less effortful configuration. However, in Experiment 2, where the difference in physical effort between different locations was increased, participants were more likely to reorganize the pens into the less effortful configuration. We begin developing a theory of human spatial organization wherein the observed initial bias may represent a kind of spatial habit formation that competes with effort/performance considerations to shape future spatial organization.  相似文献   

It was proposed, based on M. Annett (1985), that individuals biologically predisposed to poorer spatial skills are less likely to capitalize on opportunities to develop these skills. Using an analysis of variance design assessing mental rotation skills in 2 cohorts of 8th graders (365 students), the authors found a significant 3-way interaction (Brothers x Family Handedness x Gender). For the girls with brothers, those from all right-handed families had lower mental rotation scores than did the other girls. For the 2nd cohort, among those children who participated in mental-rotation-type activities with their brothers, both boys and girls from all right-handed families performed more poorly on the mental rotation test than did the other children with brothers. Thus, compared with other children, the children from all right-handed families do not appear to be able to use their spatial experiences with male siblings to increase their spatial skills.  相似文献   

The study of spatial frequency is being used increasingly often to investigate processes underlying visual word recognition. However, research in this area has adopted techniques that require the physical deformation of word targets used in experiments (e.g., filtered images of words, words embedded in visual noise), and this approach may limit the inferences that can be made about the role of spatial frequencies in normal word recognition. Spatial frequency adaptation is described in this article as an additional technique for studying the role of spatial frequency information in word recognition. The advantage of this technique is that it alters participants' sensitivity to particular spatial frequencies and so allows the study of spatial frequency involvement in word recognition using normal images of word stimuli. The application of the adaptation technique to studies of word recognition is explained in detail and its potential is then demonstrated by an example word recognition experiment in which spatial frequency adaptation was used.  相似文献   

Male and female subjects with normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity and less than .25 diopter of corrected astigmatism were asked to make contrast threshold judgments in response to both stationary and drifting grating displays. Results indicate a sex difference in contrast sensitivity as a function of spatial frequency for vertical and oblique orientations.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated how spatial resolution and covert attention affect performance in a texture segmentation task in which performance peaks at midperiphery and drops at peripheral and central retinal locations. The central impairment is called the central performance drop (CPD; Kehrer, 1989). It has been established that attending to the target location improves performance in the periphery where resolution is too low for the task, but impairs it at central locations where resolution is too high. This is called the central attention impairment (CAI; Yeshurun & Carrasco, 1998, 2000). We employed a cuing procedure in conjunction with selective adaptation to explore (1) whether the CPD is due to the inhibition of low spatial frequency responses by high spatial frequency responses in central locations, and (2) whether the CAI is due to attention's shifting sensitivity to higher spatial frequencies. We found that adaptation to low spatial frequencies does not change performance in this texture segmentation task. However, adaptation to high spatial frequencies diminishes the CPD and eliminates the CAI. These results indicate that the CPD is primarily due to the dominance of high spatial frequency responses and that covert attention enhances spatial resolution by shifting sensitivity to higher spatial frequencies.  相似文献   

The response of different visual discomfort groups to a range of spatial frequencies at threshold and suprathreshold was investigated. In experiment 1, a paired-comparison task was conducted. The high visual discomfort group judged a spatial frequency of 4 cycles deg-1 as the most perceptually distorted and somatically unpleasant to view. The moderate and low visual discomfort groups judged 8 and 12 cycles deg-1 as more perceptually and somatically unpleasant to view than lower spatial frequencies. In experiment 2, the spatial contrast-sensitivity function (CSF) for the high visual discomfort group was depressed for spatial frequencies between 1 and 12 cycles deg-1 in comparison with the moderate and low visual discomfort groups. When these same spatial frequencies were modulated at 6 Hz, CSFs were the same for all groups. These results are discussed in relation to a failure of inhibition across spatial-frequency channels in the high visual discomfort group. This may be explained by a more generalised parvocellular system processing deficit. Possible similarities between some forms of migraine and visual discomfort are highlighted.  相似文献   

Interest in operant research on stimulus control has declined at the same time that much interest has burgeoned in nonoperant areas. Several examples of this shift toward traditional learning theory are considered, all of which have sponsored theoretical approaches that attempt to characterize the underlying associative units. These theoretical approaches are defended on the grounds that they have generated a deeper understanding of a variety of often puzzling phenomena. My projection is that future research will be determined even more strongly by theories about the structure of associations. Particular issues for which such discussion will have major impact include (1) whether conditional stimulus control is qualitatively different than simpler forms of stimulus control, (2) whether stimulus control is organized hierarchically, and (3) the origin of categories of stimulus equivalence.  相似文献   

We analyzed detection asymmetry, using openand closed squares as target and contextelements. It was found that varying density, regularity, and target eccentricity not only can modulate the amount of asymmetry, but also can produce a reversal in the direction of the asymmetry. The results suggest that the different stimuli are processed with different grains of analysis,consisting of in some cases, single elements and their properties and, in other cases, larger units of the stimulus array and more globalproperties. A detection task that can utilize the properties that are available with a given grain of analysis would show an advantage over a task for which the given grain of analysis is not as favorable, resulting indetection asymmetry in one direction or another.  相似文献   

Configural relations and a critical band of spatial frequencies (SFs) in the middle range are particularly important for face recognition. We report the results of four experiments in which the relationship between these two types of information was examined. In Experiments 1, 2A, and 2B, the face inversion effect (FIE) was used to probe configural face encoding. Recognition of upright and inverted faces and nonface objects was measured in four conditions: a no-filter condition and three SF conditions (low, medium, and high frequency). We found significant FIEs of comparable magnitudes for all frequency conditions. In Experiment 3, discrimination of faces on the basis of either configural or featural modifications was measured under the same four conditions. Although the ability to discriminate configural modifications was superior in the medium-frequency condition, so was the ability to discriminate featural modifications. We conclude that the band of SF that is critical for face recognition does not contribute preferentially to configural encoding.  相似文献   

Palmisano S  Chan AY 《Perception》2004,33(8):987-1000
Both coherent perspective jitter and explicit changing-size cues have been shown to improve the vection induced by radially expanding optic flow. We examined whether these stimulus-based vection advantages could be modified by altering cognitions and/or expectations about both the likelihood of self-motion perception and the purpose of the experiment. In the main experiment, participants were randomly assigned into two groups-one where the cognitive conditions biased participants towards self-motion perception and another where the cognitive conditions biased them towards object-motion perception. Contrary to earlier findings by Lepecq et al (1995 Perception 24 435-449), we found that identical visual displays were less likely to induce vection in 'object-motion-bias' conditions than in 'self-motion bias' conditions. However, significant jitter and size advantages for vection were still found in both cognitive conditions (cognitive bias effects were greatest for non-jittering same-size control displays). The current results suggest that if a sufficiently large vection advantage can be produced when participants are expecting to experience self-motion, it is likely to persist in object-motion-bias conditions.  相似文献   

Observers searched for a Gaussian-windowed patch of sinewave grating (Gabor pattern) through displays containing varying numbers of other such patterns (distractors). When the spatial frequencies of target and distractors differed by +/- 2 octaves and their orientations by +/- 60 degrees, the search proceeded spatially in parallel irrespective of whether the target could be discriminated in terms of spatial frequency differences alone, orientation differences alone, or their combination. However, when target and distractors differed by only +/- .5 octave in spatial frequency and by +/- 15 degrees in orientation, the search was serial and self-terminating, again irrespective of the nature of the target-distractor differences. These findings show that, contrary to some suggestions, the preattentive detection of targets defined by conjunctions of spatial frequency and orientation may occur, but only when the spectral distance between target and distractors allows their encoding by independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

A new method was used to investigate auditory discrimination in pigeons. Basically, the method involves the repeated presentation of one stimulus preceding the single presentation of a different stimulus that is followed by shock. Stimulus control is assessed by the increase in heart rate that accompanies the presentation of the second stimulus. In Experiment 1, the efficiency of the method was explored by determining the frequency difference thresholds of pigeons at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. Weber fractions comparable to those reported in an earlier study using the conditioned suppression method were obtained. Experiment 2 demonstrated that, contrary to results of earlier studies, auditory temporal patterns can exercise differential stimulus control in pigeons. One stimulus consisted of the presentation (once per second) of a 1000-Hz pure tone of 150 msec duration followed by a 2000-Hz pure tone of equal duration; the other was the same except for the reversed order of the frequency components. Results indicated that the frequency pattern and not the loudness pattern of the stimuli was the cue controlling heart-rate changes.  相似文献   

Single lines and gratings oriented vertically or at 45 deg were observed as prolonged afterimages in two experiments. The duration of complete visibility exhibited consistent orientation selectivity for the gratings but not for single lines: vertical gratings were visible for longer than were 45-deg gratings. The results are discussed in relation to the hypothesized spatial frequency channels in the human visual system.  相似文献   

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