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In this study we investigated how alcohol consumption affects women's responses to unwanted sexual advances in a hypothetical dating situation. Sixty female social drinkers participated in a 2 × 2 between-subjects experiment, which examined the effects of moderate alcohol intoxication and relationship characteristics on behavioral responses to unwanted sexual advances. Hypotheses were tested regarding the influence of inhibition conflict on intoxicated participants. As predicted, intoxicated women were more likely than sober women to consent to their dating partner's sexual advances in high conflict situations. Additionally, alcohol consumption increased women's estimated likelihood of responding passively. These findings aid in explicating the relationship between alcohol consumption and women's increased vulnerability to sexual assault.  相似文献   

This study used a pretest/posttest design and included a control group to examine the impact of harassment training on intended responses to harassment. The sample consisted of 282 full-time professionals. At time 2, trainees expressed lower intentions to confront the perpetrator than did control-group participants. The simple and moderating effects of conflict avoidance on response intentions were also tested. Conflict avoidance was significantly negatively related to formally reporting gender harassment and sexual attention harassment and interacted with training to predict these outcomes. Practical implications of the results for organizations implementing harassment training programs are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study replicates the work of Konrad and Gutek (1986) within a college sample and extends their work by examining the impact of gender identity and adversarial sexual beliefs as predictors of attitudes toward sexual harassment. One hundred seven college students indicated specific aspects of their direct experiences with sexual harassment and then completed several attitudinal measures. Endorsement of adversarial sexual beliefs and experience with sexual harassment significantly predicted negative (less tolerant) attitudes toward sexual harassment for male respondents. Strong gender group identity and the endorsement of adversarial sexual beliefs significantly predicted negative (less tolerant) attitudes toward sexual harassment for female students. Implications for the focus of intervention strategies within an academic environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-reports of sexual assault are affected by a variety of factors including the number of questions, question phrasing, and context. Participants (307 women, 166 men) were randomly assigned to one of two forms of a questionnaire. One form had the tactics used to obtain forced sex as the initial frame of reference, whereas the other form had the type of sex that was forced as the initial frame of reference. Seventy-five percent of the women who received the tactics-first version reported that they had at least one victimization experience since the age of 14, as compared to 62% of the women who received the type-of-sex-first version. Sixty-nine percent of the men who received the tactics-first version reported that they had at least one perpetration experience since the age of 14, as compared to 36% of the men who received the type-of-sex-first version. These findings have implications for how questionnaires should be designed to maximize reporting of sexual assault incidents.  相似文献   

Preschool children's visual attention to nearly three hours of a heterogeneous sample of children's programing was examined in relationship to the presence of 37 simple visual and auditory attributes of television programs. A factor analysis of the attributes indicated that they were largely independent, with the exception of two factors, which were labeled “women and children” and “puppets.” Attributes and factors that were positively related to attention were the puppet factor, women and children factor, auditory changes, peculiar voices, movement, cuts, sound effects, laughter, and applause. Attributes that were negatively related to attention were adult male voices, extended zooms and pans, eye contact, and still shots. Other attributes had both positive and negative effects on attention depending on whether the child was looking at the TV at the time the attribute occurred. It is suggested that attributes are positive or negative to the degree to which they signal informative comprehensible content.  相似文献   

警惕心理学研究中的统计误用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
正确地使用统计方法对心理学研究至关重要。但心理学研究中存在着诸多统计误用现象。该着重分析了心理学研究中常见的一些统计误用现象:小或有偏样本的使用、在概率的理解上存在偏差、显性检验问题、夸大的统计图、相关分析的误用等等,并在此基础上提出了提高研究自身的统计素养、强调理论在心理学研究中的重要性、运用多样化的研究方法等应对之策。  相似文献   

Abstract— Regions of objects that are partially obscured at the current retinal image are often perceptually filled in by the visual system (Kanizsa, 1979). In some cases (modal completion), this causes the filled-in region to appear tinged with the color and brightness of unobscured parts of that object, but m other cases (amodal completion), it does not (Michotte & Burke, 1951). It has recently been argued that modal and amodal completion both arise in preattentive vision, and may operate equivalently at that level (Davis & Driver, 1994, He & Nakayama, 1992, Shipley & Kellman, 1992). In this article, we show that they have different effects on attentive vision, with attention tending to spread to (and from) modally completed regions and their visible inducers, but not to (or from) comparable amodally completed regions and their inducers. This finding is consistent with visual attention operating on surfaces (e g, He & Nakayama, 1995) in a viewer-centered representation of the scene, after the operation of filling-in processes.  相似文献   

足月胎儿对声音刺激反应的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过观察声音刺激引起胎儿产生的胎动和胎心率反应,初步探讨声音刺激能否引起胎儿的感觉和相应的反射机制。选择正常足月孕妇94例,分别接受95、100、105、110、115分贝的声音刺激,观察胎儿的胎动和胎心率反应。95分贝声音能引起胎心率轻度下降且不引起胎动,而声强在100分贝以上的声音刺激能引起胎心率加速并伴有胎动,提示95分贝声音可以引起胎儿的定向反射,和胎儿的选择性的注意有关;而100~115分贝的声音能引起胎儿的防卫反应。婴儿与生俱来的无条件反射在胎儿期就已存在。  相似文献   

The procedures described by Sloman et al. (2005) were extended to an analysis of teachers' responses to problem behavior after they had been taught to withhold potential sources of positive and negative reinforcement following instances of problem behavior. Results were consistent with those reported previously, suggesting that escape from child problem behavior may shape and maintain adult behavior that is potentially countertherapeutic.  相似文献   

Unwanted intercourse occurs when a reluctant partner is induced to acquiesce against her (his) will by psychological pressure from the would-be lover, but without the use of or the threat of force. An earlier study found that 30% of a representative probability sample of senior women in a liberal arts college had experienced unwanted intercourse. College women's ( N = 76 ) perceptions of the unwanted intercourse situation were assessed by projective and by questionnaire methods, using a videotaped stimulus cue. Results indicate that highly negative feelings are attributed to the man in the refuse situation, and to the majority of the women in both the accept and refuse situations. A hedonic calculus analysis based on the ratio of negative to positive feelings in the stories demonstrates the cost-benefit superiority of accepting unwanted intercourse in spite of the fact that the women's feelings are predominantly negative. A theory of unwanted intercourse is proposed that attributes the high rate of unwanted intercourse to four societal norms: (a) current remnants of the ideology of male supremacy, (b) the norm of male initiative, (c) the lack of positive sexual experience norms for women, and (d) the "stroking norm" for women.  相似文献   

This study examined women's responses to status inequality using the theoretical framework of Social Identity Theory (SIT). Accordingly, it was predicted that three mutually exclusive clusters of responses would be distinguished: individual mobility, social creativity, and social competition. Fifty women participated in a Q-sort study where the statements used reflected these three strategies. Four main factors emerged in factor analysis. Although some elements of the emerging factors were consonant with Social Identity Theory, important differences were also found. Thus, findings suggested that women draw simultaneously on different ideologies to make sense of their social situation. Furthermore, there was no evidence to suggest that strength of identification with one's own sex group is related to choice of strategy.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examines the role of core self-evaluations in responses to multisource feedback. Consistent with past research, feedback recipients were most satisfied when others' ratings were high. Core self-evaluations was not related to satisfaction with feedback, but was positively linked to goal commitment 4 months after feedback. Polynomial regression results reveal a complex pattern of associations among core self-evaluations, ratings, satisfaction, and commitment to developmental goals. Specifically, individuals with high core self-evaluations were most committed to developmental goals when self and others' ratings were discrepant. In contrast, individuals with low core self-evaluations were most committed to developmental goals when self and others' ratings were in agreement. Our results question the notion that satisfaction with feedback affects motivation to improve and highlight the importance of personality in motivation to improve following feedback. We discuss practical and theoretical implications of our findings and provide a theoretical framework for future research.  相似文献   

This study used structural equations modeling to examine the mediating role of procedural justice in the relationships between promotion decisions and organizational commitment and between promotion decisions and intent to leave the organization. 156 managers and executives in Italian subsidiaries of two large multinational organizations in the chemical industry were surveyed about their career history within the organization and their reactions to promotion decisions over an 8-year period. The results showed that promotion decisions influenced feelings of organizational commitment through perceptions of procedural justice in promotion decision-making processes. The theoretical and practical implications of the study’s findings are discussed.This research was supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MURST). A previous version of this paper was presented at the 2000 Academy of Management meetings in Toronto and published in the Best Paper Proceedings. We would like to thank Paula Caliguiri, Jason Shaw, M. Susan Taylor, and two anonymous Academy reviewers for their helpful suggestions on prior drafts of this article.  相似文献   

Infertility is a major life stressor that affects approximately 10% of U.S. married couples. Infertile women and men have reported experiencing depression, helplessness, and marital strain. Given U.S. society's emphasis on women's role as mothers, it has been suggested that women's lives are more disrupted by infertility than those of men. This hypothesis was supported in a survey of 185 infertile couples and 90 presumed fertile couples. Infertile wives, as compared to their husbands, perceived their fertility problem as more stressful, felt more responsible for and in control of their infertility, and engaged in more problem-focused coping. Infertile husbands experienced more home life stress and lower home life performance than did their wives. These differences were not found for presumed fertile couples. Both infertile and presumed fertile wives experienced more depression, more sexual dissatisfaction, and lower self-esteem than did their husbands. Theoretical and counseling implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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