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《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(4):539-562
Books reviewed in this article:
P ackard , V ance . The Hidden Persuaders.
E ditors of F ortune M agazine . The Executive Life.
Z elko , H arold P. Successful Conference and Discussion Techniques.
A rgylf M ichael . The Scientific Study of Social Behavior.
C lark , F. L e G ros , and D unne , A gnes C. Ageing in Industry.
D avis , K eith . Human Relations in Business.
B errien , F. K., and B ash , W endell H. Human Relations: Comments and Cases.
A rensberg , C onrad M., B arkin S olomon , C halmers , W. E llison , W ilensky , H arold , L., W orthy , J ames C., and D ennis , B arbara D. (Eds.) Research in Industrial Human Relations: A Critical Appraisal.
H ughes , J ames M onroe . Human Relations in Educational Organization: A Basic Text in Personnel Administration.
S iegel , S idney . Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences.
D ixon , W ilfrid J., and M assey , F hank J., J r . Introduction to Statistical Analysis.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(3):405-412
Book Reviewed in This Article:
G olembiewski , R obert T. Renewing Organizations: The Laboratory Approach to Planned Change.
P feiffer , J. W illiam and J ones , J ohn E. (Editors) The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators.
D yer , W illiam G. The Sensitive Manipulator: The Change Agent Who Builds with Others.
M arrow , A lfred J. (Editor) The Failure of Success.
V an C ott , H arold P. and K inkade , R obert G. (Editors) Human Engineering Grade to Equipment Design.
K ellogg , M arion S. Career Management.
H aney , W illiam V. Communication and Organizational Behavior: Text and Cases.
L uthans , F red . Organizational Behavior: A Modern Behavioral Approach to Management.
M aier , N orman R. F. Psychology in Industrial Organizations.
S chultz , D uane P. Psychology and Industry Today.
G orman , L iam and M olloy , E ddie . People, Jobs and Organizations.
Proceedings: Twelfth Human Relations Conference.
T orbert , W illiam R. with R ogers , M alcolm P. Being for the Most Part Puppets: Interactions Among Men's Labor, Leisure, and Politics.
T homas , J ohn M. and B ennis , W arreng . (Editors) Management of Change and Conflict. Baltimore. Penguin Books, Inc., 1972. Pp. 507. $4.50 (Paper)
M ackenzie , R. A lec . The Time Trap: Managing Your Way Out.
M iller , M artin R. Climbing the Corporate Pyramid.
M iller , E rnest C. (Editor) Conference Leadership.
K orman , A braham K. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
H annings , R obert B., A sh , P hilip and S inick , D aniel . (Editors) Forensic Psychology in Disability Adjudication: A Decade of Experience.
B acon , J eremy . Corporate Directorship Practices: Membership and Committees of the Board.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1975,28(2):251-298
Book reviews in this article:
D ubrin , A ndrew J. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: An Applied Perspective .
Z impel , L loyd . (Editor) Man Against Work .
F rost , C arl F., W akeley , J ohn H. and R uh , R obert A. The Scanlon Plan for Organizational Development: Identity, Participation, and Equity .
H inrichs , J ohn R. The Motivation Crisis: Winding Down and Turning Off .
G rossman , L ee . The Change Agent .
K ay , E manuel . The Crisis in Middle Management .
M c C onkey , D ale D. No-Nonsense Delegation .
M angum , G arth L. and W alsh , J ohn . A Decade of Manpower Development and Training .
J ohnson , M iriam . Counter Point: The Changing Employment Service .
D ubrin , A ndrew J. Survival in the Sexist Jungle: A Psychologist's Program for Combating Job Discrimination Against Women .
Proceedings: Fourteenth Human Relations Conference .
Proceedings: Thirteenth Human Relations Conference .
C ooper , R obert . Job Motivation and Job Design .
C hristopher , W illiam F. The Achieving Enterprise .
G raves , D esmond . (Editor) Management Research: A Cross-Cultural Perspective .
R ichards , M ax D. and N ielander , W illiam A. (Eds.) Readings in Management .
K olb , D avid A., R ubin , I rwin M. and M cintyre , J ames M. (Eds.) Organizational Psychology: A Book of Readings .
…Briefly Mentioned
Books and Materials Received  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1948,1(3):383-395
Book review in this Article
O tis , J. L., and L eukart , R. H. Job Evaluation
OSS A ssessment S taff . Assessment of Men.
R yan , T homas A. Work and Effort
P igors , P aul, and M yers , C. A. Personnel Administration. New York: M c
B urtt , H. E. Applied Psychology.
S elekman , B. M. Labor Relations and Human Relations. New York: M c
F isher , W. E. Conference Leader's Guide. (Bull. No. 15, Industrial Relations Section, California Institute of Technology.) Pasadena, Calif. Pp. 28.
F lanagan , J. C. (Ed.) The Aviation Psychology Program in the Army Air Forces.
G hiselli , E. E., and B rown , C. W. Personnel and Industrial Psychology.
K aufmann , F ritz . Your Job.
L ewin , K urt (Edited by Gertrude Weiss Lewin). Resolving Social Conflicts.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1956,9(2):284-306
Books reviewed in this article:
P sychological S ervice of P ittsburgh . Job Attitudes: Review of Research and Opinion.
W hyte , W illiam F. Money and Motivation: An Analysis of Incentives in Industry.
H ersey , R exford . Better Foremanship—Key to Profitable Management
S chleh , E dward C. Successful Executive Action.
P erby , J ohn . Human Relations in Small Industry.
L indzey , G ardner (Ed.). Handbook of Social Psychology.
W omen 'S B ureau , U. S. D epartment of L abor . Training Mature Women for Employment.
W omen 's B ureau , U. S. D epartment of L abor . What a Community Can Do to Train Mature Women for Jobs.
C ase , H arry L. Personnel Policy in a Public Agency: The TVA Experience.
M ccloskey , J oseph F., and T refethen , F lorence N. (Eds.). Operations Research for Management.
B rand , H oward (Compilation and Commentary). The Study of Personality: A Book of Readings.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(2):247-273
Books reviewed in this article:
W hyte , W illiam H., JR. The Organization Man
S hartle , C arroll L. Executive Performance and Leadership
S togdill , R alph M., S hartle , C arroll L., S cott , E llis L., C oons , A lvin E., AND J aynes , W illiam E. A Predictive Study of Administrative Work Patterns
F leishman , E dwin A., H arris , E dwin F., AND B urtt , H arold E. Leadership and Supervision in Industry: An Evaluation of a Supervisory Training Program
F rancis , R oy G., AND S tone , R obert C. Service and Procedure in Bureaucracy: A Case Study
B endix , R einhard . Work and Authority in Industry (Ideologies of Management in the Course of Industrialization)
B ursk , E dward C. (Ed.) Human Relations for Management .
McCL oskey , J oseph F., AND C oppinger , J ohn M. (Eds.) Operations Research for Management, Volume II (Case Histories, Methods, and Information Handling)
H ickman , C. A ddison , AND K uhn , M anford H. Individuals, Groups, and Economic Behavior
D etroit F ree P ress . Motivation Research Looks at Detroit Newspaper Readers
G ilman , G lenn . Human Relations in the Industrial Southeast (A Study of the Textile Industry)
G uilford , J. P. Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education
F arnsworth , P. R., AND McN emar , Q. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 8, 1967  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(1):167-167
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Negro Norms: A Study of 38,452 Job Applicants for Affirmative Action Programs. Northfield, Ill.: E. F. Wonderlic & Associates, Inc.
L eavitt , H arold J. Managerial Psychology.
S haw , L ynette and S ichel , H erbert .
C hambers , C arl D. and H eckman , R ichard D.
B urack , E lmer H. and W alker , J ames W. (Editors).
P arsons , H. M. Man-Machine System Experiments. Baltimore
S ilvern , L eonard C. Systems Engineering Applied to Training.
W ieland , G eorge F. A nd L eigh , H ilary .
A rgyris , C hris . The Applicability of Organizational Sociology.
G eorgopoulos , B asil S. (Editor) Organization Research on Health Institutions.
G raham , W illiam K. and R oberts , K arlene H. (Editors) Comparative Studies in Organizational Behavior.
T urner , J ohn H., F illey , A lan C. and H ouse , R obert J. (Editors) Studies in Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior.
D yer , W illiam G. (Editor) Modern Theory and Method in Group Training.
T aylor , C alvin W. (Editor) Climate for Creativity: Report of the Seventh National Creativity Research Conference.
R ock , M ilton L. Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration.
H eyel , C arl . (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Modern Office Management and Administrative Services.
M atteson , M ichael T., B lakeney , R oger N. and D omm , D onald R. Contemporary Personnel Management: A Reader on Human Resources.
C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Personnel Management.
C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Readings in Personnel Management.
S hout , H oward F. Start Supervising.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1958,11(4):631-633
Book review in this article.
M errill , H arwood F., and M arting , E lizabeth . (Eds.) Developing Executive Skills: New Patterns for Management Growth . New York: American Management Association, Inc., 1958. Pp. 431. $9.00.
L eavitt , H arold J. Managerial Psychology . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1958. Pp. xi + 335. $5.00.
C alhoon , R ichard P., N oland , E. W illiam , and W hitehill , A rthur M., J r . Cases on Human Relations in Management . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1958. Pp. viii + 444. $6.00.
G ross , N eal , M ason , W ard S., and M c E achern , A lexander W. Explorations in Role Analysis: Studies of the School Superintendency Role . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1958. Pp. xiv + 379. $8.75.
H eider , F ritz . The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1958. Pp. ix + 322. $6.25.
M c C ormick , E rnest , J. Human Engineering . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1957. Pp. xi + 467. $8.00.
B ellows , R oger , B ellows , C arol S., E step , M. F rances , R ush , C arl H., S choll , C harles E., and W ilson , R onald F. Workbook in Industrial Psychology and Personnel Management . Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company, 1957. Pp. iv + 94. $2.40.
Y oder , D ale , H eneman , H. G., J r ., T urnbull , J ohn G., and S tone , C. H arold . Handbook of Personnel Management and Labor Relations . New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1958. Pp. v + approximately 1200. $12.50.
C hamberlain , N eil W., P ierson , F rank C., and W olfson , T heresa . (Eds.) A Decade of Industrial Relations Research, 1946–1956: An Appraisal of the Literature in the Field . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958. Pp. viii + 205. $3.50.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1959,12(1):158-184
Books reviewed in this article:
A rgyris , C hris . Personality and Organization: The Conflict Between System and the Individual.
C rap , J ohn R. Junior Boards of Executives: A Management Training Procedure.
C antor , N athaniel . The Learning Process for Managers.
S teckle , L ynde C. The Man in Management: A Manual for Managers.
R edfield , C harles E. Communication in Management.
S mith , G eo . A lbert , J r . Managing Geographically Decentralized Companies.
M c F arland , D alton B. Management Principles and Practices.
D avis , R obert T. Performance and Development of Field Sales Managers.
M c L ean , A lan A., and T aylor , G raham C. Mental Health in Industry.
N ewman , J oseph W. Motivation Research and Marketing Management.
S elekman , B enjamin M., S elekman , S ylvia K opald, and F uller , S tephen H. Problems in Labor Relations.
M arriott , R. Incentive Payment Systems: A Review of Research and Opinion.
R owland , V irgil K. Improving Managerial Performance.
A llen , L ouis A. Management and Organization.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1954,7(3):430-447
* S taff , P ersonnel R esearch B ranch , T he A djutant G eneral's O ffice . Army Personnel Tests and Measurement
Does the Manual Satisfy Its Stated Objectives? By W. S. P aul , Lt. Gen.
Is the Manual Appropriate for Non-Military Users of Personnel Tests? By E dwine , G hiselli .
Is the Manual Technically Adequate? By L ee J. C ronbach .
V iteles , M orriss . Motivation and Morale in Industry.
M ann , F loyd , and B aumgartel , H oward . Absences and employee attitudes in an electric power company .
M ann , F loyd , and B aumgartel , H oward . The supervisor's concern with costs in a n electric power company .
M ann , F loyd , and D ent , J ames . Appraisals of supervisors and attitudes of their employees in an electric power company .
R ecktenwald , T. N. Guidance and Counseling .
B oring , E dwin G., L angfeld , H erbert S., W erner , H einz , and Y erkes , R obert M. (Eds.) A History of Psychology in Autobiography, Volume IV .
Books and Materials Received*  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1962,15(3):345-371
Books reviewed in this article:
G uest , R obert H enry . Organizational Change: The Effect of Successful Leadership.
B ennis , W arren G., B enne , K enneth D., and C hin , R obert (Editors). The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences.
B lau , P eter M., and S cott , W. R ichard . Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach.
E tzioni , A mitai . A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations: On Power, Involvement, and Their Correlates.
A rgyris , C hris , et al. Social Science Approaches to Business Behavior.
T annenbaum , R obert , W eschler , I rving R., and M assarik , F red . Leadership and Organization: A Behavioral Science Approach.
M aier , N orman R. F., and H ayes , J ohn J. Creative Management.
B aum , B ernard H. Decentralization of Authority in a Bureaucracy.
de M ontmollin , M. Nouvelles Perspectives dam L'Etude du Travail.
P atchen , M artin . The Choice of Wage Comparisons.
S inaiko , H. W allace . (Editor) Selected Papers on Human Factors in the Design and Use of Control Systems.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1969,22(2):205-235
Books reviewed in this article:
E ngel , J ames F., K ollat , D avid T., and B lackwell , R oger D. Consumer Behavior.
L itwin , G eorge H., and S tringer , R obert A. J r . Motivation and Organizational Climate.
K irkpatrick , J ames J., E wen , R obert B., B arrett , R ichard S., and K atzell , R aymond A. Testing and Fair Employment: Fairness and Validity of Personnel Tests for Diferent Ethnic Groups.
G eist , H arold . The Psychological Aspects of Retirement.
H olden , P aul E., P ederson , C arlton A., and G ermane , G ayton E. Top Management.
C alvert , R obert , J r . Employing the Minority Group College Graduate (Recruiting, Evaluating Qualifications, Retaining Employees).
E dwards , A llen L. Experimental Design in Psychological Research
G laser , B arney G. (Editor) Organizational Careers: A Source-book for Theory.
Management Education and Development.
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know.
M c M urry , R obert N., and A rnold , J ames S. How to Build a Dynamic Sales Organization.
Z ytowski , D onald G. (Editor) Vocational Behavior: Readings in Theory and Research.
H erman , S tanley M. The Peopte Specialists.
Evaluation of Executive Performance.
M c F arland , D alton E. Personnel Management: Theory and Practice.
M ussen , P aul H., and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 60, 1969.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1965,18(3):359-360
Book review in this article.
B radford , L eland , P., G ibb , J ack R., and B enne K enneth D. (Eds.) T-Group Theory and Laboratory Method: Innovation in Re-Education. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1964. Pp. xii + 498. $9.75
D oriot , G eorges F., et al . The Management of Racial Integration in Business. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. Pp. x + 147. $10.00
T urner , A rthur N., and L awrence , P aul R. Industrial Jobs and the Worker: An Investigation of Response to Task Attributes. Boston: Division of Research, Harvard Business School, 1965. Pp. xvi + 177. $4.00
M c C ormick , E rnest J. Human Factors Engineering. (Second Edition of Human Engineering ) New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964. Pp. xii + 653. $12.50
L opez , F elix M., J r . Personnel Interviewing: Theory and Practice. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1965. Pp. ix + 326. $8.95
P orter , D onald E., and A pple -W hite , P hilip B. Studies in Organizational Behavior and Management. Scranton, Pa.: International Textbook Company, 1964. Pp. x + 741. $7.75
K ahn , R obert L., and B oulding , E lise (Editors). Power and Conflict in Organizations. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1964. Pp. xvi + 173. $4.95
Applying Behavioral Science Research in Industry. (Symposium Papers and Discussions) New York: Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc., 1964. Pp. viii + 113. $2.75
B ennis , W arren G., S chein , E dgar H., B erlew , D avid E., and S teele , F red I. Interpersonal Dynamics: Essays and Readings on Human Interaction. Homewood, Ill.: The Dorsey Press, Inc., 1964. Pp. xv + 763. $11.35
S eybold , G eneva . Personnel Audits and Reports to Top Management. (Studies in Personnel Policy No. 191) New York: National Industrial Conference Board, 1964. Pp. 147. $25.00; $5.00 to NICB Associates & Gov't. Agencies; $1.65 to Students & Teachers, Mailed Only to School Address.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1952,5(2):145-153
Books reviewed in this article:
P igors , P aul A. and M yers , C harles A. Personnel Administration.
B lum , M ilton L. and B alinsky , B enjamin . Counseling and Psychology.
M iller , D. C. and F orm , W. H. Industrial Sociology: An Introduction to the Sociology of Work Relations.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(1):113-139
Books reviewed in this article:
S tagner , R oss . The Psychology of Industrial Conflict
F riedmann , G eorges . Industrial Society
F ryer , D ouglas H., F einberg , M ortimer R., AND Z alkind , S heldon S. Developing People in Industry: Principles and Methods of Training
E dwards , J oseph D ean . Executives: Making Them Click
W alker , C harles R., G uest , R obert H., AND T urner , A rthur N. The Foreman on the Assembly Line
M c M urry , R obert N., et al. Tested Techniques of Personnel Selection
G oldwag , E lliott M. A Survey on the Use of Psychlogical Tests in Selecting Salesmen
P igors , P aul , AND M yers , C harles A. Personnel Administration: A Point of View and a Method
L eonhard , D ietz L. Consumer Research with Projective Techniques
C hapanis , A lphonse . The Design and Conduct of Human Engineering Studies
G ilmour , R obert W. Industrial Wage and Salary Control
P hillipson , H erbert . The Object Relations Technique
C ornell , F rancis G. The Essentials of Educational Statistics
K ornhauser , A rthur , M ayer , A lbert J., AND S heppard , H arold L. When Labor Votes: A Study of Auto Workers
K nox , J ohn B. The Sociology of Industrial Relations
B rown , M ilon . Effective Supervision  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1962,15(4):447-475
Book review in This Article:
M c C lelland , D avid C. The Achieving Society.
A rgyris , C hris . Interpersonal Competence and Organizational Effectiveness.
W hyte , W illiam F oote . Men at Work.
B urns , T om , and S talker , G. M. The Management of Innovation.
I ndustrial R elations C ounselors , I nc ., Group Wage Incentives: Experience with the Scanlon Plan.
L eonard , W illiam P. The Management Audit: An Appraisal of Management Methods and Performance.
A nstey , E. Staff Reporting and Staff Development.
M argulies , S tuart , and E igen , L ewis D. (Editors) Applied Programed Instruction.
D ill , W illiam R., H ilton , T homas L., and R eitman , W alter R. The New Managers: Patterns of Behavior and Development.
S idney , E lizabeth , and B rown , M argaret . The Skills of Interviewing.
C hruden , H erbert J., and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Readings in Personnel Management.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1961,14(1):106-128
Books reviewed in this article:
K err , C lark , D unlop , J ohn T., H arbison , F rederick H., and M yers , C harles A. Industrialism and Industrial Man: The Problems of Labor and Management in Economic Growth.
B ennett , W illard E. Manager Selection, Education and Training.
L ivingston , R obert T eviot , and W aite , W illiam W. (Editors) The Manager's Job.
R emitz , U no . Professional Satisfaction Among Swedish Bank Employees.
D ahl , R obert A., H aire , M ason , and L azarsfeld , P aul F. Social Science Research on Business: Product and Potential.
M arcson , S imon . The Scientist in American Industry: Some Organizational Determinants in Manpower Utilization.
C artwright , D orwin , and Z ander , A lvin (Editors) Group Dynamics: Research and Theory.
N euschel , R ichard F. Management by System.
S iegel , S idney , and F ouraker , L awrence E. Bargaining and Group Decision Making: Experiments in Bilateral Monopoly.
S eeman , M elvin . Social Status and Leadership: The Case of the School Executive.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(2):271-294
Books reviewed in this article:
M organ , J ohn S. Business Faces the Urban Crisis.
G urin , G erald . Inner-City Negro Youth in a Job Training Project: A Study of Factors Related to Attrition and Job Success.
C rosby , A ndrew . Creativity and Performance in Industrial Organization.
S iegel , L aurence . Industrial Psychology.
L evy , R onald B. Human Relations —A Conceptual Approach.
M iner , J ohn B. Personnel Psychology.
Managing Organizational Effectiveness.
E dwards , A llen L. Statistical Analysis.
K olasa , B lair J. Introduction to Behavioral Science for Business.
W ortman , M ax S., J r . Critical Issues in Labor: Text and Readings.
M ussen , P aul H., and R osenzweig , M akk R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 21, 1970.
S choonmaker , A lan N. Anxiety and the Executive.
K azmier , L eonard J. Principles of Management: A Program for Self-instruction.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(4):767-767

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