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The therapy of somatoform disorders should focus on the reduction of physical symptoms. A constant improvement of these symptoms is not possible without the development of the body-self and the body-image, because serious somatoform disorders are always connected with problems of the self-structure, especially of the body-self and the body-image. A treatment approach is presented in a case study.  相似文献   

The ICD-10 diagnostic category of dissociative disorders encompasses very different clinical pictures. The so called dissociative disorders of consciousness are characterized by functional disturbances to the psychic domains of consciousness, identity, autobiographic memory and experience of self and the world. The core features of conversion disorders are functional alterations in the sensorimotor systems. The phenomenological heterogeneity is reflected by prevalence rates ranging from very rare to 30% in clinical populations. Traumatic experiences play a crucial role in the etiology and pathogenesis of these disorders. High rates of comorbid disorders, a tendency to a chronic course and a somatic illness concept in patients with conversion disorders complicate the psychotherapeutic approach. Depending on the therapeutic goals, both psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral treatment forms are suitable.  相似文献   

Any postpartum mental disorder in a mother can influence the mother-child relationship and communication and lead to the development of psychosomatic disorders or disorders of behavioral regulation with diagnostic status. These can have a long-term impact on the mother-child relationship and the child’s mental development. Based on research findings on mother-child interaction, the authors expound why including the child in treatment is crucial. Accordingly, possible contraindications for mother-infant treatment are described. Clinical parent-infant treatment practice is reviewed as an interdisciplinary and multiprofessional challenge and the necessity of adhering to minimum standards, beside adult psychiatric skills, of child psychiatric and developmental expertise in diagnostics and intervention for quality assurance.  相似文献   

The value of symptom validity tests in a forensic context is currently the subject of a controversial debate in Germany. The discussion primarily focuses on neuropsychological symptom validity tests, however, tests specific for mental disorders are neglected. Unfortunately, no assessment tools for symptom validation of mental disorders of German origin are available and adaptations of available English state of the art instruments have not yet been tested. Further research of assessment development and qualitative analysis of the decision-making process in medicolegal evaluation is needed in German speaking countries.  相似文献   



Sexual disorders are common among patients with traumatic childhood experiences, especially when they were exposed to sexual abuse. Despite the fact that trauma-associated sexual disorders imply serious consequences for the persons concerned, to date the topic has not found much consideration in the research and clinical contexts.

Material and methods

This study investigated the prevalence and relationships of sexual disorders and experiences of sexual abuse in 189 patients (81?% women, 19?% men) with complex posttraumatic stress disorder. All participants completed the Interview zur Diagnostik der komplexen posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (I-kPTBS, interview on diagnostics of complex posttraumatic stress disorder) and the traumatic antecedents questionnaire (TAQ).


At least one sexual disorder was found in 77.2?% of the participants. In both sexes hyposexual disorders were more common than hypersexual disorders. Women showed more hyposexual disorders than men and men showed more hypersexual disorders than women. Of the participants 50.8?% reported experiences of sexual abuse and women were more often affected than men. The presence of hyposexual disorders was clearly associated with the existence of experiences of child sexual abuse.


There is a need for research on and effective treatment concepts for trauma-associated sexual disorders. The development of new therapeutic approaches should be realized in interdisciplinary cooperation.  相似文献   

Dissociative disorders often develop after chronic traumatization. But they can also occur without preceding traumatization. Newer psychodynamic concepts explain dissociation as a specific defense-constellation and as a result of specific neurobiological and neuroanatomical effects of trauma. In dissociative disorders differentiated interdisciplinary somatic and psychiatric diagnostic procedures should be performed. Many somatic and psychiatric disorders should be considered concerning the differential diagnosis. Specific therapeutic techniques have to be applied.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s psychoanalysts have repeatedly described how the spectrum of mental disorders has shifted from neurotic conflict pathology to structural disorders of the personality. Nobody, however, is born with a narcissistic or antisocial attitude. Based on the works of Lasch and Ottomeyer, in this article an attempt is made to highlight such social aspects in highly developed capitalistic countries, which provide assistance to allow people to remain loyal to the circumstances that impregnate and configurate them. In these circumstances the narcissistic grandiose self of the individual with an ideal blueprint of self-realization becomes a destructive ideal. In the case of failure only the following choice then seems to remain: either the failure is experienced as a personal, self-induced catastrophe and as a self-induced culpable blemish (i.e. as deserved) or the subject resorts to the “opium of collective pride”, e.g. by identification with the national football team, in order not to have to “accept the truth” of the injured self-esteem.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Epidemiologische Daten bezüglich dissoziativer Auffälligkeiten werden vorgestellt. Diagnostizierbare dissoziative Störungen werden im Bereich des pathologischen Pols eines Kontinuums dissoziativer Phänomene eingeordnet. Ausgehend von der allen dissoziativen Störungen gemeinsamen Kernsymptomatik der strukturierten Separation mentaler Prozesse aus der ganzheitlichen Wahrnehmung wird ein universelles Ätiologiemodell dieser Erkrankungen dargestellt. Es basiert im Wesentlichen auf neueren Erkenntnissen der Neurobiologie und Gedächtnisforschung und bezieht sich auf die Traumatisierung als zentralem pathologenetischem Agens. Hiervon ausgehend, wird ein 2-phasiges Therapiemodell vorgestellt. Als Ziel wird ein Aussetzen bzw. eine Reduktion der dissoziativen Symptome über eine Integration der traumatischen Erfahrungen angestrebt. Die beschriebenen therapeutischen Vorgehensweisen sind grundsätzlich bei allen traumatisch bedingten dissoziativen Störungen anwendbar. Auf Konversionssymptome sowie die dissoziative Identitätsstörung wird als Sonderfälle separat eingegangen.Der Text basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Vortrag, den die Autorin am 24.10.2003 auf dem 5. Wissenschaftlichen Kongress der Deutschen Ärztlichen Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie in Bad Pyrmont gehalten hat.  相似文献   

Anxiety and stress-induced disorders are used in this contribution as an example to demonstrate how effectively neurobiological research findings can be used to improve psychotherapeutical interventions. The acquisition and facilitation of maladaptive coping strategies is the result of the activation of a cascade of emergency reactions which cannot be halted by the activation of available pro-adaptive coping strategies. Such experiences of uncontrollability and helplessness undermine the most essential resources to deal with stress and pave the way to the manifestation of disturbances at the level of secure attachment, self-efficacy, trust, affect control, self-regulation etc. Psychotherapeutic interventions will be most effective if they focus on the restoration of the resources at the level at which the maladaptive coping pattern became primarily stabilized (relational, emotional, cognitive approaches).  相似文献   

As a result of their prevalence somatoform disorders represent a substantial burden not only for health care systems but also for social security and pension programs around the world. In fact, in recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of applicants filing for disability pensions due to such disorders. Recent studies focus on the relationship between biological, psychological and social factors and the subjective experience of somatoform symptoms and their concomitant impairments. Despite this progress, diagnostic work in general remains a challenge. The purpose of this paper is first to discuss a dimensional diagnostic system for somatoform disorders. Secondly based on the dimensions of this diagnostic system, considerations regarding the differentiation of the diagnosis “pain disorder” will be made. Furthermore, considerations concerning the severity and prognosis of somatoform disorders are presented. These considerations should help to assess vocational disability.  相似文献   

Video recording is currently part of in- and out-patient therapy programs for parents with infants. The observation and analysis of video sequences allow the patient to gain an extraordinary insight with respect to its own experience and behaviour. Video Microanalytical Therapy (VMT) looks for the mother’s positive qualities in her relationship to the child and employs these qualities in order to support successful interactions. VMT is well-suited to the treatment of mothers with postpartal affective or psychotic disorders, because the typical cognitive distortions and reduced perception shown by these mothers can be avoided to a large extent through the use of pictures. In this study, a video microanalytical therapy concept will be presented, that was developed for the treatment of postpartally disordered mothers at the Psychiatric Centre Nordbaden in Wiesloch, Germany.  相似文献   

Somatoform disorders are not only marked by somatic symptoms, but also by significant disturbances in interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal difficulties – including the maladaptive pattern of illness behavior and the resulting difficult doctor-patient-relationship – are an important field of therapeutic intervention (Nickel u. Egle 1999). The interpersonal problems which are characteristic in patients with somatoform disorders draw attention to the developmental aspects of these conditions. Attachment theory provides a promising framework for understanding these developmental features. In the paper presented we therefore apply concepts and observations from attachment theory to somatoform disorders. After a brief review of attachment theory we specifically discuss the developmental aspects of representation formation in somatization. As next, empirical evidence is reviewed that link attachment insecurity to the development of somatoform disorders. Finally a vulnerability model of somatoform disorders is outlined.  相似文献   

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