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Panikkar’s (The intra-religious dialogue, 1978) classic, re-issued by Paulist Press in 1999, grapples with the theological challenges in the disciplines of comparative theology and the theology of religions through what he terms, “intra-religious dialogue.” In this psychology of religious plurality, I use works from a variety of disciplines to highlight the achievements of Panikkar’s intra-religious dialogue, as well as to critique his work in the hope of finding categories of understanding that can be profitably used to face the inter-personal crises of the contemporary world, namely religious terrorism.  相似文献   

A complexity cosmography is introduced as construing a world that is self-organizing, dynamic, and emergent, and that comprises organic entities that too are self-organizing, dynamic, and emergent. Following critical reflection into the nature of utilising complexity in social inquiry, specific images, vocabularies and complexity-based methods and techniques as developed by the authors are introduced.  相似文献   

Recently there has been a dramatic increase in attempts to integrate certain intervention components of behavioral and systems approaches with marital and family therapy. This paper elaborates on a previously described behavioral-systems approach by focusing primarily on the issue of resistance to therapeutic progress within the behavioral framework. First, potential reasons for major resistance phenomena are suggested. Then, in the context of a social learning theory model of assessment and intervention, specific clinical indications are discussed for departing from the basic behavioral approach in order to deal with resistance. Finally, a variety of interpretive and strategic intervention techniques are described and illustrated by clinical case materials  相似文献   


Information and complexity have become central concepts in our contemporary worldview. On this background, it is discussed in which sense concepts of information and complexity may apply to theology proper. While the inherited axiom of divine simplicity forbids complexity and plurality as features of divine nature, an argument is developed for the presence of information and complexity in divine life. Three forms of information are proposed as relevant for a contemporary concept of God: Information as difference (Information1), information as form and relational structure (Information2) and semantic information (Information3). It is argued that features of these forms of information must be internal to divine life, if God can properly be said to facilitate and value the complex world of creation, to allow embodied creates to participate in divine life, and to communicate with creatures. In this light, the notion of divine simplicity will have to be redefined as the divine self-identity throughout temporal flux.  相似文献   

The author developed a practical, effective way of teaching people how to refocus their energy from predicaments to problems and thereby reduce their stress levels. Feedback about using the technique was positive. Benefits and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

虽然近年来心血管疾病的治疗取得了长足进展 ,但心力衰竭的发病率并未明显降低。据统计充血性心力衰竭占西方社会 6 5岁以上人群的 3%~5 % ,75岁人群的 10 %。在美国 ,是导致 6 5岁以上老年人住院和反复住院的主要原因。一旦心力衰竭诊断成立 ,患者 5年生存率不足 5 0 % ,甚至低于普通肿瘤[1] 。因此心力衰竭的治疗历来是临床医学的重要课题。1 概念及机制心力衰竭是指各种原因导致心脏泵血功能减退 ,在有充分静脉血液回流的情况下 ,心排血量降低以至不能满足机体的代谢需要 ,或者以升高心室充盈压力为代价而增加心排血满足代谢需要的临床…  相似文献   

The author discusses the power of cumulative theory generation in which two or more grounded theories are joined utilizing the constant comparative method of analysis. He introduces an example of such theoretical synergy between his theory of weathering change and Gregory's and Thomas' work on diversity dynamics. Initial grounded theory analysis by Gregory and Raffanti indicates that combining relevant aspects of weathering and diversity management has the potential to generate powerful explanatory and operational theories.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(3):191-202
In this study, we present data on graduate students' actual experiences in dealing with impaired peers and faculty predictions of how students would deal with such situations. A total of 29 faculty and 73 graduate students responded to a survey of 40 randomly selected clinical psychology training programs. Student respondents were almost universally (95%) aware of peers whom they regarded as impaired in their professional functioning, and half (49%) the sample reported being aware of a peer's ethical impropriety. Faculty overestimated the number of students who said they "did nothing" when confronted with the resulting ethical dilemma and underestimated the degree of conflict and turmoil (i.e., anger, frustration, dismay) that students reported experiencing. Faculty also estimated that students would be more concerned with peer loyalty issues, whereas students indicated that they were strongly motivated by ethical considerations. Ethics curricula ought more thoroughly to address affective concerns through experiential learning vehicles such as faculty modeling, simulation exercises, and small-group discussion.  相似文献   

Much previous work has suggested that word order preferences across languages can be explained by the dependency distance minimization constraint (Ferrer-i Cancho, 2008, 2015; Hawkins, 1994). Consistent with this claim, corpus studies have shown that the average distance between a head (e.g., verb) and its dependent (e.g., noun) tends to be short cross-linguistically (Ferrer-i Cancho, 2014; Futrell, Mahowald, & Gibson, 2015; Liu, Xu, & Liang, 2017). This implies that on average languages avoid inefficient or complex structures for simpler structures. But a number of studies in psycholinguistics (Konieczny, 2000; Levy & Keller, 2013; Vasishth, Suckow, Lewis, & Kern, 2010) show that the comprehension system can adapt to the typological properties of a language, for example, verb-final order, leading to more complex structures, for example, having longer linear distance between a head and its dependent. In this paper, we conduct a corpus study for a group of 38 languages, which were either Subject–Verb–Object (SVO) or Subject–Object–Verb (SOV), in order to investigate the role of word order typology in determining syntactic complexity. We present results aggregated across all dependency types, as well as for specific verbal (objects, indirect objects, and adjuncts) and nonverbal (nominal, adjectival, and adverbial) dependencies. The results suggest that dependency distance in a language is determined by the default word order of a language, and crucially, the direction of a dependency (whether the head precedes the dependent or follows it; e.g., whether the noun precedes the verb or follows it). Particularly we show that in SOV languages (e.g., Hindi, Korean) as well as SVO languages (e.g., English, Spanish), longer linear distance (measured as number of words) between head and dependent arises in structures when they mirror the default word order of the language. In addition to showing results on linear distance, we also investigate the influence of word order typology on hierarchical distance (HD; measured as number of heads between head and dependent). The results for HD are similar to that of linear distance. At the same time, in comparison to linear distance, the influence of adaptability on HD seems less strong. In particular, the results show that most languages tend to avoid greater structural depth. Together, these results show evidence for “limited adaptability” to the default word order preferences in a language. Our results support a large body of work in the processing literature that highlights the importance of linguistic exposure and its interaction with working memory constraints in determining sentence complexity. Our results also point to the possible role of other factors such as the morphological richness of a language and a multifactor account of sentence complexity remains a promising area for future investigation.  相似文献   

My response to Kathleen McPhillips’s paper focuses on the pervasiveness of vicarious trauma for those working with survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Attempts to avoid the impact of vicarious trauma may in fact lead to denial, dissociation, or amnesia. Cultural trauma, as unearthed by the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse Commission, can also be linked with the wider theme of Australia’s history of migration. Migrants who came to Australia fleeing various forms of trauma, have, at times, felt betrayed by the new country. This sense of betrayal is compounded if, for example, institutional sexual abuse suffered by their offspring, is ignored or denied. The abuse suffered by children in Australian institutions has led to trauma on both personal and cultural levels. Healing, therefore, may require both individual help, and ethical responsiveness on a more collective level. The Royal Commission serves to provide a container for its examination. Such public recognition is but one step in processes of reparation that need to take place on individual and cultural levels. McPhillips’s work may also serve as a vital part of this process.  相似文献   

价值观:从理论研究到教育实践--访袁贵仁教授   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问:袁老师,您是我国价值哲学研究的开拓者之一.您1991年出版的专著<价值学引论>和当时其他学者的著作一起奠定了国内价值哲学研究的理论框架.随后您就明确提出价值学研究旨在建构正确的价值观念体系,从而推动我国价值理论的发展.我们注意到,现代社会,价值观问题受到人们广泛的重视.不仅理论工作者高度关注它,而且政治家、企业家和普通百姓都十分关注它.这是为什么?  相似文献   


The paper reviews the theoretical concepts included in a range of social cognitive models which have identified psychological antecedents of individual motivation and behaviour. Areas of correspondence are noted and core constructs (derived primarily from the theory of planned behaviour and social cognitive theory) are identified. The role of intention formation, self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes, normative beliefs and self-representations are highlighted and it is argued that these constructs provide a useful framework for modelling the psychological prerequisites of health behaviour. Acknowledging that intentions do not translate into action automatically, recent advances in our understanding of the ways in which prior planning and rehearsal can enhance individual control of action and facilitate the routinisation of behaviour are considered. The importance of engaging in preparatory behaviours for the achievement of many health goals is discussed and the processes by which goals are prioritised, including their links to self-representations, are explored. The implications of social cognitive and self-regulatory theories for the cognitive assessment of individual readiness for action and for intervention design in health-related settings are highlighted.  相似文献   

Teasing requires the ability to understand intention, nonliteral communication, pretense, and social context. Children with autism experience difficulty with such skills, and consequently, are expected to have difficulty with teasing. To better understand teasing concepts and behaviors, children with autism, their parents, and age and Verbal-IQ-matched comparison children and parents described concepts and experiences of teasing and engaged in a parent–child teasing interaction. The teasing of children with autism was less playful and provocative and focused less on social norms than that of comparison children. Similarly, parents of children with autism teased in less playful ways. Scores on a theory of mind task accounted for several of the observed differences. Discussion focused on the importance of understanding social context and playful behavior during teasing.  相似文献   

In this paper it is suggested that by incorporating embodied practices from bodywork and the performing arts analytic training could be enriched and promote the development of countertransference awareness for body sensations and movement. The historical background and theoretical underpinnings of an analytical training program focusing on embodied subjectivity, intersubjectivity, and objectivity, aimed at integrating experiences of self, other, and interaction, is outlined. The paper describes and discusses the training program developed at the Norwegian Character Analytic Institute over a 10-year period, featuring nonverbal, embodied ways of presenting and working with cases at seminars and in connection with supervision.  相似文献   

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