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The Psychological Record - The present two experiments conducted a limited parametric study of the overtraining variable using a whole-partial reversal procedure in rats. Rats received two...  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that there would be significant differences in the aggressive imagery of inhibited and uninhibited subjects when TAT cards or instructions strongly suggested an aggressive response but not when the experimental conditions did not suggest hostile themes. This prediction was verified on a sample of women but no support was found in a sample of men. The findings were related to other studies in the literature and directions for further research suggested.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the degree to which learning sets developed during formation of 20 successive concepts. Forty S s were evenly distributed among eight experimental conditions. Conditions compared were rule with attribute identification, conjunctive with disjunctive concepts, and random with ordered arrays of figures. Results showed that learning sets formed with rule identification for both conjunctive and disjunctive concepts, but not with attribute identification. Concepts were easier to learn when using systematic compared to random arrays of figures (of questionable significance), when forming conjunctive rather than disjunctive concepts (not significant), and when using rule identification instead of attribute identification. Procedural differences among studies in this area appear to be major contributors to differences among studies in the results found.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Two experiments were conducted to study stimulus equivalence as a function of class size and number of classes. In the first experiment, equivalence was tested in 50...  相似文献   

Video games vary in terms of the emotional states they elicit from players. These differences in emotional reactions, in turn, help account for differential preferences of individual games. The three independent dimensions of pleasure-displeasure, arousal-nonarousal, and dominance-submissiveness were used to assess emotional impacts of individual games. In addition, a preference measure was constructed to evaluate attraction toward, versus avoidance of, specific games. In Study One, a group of subjects provided data on emotional responses to 22 common arcade video games and a different group rated their preferences for the same games. The emotional impact of video games was highly unpleasant, moderately arousing, and moderately dominance-inducing; thus, the predominant emotional response to these games was aggression, anger, or hostility. I n Study Two, subjects visiting a video game arcade were recruited and assigned to play two games each and to report their reactions to each game immediately after playing the game. Results showed that greater feelings of pleasure, and separately of arousal, while playing video games resulted in higher preferences for the games and that greater dominance (significant only for males) also led to higher preferences. It may be beneficial, therefore, to experiment with more arousing and more dominance-inducing game designs which are not necessarily unpleasant or which definitely yield high pleasure.  相似文献   

La coherence attendue entre des traits de personnalité et d'une part des choix de carrière, d'autre part des préférences pour des types de culture organisationnelle a été examinée en termes de parallélisme conceptuel différentiel. On s'est aperçu que, dans un grand échantillon d'adultes britanniques, les rapprochements dépendaient de l'existence d'un recouvrement logique entre un trait de personnalité et une préférence. Quand un choix de carrière ou une dimension culturelle était logiquement reliéà in trait de personnalité, les variations interpersonelles sur ce trait étaient significativement associées aux choix culturels ou de carrière. Dans d'autres cas, le personnalité n'était pas pertinente. Les résultats confirment certains aspects du modèle attraction-sélection-désintérêt et précisent en particulier les origines des effets différentiels de personnalité dans ce modèle et d'autres analogues.
Expected consistency between personality traits and preferences for particular career anchors and for forms of organisational culture was examined in terms of differential conceptual alignment. In a large sample of British adults, associations were found to depend on the presence of logical overlap between a personality trait and a preferred outcome. When a career anchor or a cultural feature was logically related to a personality trait, between-person variations in that trait were significantly associated with career or cultural preferences. In other cases, personality was irrelevant. Findings support aspects of the attraction-selection-attrition model, and more precisely specify the basis of differential personality effects in that and similar models.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between cognitive complexity and conversational recall. Three hypotheses are put forward arguing that individuals high in cognitive complexity will (a) recall more person-oriented conversational information, (b) recall more person-oriented information in an interference condition, and (c) recall more total information from a conversation than subjects low in cognitive complexity. Subjects were 72 college students who observed a video taped conversation. Recall was elicited by means of a free recall task and an 18-item multiple choice test. MANOVA and canonical discriminant-analysis results support each hypotheses.  相似文献   

Harrison  A. C.  O'Neill  S. A. 《Sex roles》2003,49(7-8):389-400
A developmental model of gender-stereotype acquisition (Martin, 1989) proposes that by the age of 8 years children draw upon information about gender-stereotyped interests as well as other children's sex when deciding how much other children would like different activities; younger children rely on sex only when making such decisions. We examined whether the judgments that children made about other children's preferences were different from those that they made about their own preferences for masculine and feminine musical instruments. Three hundred twelve children aged 8–9 years ranked 6 instruments in order of preference, and rated on a 4-point scale how much they would like to play each one. Children were then asked to decide how much other children would like to play each instrument. Only girls' own preferences for feminine instruments differed according to the gender-stereotyping of their most-preferred instrument. Judgments about how much other children would like masculine and feminine instruments did not differ according to those children's gender-stereotyped interest. Children made stereotypical predictions about the preferences of children of unknown sex who played either a masculine or feminine instrument. Implications for a theoretical account of the development of children's gender-stereotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

Doosje  Bertjan  Rojahn  Krystyna  Fischer  Agneta 《Sex roles》1999,40(1-2):45-60
An important current debate concerns the originof gender differences in partner preferences. Thesedifferences have been explained both in terms ofevolutionary theory and in terms of social role theory. The present study determines the relativestrengths of both perspectives by investigating, apartfrom gender, the influence of three other importantfactors on partner preferences and for which the two approaches offer divergent hypotheses: age,political orientation and level of education of therespondent. About 95% of the participants were WhiteDutch citizens, the rest were Dutch with one or twoparents from a different ethnic background.Participants were requested to write down the mostimportant characteristics of a potential partner(open-ended format), followed by an instruction toindicate the importance of 39 pre-selected characteristics. Resultsshow that men and women have highly similar preferencesfor characteristics in a potential partner. In addition,it is demonstrated that on crucial characteristics from an evolutionary perspective (i.e.,physical attractiveness and status) significantinteractions between age, political orientation, levelof education and/or gender of the respondents emerge.Most results offer support for a social role theoryof human mate selection. It is concluded that becausegender on its own merely explains a small proportion ofthe total variance in human mate selection, it is important to include other factors, not onlyin order to facilitate our understanding of the fullcomplexity of partner preferences, but also in order tomake theoretical progress in this area.  相似文献   

Four pigeons in the line-positive group were trained with a vertical line on a green background that signalled intermittent reinforcement while a plain green field signalled extinction. Four pigeons in the line-negative group were trained with the opposite discrimination. Response to a control key terminated any trial and initiated the next trial. The birds also used the control key during generalization tests to control the durations of trials in which various line orientations were presented. These durations were summed to provide generalization gradients of stimulus duration that were positive or negative in accordance with the trained discriminations. In Experiment 2, birds from the line-positive group were tested with a procedure in which the control key was not available on some trials. This provided an independent assessment of response rates to the test stimuli. These rates were used to predict the stimulus durations obtained when the control key was available. The findings supported a general model for the prediction of response distributions among concurrent stimuli from rates observed with single stimuli.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the evaluation of multi-attribute (MAU) decision support for problems differing in complexity. In this study we compared decision making with a computerized decision support system (DECAID) with the unaided process. Overall, results indicate that MAU support led to a more thorough decision process, had more impact on preference formation, and led to a larger decrease of perceived difficulty of the decision problem as compared to the no-support condition. The MAU decision aid turned out to be less lime efficient than the unaided mode, especially with increasing numbers of alternatives. Results suggest that the MAU decision aid is effective for problems of low and moderate complexity only. For highly complex problems, results are less favorable.  相似文献   

To date, research has not explicitly examined how duration competes with other stimulus dimensions for control over responding. The present study investigated some familiar selective mechanisms of stimulus control over key pecking in pigeons, with duration and line tilt as discriminative stimuli in successive discrimination procedures. Specifically, pigeon's key pecking was reinforced with food or extinguished following compound stimuli comprising one of two line orientation stimuli presented for one of two different durations. Traditional experimental designs explored stimulus additivity, overshadowing, blocking, and learned irrelevance. Although stimulus additivity was observed, control by duration was masked by line tilt in extinction testing that followed facilitated acquisition with redundant, relevant cues. In addition, although prior training with duration relevant partially blocked subsequent acquisition of control by line tilt when both stimulus dimensions were relevant, there was a tendency for control by duration to decrease with continued compound training. It was suggested that the greater time required to distinguish duration on a trial—compared to more commonly studied stimulus dimensions, which can be distinguished almost immediately—puts duration at a competitive disadvantage in situations where other relevant dimensions are also available.  相似文献   

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