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This article is a study in contrasts between Freudian psychoanalytic metapsychology, shaped by the physical–mechanistic scientific model of the Helmholtz School of Medicine, and Boss's Daseinanalytic psychotherapy, formed by the human science model derived from the Heidegger's analysis of Dasein. It begins with Binswanger's initial attempt to replace the Freudian metapsychology with Heidegger's analytic of the human being as an active agent in the world. Following this path, the article shows the radical new direction Boss gives to psychotherapy by shifting the focus of therapy from the analysis of an abstract and disembodied psyche driven by forces toward an analysis of the person as a free and responsible agent engaged in the world. Although Boss maintains a high regard for Freud's great achievement, I suggest that he failed to appreciate fully the true magnitude of his new contribution and, due to his hermeneutic of generosity toward psychoanalysis, underestimated the reciprocal influence between Freud's metapsychology and his therapeutic advice and techniques. It is my basic contention that a radical shift of a psychotherapy's philosophical anthropology transforms the entire theory, as a whole, in all its dimensions.  相似文献   

周祯祥 《哲学动态》2006,4(2):55-58
一动态命题逻辑的来源和基本构想动态逻辑DL(DYNAM IC LOGIC)是关于行动和程序推理的形式系统。DL可以描述为三个经典逻辑的合成:一是一阶谓词逻辑;二是模态逻辑;三是正则事件(REGULAR EVENT)的代数。DL区分于经典逻辑的地方是其真值的特性:经典逻辑的真值是静态的,一公式Φ的真值由其结构中自由变元的取值所决定,公式Φ导致的真值和赋值被看做不可改变的。[1]而动态逻辑在这点上正好相反,在DL中,有清晰的被称做程序的语形结构,这些程序的作用就是改变变元的值,由此进而改变公式的值。这些改变在经典谓词逻辑中,是在元逻辑的层…  相似文献   

美国逻辑学家坎普(H.Kamp)等人在20世纪80年代初提出了DRT(D iscourse Represen-tation Theory[1])。作为一种动态语义学理论,它不仅能解决蒙太格语法对不定摹状词的处理不符合语感的问题,还能够解决蒙太格语法所无法刻画的关于话语中代词的指代照应关系和动词的时间照应关系问题。[2]但是,DRT毕竟只有20来年的历史,它还有很多需要改进的地方。美国德州大学奥斯汀分校的阿西尔(N.Asher)教授近年提出的SDRT(Segmented D is-course Representation Theory)[3]就是对DRT理论的进一步完善。一DRT的不足在DRT的创建者坎普看来,语言是…  相似文献   

LW, an individual with a stroke-related motor impairment, was asked to perceive the lengths of rods of different mass distributions by dynamic touch. His impairment dictated that wielding was primarily about the shoulder rather than the wrist. Although perceived rod lengths were in the range of actual rod lengths, scaling to the objects' mass moments was atypical for both the affected and unaffected limbs. A group of healthy young adults asked to mimic his wielding style yielded the same atypical scaling. The typical scaling was restored when LW's wielding was fixed about a mechanical axis. Discussion considered what frame of reference is suitable for revealing an object's mass moments relevant to a given task. In particular, it appears that individuals can exploit alternative forms of interaction with environmental objects that leave invariant the parameters specifying to-be-perceived properties. Perception by dynamic touch is not a function of particular neuromuscular patterns but of information made available to the haptic system during limb-object interactions.  相似文献   

Accurately predicting other people's actions may involve two processes: internal real‐time simulation (dynamic updating) and matching recently perceived action images (static matching). Using a priming of body parts, this study aimed to differentiate the two processes. Specifically, participants played a motion‐controlled video game with either their arms or legs. They then observed arm movements of a point‐light actor, which were briefly occluded from view, followed by a static test pose. Participants judged whether this test pose depicted a coherent continuation of the previously seen action (i.e., “action prediction task”). Evidence of dynamic updating was obtained after compatible effector priming (i.e., arms), whereas incompatible effector priming (i.e., legs) indicated static matching. Together, the results support action prediction as engaging two distinct processes, dynamic simulation and static matching, and indicate that their relative contributions depend on contextual factors like compatibility of body parts involved in performed and observed action.  相似文献   

旧证据问题:一种动态的消解方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旧证据问题是指贝叶斯确证理论在讨论旧证据确证新理论(假说)的问题上将出现不合理的结果,它的消解是贝叶斯确证理论辩护的一个非常重要的环节。本文倡导一种基于Levi理论的动态方案来消解这一问题。在这种方案下,知识汇集的动态性使得旧证据在新理论引入前后的置信概率可能是不相同的,在此基础上我们证明,经新理论扩充后而得到的知识汇集无论是一致扩充还是不一致扩充,均存在一个旧证据E,它对该新理论具有确证作用。  相似文献   

Dynamic systems theory conceives of development as a self-organizational process. Both complexity and order emerge as a product of elementary principles of interaction between components involved in the developmental process. This article presents a dynamic systems model based on a general dual developmental mechanism, adapted from Piaget and Vygotsky. The mechanism consists of a conservative force, further strengthening the already-consolidated level, and a progressive force, consolidating internal contents and procedures at more advanced levels. It is argued that this dual mechanism constitutes one of the few basic laws of learning and change, and is comparable to the laws of effect and of contiguity. Simulation studies suggest that this dual mechanism explains self-organization in developmental paths, including the emergence of discrete jumps from one equilibrium level to another, S-shaped growth, and the occurrence of co-existing levels.  相似文献   

Zeev Winstok 《Sex roles》2013,69(3-4):193-204
Feminist and family violence scholars disagree over how partner violence should be studied and understood. One may expect that the use of different observation units would serve as a backdrop to the controversy, yet most studies in the field are based on single individual behavioral units of observation that are context-free. The present article attempts to propose a complementary or alternative observational unit. This unit of observation focuses on the aggressive interactions between the intimate partners, and enables researchers not only to explore the causes and consequences of the aggressive behavior but also to capture and analyze the dynamics of the partners’ conflicts that escalate to violence. The interactional observation unit can serve to advance the accumulating knowledge in the field as well as the discussion on the role of gender in partner violence.  相似文献   

Six attributes of creative problem-solving ability were investigated as predictors of creative problem solving ability in math. A total of 409 Taiwanese fifth and sixth graders were administered the recently developed Creative Problem Solving Attributes Inventory and other corresponding established instruments that measure similar attributes. The Creative Problem Solving Attributes Inventory yielded valid and reliable data on creative problem solving attributes. Results also demonstrated that divergent thinking and domain specific knowledge and skills directly predicted math problem-solving ability, whereas divergent thinking, convergent thinking, motivation, general knowledge and skills, and environment indirectly predicted math problem solving ability. Implications for nurturing creative problem solving ability and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The feedback arrow extending from the response to the distal state in the lens model, together with Brunswik's dictum that the organism is a stabiliser of systems, implies a dynamic view of behaviour. This paper describes the main problems in the study of dynamic decision making: feedback delays and the feedback structure of the tasks. It also describes microworlds, a methodology for studying dynamic decision making in the laboratory. The results from experiments with microworlds show that subjects have problems compensating for feedback delays and side effects. These results are discussed in terms of Brunswik's distinction between perception and thinking.  相似文献   

通过简要回顾儿童遮挡绘画的研究历史,总结了对幼儿遮挡绘画中理智写实性绘画与视觉写实性绘画持不同见解的两种概说:"知见说"与"表征策略说",在此基础上提出新的绘画认知理论——遮挡图式的格式塔渐成论,由此展开幼儿遮挡绘画的表征策略及其与幼儿认知发展的关系的深入探讨。  相似文献   

J. Saiki (2000) argued that, because the stimuli used by M. Behrmann, R. S. Zemel, and M. C. Mozer (1998) were confounded by symmetry, conclusions about whether amodally completed objects can benefit from object-based attention are unwarranted. Here, the authors examine J. Saiki's claim further and expand on their view of the mechanisms underlying object-based attention, suggesting that perceptual organization is the process whereby features from a single object are selectively attended. In light of this, they claim that heuristics such as symmetry and collinearity play an important role in the facilitation of features from a single object. In support of this claim, they present data from a further experiment using displays that exploit common fate, another grouping heuristic, and show that, under these conditions, the hallmark of object-based attention, a single-object advantage, is obtained for the occluded (amodally completed) shapes.  相似文献   

This article presents an edited excerpt from a hitherto unknown fragmentary treatise by Rush Rhees. In the treatise, Rhees gives his account of the problem of continuity that he had started elaborating before he became acquainted with Wittgenstein. The excerpt, which contains Rhees' original distinction between outer and inner surfaces of bodies, builds on Brentano's theory of the continuum and his doctrine of plerosis. This treatment of continuity sheds light on Rhees' early philosophical development and confirms that even though he and Wittgenstein discussed the problem of continuity, Rhees' own approach remained distinct from that of Wittgenstein.  相似文献   

Infants can anticipate the future location of a moving object and execute a predictive reach to intercept the object. When a moving object is temporarily hidden by darkness or occlusion, 6‐month‐old infants’ reaching is perturbed, but performance on darkness trials is significantly better than occlusion trials. How does this reaching behavior change over development? Experiment 1 tested predictive reaching of 6‐ and 9‐month‐old infants. While there was an increase in the overall number of reaches with increasing age, there were significantly fewer predictive reaches during the occlusion compared to visible trials and no age‐related changes in this pattern. The decrease in performance found in Experiment 1 is likely to apply not only to the object representations formed by infants but also those formed by adults. In Experiment 2 we tested adults with a similar reaching task. Like infants, the adults were most accurate when the target was continuously visible and performance in darkness trials was significantly better than occlusion trials, providing evidence that there is something specific about occlusion that makes it more difficult than merely lack of visibility. Together, these findings suggest that infants’ and adults’ capacities to represent objects have similar signatures throughout development.  相似文献   

Dynamic events such as a rolling ball moving from one place to another involve change and time intervals and thus presumably successions of static events occurring one after the other, e.g., the ball??s being at a certain place and then at another place during the interval in question. When dynamic events are experienced they should count as present and thus as existent from a presentist point of view. But this seems to imply the existence of the static events involved in them. This in turn seems to imply that there exist past and perhaps even future static events. Therefore, there is a problem for presentism. A possible way out for the presentist is proposed, based on allowing for time-indexed past-oriented and future-oriented properties. One may raise objections regarding the ontological status of these properties and the commitment to past and future objects and times that they seem to bring with them, but these objections can be put to rest.  相似文献   

Flow: Beyond Fluidity and Rigidity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The term flow refers to a particular type of experience characterized by feelings of fusion with an on-going activity, effortlessness and fluidity. This article concerns the results of an empirical investigation and phenomenological analysis of this type of experience. The analysis yields a distinction between three phenomenological structures, identified as arising in different combinations within concrete experiences of flow. These results are discussed in relation to the theories of Alfred Schutz and Erving Goffman regarding the organization of experience in everyday life, and in relation to the theory of Otto Friedrich Bollnow regarding moods in everyday life. The results of the analysis are also discussed in relation to different uses of the flow concept in a variety of contexts found in recent theoretical contributions. These differences of usage and approach are explained in the light of the results of the phenomenological analysis, which distinguishes qualitatively different varients within the phenomenon termed flow experience. In conclusion, the need to adopt a broader concept of experience in sociological analysis is emphasized, as well as the need for further empirical studies of the contextual frames of different variants of flow experiences.  相似文献   

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