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大学生创造性内隐观的调查研究——关于高创造性者的特征   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
本研究采用社会效度的方法,对大学生的创造性内隐观进行了调查研究,结果发现:1.大学生的创造性内隐观所涉及的范围广泛,涵盖了认知、人格的许多方面;2.经因素分析把大学生的创造性内隐观可以概括为十二个因素,分别是:道德品质、才情、异常人格、独创力、探究、自主敢为性、思维发散性、知识经验、勤勉、问题发现、智力、自强,其中道德品质和勤勉为中国大学生所特有。3.不同专业和性别的大学生在上述诸因素上内隐观总体差异显著,并且二者交互作用总体显著,在各具体因素上内隐观有些也存在不一致。  相似文献   

创造力内隐理论研究:源起与现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
创造力内隐理论是指一般公众(专家和外行人)在日常生活和工作背景下所形成的,且以某种形式存在于个体头脑中的关于创造力概念、结构极其发展的看法。创造力内隐理论研究是近20年来人们极为关注的新趋势之一。该文从创造力内隐理论的提出和新进展两个方面,对近20年该领域的有关文献进行了综述;简要评价了研究的现状,并对创造力内隐理论研究的发展趋势进行了展望  相似文献   

A qualitative constructivist study was conducted to explore university teachers’ implicit theories of creativity. The aim of the study was to understand how university teachers (NL?=?46) define creativity and perceive its manifestations and development. University teachers’ conceptions of creativity were elicited using the Implicit Theories of Creativity Questionnaire (ITC-Q). The qualitative analysis resulted in five types of implicit theories of creativity and its development: individualistic theories, activity theories, result-oriented theories, relational theories, and growth theories. By including a new theoretical position, target group, and a methodological framework, the study broadened the dialogue about creativity and its development in higher education.  相似文献   

以255名中学教师为被试,采用调查分析的方法,编制了创造力形容词表,并结合个别访谈法,考察了中学教师的创造力内隐观.研究结果发现:教师的创造力内隐观主要涵盖了创造性思维和创造性人格两个方面;教师一致认同高创造性学生有28个重要心理特征,其中,最重要的10个特征依次是想象力、喜欢思考、富有洞察力、自信、内部动机强、好奇心、关注新事物、透过现象发现规律、逻辑推理能力、发现事物间的联系与区别;因素分析把教师内隐观会聚成了5个因素:新颖灵活的思维风格、好奇且善于质疑、逻辑思维、问题发现、自信进取的性格.  相似文献   

教师的创造力内隐理论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黄四林  林崇德  王益文 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1243-1245
创造力内隐理论是指一般公众(专家和外行人)在日常生活和工作背景下所形成的,且以某种形式存在于个体头脑中的关于创造力概念、结构及其发展的看法。教师的创造力内隐理论对学生创造力的培养和发展起着至关重要的作用。本文从教师对创造力的理解、创造性学生的态度和创造力培养观三个方面对该领域的研究进行综述,以期为我国开展此领域的研究提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A social validation methodology was applied across two cultures to examine the implicit theories of parents and teachers. Adults (N = 150) from the United States and India were rated on 68 adjectives for creativity and desirability. The results indicated that all groups distinguished between indicative and contraindicative aspects of creativity and, for the most part, viewed creative traits desirably. These results were qualified by the adjectives that received high ratings for creativity but significantly lower ratings for desirability. These provided evidence that creativity and desirability are related yet separate constructs and that parents and teachers recognize that some traits associated with creativity may be undesirable. Multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed significant differences between the United States and India for intellectual and attitudinal clusters of adjectives, p < .001; however, parent and teacher differences were not found, p > .05. These findings support the notion that implicit theories are influenced by cultural traditions and expectations.  相似文献   

Implicit theories of creativity have been the subject of increased research interest in recent years. These investigations are motivated by the observation that an individual's creative activities are guided by personal definitions rather than professional theories, which may be very different. Cross-cultural studies of implicit creativity theories are rare, yet they can add significantly to our knowledge of how creativity is viewed across cultures. The nature of 428 Koreans' implicit creativity theories were identified in a prestudy, and the structure of 478 Koreans' ratings of the indicated behaviors was analyzed in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, 211 participants evaluated the creativity of 44 hypothetical profiles based on the results of the first experiment. Results provide evidence that Korean conceptions of creativity are similar to Western conceptions, although Koreans may emphasize negative behaviors and personality characteristics (e.g., deviance) to a greater degree. When asked to use their implicit theories to evaluate the creativity of hypothetical profiles, Korean adults strongly emphasized specific cognitive, personality, and motivational aspects of creativity over noncognitive aspects (e.g., perseverance, independence).  相似文献   

To study implicit concepts of creativity in computer science in the United States and mainland China, we first asked 308 Chinese computer scientists for adjectives that would describe a creative computer scientist. Computer scientists and non‐computer scientists from China (N = 1069) and the United States (N = 971) then rated how well those adjectives described creative computer scientists using a 5‐point Likert Scale. Factor analysis revealed that the concept of a creative computer scientist had four dimensions: (1) smart/effective, (2) outgoing, (3) creative thinking and (4) unsociable. Differences in the implicit concepts across disciplines, ethnicity, gender, age, and working experience were analyzed. We discuss the implications of these findings for our understanding of the domain specificity of creativity.  相似文献   

This constructivist qualitative enquiry reveals a multiplicity of implicit theories of creativity extant in Indian culture with generic and domain specific usage of indigenous terms. Creativity was dominantly construed as a faculty of the nature of ‘pratibha’, in keeping with Indian philosophical thought, and with reference to the self, with participants invoking the holistic self, cognitive self, experiential/emotional self and physical self to describe creativity. The sense of creativity in these seemingly disparate, self‐based construals, the uncovering of which is the unique contribution of this study, derived from the person's experience of a sense of agency, rather than merely the production of novelty per se. This emphasis on process; novelty being central for some but epiphenomenal for others; the varied meanings of ‘newness’; experiencing creativity as self‐expression, self‐extension, self‐fulfillment and self‐actualization; and equating creativity with the act of learning reflect distinctive elements of implicit theories that have emerged in this study.  相似文献   

中学生创造性内隐观的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用社会效度的方法,对中学生的创造性内隐观进行了调查研究,结果发现:1.中学生的创造性内隐观所涉及的范围广泛,涵盖了认知、人格等许多方面;2.在创造性内隐观上,高中生和初中生差异显著,重点中学和非重点中学的学生差异显著,男生和女生差异显著,这种差异不仅表现在总体上,还表现在许多具体的特征上;并且,各因素间交互作用显著,一种因素对创造性内隐观许多方面的影响通常会随其他因素的变化而变化。这些发现不仅加强了我们对中学生创造性内隐观的了解,还使我们认识到创造性内隐观的可塑性,这对我们培养中学生正确的创造性观、培养学生的创造性和创新精神将具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that implicit theories of creativity are crucial in shaping an individual’s behavior and real‐life decisions toward being creative. The present study proposed and examined the underlying mechanisms of how two kinds of implicit theories—the growth mindset of the creative self and the stereotype of creative others—are associated with creative achievements through the mediating role of creativity motivation. Participants were 606 undergraduate students who were enrolled in an education major in two universities in China. Overall, the study found that Chinese students held a positive image toward a creative student, regarding him or her as highly competent, warm, and popular. Student perceptions of a creative other were positively related to their growth mindset of creativity. Moreover, results verified both the mediating role of creativity motivation on growth mindset, as well as the effect of positive stereotyping of the creative other on students’ creative achievement. These findings point to promising creativity motivation strategies including the cultivation of a malleable view of creativity and of creative role models, that may, in turn, promote creative achievement by encouraging students to do, learn, and accomplish new things.  相似文献   

学科能力内隐观的普遍性及其年龄差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
成子娟  侯杰泰 《心理科学》2000,23(2):146-150
数学、中文等学科能力,是先天固有不可改变的?,还是后天环境培养塑造,可以改变的?学生心目中对这类问题的主观想法,会直接影响学生的学习行为。其影响的范围,将取决于这类主观想法是否具有普遍性。比如,有些学生认为数学得父母遗传的,很难改变这些学生会不同同样认为中文、外语能力等,也是父母遗传的,变难改变?本研究了解是否有一主导思想,影响学生对不同学科能力的整体看法,同时也分析学生这类主观想法的年龄差异,。  相似文献   

Implicit theories of creativity provide an understanding of attitude towards among different populations, including students. Insights on how students see and define creativity might help to adjust educational settings and thus make it possible to provide students with better conditions to support their creativity. Although many studies have been conducted on creativity in different cultural settings, little is known on individualism or collectivism is connected to implicit theories of creativity. This study was carried out among secondary school students in Estonia and Russia to identify possible differences in how students from different cultural backgrounds (and varying in individualism and collectivism) define creativity. The results indicated that there were differences in how students from Estonia and Russia defined creativity: Although students from Russia tend to identify creativity more with novel ideas, students from Estonia defined creativity more in terms of self-expression (students from schools with Estonian as the language of instruction) and uniqueness (students from schools with Russian as the language of instruction). Implications and further research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

Students can believe that their academic interests are fixed (entity theory) or malleable (incremental theory). A measure of implicit theories of academic interests was developed to examine how such theories influence students' decisions to retain or change their majors. As hypothesized, entity theorists who believed that they were not doing well in their majors were more likely to choose a new major than were all other groups. This result is consistent with previous findings that entity theorists tend to give up in the face of adversity.  相似文献   

Realism, defined as a justified belief in the existence of the external world, is jeopardized by ‘meaning rationalism,’ the classic theory of meaning that sees the extension of words as a function of the intensions of individual speakers, with no way to ensure that these intensions actually correspond to anything in the external world. To defend realism, Ruth Millikan (1984, 1989a, b, 1993, 2004, 2005) offers a biological theory of meaning called ‘teleosemantics’ in which words, without requiring any contribution from the speaker’s intensions, are supposedly matched directly with their extensions by external norms. But even if one granted as a theoretical possibility that word meaning might possibly be stabilized through an external process, nonetheless, realists who wish to appeal to teleosemantics for a semantic proof of the external world must be capable of identifying these external norms, something that Millikan describes as highly fallible. Furthermore, because they can be aware of these norms only as these are internally represented, it would also be necessary for realists to verify that these internal representations accurately reflect the norms as they occur in the external world. But given that this is virtually the same stumbling block to realism found in meaning rationalism, it is concluded that teleosemantics is not likely to restore faith in this worldview.
Kenneth G. FergusonEmail:

We investigated whether priming individuals' self-identities to be interdependent or independent influences their ratings of leadership prototypicality. Specifically, we predicted that participants receiving an interdependent prime would rate items associated with transformational leadership as being more prototypical of effective leadership than would participants receiving no prime. We also predicted that participants receiving an independent prime would rate transactional leadership items as being more prototypical of effective leadership. Undergraduate psychology students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions (interdependent prime, independent prime, and control). Results support the idea that self-identity can be primed to influence ratings of leadership prototypicality. We discuss implications and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

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