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Ananda Metteyya (Charles Henry Allan Bennett 1872–1923), according to some representations of Buddhism's transmission to the West, was a respectable member of an elite group of converts to Buddhism at the beginning of the twentieth century, who, in effect, stole recognition from a non-elite group. Whilst not contesting this basic premise, I first suggest in this paper that Ananda Metteyya was neither elite nor always, at least in the eyes of the Buddhist Society of Great Britain and Ireland, ‘respectable’. In fact, he came to pose a threat to the identity that the Society sought to create for itself. I then turn to three contexts within which Ananda Metteyya placed himself: international networks for the spread of Buddhism; anti-missionary networks within Sri Lanka and Burma; antiimperialist networks. His main vehicle within the first was the Buddhasāsana Samāgama, the international Buddhist organisation he founded in 1902 and the journal that accompanied it, which was sent to between 500 and 600 libraries throughout the world. Also significant was Ananda Metteyya's call for five men from four countries to come to Burma to be trained for higher ordination. Ananda Metteyya's anti-missionary agenda was realized through the promotion of Buddhist education in Burma and through a ruthless written critique of Christianity and Christian proselytisation. An anti-imperialist agenda was implicit within this and is extended in his writing. This paper argues, therefore, that Ananda Metteyya was a central figure in the global networking of a substantial number of those interested in Buddhism in the early years of the twentieth century. He was also an early Engaged Buddhist, a critic of the West and a robust promoter of the East.  相似文献   

This article describes a model for the concurrent development of assessments in two language versions, as an approach intended to promote more equitable testing. The model is offered as an alternative to the traditional approach of translating tests originally created for a mainstream population of native English speakers. We contend that serious theoretical, methodological, and practical limitations of test translation result from two facts. First, simple translation procedures are not entirely sensitive to the fact that culture is a phenomenon that cannot be dissociated from language. Second, student performance is extremely sensitive to wording, and the wording used in the translated version of an assessment does not undergo the same process of refinement as the wording used in the assessment written in the original language. We report how we used our model to develop mathematics exercises in a school district with a high enrollment of English language learners (ELLs). Seven bilingual teachers from that school district were trained to use the model and developed the English and Spanish versions of the same sets of items. We provide evidence that the model allows assessment developers to give deeper consideration to culture as part of their discussion throughout the entire process of assessment development.  相似文献   

George Kelly's personal construct theory (PCT) has been accused of disregarding the role of emotion in human life. This charge originates from a misunderstanding of PCT's basic assumptions. Kelly deals with experiences commonly called “emotional” in terms of dimensions of transition according to a genuinely constructivist epistemology. A review of the literature shows few elaborations of Kelly's original formulation of constructs relating to transitions, and even some contributions critical of Kelly's approach to emotions. This article rebuts the criticisms while making clear the epistemological and theoretical bases of Kelly's treatment of transitional experiences, its peculiarities, and its role in the diagnostic/therapeutic process.  相似文献   

New epistemic principles are formulated in the language of Shapiros system of Epistemic Arithmetic. It is argued that some plausibility can be attributed to these principles. The relations between these principles and variants of controversial constructivistic principles are investigated. Special attention is given to variants of the intuitionistic version of Churchs thesis and to variants of Markovs principle.  相似文献   

The article examines the controversial relation of scientific realism with quantum mechanics. To this end, two distinct discussions are invoked: the discussion about ‘realism’ in the context of quantum mechanics and the discussion about ‘scientific realism’ in the context of the general philosophy of science. The aim is to distinguish them in order, first, to argue that the former—revolving around ‘local realism’ and the theorems of Bell and Kochen–Specker—unjustifiably identifies realism with features of a particular worldview, and thereby fosters the impression that the failure of ‘local realism’ in quantum experiments constitutes a failure of scientific realism too; and, second, in light of the latter discussion, to claim that scientific realism and quantum mechanics can be compatible—there is ground for dealing with quantum measurement simply as a physical mind-independent interaction. Therefore, a realist approach to the theory is possible despite its notorious measurement problem, even if the issue of its interpretation is still disputed.  相似文献   

In two articles the controversial situation within contemporary psychoanalytic theory is discussed with reference to both the form and content of the theory. In the first article some areas of theoretical conflict between traditional drive theory, on the one hand, and object relations theory, self theory, and ego theory, on the other, are surveyed. It is concluded that inconsistency and ambiguity seem so penetrating that one can hardly speak of a unified theory of psychoanalysis at present. This seems to be a new situation in the history of psychoanalysis. A main issue of disagreement is that between drive theory and object relations theory concerning the nature of human motivation. In order to bridge the theoretical gap between the two positions, it seems necessary for psychoanalysis to disclaim the monolithic status of the drives and to adopt a broad theory of motivation where drives are only one contribution among several types of motivating forces. In the second article some lines of advance in psychoanalytic theory are discussed.  相似文献   


The authors investigated how 2 groups with different attitudes toward animal experimentation–researchers who conducted animal experiments and members of animal welfare organizations who protested against animal experiments–made attributions for the behavior of the opposing group. The 2 groups showed an actor-observer effect, mentioning more internal causes for the opponents' behavior and more external causes for their own behavior. Both groups were able to take the other's perspective, resulting in a reversed actor-observer effect. The less involved participants followed the pattern of ratings of the group whose attitudes corresponded to their own. In particular, the participants with a negative attitude toward animal experimentation rated researchers' behavior as more internally caused than did those with a positive attitude. The results illustrated how the participants formed and defended attitudes in a social context.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors identify the cultural and spiritual assessments needed to conduct counseling with Muslim Americans and Muslim immigrants to the United States. Assessment processes are outlined that include cultural identity (which subsumes several variables); worldview; spiritual assessment along with acculturation level and migration concerns; impact of languages spoken; social, occupational, and educational status of the client in host culture and in home culture (if the client is an immigrant); and family composition and social supports.  相似文献   

In two experiments, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded while subjects performed a simultaneous detection and recognition task. Ten subjects listened to pure tones in noise and reported both whether a target tone had occurred (using a four-category confidence rating scale) and whether the target was one of two (Experiment 1) or four (Experiment 2) tones differing in frequency. The amplitudes of three ERP components were found to be differentially related to detection and recognition performance. The early N100 component varied with processing related only to detection, while the late P300 varied with both detection and recognition, and a later slow positive shift varied only with recognition and not with detection. While the latenciee of both N100 and P300 increased for less confident target detections, there were no differences in the latencies of these ERP components between correctly and incorrectly identiffed targets. Recognition performance was above the level expected by chance even when subjects reported that no target had been presented. The results indicate that brain potential components can be used to disclose temporal features of the processing of a stimulus by the nervous system and support the view that detection and recognition are partially independent, concurrent processes in perception.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(3):271-284
In the 16th century Bruno asserted that the earth revolves around the sun. This notion violated the Catholic Church's teaching that the earth was the center of the universe, and his suggestion proved he was a heretic. He was promptly burned at the stake. One hundred years later Galileo said the same thing, and provided evidence. He was forced to recant his views, but he gave the world telescopes so that people could learn for themselves. Today, his assertion is held to be fact with little excitement. Many academics live with a myth of protection; that the pursuit of science, conducted ethically and with methodological rigor, is protected from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Jim Coan's perspective on his experience while an undergraduate student at the University of Washington is important because it sheds light on an unsettling reality; Scientists pursuing unpopular science are no more shielded from attack from scientists and academicians than anyone else. It is particularly worth noting how unpopular science can be attacked in the name of ethics. Although we may be no more enthusiastic about the specific content of the findings than others, ethical academicians and scientists defend unpopular scientific endeavors from attacks leveled on ethical grounds.  相似文献   

Many aspects of subcortical aphasias are not accounted for by a unique pathophysiological mechanism; rather the diversity of the observed symptoms suggests that many functional ensembles, more or less related, to language functions may be disturbed by subcortical lesions. However, such disorders are only moderate in intensity and subcortical aphasias certainly constitute an interesting model for studying the dynamics of recovery of language functions and related neural systems, combining neurolinguistic concepts with advanced functional imaging techniques.  相似文献   


In 1990, Chile transitioned to democracy after 17 years of military rule. The new democracy built the country's first environmental institutions and began efforts to revitalize science, among them attempts to connect scientific expertise to public decision-making. Just over a decade into these efforts, conflicts over the environmental impacts of large industrial projects began to multiply. These environmental conflicts were often also credibility contests, where the authority of science to speak to public issues was contested. Two such conflicts, a gold mine called Pascua Lama and a hydroelectric project called HidroAysén, enrolled several scientific teams, yet in each case the state made its final decision on each project autonomously from science. Though some scientists became central participants in each conflict, carving out for themselves access to needed resources that they used to practice ever-narrower forms of science, their credibility was called into question by many of their scientific colleagues. Chile's scientific community fractured over how to define credible science. Divisive and decisive issues included the source of funding, ethics, access to resources, and being local. Although some scientists and non-scientists used boundary work to try to affirm the authority of science, no stable map of scientific credibility resulted from these efforts. Chile's new democracy is more plural than its recent military dictatorship but still lacks adequate spaces in which to negotiate what counts as credible science. These experiences highlight the need to better understand how science fares through regime transitions and what it contributes to emerging democracies.  相似文献   

This study evaluated hand asymmetries in performance of a dexterous, controlled task under haptic feedback. Participants punctured a virtual membrane with a pushing or pulling movement, using the left or right hand. For pulling movements, the dominant (right) hand exhibited faster average stopping latency and shorter skidding distance. When the kinematic data were fit to a three-phase model previously applied to this task (Klatzky et al., 2013), the right hand exhibited faster force decay attributable to biomechanical factors. Analyses of the aggregated performance measures and model parameters showed that the left and right hands are associated with two different distributions, supporting handedness effects. Furthermore, while the majority of participants expressed right-hand dominance, which was consistent with their self-reported hand preferences, others showed partial or no dominance. This approach could potentially be extended to quantify and differentiate individuals with difficulties in manual behavior due to abnormal motor control (e.g., dyspraxia), progressive deterioration (e.g., Parkinson's syndrome) or improvement (neural regrowth after transplant).  相似文献   

In this rejoinder, we discuss substantive and methodological validity issues of large-scale assessments of trends in student achievement, commenting on the discussion paper by Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Robitzsch, Treffers, and Köller (2009). We focus on methodological challenges in deciding what to measure, how to measure it, and how to foster stability. Next, we discuss what to do with trends that are found. Finally, we reflect on how the research findings were received.  相似文献   

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