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This paper shows that both implicational logicsBCK andBCIW have the finite model property. The proof of the finite model property forBCIW, which is equal to the relevant logicR , was originally given by the first author in his unpublished paper [6] in 1973. The finite model property forBCK can be obtained by modifying the proof of that forBCIW. Here, both of these proofs will be given in a unified form and the difference between them will be clarified. Further discussions will be given in the last section.The first author wishes to thank IIAS-SIS (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Numazu) for 9 months hospitality in Japan, and for facilitating this research.Presented byJan Zygmunt  相似文献   

We prove the finite model property (fmp) for BCI and BCI with additive conjunction, which answers some open questions in Meyer and Ono [11]. We also obtain similar results for some restricted versions of these systems in the style of the Lambek calculus [10, 3]. The key tool is the method of barriers which was earlier introduced by the author to prove fmp for the product-free Lambek calculus [2] and the commutative product-free Lambek calculus [4].Presented by H. Ono  相似文献   

The simple substitution property provides a systematic and easy method for proving a theorem by an axiomatic way. The notion of the property was introduced in Hosoi [4] but without a definite name and he showed three examples of the axioms with the property. Later, the property was given it's name as above in Sasaki [7].Our main result here is that the necessary and sufficient condition for a logicL on a finite slice to have the simple substitution property is thatL is finite. Here the necessity part is essentially new, for the sufficiency part has been proved in Hosoi and Sasaki [5]. Also the proof of sufficiency part is improved here.For logics on the -th slice, the condition for them to have the simple substitution property is not yet known.We abbreviate the simple substitution property asSSP.  相似文献   

《Journal of Applied Logic》2014,12(4):395-416
We develop a general framework for the design of temporal logics for concurrent recursive programs. A program execution is modeled as a partial order with multiple nesting relations. To specify properties of executions, we consider any temporal logic whose modalities are definable in monadic second-order logic and which, in addition, allows PDL-like path expressions. This captures, in a unifying framework, a wide range of logics defined for ranked and unranked trees, nested words, and Mazurkiewicz traces that have been studied separately. We show that satisfiability and model checking are decidable in EXPTIME and 2EXPTIME, depending on the precise path modalities.  相似文献   

F. W. Kroon 《Studia Logica》1996,56(3):427-454
This paper deals with a philosophical question that arises within the theory of computational complexity: how to understand the notion of INTRINSIC complexity or difficulty, as opposed to notions of difficulty that depend on the particular computational model used. The paper uses ideas from Blum's abstract approach to complexity theory to develop an extensional approach to this question. Among other things, it shows how such an approach gives detailed confirmation of the view that subrecursive hierarchies tend to rank functions in terms of their intrinsic, and not just their model-dependent, difficulty, and it shows how the approach allows us to model the idea that intrinsic difficulty is a fuzzy concept. Jan Zygmunt  相似文献   


The island size distribution in the early stages of thin-film deposition is simulated using the Avrami model and is shown to follow closely a power-law form for both two- and three-dimensional island growth. This model applies to systems where the time-averaged monomer density is constant across the substrate, as occurs for example when the mean free path of the diffusing monomers is limited. It offers a possible explanation for recently observed island size distributions which are continuously decreasing functions of size in certain systems. The distribution of nearest-neighbour separations of the islands is also considered and it is shown that this distribution can be used to distinguish between island arrays formed in the Avrami model and those of deposition-diffusion-aggregation models.  相似文献   

Reichardt CS 《心理学方法》2002,7(3):307-15; discussion 323-37
Theories often place constraints on causal relationships, and such constraints are often assessed with causal models. Causal models should be recursive and just identified because cause is recursive and is more likely to be just identified than overidentified. A just-identified, recursive model (JIRM) is specified that satisfies both requirements and that can be used to assess a wide range of causal implications in either a norm-referenced or criterion-referenced manner. P. E. Meehl and N. G. Waller (2002) proposed an innovative method for theory appraisal called the delete one-add one (D1-A1) method, which assesses a relatively narrow range of causal implications, allows nonrecursive models, and is only norm referenced. The JIRM and D1-A1 methods are compared.  相似文献   

Although there is an increase in research into how narrative identity interrelates with embodiment, the mechanisms underlying this interplay are hardly addressed. In this paper, I target this hiatus in the literature by proposing two mechanisms that can help to (non-exhaustively) elucidate the dynamic interplay of narrative identity and embodiment. I start by briefly sketching the debate so far and then go on to argue that the way narrative self-understanding affects our embodiment can be understood on the model of narrative self-programming. After that I turn to the other side of the interaction. Drawing on research in ecological psychology and phenomenology, I show how embodiment affects our narrative self-understanding through the way in which we engage with affordances in our narrative background. After that I highlight the dynamic and recursive character of this interplay. I end with some conclusions and unresolved issues.  相似文献   

We aimed to understand which factors have a functional role in the size coding of responses, either the size of the switches or the force required to trigger each switch. This question is of relevance because it allows a better understanding of processes underlying action coding. In each trial, participants saw a small or large object. Depending on its colour, the participants had to press one of two switches. In the “size” condition, the response device consisted of two switches of different visual size, but both required the same amount of force. In the “force-feedback” condition, the response device consisted in two switches of identical visual size, but one switch required more force than the other. We found a compatibility effect in the “size,” not in the “force-feedback” condition, supporting that the size-coding of responses would be due to the size of the switches.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a Bayesian framework for estimating finite mixtures of the LISREL model. The basic idea in our analysis is to augment the observed data of the manifest variables with the latent variables and the allocation variables. The Gibbs sampler is implemented to obtain the Bayesian solution. Other associated statistical inferences, such as the direct estimation of the latent variables, establishment of a goodness-of-fit assessment for a posited model, Bayesian classification, residual and outlier analyses, are discussed. The methodology is illustrated with a simulation study and a real example.This research was supported by a Hong Kong UGC Earmarked grant CUHK 4026/97H. The authors are indebted to the Editor, the Associate Editor, and three anonymous reviewers for constructive comments in improving the paper, and also to ICPSR and the relevant funding agency for allowing the use of the data. The assistance of Michael K.H. Leung and Esther L.S. Tam is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

方杰  温忠麟 《心理科学进展》2022,30(5):1183-1190
使用多元回归法进行调节效应分析在社科领域已常有应用。简述了目前多元回归法的调节效应分析存在的不足,包括人为变换检验模型、自变量和调节变量区分不足、误差方差齐性的假设难以满足、调节效应量指标ΔR2没有直接测量调节变量对自变量与因变量关系的调节程度。比较好的方法是用两水平回归模型进行调节效应分析并使用相应的效应量指标。在介绍新方法和新效应量后,总结出一套调节效应的分析流程,通过一个例子来演示如何用Mplus软件进行两水平回归模型的调节效应及其效应量分析。最后讨论了两水平回归模型的调节效应分析的发展,包括稳健的调节效应分析、潜变量的调节效应分析、有调节的中介效应分析和有中介的调节效应分析等。  相似文献   

The perceived sizes and perceived distances of familiar objects were investigated in two experiments in which images of familiar objects were presented monocularly, one at a time, in an otherwise dark field of view. It was found that the angular size of the objects as well as their familiar size determined reported size. Reported distances were increasingly underestimated as a function of increasing simulated distances of the objects. The results are consistent with the conclusion that, as a function of the retinal size of the objects, the observer perceives the familiar objects as off-sized, and, that as a consequence of these off-sized perceptions, the observer's judgements of the object distances reflect inferential rather than perceptual processes.  相似文献   

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