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If a patient comes for psychotherapy or psychoanalysis, why medicate him with psychotropic drugs? The answers to this question are explored and addressed from several points of view. The central hypothesis of this paper suggests that most of the reasons for medicating patients have to do with therapist's unresolved countertransference issues. Furthermore, medicating a patient may have deleterious effects on his introjected sense of self, and impacts the transference relationship in a significant way. The issues surrounding medication as adjunctive therapy are elucidated and clarified in terms of rationale, efficacy, and the impact on the psychotherapeutic relationship. Psychoanalytic solutions are offered and discussed.  相似文献   

关于伦理道德与智慧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年 ,一些论著对伦理道德与智慧的关系问题作了诸多积极的探讨 ,《哲学动态》还开展了这方面的讨论和争鸣。笔者认为 ,这种探讨和争鸣实际上开辟了中国伦理学和道德实践研究的一个新领域 ,其理论与实践意义值得重视 ,有必要继续进行下去。为此 ,笔者在这里不揣浅陋发表几点看法。一伦理与道德相通却不相同 ,伦理与智慧的关系和道德与智慧的关系并不是同一种意义上的关系。因此 ,讨论伦理道德与智慧的关系 ,首先需要对伦理与道德这两个不同概念作出区分。在学理上 ,中国伦理学界很多人长期将伦理与道德看成是同一种含义的范畴 ,以为“伦理…  相似文献   

The ethical aspect of self and other engagement is recognized as essential to analytic inquiry, practice, and theory, indeed as central to understanding the life of humanity in general. This valid and important viewpoint apt for relational views lives alongside the intrapsychic aspects of mental functioning that are autonomous and nonethical in their essential processes. Integrating the simultaneous truths of two-person and one-person points of view is the hard problem of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

政治伦理:个人美德,或是公共道德   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自上世纪 70年代始 ,政治哲学和政治伦理便逐渐凸显并最终主导了西方哲学论坛。然而在我国 ,这一哲学和伦理学的理论转向似乎刚刚发生 ,学界对此一理论转向的学术意识也才刚刚显露 ,可我们面对的是 ,大量的理论问题和实践问题不断涌现 ,异常复杂 ,难以把握。在此情形下 ,采取学术群体性的民主商谈方式来探究这一理论转向所产生的基础性课题 ,恐怕比学术个体的专题研究更为慎重 ,也更为急迫。2 0 0 4年夏 ,教育部高校哲学教学指导委员会在海南召开年会。期间与《伦理学研究》杂志主编、著名伦理学家唐凯麟先生重逢 ,承蒙先生厚爱如昨 ,托我组织一期学术专栏 ,命之为“政治伦理笔谈”。盛情之下 ,却之不恭。于是诚恳邀请到怀宏、剑涛、建华三位学兄襄助 ,切磋数月 ,始成如下四篇。现惶然贡献于学界 ,祈求抛顽石以引玉璞 ,或求其友声 ,或聆听批评 ,以此促进我国政治伦理的前沿研究。如此或可既不负凯麟先生雅扶后学之美意 ,又可尽我等伦理学者之天职。是以记之 !(万俊人 )  相似文献   


The moral and philosophical interrogation of white privilege remains an imperative in post-apartheid South Africa. Whereas the critique of whiteness involves both philosophical and psychological scrutiny, subsequent calls for white political silence and withdrawal have yet to be subjected to adequate psychological analysis. This paper offers such an analysis by questioning, firstly, the idea of appropriate emotions for white South Africans (shame, guilt, regret), posing instead the problems of mimed affect and neurotic goodness. White approaches to guilt-alleviation and political passivity are queried, secondly, via the claim that such agendas lead all too easily to types of white exceptionalism and condescension, respectively. The ethical problems of political silence and withdrawal – implied superiority, non-participation and an unequal ‘rights of silence’ – provide a third area of questioning. The paper ends by introducing the Lacanian ideas of subjective destitution and identification with the symptom. These concepts throw a critical light on disavowals of white privilege and provide a novel means of thinking how white narcissism might be relinquished.  相似文献   

"伦理"与"道德"辨析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在日常使用中,"伦理"与"道德"往往被当作同义词或近义词使用,这种现象已经引起了学术理论的混乱,本文归纳了学术界目前现存的几种有代表性的理论观点,并对"伦理"与"道德"的东西方涵义及二者的相互关系进行了辨析与梳理。笔者认为,西方的伦理与道德的涵义相近,但与中文里伦理与道德的涵义有别;中文里伦理与道德的涵义存在着本质的区别。东西方的词源词义不可能完全对应,更不能以西方文化中伦理与道德的词源学涵义来取代中国文化里伦理与道德的基本涵义。对二者的正确理解必须依赖于相应的文化背景。  相似文献   

The author encourages AIDS education efforts to attend to religious pluralism in society and to illustrate the self-monitoring that is identified with professional activity.  相似文献   

论哈贝马斯对道德与伦理的区分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈贝马斯借助于道德与伦理的区分对"我应当做什么"做出了一元与多元的不同回答.哈贝马斯对道德和伦理的区分是在全面总结亚里士多德的伦理学、功利主叉和康德的道德学说的基础上做出的,同时对黑格尔的道德与伦理的区分理论予以深刻批判.但是,哈贝马斯的区分陷入视角论、类型论和综合论三重标准相互抵牾之中,其区分理论也由此陷入困境.  相似文献   

Studies in Philosophy and Education - This paper explores the general characteristics of the aesthetics of life. Our approach will be in thinking about the aesthetics of life as a domain...  相似文献   

Discourse ethics is originally conceived as a programme of philosophicaljustification of morality. This depends on the formal derivation of the moral principle (U) from non-moral principles. The moral theory is supposed to fall out of a pragmatic theory of meaning. The original programme plays a central role in Habermas's social theory: the moral theory, if true, provides good evidence for the more general theory of modernization. But neither Habermas nor his followers have succeeded in providing a formal derivation. This essay shows how and why Habermas's proposed derivation is impossible. As if aware of the lacuna, Habermas has recently suggested that (U) can be derived by 'abduction' rather than deduction. The proposal draws heavily on modernization theory; hence the only justification for (U) now available to him rests on premises drawn from that theory. The original programme of the justificationof morality has thus given way to the weaker programme of the philosophical elucidationof morality. Further, since Habermas's moral theory is no longer justified independently of modernization theory, but at least partly by it, the moral theory cannot without circularity provide evidence for the modernization theory.  相似文献   

Morality is a critical factor in leadership that its absence could turn an otherwise powerful leadership model (i.e. transformational leadership) into a disastrous outcome. The importance of morality for leaders is self-evident in light of the far-reaching effects of leaders' actions or inaction on other people. Such proposition necessitates the discourse in the objectivity of universal moral principles as the legitimate basis of a sound understanding of moral leadership. Examining transformational leadership from a moral-laden perspective, this paper argues that morality is a necessary component of leadership and that deontological moral reasoning provides a sufficient ground for morally attractive leadership theories.  相似文献   

A barrier to the development and refinement of ethics education in and across health professional schools is that there is not an agreed upon instrument or method for assessment in ethics education. The most widely used ethics education assessment instrument is the Defining Issues Test (DIT) I & II. This instrument is not specific to the health professions. But it has been modified for use in, and influenced the development of other instruments in, the health professions. The DIT contains certain philosophical assumptions (??Kohlbergian?? or ??neo-Kohlbergian??) that have been criticized in recent years. It is also expensive for large institutions to use. The purpose of this article is to offer a rubric??which the authors have named the Health Professional Ethics Rubric??for the assessment of several learning outcomes related to ethics education in health science centers. This rubric is not open to the same philosophical critiques as the DIT and other such instruments. This rubric is also practical to use. This article includes the rubric being advocated, which was developed by faculty and administrators at a large academic health science center as a part of a campus-wide ethics education initiative. The process of developing the rubric is described, as well as certain limitations and plans for revision.  相似文献   

构建和谐医疗环境是广大民众的共识和愿望,但临床实践仍面临诸多困境。资本垄断医学导致道德沦丧;技术统治医疗导致伦理缺失;利益吞噬人性导致人性亏损,任何完善的机制、体制、规范也难以完全规范医生的诊疗行为。德性伦理兴起是化解道德危机的迫切诉求,也是医学道德建设永恒的主题。摆脱医学道德危机,不仅需要伦理规范的约束,更需要道德与良知的支撑。务必要重视德性伦理在临床实践中的作用,让道德的力量唤醒被麻醉的良知,从而超越资本逻辑、超越技术理性、超越自我意识,让现代医学真正为人类健康造福。  相似文献   

This paper articulates an Aristotelian theory of professional virtue and provides an application of that theory to the subject of engineering ethics. The leading idea is that Aristotle’s analysis of the definitive function of human beings, and of the virtues humans require to fulfill that function, can serve as a model for an analysis of the definitive function or social role of a profession and thus of the virtues professionals must exhibit to fulfill that role. Special attention is given to a virtue of professional self-awareness, an analogue to Aristotle’s phronesis or practical wisdom. In the course of laying out my account I argue that the virtuous professional is the successful professional, just as the virtuous life is the happy life for Aristotle. I close by suggesting that a virtue ethics approach toward professional ethics can enrich the pedagogy of professional ethics courses and help foster a sense of pride and responsibility in young professionals.  相似文献   

道德和法律的关系,是体现现代性本质的一个核心问题。“德法次序”概念,可以将日常德治和法治关系的探讨,纳入到具有普遍性的政治哲学框架中来,实现一种现代政治哲学叙事。  相似文献   

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