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Ignorance of specifics of career decision-making processes has prevented development and use of more effective vocational counseling procedures. Simply giving clients vocational information and assuming rational use of it is criticized. Contemporary decision theories suggest several relevant variables. Two variables, subjective probabilities (individual's self-estimates of success) and utilities (desirabilities held for outcomes or alternatives), are discussed in relation to presenting clients with objective probability information concerning future plans. Some relevant research is reviewed and two questions are discussed: (1) How do different methods of presenting information influence subjective probabilities? (2) How are utilities influenced by objective probability data?  相似文献   

This article describes the design and implementation of a multiservice, community-based intervention aimed at promoting the personal and career development of urban, African-American youth.  相似文献   

积极青少年发展观(Positive Youth Development Perspective,PYD)自20世纪90年代出现以来迅速推动了发展心理学知识的创新与应用,其中发展资源框架(The Developmental Assets Framework)是研究者进行深入探讨与应用研究的一个重要模型.发展资源是指一系列能够有效促进所有青少年获得健康发展结果的相关经验、关系、技能和价值观,本文在这一概念的基础上介绍了发展资源模型的结构、构建与发展基础以及基于该模型的重要假设及实证研究,并在综述研究的基础上探讨了资源模型的未来研究方向.  相似文献   

The holistic, developmental, systems-oriented perspective, an extension of the work of Heinz Werner and his associates, is characterized including basic assumptions of the approach and explication with respect to such problems as child development (including transition to nursery school; child-centered urban planning; microgenesis and ontogenesis); adult development (including becoming a parent and retiring); social relationships (including residential living of first year undergraduates; abused women; marital interaction); health problems (including protection against sexual transmission of HIV, reading disabilities, weight loss, and alcohol and tobacco use); changes in the physical environment; cross-cultural psychology (including cultural differences in values; values mothers hold for preschoolers; necessities, amenities, and luxuries; sojourner experience and action; cross-cultural differences in compliance with automobile safety belt legislation); psychopathology including neuropathology; organizational psychology; conditions facilitating developmental advance; and some significant open research problems.  相似文献   

Over the past decade there has been a huge increase in the number of behavioral genetic studies looking into anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. There are now enough data in this area to make a review of the results useful. This paper begins with an outline of the methods used in such research and moves on to review the results in extant studies. Overall, these studies indicate modest to moderate genetic influence on both anxiety and depression. However, behavioral genetic methods are also paramount for exploring environmental influences in addition to genetic influences. Shared environment (that which makes family members resemble one another) is rarely identified in adult studies of personality or psychopathology and does not appear to be a significant influence for depression but it is for anxiety. Nonshared environment, which makes family members differ from one another, is found to be a significant influence for both anxiety and depression. Patterns within these results due to rater effects, age effects, sex effects, the precise phenotype measured, and the study design are explored.  相似文献   

Qualitative methods that analyze the coherence of expository texts not only are time consuming, but also present challenges in collecting data on coding reliability. We describe software that analyzes expository texts more rapidly and produces a notable level of objectivity ETAT (Expository Text Analysis Tool) analyzes the coherence of expository texts. ETAT adopts a symbolic representational system, known asconceptual graph structures. ETAT follows three steps: segmentation of a text into nodes, classification of the unidentified nodes, and linking the nodes with relational arcs. ETAT automatically constructs a graph in the form of nodes and their interrelationships, along with various attendant statistics and information about noninterrelated, isolated nodes. ETAT was developed in Java, so it is compatible with virtually all computer systems.  相似文献   

归因疗法——一种重要的心理治疗方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
归因疗法是心理治疗的重要方法之一。迄今为止 ,人们已经发展了运用归因理论于治疗实践的两种一般模式 :“真归因疗法”引导患者用准确的归因代替错误的归因 ,“误归因疗法”引导患者用不准确而有益的归因代替准确而有害的归因。归因疗法受到了其他心理治疗理论的怀疑和批评。  相似文献   

Conventional cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder, which is closely based on the treatment for depression, has been shown to be effective in numerous randomized placebo-controlled trials. Although this intervention is more effective than waitlist control group and placebo conditions, a considerable number of clients do not respond to this approach. Newer approaches include techniques specifically tailored to this particular population. One of these techniques, social mishap exposure practice, is associated with significant improvement in treatment gains. We will describe here the theoretical framework for social mishap exposures that addresses the client's exaggerated estimation of social cost. We will then present clinical observations and outcome data of a client who underwent treatment that included such social mishap exposures. Findings are discussed in the context of treatment implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

A substantial body of theoretical literature testifies to the evolutionary functions of emotions. Relatively little has been written about their developmental functions. This article discusses the developmental functions of emotions from the perspective of differential emotions theory (DET; Izard, 1977, 1991). According to DET, although all the emotions retain their adaptive and motivational functions across the lifespan, different sets of emotions may become relatively more prominent in the different stages of life as they serve stage-related developmental processes. In the first section, we present a brief overview of relevant aspects of the theory. In the second section, we discuss how emotions play a central role in helping the individual achieve developmental milestones and tasks during four major periods of life: Infancy, toddler through preschool years, middle to late childhood, and adolescence. The underlying thesis of this article is that emotions play a central role in stimulating social cognitive attainments at each stage of development.  相似文献   

D型人格:心血管疾病的重要心理危险因素   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
D型人格(又称忧伤人格)是指经历消极情感与社会压抑的混合倾向。对于心血管疾病患者来说,这种心理危险因素与其生活质量下降、梗死复发甚至死亡等有着密切联系。作者总结了D型人格与心血管疾病关系的研究现状,阐述了D型人格对于识别早期高危患者的临床价值,探讨了神经内分泌学、免疫学及心理学等方面的机制,并评价了对D型人格进行心理干预的可行性。  相似文献   

The authors have a wide-spectrum of experience in territory alignment arising from research as well as direct interaction with over 300 sales forces. Based on their experience, they believe sales territory alignment is one of the most frequently overlooked sales force productivity areas. Many sales forces are losing millions of dollars each year because of territory imbalances. Well-managed companies are overcoming the many obstacles to good territory design by using a cogent process to realign territories. This process ensures that consistent, objective criteria are used to evaluate alignment needs, yet recognizes the importance of incorporating local management judgment.  相似文献   

Given the changing online environment (from anonymity to social connection) and the importance of establishing equivalence in psychological measures used in online environments, the aim of this research was to examine the equivalence of socially value-laden measures with data sourced from web-based social media and traditional pen-and-paper methods. Data on a suite of socially value-laden measures comparing the equivalence of scores obtained via social media (Facebook) versus offline environments were considered. Participants (N?=?193) completed measures of primary and secondary psychopathy, emotional manipulation, emotional intelligence, interpersonal cognition, social desirability, and ethical position either online or using pen-and-paper in a between groups design. Results suggested that both social media and offline data were equivalent in terms of internal reliability and patterns of relationships among constructs. However, participants were more likely to report higher levels of ethical relativism when completing the measure via social media. These findings highlight the importance of establishing equivalence for specific measures when engaging in online data collection, as well as providing insight into the nature of self-disclosure in the social media environment. Future research should assess the equivalence of other socially value-laden measures in online and pen-and-paper environments.  相似文献   

This article proposes the acquisition of information as a relevant step in the problem-solving process. A problem-solving model is outlined, the link between individuals and information is explored, and an information system is presented. The authors identify formal and informal resources and develop a model for teaching information acquisition. The need for learning this skill is considered in both a preventive/enhancement and counseling context.  相似文献   

Developmental transitions are imbued with ubiquitous uncertainties that undermine goal striving in many otherwise committed individuals. Our seven-month study examined whether cognitive selective secondary control strategies (motivation-focused thinking) facilitate the enactment of achievement goals among young adults experiencing the landmark school to university transition. Sequential regression analyses demonstrated that (a) achievement goals predicted selective secondary control, (b) selective secondary control predicted behavioral selective primary control striving, and (c) selective primary control predicted final course grades. Findings support Heckhausen et al.'s (2010 Heckhausen , J. , Wrosch , C. , &; Schulz , R. ( 2010 ). A motivational theory of life-span development . Psychological Review , 117 , 3260 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposition that selective secondary control bolsters selective primary control striving and enables goal attainment during difficult transitions.  相似文献   

发展情境论——一种新的发展系统理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展情境论(Developmental Contextualism)是发展系统理论体系中的一种具有代表性的理论。该理论认为人的发展是通过发展中的个体与其所处情境间的持续交互作用实现的,个体的发展变化过程在本质上是或然渐成性的。该理论不仅更系统地概括了影响人发展的时间和空间因素,而且在交互作用观点的基础上提出了循环影响的研究取向。同时,发展情境论认为人的可塑性特点为干预个体的发展提供了可能,并进一步提出了干预的思路,即通过建立和调整个体与所处情境的拟合优度模型来实现个体和所处情境的积极发展。  相似文献   

Two experiments examining developmental changes in the use of context in single word reading are reported. The first experiment investigated how effectively children can access conceptual knowledge and use this to help their word recognition. The results indicated that young readers can on demand direct their attention to semantic information, and this allows them to reap a relatively greater benefit from context than older more skilful readers. The second experiment attempted to clarify the way such use of contextual information might help in the specific case when a child attempts to decode a new word for the first time. Skilled and unskilled readers pronounced pseudohomophonic nonwords faster when they were primed by a semantic context, and the context effect was greater for unskilled readers. The nonword's graphemic similarity to a lexical item was also important.

In general, the results were consistent with Stanovich's (1980) interactive-compensatory model of reading, and they suggest that in learning to read, several already existing stores of information (e.g. auditory, visual and conceptual) are integrated in order to achieve a solution to the word recognition problem.  相似文献   

Often when participants have missing scores on one or more of the items comprising a scale, researchers compute prorated scale scores by averaging the available items. Methodologists have cautioned that proration may make strict assumptions about the mean and covariance structures of the items comprising the scale (Schafer &; Graham, 2002 Schafer, J.L., &; Graham, J.W. (2002). Missing data: Our view of the state of the art. Psychological Methods, 7, 147177.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Graham, 2009 Graham, J.W. (2009). Missing data analysis: Making it work in the real world. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 549576.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Enders, 2010 Enders, C.K. (2010). Applied missing data analysis. New York, NY: Guilford Press. [Google Scholar]). We investigated proration empirically and found that it resulted in bias even under a missing completely at random (MCAR) mechanism. To encourage researchers to forgo proration, we describe a full information maximum likelihood (FIML) approach to item-level missing data handling that mitigates the loss in power due to missing scale scores and utilizes the available item-level data without altering the substantive analysis. Specifically, we propose treating the scale score as missing whenever one or more of the items are missing and incorporating items as auxiliary variables. Our simulations suggest that item-level missing data handling drastically increases power relative to scale-level missing data handling. These results have important practical implications, especially when recruiting more participants is prohibitively difficult or expensive. Finally, we illustrate the proposed method with data from an online chronic pain management program.  相似文献   

Using Italian data on Income and living conditions for the year 2005, the paper investigates the main determinants of households’ subjective economic well-being by means of a Partial Proportional Ordered Logit Model. According to a joint subjective and objective perspective of analysis, we use as dependent variable the perceived ability of households to make ends meet. Whereas, we use as explanatory variables some objective aspects of living conditions relating to housing, financial equilibrium, possession of durables and quality of residence place and some socio-demographic characteristics. The empirical results show that the financial strain is the most relevant dimension of living conditions influencing the subjective economic well-being, but its effect is attenuated depending on the level of education and the tenure status of accommodation. Actually, when the highest levels of education are coupled with the status of self-employee and house-owner households have more chances to reach a higher probability to be economically satisfied. The insights coming out from the results may call for different policy measures depending on the degree of well-being and the characteristics of households. In particular, more efficient policies would be oriented to sustain the households’ income, to encourage to buy a house and to allow young people to get the highest levels of education.  相似文献   

重要而迫切的课题:卫生技术评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卫生技术评估,是指对卫生技术的特性、临床和预防的安全有效性、经济耗费的可持续性,以及社会伦理法律的适应性进行全面系统的评价,为医学科学和管理工作者提供信息和决策依据,对卫生技术的开发、应用、推广与淘汰进行合理的政策干预.  相似文献   

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