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This study assessed how changes in the characteristics of parental status, intelligence level, and mental health of hypothetical patients suffering from a kidney disease altered participants' decisions about allocating access to a life-supporting artificial-kidney machine. Participants were given a list of hypothetical prospective patients who were described as having a kidney disease, yet varied with respect to the three aforementioned characteristics. Participants rank-ordered patients on the basis of priority for treatment. Participants clearly favored hypothetical patients who (a) had children, (b) were of high intelligence, and (c) were mentally healthy.  相似文献   

Two experimental studies were carried out to investigate the influence of value-congruent information on information processing. We hypothesized that recipients would engage in systematic processing in value-congruent conditions, whereas heuristic processing would be used in value-incongruent conditions. One hundred participants in each experiment received a message that was framed in either environmental/altruistic or economical/egoistic terms, containing either strong or weak arguments. Results showed that value-congruent messages resulted in discrimination between strong and weak arguments, whereas for value-incongruent messages argument strength had either weak or no effects. Implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Denial is a commonly used strategy to rebut a false rumor. However, there is a dearth of empirical research on the effectiveness of denials in combating rumors. Treating denials as persuasive messages, we conducted 3 laboratory‐based simulation studies testing the overall effectiveness of denials in reducing belief and anxiety associated with an e‐mail virus rumor. Under the framework of the elaboration likelihood model, we also tested the effects of denial message quality and source credibility, and the moderating effects of personal relevance. Overall, the results provided some support for the effectiveness of denials with strong arguments and an anxiety‐alleviating tone in reducing rumor‐related belief and anxiety. The effects of denial wording and source credibility were visible for participants who perceived high personal relevance of the topic. Limitations of the current research and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of different narratives expressing positive or negative emotions, and varying the narrator's perspective on the arousal of discrete emotions, dominant cognitions, perceived evidence quality, and perceived message effectiveness related to osteoporosis behavioral intentions. Formative research led to the creation of narratives and selection of positive and negative emotions expressed. A 4 × 3 between‐subjects posttest design revealed positive relationships between judgments of evidence quality and perceptions of message effectiveness for predicting behavioral intentions toward osteoporosis prevention. In addition, arousing the emotions of fear and/or hope cued processing of osteoporosis narratives. The theoretical implications of these findings for the use of narratives as evidence and the application of findings for osteoporosis health messages are discussed.  相似文献   

Situational and personality factors associated with responses to communicating a sexual message were investigated. Male (N = 101) and female (N = 89) subjects delivered a prepared speech on either a sexual or a nonsexual topic to an audience that ostensibly varied in age (peer versus older individuals) and sex (male versus female). Results indicated that communicating the sexual (versus nonsexual) message resulted in more negative perceptions of audience response. Communicating the sexual message to older audiences in general and to older female audiences in particular resulted in the most negative perceptions of audience response. Correlational analyses revealed that individual difference factors such as positive affective orientation to sex and relatively greater sexual experience were associated with less negative reactions to communicating the sexual message (all p < .05).  相似文献   

This project explores how organizational endorsements influence voter attitudes during initiative elections. Building on the heuristic‐systematic model (Chaiken, 1980; Chen & Chaiken, 1999), we propose that voters use organizational endorsements as heuristic cues to help them develop their attitudes toward initiatives. It is hypothesized that the influence of endorsements on initiative voting depends on the applicability, availability, and diagnosticity of the endorsement voting cue and on the degree to which the voter is motivated to fully evaluate the arguments behind the initiative. An experiment was conducted in which motivation (processing goal instructions), cue applicability (match between endorsing organization and initiative), and initiative (four different hypothetical ballot issues) were manipulated. Results showed support for our first two hypotheses, but not for the third.  相似文献   

ObjectiveReduced inhibitory control is a general characteristic of smokers and becomes increasingly pronounced in smoking-related contexts. However, research has rarely considered differences in the effects of various smoking-related cues. To fill this research gap, this study compared the effects of smoking object-related and smoking social-related cues on inhibitory control in smokers.MethodsWe used a visual Go/NoGo paradigm with three types of long-lasting backgrounds (neutral, smoking object, and smoking social background) to record the error rates, reaction times, and amplitudes of the N2 and P3 event-related potentials (ERPs) by 25 smokers and 25 non-smokers.Results(1) Smokers displayed smaller NoGo-N2 amplitudes than controls under the neutral background; (2) smokers displayed smaller NoGo-N2 amplitudes under the smoking social background and smoking object background than they did under the neutral background; (3) relative to neutral and smoking object backgrounds, smokers displayed higher commission error rates, shorter reaction times, and larger NoGo-P3 amplitudes under smoking social background.ConclusionSmoking-related stimuli impair inhibitory control in smokers, especially when these stimuli are socially related.  相似文献   


According to cognitive models of social anxiety disorder (SAD), both anticipatory processing and post-event processing are core mechanisms in disorder maintenance leading to dysfunctional coping with social situations through negative self-evaluation and increased anxiety. To date, little is known about these processes during late childhood, a critical period for disorder development. Further, it remains unclear if dysfunctional rumination in children can be altered through psychotherapeutic interventions such as cognitive distraction. In the current study, children aged 9 to 13 years with SAD and age- and gender-matched healthy controls (HCs, each: n?=?30) participated in an experimental laboratory social stress task while anticipatory processing, post-event processing, subjective anxiety, self-evaluations, and autonomic arousal (skin conductance level) were assessed. Further, the impact of a brief cognitive distraction intervention on post-event processing was assessed. Children with SAD reported more negative anticipatory and post-event processing compared to HC children. Further, negative anticipatory processing was associated with higher subjective anxiety and reduced subjective performance ratings during the social stress task. In the aftermath of the stressor, distraction led to reduced subjective anxiety in the group with SAD and lower autonomic arousal in all children but did not alter post-event processing. The current study suggests that both anticipatory and post-event processing already play a key role in the maintenance of SAD in childhood. While distraction may be beneficial in reducing prolonged subjective anxiety and autonomic arousal after social situations, more research on interventions targeting ruminative processes is needed.


Perception and principles of distributive justice may vary due to the sociocultural variations and availability of resources. This study examines perception of determinants of allocation norms in a predominantly scarce resource society, like India. One-hundred forty-eight respondents belonging to the upper, middle, and lower caste groups were asked to rate the factors (e.g., educational qualifications, economic condition, caste, etc.) that may influence decisions related to admission, award of financial assistance, and job recruitment. Results suggest that perception of salience of factors was determined both by the nature of the situation and caste background of the respondent.  相似文献   

Health messages are directed at those who are at risk of incurring adverse consequences. However, previous experiments have found that people process personally relevant health messages in a biased, defensive manner. We examine the role of elaboration as a mechanism to encourage less biased processing of personally relevant health appeals. Results demonstrate that high-relevance consumers freeze on the threatening information, leading to lower change appraisal (perceived severity, self-efficacy, and response efficacy) and decreased message persuasion. For these individuals, renewed elaboration on the consequences of caffeine (Experiment 1) and olestra (Experiment 2) consumption reduces defensive processing. This elaboration "unfreezes" message processing, leading to greater change appraisal and increased persuasion. These experiments provide guidelines for practitioners to design more effective messages.  相似文献   

Perceived exposure has been offered as the main factor in how people estimate the effects of media messages on others, but a recent study found this did not hold for two prosocial messages. This study (N = 160) shows that demographic cues in anti-drug messages may communicate who the intended targets are, thus influencing perceived exposure and perceived effects for different age, gender, and racial groups. In turn, perceived effects on the self and others predict support for funding anti-drug campaigns. The possible impact of perceived similarity between a group and the “implied audience” on perceived effects is discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relative effectiveness of two methods of presenting visualized instruction to Ss and to determine the effectiveness of different types of visuals in facilitating S achievement of different educational objectives. Five hundred twenty Ss participated in the study; each received a pretest, participated in his respective instructional presentation, and received four criterial tests. Analysis indicated that (a) the method of presenting visualized instruction determines the type of visualization most effective in facilitating S achievement of different educational objectives; (b) for facilitating S achievement of certain objectives, color in visuals is an important instructional variable; and (c) not all visuals are equally effective in facilitating S achievement of different educational objectives.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the interactive effects of moods and performance on allocations of reward. Ninety-seven undergraduate students were randomly assigned to six treatment conditions. Mood (happy, neutral, sad) and relative performance (better than competitor, worse than competitor) were factorially combined to produce a 2 x 3 design. It was hypothesized that results consistent with equity theory (performance main effect) and mood research (main effect for mood with happy subjects acting selfishly and sad subjects behaving generously) would be found. Following the inductions, subjects divided 100 raffle tickets between themselves and their competitors. As expected, main effects for mood and performance reached or approached conventional levels of significance. However, these findings were qualified by a significant interaction between mood and performance. In general, moods affected allocations for worse performers but not for better performers. These findings are discussed in terms of the effects moods are believed to have on attentional focus, which is thought to mediate subsequent allocations.  相似文献   

Using an online cross-sectional randomized design, we explored whether messages emphasizing benefits of sport (sport gain-framed messages) would activate and elaborate hoped-for possible sport selves in 40- to 59-year-olds. One group viewed a video containing sport gain-framed messages, and a comparison group completed a sport and physical activity quiz. Results showed that the message group attended to a health and fitness message most frequently and demonstrated more frequent activation of possible selves than the quiz group. The message group's possible selves also contained more elaborate content related to delaying the effects of aging through sport and the social benefits of sport.  相似文献   

This article further tests the theoretical hypotheses supporting the use of number of camera changes (cc) and information introduced (ii) as indicators of resources allocated and resources required to process television messages. These two measures, combined, yield an indicator of available resources and can, therefore, be used as an indicator of television message complexity. Previous research has validated their use, averaged over time, as a global measure of message complexity. The two studies reported here test the underlying local complexity predictions and present support from two studies for the ii, cc combination as a valid indicator of local message complexity. Study 1 demonstrates that when a camera change has an increasing number of ii dimensions available resources become scarcer, eventually reaching cognitive overload. Study 2 examines the relative level of resources required for each of the seven dimensions, and demonstrates that specific theoretical groupings of dimensions (novelty, motivational, and cognitive) show differential impact on available resources. Results show that the individual dimensions increase required resources as predicted and that emotion change is the most cognitively taxing dimension. Together, the two studies increase our understanding of how the number of dimensions each individual dimension of ii increases cognitive load and provide strong support for the measure as an indicator of local message complexity.  相似文献   

The effect of the congruity between the involvement types of advertising commercial and a television program on the effectiveness of the commercial was studied. Participants (N = 103) viewed either a cognitive or an affective commercial for a product, which was embedded in either a cognitive or an affective television program. The results showed that the effects of the congruence influence the impact on memory. Free recall and cued recall were significantly influenced by the program-commercial congruity. Free recall and cued recall were significantly higher for the cognitively involving commercial in the cognitively involving program context than in the affectively involving program context. Similarly, free recall and cued recall were significantly higher for the affectively involving commercial in the affectively involving program context than in the cognitively involving program context.  相似文献   

Advertisements, movies, and other forms of media content have potential to change behaviors and antecedent psychological states by appealing to identity. However, the mechanisms that are responsible for persuasive effects of such content have not been adequately specified. A recently proposed model of communication effects (the prism model) advances the study of mechanisms and argues that identity can serve as both a moderator and mediator of communication effects on behavior-relevant outcomes. These intervening roles are made possible by the complex nature of identity (including multiple self-concepts and sensitivity to cues) and messages that cue the importance of and activate particular self-concepts. This article builds on development of the model by presenting empirical support based on re-analysis of an experiment in which participants viewed either a more-stigmatizing or less-stigmatizing portrayal of a recovering drug addict. In line with the model's propositions, exposure to the less-stigmatizing condition led to increases in perspective taking which then led to more acceptance (mediation by identity), while level of perspective taking also changed the effect of condition on acceptance (moderation by identity). These results provide support for the model's proposition of simultaneous intervening roles. The authors discuss implications for strategic communication research and practice.  相似文献   

Inconsistent alertness and orientation (sluggishness, drowsiness, daydreaming) were reported to accompany Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) without Hyperactivity in DSM-III. Such Sluggish Cognitive Tempo items were tested in the DSM-IV Field Trial for ADHD, but were discarded from the Inattention symptom list because of poor negative predictive power. Using 692 children referred to a pediatric subspecialty clinic for ADHD, Sluggish Tempo items were re-evaluated. When Hyperactivity–Impulsivity was absent (i.e., using only cases of Inattentive Type plus clinic controls), Sluggish Tempo items showed substantially improved utility as symptoms of Inattention. Factor analyses distinguished a Sluggish Tempo factor from an Inattention factor. When DSM-IV ADHD types were compared, Inattentive Type was uniquely elevated on Sluggish Tempo. These findings suggest that (a) Sluggish Tempo items are adequate symptoms for Inattentive Type, or (b) Sluggish Tempo may distinguish two subtypes of Inattentive Type. Either conclusion is incompatible with ADHD nosology in DSM-IV.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(2):169-192
This research applies the heuristic-systematic model to understand how country-of-origin (CO) cues can affect the way consumers process advertising messages and evaluate advertised products under different conditions. Findings of Experiment 1 show that, when product information is ambiguous, consumers are more likely to engage in heuristic processing, relying on CO cues to infer product quality and form their product evaluations. However, when product information is unambiguous, consumers engage in systematic processing and evaluate the product based on their assessments of product attributes. Findings of Experiment 2 further suggest that product involvement affects the extent to which consumers engage in heuristic processing when message ambiguity is at different levels. Specifically, mediational analyses indicate that, when product information featured in an ad is ambiguous, a low-involving product engages consumers in heuristic processing. Furthermore, when product information is unambiguous, a low-involving product engages consumers in systematic processing, whereas a high-involving product involves participants in an additivity processing style in which CO cue-based heuristic processing and attribute-based systematic processing co-occur.  相似文献   

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