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We report two picture–word interference experiments investigating conceptual and lexical activation, and response selection, in speaking. We varied stimulus onset asynchrony to investigate potential fine-grained activation and competition effects. Morphologically related existing and pseudoword adjectives, as well as associatively related adjectives, served as context stimuli in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, we focused on semantic interference by using morphologically related and unrelated subordinates of the target concept as context stimuli. Morphologically complex pseudowords were also included as context stimuli. Pseudowords should not interfere, given that they have no lexical or conceptual representation. We consistently obtained facilitation with all morphologically related context stimuli, irrespective of their lexical status. We argue that effects originate at the word-form level, and discuss how our results may help decide among the many explanations of semantic interference in picture naming.  相似文献   

采用三因素混合实验设计,结合情绪标识范式考察创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)个体对创伤相关图与负性情绪面孔的情绪标识效应。结果发现:PTSD组的情绪标识任务抑制了创伤相关图对之后奇偶判断任务的干扰,表现出显著的情绪标识效应;而对负性情绪面孔的情绪标识效应不显著。该研究表明将谈话疗法用于PTSD患者的心理危机干预是有效的。  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the susceptibility of excitation and inhibition to contextual change when the conditioned stimulus (CS) was ambiguous using an appetitive conditioning paradigm. In Experiment 1, excitation to a CS was lost with a context switch when inhibition had been learned to the CS in a prior feature-negative (FN) discrimination. Control groups that had received either more or less excitatory conditioning in the absence of inhibitory pretraining showed no loss. In Experiment 2 inhibition was lost with a context switch in a group that had received excitatory and then inhibitory conditioning with the CS. No loss was observed in a group that had not received excitatory pretraining. The results suggest that contexts are especially likely to control performance to ambiguous CSs when they can modulate the second of two learned associations. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for occasion setting and modern conditioning theory.  相似文献   

This study theorizes that activation and decay of dual motivational systems function as the mechanisms underlying excitation transfer theory. Following this reconceptualization, a physiological experiment simultaneously examines the influence of program valence and arousing content on subsequent ads. As predicted, sympathetic arousal (indicated by skin conductance) was greater during ads following arousing compared to calm programs, and in both conditions, it decreased across ad blocks. Cognitive effort was higher (indicated by slower heart rate) during ads following the positive arousing program and was lower (indicated by faster heart rate) following the negative arousing program. The recognition and free recall data generally support the prediction that, immediately following the program, they would be at the levels predicted by the motivational activation elicited by the program context.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was the developmental pattern of the ability to shift attention between global and local levels of hierarchical stimuli. Children aged 7 years and 11 years and 21-year-old adults were administered a task (two experiments) that allowed for the examination of 1) the direction of attention to global or local stimulus levels; 2) the susceptibility to interference of the global or local stimulus levels; and 3) the flexibility in directing attention to global or local stimulus levels. The results revealed a global advantage effect that decreased with age when the task required level shifting from trial to trial. The abilities to resist interference and to flexibly shift attention also improved during childhood, but quickly leveled off during adolescence. The ability to shift attention was found to be unrelated to processes contributing to global advantage. The results suggest that the ability to flexibly shift attention to and away from local detail, to provide the most adaptive response, continues to develop during childhood into adulthood.  相似文献   

从刺激、加工和反应三方面探讨双作业差异对注意分配的影响.结果表明,反应选择的影响最大.加工差异的影响次之,刺激差异影响的最小.研究结果支持分配性注意理论中"一般任务资源理论"和"交替反应说"的观点.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - This research examined in 26 undergraduate students a form of instructional control of certain emergent relations definitional of the stimulus-equivalence relationship....  相似文献   

This investigation assessed the effects of presenting non-target stimuli in the antecedent and consequent events on the future learning of responses to those stimuli. A 4-s constant time delay procedure was implemented to teach students with mild to moderate disabilities to read sight words. Future target stimuli (i.e., stimuli that were presented during instructional sessions of initial target stimuli, but were not directly instructed or targeted) were presented in one of two conditions; (a) in the antecedent event, or (b) in the consequent event portion of each instructional trial. Future target stimuli consisted of sight words that were unrelated to the target stimuli. An adapted alternating treatments design was used to assess and compare the two instructional conditions. Also, after students achieved criterion for reading target sight words, constant time delay was implemented to teach the future target stimuli. The number of sessions and the number and percentage of errors through criterion for teaching target and future target stimuli were assessed to measure the efficiency of the two conditions. All students reached criterion on the target stimuli and then acquired the future target stimuli when taught. Students required fewer sessions to achieve criterion on future target stimuli compared to initial target stimuli. There were minimal differences between the two conditions (i.e., antecedent versus consequent).  相似文献   

Researchers often assume a critical band of spatial frequencies is required for face recognition. Also, many studies have not measured the contrast required for recognition. On Day 1, observers viewed high-pass-filtered (HP), low-pass-filtered (LP), or unfiltered (UF) faces. On Day 2, they viewed a variety of faces, some of which were LP filtered, HP filtered, and UF. Observers adjusted contrast until they achieved both detection and recognition. Observers were most accurate and sensitive when filtered faces agreed in spatial-frequency content across days. Faces differing in spatial-frequency content were least well recognized. Unfiltered faces always fell between the 2 extremes. Observers generally used less contrast to recognize unfiltered than filtered faces. Correspondence of information between inspection and testing seemed more important than any particular range of frequencies.  相似文献   

近年来,随着体外授精一胚胎移植(IVF-ET)技术的蓬勃开展,IVF-ET后异位妊娠(EP)的发病率也随之升高.IVF-ET后EP发生的相关危险因素包括输卵管因素、子宫内膜异位症、授精方式、胚胎移植技术及控制性超排卵等,其中最主要的危险因素是由输卵管因素引起的输卵管功能紊乱.对具有以上危险因素的患者,在行IVF-ET治疗前,应尽量减少危险因素的影响,以提高临床妊娠率,并减少异位妊娠的发生率.本文就近年来对IVF-ET后EP发生的相关危险因素的研究作一综述.  相似文献   

归因错误在日常生活中是一种常见现象,本研究基于AMP范式,利用情绪启动刺激,通过两个实验探讨了阈上和阈下情绪启动特点.实验结果显示:(1)AMP范式下,存在阈上、阈下情绪启动效应;(2)AMP阈上启动时,汉语词、普通图片、面孔图片均有显著的情绪启动效应,即启动物的情绪色彩对中性目标物的评价有显著影响,被试有将中性模糊刺激赋予和启动物相同的情绪效价色彩的倾向;(3)阈上100ms、1500ms、5000ms三种SOA水平上,启动物效价作用均显著,说明AMP范式下,启动物效价作用能持续至少5s;(4)AMP阈下启动时,效价的简单效应仅在SOA为60ms时显著,即说明阈下情绪启动效应在较短的SOA内易出现,随着SOA的延长情绪启动效应衰退.  相似文献   

人类信息在世代之间传递有两种途径:一种是依靠遗传,一种是通过非遗传的途径。遗传信息主要靠遗传基因来携带和传递,对个体的生存和延续是最重要的。而非遗传信息主要靠感觉和学习来获得,这种籍传媒的信息获取可能在人类中才具有。为何在生物进化上,要采用这种先天遗传,后天习得,这种两条腿走路的方式来在传布信息呢?目前尚没有一个合理的解释。在本文中我们分别就这两个方面发展进行论述。  相似文献   

摘 要 为探索情绪刺激如何影响虚假记忆及其在分离虚假记忆与真实记忆神经活动中的作用,以IAPS图片为标准情绪刺激,19名大学生为被试,使用DRM实验范式,从行为、眼动和ERP三个方面进行了联合分析。结果发现,情绪的唤醒度和效价都能促使虚假记忆的产生,只是唤醒度影响时程更早。眼动和ERP的联合分析还发现了在情绪刺激下虚假记忆与真实记忆在神经活动层面上存在差异:早期虚假再认图片比真实再认图片需要更深的加工来实现对目标的识别;晚期虚假再认需要更多的信息搜索、比较等加工来完成其决策行为。  相似文献   

We compared final written letters and spoken phonemes and syllable length in the names of male (N = 250) and female (N = 197) Golden Retrievers to determine if the same gender-stereotyping trends occurring in humans also appeared in dog names. Names were taken from a website of the most popular Golden Retriever names in English speaking countries. Both male and female dogs had names ending in letters and phonemes characteristic of their respective human male and female counterparts. Female dogs had more syllables in their names than male dogs and a higher percentage of male dogs had one syllable names. We conclude that the similarities between human and dog naming practices reflect a pervasive gendered naming phonology.  相似文献   

Reality television programs that explore purportedly paranormal phenomena with pseudoscientific research approaches have emerged in popular culture. These shows commonly feature electronic voice phenomena (EVP), whereby recording devices capture audio signals that are interpreted as paranormal messages. We compared perceptions for voices in EVP with actual speech, acoustic noise, and degraded speech. Some participants were told that the experiment was about speech intelligibility, whereas others were told that the experiment was about paranormal EVP. The paranormal prime increased the proportion of trials for which participants perceived voices in both EVP stimuli and degraded speech. When a voice was detected, low agreement was found regarding the content of EVP messages. In both priming conditions, participants reported general skepticism in the paranormal. Results are discussed in the context of theoretical perspectives on paranormal events, trait‐versus‐state accounts of paranormal beliefs, and pseudoscientific approaches to research. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of trait driving anger, aggressive stimuli, and anonymity on aggressive driving behavior in a driving simulation task. High and low driving anger participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: (a) anonymous vs. identifiable driver; and (b) exposure to aggressive stimuli versus nonaggressive stimuli. Participants drove more aggressively when they were anonymous (d = .28) and exposed to aggressive stimuli (d = .05). Males drove more aggressively than did females (d = .06). No main or interaction effects were found for trait driving anger. Results suggest that situational factors affecting other forms of aggression are also important in aggressive driving.  相似文献   

中小学教师应对方式相关因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
申艳娥  叶一舵 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1523-1525
本文通过对530名中小学教师应对方式、一般自我效能感、社会支持的测试,探讨了三者之间的关系。结果表明:(1)教师一般自我效能感、社会支持对教师采用何种应对方式具有间接或直接的预测作用,且它们可能分别对某种类型的应对方式更具重要性。(2)高自我效能感、高社会支持的教师更倾向于采用适应性应对方式;低自我效能感、低社会支持的教师更倾向于采用情绪指向的应对方式。(3)教师一般自我效能感、社会支持的增加有助于教师压力的缓解和适应性应对方式的采用。  相似文献   

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