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We propose that a variety of findings on selective exposure effects (confirmatory information search) and their different underlying psychological processes can be integrated utilizing a new model based upon perceived decision uncertainty and cognitive economy. The proposed model assumes that (a) perceived decision uncertainty is negatively related to the extent of engagement in confirmatory information search; (b) that decision makers are fundamentally motivated to preserve cognitive energy; and (c) that the cognitive processing of decision‐consistent information requires fewer cognitive resources than the processing of decision‐inconsistent information. By employing these three basic assumptions on cognitive economy and confirmatory information processing, we can integrate classic motivational (dissonance) and cognitive (informational) accounts of selective exposure.  相似文献   

The rise of the Internet forces scholars to reevaluate the frequency and nature of political information seeking in the contemporary period. The functionality of the Internet makes passive exposure more difficult, and selective information seeking easier, than in the past. However, people may also use the Internet in a new and directed way—to arm themselves with information to express and defend their views either online or in the real world. The central question we explore in this paper is what explains balanced versus biased information seeking in the era of the Internet? We combine insights from Sears and Freedman (1967 ) with newer work on emotion to predict motivated selectivity: focusing specifically on the interaction between anxiety and information utility. Our central theoretical claim is that anxiety does not simply boost any information seeking; it triggers information seeking that is useful for addressing the problem at hand. Anxiety alone, therefore, does not guarantee a balanced information search. When counterattitudinal information is useful for some reason—for example, to defend their own opinions to others who may disagree—anxious citizens should seek it out. As a consequence, these subjects should learn more specific information about where each candidate stands on the issues. In an experiment we find support for these hypotheses. We conclude that while today's flexible Internet environment may permit selectivity, balanced seeking should still occur under a fairly common set of circumstances.  相似文献   

The literature assessing relations between interparental functioning and youth adjustment is extensive. Most of this literature used a between subjects approach and examines youth responses to conflict reported by parents. The current study used a daily diary approach to complement the existing literature by assessing relations between aspects of marital interactions and adolescent reported daily mood using a within-family approach. We hypothesized that parents’ emotionality during interactions, the severity of their marital conflicts, and the degree to which their conflicts were resolved would be associated with their adolescents’ daily moods. To test these hypotheses a diverse sample (N?=?86; 27% Black, 33% White, 26% Hispanic, and 14% another race or families members differed in race) of mothers, fathers, and adolescents drawn from the Supporting Healthy Marriage project completed 15 days of daily diaries. Multilevel modeling results suggested differential associations between mother and father reports of their own emotions during interactions, conflict severity, and conflict resolution and adolescents’ daily moods. Overall, there were more significant results indicating fathers’ compared to mothers’ associations with adolescents’ daily moods, providing support for the need to continue efforts to engage fathers in family strengthening programs.  相似文献   

Internet addiction (IA) is both the most rapidly growing addiction and the least understood addiction ( Watson, 2005 ). For counselors, treatment issues surrounding the disease are also growing. At the forefront is the lack of understanding concerning treatment protocol to manage the challenging recovery and maintenance stages after IA behavior has been controlled. The authors discuss Viktor Frankl's logotherapy as an effective approach to treating IA.  相似文献   

This study examined exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), a major public health problem. ETS has been found to be associated with an increased risk of adverse health effects in children. This study utilizes data from a community-based, longitudinal investigation examining the relation between children’s exposure to ETS and later internalizing symptoms and externalizing behaviors. Interviews were administered to a representative community sample of participants from two New York State counties in 1983, with subsequent interviews in 1985–1986, 1992, 1997, and 2002–2003 (when the participants’ mean age was 32). Data was collected on various personality and behavioral characteristics of the participants, and on internalizing symptoms and externalizing behaviors demonstrated by their children. Results indicated that children’s exposure to ETS was associated with an increased risk for both internalizing symptoms and externalizing behaviors. This relationship was maintained despite control on a number of parental psychosocial risk factors (e.g., demographic variables, personality and behavioral attributes) that have been found to be associated with both parental cigarette smoking and behavior problems among children. These data, which indicate an association between exposure to ETS and internalizing symptoms and externalizing behaviors among children, support public health policies to further restrict children’s exposure to ETS.  相似文献   

大学生网络行为的元认知研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李宁  梁宁建 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1356-1359
本研究分析了大学生网络行为元认知的特点.从元认知的角度揭示网络成瘾行为的心理机制。通过探索性因素分析,表明大学生网络行为的元认知水平包含有七个因素,并且其总水平与网络成瘾有显着的相关。  相似文献   

The paper aims at exploring if we have sound philosophical reason to embrace a human right to Internet access. While attempts to make Internet access a candidate for the standing of human right have become popular in both the political and legal arenas, we still lack serious philosophical reflection on this issue. The paper first evaluates the arguments made by various authors, and then moves to provide its own conclusions. Its logic is that if (i) Internet access is crucial for enabling democracy, and (ii) democracy is a basic human right, then we may have at least prima facie reason to see such a technology as a derived human right whose normativity supervenes on the right to democracy.  相似文献   

This retrospective cross-sectional paper examines the relationship between maternal smoking during pregnancy and children’s behavioural problems at 9?years of age independent of a wide range of possible confounders. The final sample comprised 7,505 nine-year-old school children participating in the first wave of the Growing Up in Ireland study. The children were selected through the Irish national school system using a 2-stage sampling method and were representative of the nine-year population. Information on maternal smoking during pregnancy was obtained retrospectively at 9?years of age via parental recall and children’s behavioural problems were assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire across separate parent and teacher-report instruments. A quasi-experimental approach using propensity score matching was used to create treatment (smoking) and control (non-smoking) groups which did not differ significantly in their propensity to smoke in terms of 16 observed characteristics. After matching on the propensity score, children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy were 3.5?% (p?<?0.001) and 3.4?% (p?<?0.001) more likely to score in the problematic range on the SDQ total difficulties index according to parent and teacher-report respectively. Maternal smoking during pregnancy was more strongly associated with externalising than internalising behavioural problems. Analysis of the dose–response relationship showed that the differential between matched treatment and control groups increased with level of maternal smoking. Given that smoking is a modifiable risk factor, the promotion of successful cessation in pregnancy may prevent potentially adverse long-term consequences.  相似文献   

One hundred sixty-three individuals participated in this study, which assessed relations among personality traits, mood states, and driving behaviors. Each participant underwent a standard driving evaluation on the road and completed the NEO PI-R Personality Inventory and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). Results indicated that the mood states of depression-dejection, anger-hostility, fatigue-inertia, vigor activity, and tension-anxiety were related to Cautiousness while driving for young adults, while personality traits were not found to be related to driving. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

青少年网络道德与其网络亲社会行为的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
马晓辉  雷雳 《心理科学》2011,34(2):423-428
青少年是互联网的最大用户群体,他们的网络道德和亲社会行为表现值得关注。该研究使用问卷法探讨了447名中学生网络道德和网络亲社会行为的特点及其之间的关系,发现:青少年的网络道德较积极;青少年在网络环境中表现的亲社会行为类型由高到低依次为:紧急型、利他型、情绪型、匿名型、依从型、公开型,其网络亲社会行为水平较高;青少年的网络亲社会行为水平随年级升高而下降;网络道德认知和网络道德情感对网络亲社会行为有正向预测作用.  相似文献   

通过对1030名大学生进行问卷调查.对大学生的情绪、认知需要与网络成瘾的关系进行了探讨.结果发现:消极情绪对网络成瘾有显著而直接的正向作用.消极情绪对网络成瘾具有最强的预测力;认知需要对网络成瘾有显著而直接的负向作用;消极情绪和积极情绪均可通过认知需要间接地影响网络成瘾;男女生的情绪、认知需要对网络成瘾的影响存在差异.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate whether adolescents' use of sexually explicit Internet material (SEIM) increased their sexual preoccupancy (i.e., a strong cognitive engagement in sexual issues). Further, we wanted to know (a) whether subjective sexual arousal mediated a potential influence of exposure to SEIM on sexual preoccupancy and (b) whether this process differed between male and female adolescents. Over the course of one year, we surveyed 962 Dutch adolescents aged 13–20 years three times. Structural equation modeling showed that exposure to SEIM stimulated sexual preoccupancy. This influence was fully mediated by subjective sexual arousal from SEIM. The effect of exposure to SEIM on subjective sexual arousal did not differ between male and female adolescents. The findings suggest that a sexualized media environment may affect adolescents' sexual development beyond traditionally studied variables, such as sexual attitudes and sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Studies often posit the processing dichotomy of positive vs. negative affect. People in a negative mood tend to process information in a more systematic manner while those in a positive mood tend to adopt a more heuristic, schema-directed processing style. A 3 (mood: negative vs. neutral vs. positive) × 2 (exposure duration: one vs. five minutes) × 2 (schema-consistent vs. schema-inconsistent items) experimental design was employed in a real-life setting and, using the incidental learning paradigm, to test recognition memory for objects in a typical office. Following the affect-as-information approach, we hypothesized that induced positive mood would lead participants to engage in a more schema-directed processing leading to less accurate memory, while induced negative mood will lead to a more analytic and detailed processing, leading to higher memory accuracy and fewer memory errors. Results revealed a significant effect of duration, indicating that participants made more schema-consistent errors when their stay in the office was shorter. The significant interaction of mood and exposure duration suggests that effect of the exposure on memory accuracy applies to people in negative and neutral mood, while people in positive mood tend to maintain schema-directed processing style for longer period of time.  相似文献   

通过网络调查的方式 ,采用POMS SF和EPQ RSC问卷以及针对SARS流行的自编题目 ,对 1 85名上网民众进行了调查 ,以了解SARS危机下民众的情绪状况 ,探讨形成不同情绪状况的影响因素。结果发现有大约一半(50 .8% )的被试POMS SF总分在 3 0分以下 ;在SARS危机下 ,人格类型、教育程度、经济收入及其评价、婚姻、地区 (疫区与非疫区 )、年龄等方面的差异影响着人们的情绪状况。研究认为我国大多数网民在SARS威胁下情绪状况基本保持良好 ;对SARS压力的心理控制感、人格类型、社会支持上的差异可能是导致人们出现不同情绪状况的原因。  相似文献   


Although cognitive dissonance is regarded as one of the most recognized causes of selective exposure [N. J. Stroud, Niche News (Oxford University Press, 2011)], the mechanism for such causation is still unclear. By inducing dissonance in a web-based experiment, this study demonstrates how cognitive dissonance relates to information preferences—the intention to seek congruent information and the intention to seek incongruent information. The findings suggest that perceived hostility with respect to one’s belief (cognitive discrepancy) can enhance the intention to seek out for attitude-consistent information. More importantly, individuals were found to have the intention to avoid counterattitudinal information, but only when they experienced some sort of psychological discomfort (dissonance). In other words, while cognitive discrepancy leads individuals to crave for confirming information, only those who encounter negative emotions are likely to employ avoidance of disconfirming information as a dissonance-reduction strategy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate, within a social comparison framework, the causal relationship between adolescents’ use of sexually explicit Internet material (SEIM) and their sexual satisfaction. In addition, we tested which adolescents were most susceptible to a potential influence of SEIM on sexual satisfaction. Between May 2006 and May 2007, we conducted a three‐wave panel survey among 1,052 Dutch adolescents aged 13–20. Structural equation modeling revealed that exposure to SEIM consistently reduced adolescents’ sexual satisfaction. Lower sexual satisfaction (in Wave 2) also increased the use of SEIM (in Wave 3). Moderator analyses showed that the negative effect of SEIM on sexual satisfaction was stronger for adolescents who had no or limited sexual experience as well as for adolescents who perceived the majority of their peers to be sexually inexperienced. The effect of exposure to SEIM on sexual satisfaction did not differ among male and female adolescents.  相似文献   


Published research (from 1975 to 1985) on mood state-dependent memory is examined with meta-analytical techniques. Research on mood-congruent memory is also examined when relevant to a mood state-dependent hypothesis. Effect sizes are shown to vary systematically as a function of several variables. Mood state-dependent memory is more often observed with positive rather then negative moods. Also, the strongest effects were found in studies that: (a) used real-life events as the material to be retrieved; (b) selected contrasting moods, i.e. positive vs. negative rather than simply positive or negative vs. neutral moods; (c) used mood states that were specific to the items; (d) lasted longer; (e) had smaller sample size; (f) selected subjects according to direct mood criteria; (g) paid subjects for their participation in the experiment; and (h) used adults rather than students or children. Present findings are consistent with other reviews and with common theories of mood state-dependent memory. However, the findings also highlight the importance of methodological variables, more particularly variables related to the degree of commitment of subjects to the experiment, and variables related to the nature and complexity of the experimental environment. Two dimensions, realism of the experiment and demand sensitivity, compete to account for the methodological results and for some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Using symbolic interaction, we developed a research model that proposed adolescent perceptions of parental support and psychological control would be related to adolescent depressed mood directly and indirectly through self-esteem. We tested the model using self-report questionnaire data from 161 adolescents living with both of their biological parents. To examine possible gender of adolescent differences, we tested two multigroup models separately for adolescents’ perceptions of mothers’ and fathers’ parental behaviors. Both the fathers’ and mothers’ models yielded (a) direct paths from self-esteem to depressed mood (for boys and girls), psychological control to depressed mood (for boys) and (b) an indirect path from support to self-esteem to depressed mood (for girls and boys) and an indirect path from psychological control to self-esteem to depressed mood (for girls). In addition, in the fathers’ model a significant direct path was found between fathers’ support and depressed mood (for girls).  相似文献   

探讨围生期母体双酚A(bisphenol A, BPA)暴露对幼年期(生后21~30天, postnatal day 21~30, PND 21~30)和青年期(生后56~63天, PND 56~63)不同性别子代小鼠行为的影响。母鼠从妊娠第7天至断乳前(产后21天)进行BPA(0.05、0.5、5、50 mg/kg/day)灌胃染毒, 同时设对照组。每个剂量组分别在PND 21和PND 56开始测试雌雄子代小鼠各项行为。以旷场行为检测小鼠的自发活动及探究行为, 以高架十字迷宫检测小鼠的焦虑行为, 以水迷宫检测小鼠的空间学习记忆能力, 以跳台检测小鼠的被动回避记忆行为。结果表明, BPA使PND 21雌雄子鼠和PND 56雄性子鼠自发活动减少(p<0.05或p<0.01), 理毛和站立行为发生性别分化(p<0.05或p<0.01); PND 21子鼠的3分钟跑动格数有明显的剂量效应关系, 其中5~50 mg/kg/day组特别显著。BPA显著增加PND 21雌雄子鼠和PND56雌性子鼠在高架十字迷宫中进入开放臂次数和停留时间(p<0.05或p<0.01)并减少封闭臂的进入时间, 但没有明显的剂量效应关系; BPA减少PND 56雄性子鼠开放臂的进入并增加其封闭臂的进入, 干扰了幼年期和青年期小鼠焦虑行为的性别分化。BPA剂量依赖性地延长PND 21和PND 56雄性子鼠在水迷宫搜索平台的平均距离, 其中5~50 mg/kg/day剂量组具有差异显著性(p<0.05或p<0.01), 但对雌性子鼠空间学习记忆行为没有影响。此外, 5~50 mg/kg/day BPA增加PND 21雄性子鼠在跳台实验中的错误次数并缩短其跳下平台潜伏期, PND 56雌雄子鼠的被动回避记忆仅被50 mg/kg/day BPA减弱。以上结果提示, 围生期BPA暴露可影响子代小鼠幼年期和青年期的多种行为及行为的性别差异, 不同行为对BPA的敏感程度不同, 其中以自发活动和探究行为最敏感。  相似文献   

This study tested whether a new training tool, the Exposure Guide (EG), improved in-session therapist behaviors (i.e., indicators of quality) that have been associated with youth outcomes in prior clinical trials of exposure therapy. Six therapists at a community mental health agency (CMHA) provided exposure therapy for 8 youth with obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). Using a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design with random assignment to baseline lengths of 6 to 16 weeks, therapists received gold-standard exposure therapy training with weekly consultation (baseline phase) followed by addition of EG training and feedback (intervention phase). The primary outcome was therapist behavior during in-session exposures, observed weekly using a validated coding system. Therapist behavior was evaluated in relation to a priori benchmarks derived from clinical trials. Additional outcomes included training feasibility/acceptability, therapist response to case vignettes and beliefs about exposure, and independent evaluator-rated clinical outcomes. Three therapists reached behavior benchmarks only during the EG (intervention) phase. Two therapists met benchmarks during the baseline phase; one of these subsequently moved away from benchmarks but met them again after starting the EG phase. Across all therapists, the percentage of weeks meeting benchmarks was significantly higher during the EG phase (86.4%) vs. the baseline phase (53.2%). Youth participants experienced significant improvement in OCD symptoms and global illness severity from pre- to posttreatment. Results provide initial evidence that adding the EG to gold-standard training can change in-session therapist behaviors in a CMHA setting.  相似文献   

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