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We propose a model of emotion grounded on Ignacio Matte Blanco’s theory of the unconscious. According to this conceptualization, emotion is a generalized representation of the social context actors are involved in. We discuss how this model can help to better understand the sensemaking processes. For this purpose we present a hierarchical model of sensemaking based on the distinction between significance—the content of the sign—and sense—the psychological value of the act of producing the sign in the given contingence of the social exchange. According to this model, emotion categorization produces the frame of sense regulating the interpretation of the sense of the signs, therefore creating the psychological value of the sensemaking.
Sergio SalvatoreEmail:

Sergio Salvatore   is Full Professor of Dynamic Psychology at University of Salento (Lecce, Italy); Chairperson of the “Psychological Sciences and Techniques” Degree Course Council. Director of the Doctoral Course in Clinical Psychology. Director of the Doctoral Course in Sciences of the Mind and Human Relations. Co-editor of the following peer reviewed Journals: European Journal of School Psychology; Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science; Psicologia Scolastica. Associate Editor of RPC Rivista Psicologia Clinica—RPC Review of Clinic Psychology. Member of the Advisor Board of various peer-reviewed Journals: His scientific interests regard the theory and the analysis of psychological intervention in clinical, scholastic, organizational and social fields. He takes also an interest in psychodynamic theorization of mental processes and in methodology of empirical analysis of socio-symbolic dynamics. On these issues he has designed, manage various scientific projects and he published 11 volumes (5 as co/editor) and over 100 articles on Italian and international Journals. Address: Department of Educative, Psychologist and Teaching Science, Via Stampacchia, 45, 73100 Lecce—e.mail: sergio.salvatore@unile.ateneo.it Claudia Venuleo   is Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at University of Salento (Lecce, Italy). At the present she teaches Health Psychology at the Faculty of Educational Science at the same University. She is professor at the school of Specialization in Groups Psychotherapy “Iter” (Rome, Italy). She is Professor at the school of Specialization in Psychodynamic and Socio-costruttivist Psychotherapy “PPSISCO” (Lecce, Italy). She is also trainer at other courses of improvement and specialization in psychology on issues related to theory of technique of clinical psychological intervention in scholastic, organizational and social fields. Her clinical and research interests regard the methodological implications of a socio-constructivist and psychoanalytical approach to social-cultural instances, as well as to research and training; the clinical psychological use of the accounts; the cultural models of outsiders social groups. On these issues she has published three volumes and about twenty-five scientific papers in national and international journals. Address: Department of Educative, Psychologist and Teaching Science, Via Stampacchia, 45, 73100 Lecce—e.mail: claudia.venuleo@ateneo.unile.it  相似文献   

John Michael 《Topoi》2014,33(1):157-172
In recent years, there has been a great deal of controversy in the philosophy of mind, developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience both about how to conceptualize empathy and about the connections between empathy and interpersonal understanding. Ideally, we would first establish a consensus about how to conceptualize empathy, and then analyze the potential contribution of empathy to interpersonal understanding. However, it is not at all clear that such a consensus will soon be forthcoming, given that different people have fundamentally conflicting intuitions about the concept of empathy. Thus, instead of trying to resolve this controversy, I will try to show that a fair amount of consensus is within reach about how empathy can be a source of interpersonal understanding even in the absence of a consensus about how to conceptualize empathy. As we shall see, the main controversy concerns a few phenomena that some researchers view as necessary conditions of empathy, but which others view either as merely characteristic features or as consequences of empathy. My strategy will be to try to show how empathy can generate interpersonal understanding by virtue of these phenomena—regardless of whether one chooses to conceptualize them as necessary conditions of empathy.  相似文献   

儿童心理理论能力中的情绪理解   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
情绪理解是儿童心理理论能力中的一个重要组成部分,它在人们的社会交往中具有不容忽视的作用。按Tager-Flusber和Sullivan提出的心理理论两成分模型,它属于心理理论的社会知觉成分,先于社会认知成分出现;但是随着儿童年龄的增长,社会知觉成分与社会认知成分越来越难以分离。情绪理解可分为几个不同的层次:简单情绪的理解;和愿望、信念有关的情绪理解;复杂情绪的理解;情绪调节。该文综述了近20年来心理理论中有关儿童情绪理解的研究,对该领域的研究在方法上和内容上提出了可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an impure somatic theory of emotion, according to which emotions are constituted by the integration of bodily perceptions with representations of external objects, events, or states of affairs. We put forward our theory by contrasting it with Prinz's (2004) pure somatic theory, according to which emotions are entirely constituted by bodily perceptions. After illustrating Prinz's theory and discussing the evidence in its favor, we show that it is beset by serious problems—i.e., it gets the neural correlates of emotion wrong, it isn't able to distinguish emotions from bodily perceptions that aren't emotions, it cannot account for emotions being directed towards particular objects, and it mischaracterizes emotion phenomenology. We argue that our theory accounts for the empirical evidence considered by Prinz and solves the problems faced by his theory. In particular, we maintain that our theory gives a unified and principled account of the relation between emotions and bodily perceptions, the intentionality of emotions, and emotion phenomenology.  相似文献   

Historically, the insula was considered primary gustatory cortex. Now it is known to play a more comprehensive role in the processing of sensory information, including acting as primary cortex for interoceptive information, including autonomic nervous system mediated changes. As such, it is critical for emotional feeling in accord with the James-Lange theory, a role previously ascribed to the limbic system. Neuroimaged abnormal grey matter volumes or activity levels in the insula have been associated with schizophrenia, eating disorders, anxiety and mood disorders, conduct disorder, autism, addiction, and chronic pain. The significance of these abnormal activity patterns remains theoretical. Neuropsychological studies have linked dominant insula injury with various symptoms of aphasia, but its exact role in language processing remains uncertain as most cases involve lesions that extend into perisylvian language zones. Functional neuroimaging studies have found insula hyper-activations, typically in conjunction with anterior cingulate cortex, for all manner of experimental tasks including those involving perception, intentional action, and consciousness. Such neuroimaged activity is unlikely to be task-specific, but rather reflective of generic changes in autonomic activity in response to salience, homeostatic incongruence, or cognitive challenge.  相似文献   

This article relates a theory of the duplex self constituted by consciousness and experienced as I and me to the various post-Freudian interpretations of the self.  相似文献   

共情是个体设身处地地共享并理解他人的情绪情感的心理现象,是道德与利他行为的动机源泉。儒家文化作为中国传统文化的主体,蕴含着具有深远理论意义和生动实践意义的共情观。本文将共情的情绪与认知两种成分作为视角,对儒家经典文本中的共情观进行梳理、分析与比较,发现儒家文化中的"恻隐之心"、"一体之仁"、"忠恕之道"、"絜矩之道"等思想观点在作为人们日常生活中接物待人道德伦理观的同时,在社会交往、理解他人等方面与共情具有相同的心理机制以及心理学原理。基于此发现,未来在继续探究儒家核心观念"仁"等文本与共情的联系与区别的同时,还可以针对儒式文化中的共情观,进一步尝试实证性研究。  相似文献   

Based on prior theory and research (Ciarrochi & Heaven, 2009; Eagly & Wood, 1999), we hypothesized that the link between empathy and friendship would be moderated by sex: Girls will nominate empathic boys as friends, whereas boys will not tend to nominate empathic girls. We collected measures of empathy, friendship social support, and close friendship nominations in grade 10 across 1,970 students in 16 schools (Mage = 15.70, SD = .44; males = 993, females = 977). Multilevel models revealed that boys high in cognitive empathy attracted an average of 1.8 more girl friendship nominations than did their low empathy counterparts, whereas empathic girls did not attract a greater number of opposite‐sex friends. In addition, the more friendship nominations a boy received from either boys or girls, the more they felt supported by their friends; the number of friendship nominations received by girls, in contrast, had no effect on their felt support by friends. Regardless of the quantity of friendship nominations, empathy was linked to more supportive friendships for both males and females. These results inform a contextual understanding of the role of empathy in selecting and maintaining friendships.  相似文献   

Writers identified with the interpersonal psychoanalytic tradition are primarily responsible for initiating the relational turn in psychoanalysis: the evolution from an objectivist one-person model of analytic praxis to that of an intersubjective, two-person paradigm. The two papers discussed here focus on two qualities in the analyst—curiosity and spontaneity—and how these elements of the analyst's subjectivity have helped lead to a potential enrichment of patients’ responsivity to analytic engagement.  相似文献   

幼儿心理理论与情绪理解发展及关系的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
本研究采用横断设计,以北京市某幼儿园大、中、小班共98名幼儿为被试,通过对其心理理论、情绪理解及语言能力的测试,考察幼儿心理理论和情绪理解的发展状况以及二者之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)幼儿的心理理论和情绪理解在3~5岁期间发生了巨大的变化,在5岁的时候大多数的幼儿已经基本上具备了心理理论和情绪理解的能力,4岁是幼儿心理理论和情绪理解能力发展的关键年龄;(2)幼儿的心理理论和情绪理解的相关显著,即使在控制了语言和年龄的影响后,心理理论能力仍然和情绪理解能力在总体上相关显著;(3)在排除了语言和年龄的影响后,对他人错误信念的理解能力和情绪观点采择能力的相关也仍然显著。  相似文献   

对258名幼儿进行情绪理解能力任务测查,其母亲完成情绪调节方式问卷和应对幼儿消极情绪问卷,探讨母亲情绪调节方式、母亲对幼儿消极情绪的反应方式和幼儿情绪理解能力之间的关系。结果表明,幼儿情绪理解能力随年龄增长而提高,女孩情绪理解能力高于男孩。母亲对幼儿消极情绪更多采用情感关注和问题解决,惩罚反应最少,母亲对男孩的消极情绪表现出更多的惩罚反应,对女孩表现出更多的情感关注。母亲鼓励表达在其情绪调节方式和幼儿情绪理解能力之间有中介作用。  相似文献   

Social proximity and interaction attenuate cardiovascular arousal, facilitate the development of nonanxious temperament, inhibit the release of stress hormones, reduce threat‐related neural activation, and generally promote health and longevity. Conversely, social subordination, rejection and isolation are powerful sources of stress and compromised health. Drawing on the biological principle of economy of action, perception/action links, and the brain’s propensity to act as a Bayesian predictor, Social Baseline Theory (SBT) proposes that the primary ecology to which human beings are adapted is one that is rich with other humans. Moreover, SBT suggests that the presence of other people helps individuals to conserve important and often metabolically costly somatic and neural resources through the social regulation of emotion.  相似文献   

Cognitive and Neural Contributions to Understanding the Conceptual System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— The conceptual system contains categorical knowledge about experience that supports the spectrum of cognitive processes. Cognitive science theories assume that categorical knowledge resides in a modular and amodal semantic memory, whereas neuroscience theories assume that categorical knowledge is grounded in the brain's modal systems for perception, action, and affect. Neuroscience has influenced theories of the conceptual system by stressing principles of neural processing in neural networks and by motivating grounded theories of cognition, which propose that simulations of experience represent knowledge. Cognitive science has influenced theories of the conceptual system by documenting conceptual phenomena and symbolic operations that must be grounded in the brain. Significant progress in understanding the conceptual system is most likely to occur if cognitive and neural approaches achieve successful integration.  相似文献   

Is moral theory alienating? This question, and the worries that lie behind it, motivate much of Lori Gruen's distinctive approach to animal ethics in Entangled Empathy. According to Gruen, the “traditional” methods of moral theory rely on abstractions that strip away the details that give our lives meaning. Although I am deeply sympathetic to these worries, as well as to the alternative ethics Gruen proposes in response to them, in this article I express a few reservations about the argument Gruen uses to motivate her worries and to establish her solution. First, I raise some questions about her conception of “traditional” moral theory and the possible historical figures she means to indict. I then suggest that the principal gear of her argument—her conception of “entangled empathy”—suffers from some inconsistency in application, which risks leading her to posit a thicker notion of empathy than she should want. In particular, her argument risks setting a standard of correctness for “successful” empathy that is implausible on its own terms, but that is also a standard of correctness with morally and politically questionable implications in the human context.  相似文献   

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