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The prevailing explanation for the Third-Person Perception (TPP) argues that people perceive that others are more influenced by the mass media than themselves in order to maintain a positive self image. If the TPP is indeed a self-preserving bias, then according to psychological research, it should be substitutable with other self-preserving mechanisms. However, past attempts to reduce the TPP after affirming the self have by and large failed. The studies reported in this paper extend these past attempts in two important ways. First, unlike past research that focused on cross-domain substitutability, we test for the substitutability of the TPP within a specific self-domain. Second, unlike past research that manipulated state self-esteem and measured the impact on subsequent TPPs, we also test for the opposite type of substitutability, namely for the impact of the TPP on subsequent self-maintenance mechanisms. Overall, the findings suggest that the TPP is partly substitutable with other self-preserving mechanisms, but this substitutability takes place only within a specific self-domain.  相似文献   

印象管理对组织公民行为的预测作用的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭晓薇  李成彦 《心理科学》2005,28(2):480-482
以188名企业员工及其主管和同事为被试,运用问卷调查法和分层回归分析的统计方法考察了印象管理独立于组织公平感对组织公民行为的预测作用。结果发现:在控制了公平感之后,印象管理能够显著增加大多数主管评价OCB可解释的变异,但与任何同事评价OCB之间不存在显著相关。结论:印象管理对除OCB—S以外的主管评价OCB具有显著的独立预测作用。  相似文献   

从个体印象管理到组织印象管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组织印象管理(OIM)关注组织如何通过行为和信息的调控来影响受众的知觉问题,成为当前印象管理研究的新领域。组织印象管理与个体印象管理具有互动关系;个体印象管理研究为组织印象管理研究奠定了基础。未来组织印象管理研究的重点领域包括:研发组织印象管理的评价工具,了解组织印象管理的策略,认识组织印象管理策略使用的后效,并突出组织印象管理的在我国的实际应用研究  相似文献   

应聘者印象管理研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
应聘者的印象管理行为在求职面试情境中是一种普遍现象,其目的旨在赢得面试考官的良好评价。应聘者印象管理行为包括有3类策略:获得性策略、保护性策略及非言语策略;同时,对应聘者印象管理行为的测量也要从印象管理策略的测量和印象管理风格的测量两个方面入手。另外,在整合已有文献的基础上,还从面试情境与应聘者印象管理行为、应聘者个性特质与印象管理策略使用、应聘者印象管理行为与面试结果及招聘者对应聘者印象管理识别等4个方面综述了应聘者印象管理研究的发展现状,并指出了现有研究存在的问题及未来研究的方向  相似文献   

This article presents 2 studies testing Paulhus's (2002) assumption that unconscious self-enhancement and conscious impression management represent separate processes of socially desirable responding (SDR) that can be observed within 2 content domains (egoistic and moralistic bias). In Study 1, we devised egoistic and moralistic SDR scales intended to measure self-enhancement in honest responding and impression management under demands for positive self-presentation. In Study 2, we correlated scores on these scales with external indicators of self-enhancement and impression management. In honest responding, both SDR scales most strongly correlated with self-enhancement indicators, whereas under demands for positive self-presentation they correlated more strongly with external measures of impression management.  相似文献   

The present study investigated job applicants' use of deception. The study examined applicants' deception on written applications, as well as in a job interview; whether individuals would lie to conform to job requirements; and whether extraversion and self-monitoring are related to lying. Fifty-nine candidates completed an application and interview. After the interview, candidates were informed that they were actually participating in an experiment. They then watched a videotape of their interview and indicated any lies they told. As hypothesized, it was found that applicants lied both on the job applications and during the interview, primarily to appear to conform to job requirements. Furthermore, candidate extraversion was positively correlated with number of lies told, although self-monitoring was unrelated to lying.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(3):231-252
Extending prior research on the third-person effect, which has focused on perceived media effects on adults, the present study examined parents' beliefs about the effects of televised violence on their own and other children, and how these perceptions are related to two different behavioral responses: parental mediation of television and support for censorship. Respondents were parents of children aged 3 to 18 (N = 70), who were contacted as part of a random sample for a larger study. Via telephone interviews, parents rated their perceptions of three effects of televised violence: (1) viewing the world as a dangerous place; (2) approving of aggression; and (3) behaving aggressively. As predicted, third-person perceptions were observed for all three types of influence, but were larger for the more socially undesirable aggression - related effects. Both parental mediation and support for censorship were associated with the perceived effects of televised violence. Evidence suggested that parents' behavioral responses were motivated by concern about both their own and other children, but that the pattern of responses varied for the three different effects of viewed violence.  相似文献   

Measures of impression management have yet to incorporate two-factor models of person perception. The 2 primary factors are often labeled agency and communion. In Study 1, we assembled a new measure of impression management—the Bidimensional Impression Management Index (BIMI): It comprises 2 subscales designed specifically to tap agentic and communal content. Both subscales showed adequate alpha reliabilities under both honest and faking conditions. In Study 2, the BIMI was cross-validated in a new sample: The subscales remained relatively independent, and their reliabilities remained solid. A coherent pattern of personality correlates also supported the validities of both subscales. In Study 3, the differential sensitivity of the 2 subscales was demonstrated by manipulating the job type in simulated job applications. Implications and applications of the BIMI are discussed.  相似文献   

The current pair of studies are the first to empirically show that the proposed tactics/processes (i.e., accommodation, legitimation, intimidation, bureaucratic) of the anticipatory organizational impression management (OIM) model decrease initial challenges to an event and prevent the escalation of an already existing challenge. Moreover, our data showed that variables specified by the model mediated the relationship between the tactics and the respective dependent measures (i.e., initial challenges, escalation of challenges). Our results offer compelling evidence for the OIM model, an empirical case that has been heretofore absent from the literature.  相似文献   

印象管理及其相关研究述评   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
近年来,印象管理日益受到社会学、心理学等领域的关注,成为一个重要的研究变量。文章回顾了印象管理概念的由来及发展过程,介绍了国内外有关印象管理的研究现状,对已有研究进行了评价,并对未来研究进行了展望。对我国学者进一步开展有关印象管理的研究提供了新的思路  相似文献   

People routinely engage in impression management, for example, by highlighting successes. It is not yet known how people attribute their success (to talent vs. effort) to give a positive impression. Three experiments explore this question and test whether people’s attributions of success receive favor from their audience. The findings show that, in impression management situations (e.g., job interview or date), people communicate their effort less than audiences would prefer. Thus, success alone may not be enough to make a positive impression on others; emphasizing effort as the cause for success also matters.  相似文献   



This study contributes to the ecological validity of resume research by systematically examining the impression management (IM) content of actual resumes and cover letters and empirically testing the effect on applicant evaluation.


A content analysis of the frequency and intensity of IM tactic use in 60 resumes and cover letters was completed (Study 1). Next, an experiment was conducted in which IM tactic use was manipulated and the effect on applicant evaluation examined, using a sample of MTurk workers as evaluators (Study 2).


In Study 1, four self-promotion categories, three ingratiation categories, and one hybrid category were delineated. In Study 2, ingratiation and lower intensity self-promotion were found to increase perceptions of job and organization fit.


Employers should be aware that resumes and cover letters contain IM tactics that may influence applicant evaluation. In addition, employment training programs might communicate the benefits of using ingratiation and lower intensity self-promotion, while emphasizing the importance of accurately conveying one’s qualifications. Furthermore, the present taxonomy of IM resume content might be applied to resume database search engines to identify and index IM tactic use.


This research is the first to develop a taxonomy of IM tactics based on actual resumes and cover letters and may facilitate more comprehensive manipulations of IM tactic use and better integration of IM research across the selection process.

陈启山  年承涛  温忠麟 《心理科学》2005,28(3):634-635,642
运用内隐联想测验对不同印象整饰水平个体的内隐态度进行了研究。结果表明:不同自我监控者的内隐性态度是存在的,高自我监控者的内隐态度和外显态度存在分离。研究对“印象整饰对强迫服从后态度改变的影响”的结果做出解释:自我监控者强迫服从后的态度中庸是其关注自身的公众形象而有意压抑和控制其内隐性的评价造成的。  相似文献   

印象管理与心理健康表现之相关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金瑾  林为  高尚仁 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1481-1483
本研究旨在考察中国人印象管理与心理健康表现的相关.研究采用印象管理问卷和一般健康问卷,对某石油国企员工进行调查,发现印象管理程度越高的人,其心理健康程度越差;自我推销和威胁策略与焦虑失眠呈正相关;迎合策略与躯体化症状呈正相关,但和严重抑郁呈负相关;示弱策略与社交障碍呈正相关;做秀策略与心理健康各维度均没有显著相关.结果表明不同的印象管理策略对心理健康有不同的影响.  相似文献   

医务人员的印象管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医务人员的印象管理有两种技术:一是获得性印象管理,具体手段有:精勤不倦、深究医术,仁爱救人,真诚地称赞和表扬,适当的意见遵从,营销自我,SOLER,工作严谨慎重,角色获得等;二是保护性印象管理,具体手段有:事发前的保护性印象管理与事发后的保护性印象管理.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory and neuroscientific evidence suggest that humans automatically infer the trustworthiness of others based on facial appearance. Building upon this knowledge base, this article presents three empirical studies that investigate the influence of initial impressions of trustworthiness on post‐event perceptions of justice. Across 2 vignette studies and 1 laboratory study, the results consistently suggest that pre‐event trustworthiness impressions exert significant indirect effects on post‐event justice perceptions. In Study 1 and 2, the effects of trustworthiness were mediated by individuals’ psychological state of trust and fairness‐related counterfactual thinking, respectively. In Study 3, the indirect effect of trustworthiness was transmitted through the psychological state of trust alone. The finding that initial trustworthiness impressions derived from surface cues (facial appearance) help shape subsequent perceptions of justice has important implications for justice theory and research.  相似文献   

印象整饰的测量及其在人力资源管理中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈启山  温忠麟 《心理科学》2005,28(1):178-179
印象整饰是一个人通过一定的方式影响别人形成对自己的印象的过程。近年来,印象整饰日益受到心理学、组织科学的关注,成为一个重要的研究变量。本文回顾了印象整饰的研究脉络,评介了4种印象整饰的测量工具,概述了印象整饰和人力资源管理关系的研究。对我国开展印象整饰方面的研究特别是组织中的应用提供了一些建议和思路。  相似文献   

Recent theory and research have suggested that a significant portion of human behavior in organizations is motivated by impression management concerns, that is, by the desire to be perceived by others in certain ways. However, the complex interpersonal dynamics of impression management in organizations remain largely unexplored. This paper synthesizes theory and research across several disciplines and literatures to present an integrative, process-oriented model of impression management in organizations. Potential applications and implications of the model for management research and practice are discussed and directions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

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