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In 2012, a study by Sklar et al. reported that participants could solve invisible subtractions. This notion of unconscious arithmetic has been influential because it challenges current theories of consciousness. In 2016, Karpinski et al. published a direct replication reporting evidence for unconscious addition rather than subtraction. About a year later, the study was retracted due to a computation error in the analysis pipeline. After this error was corrected, no evidence for unconscious addition nor subtraction was obtained. Recently, Karpinski et al. republished the study by applying the exclusion criteria used in Sklar et al. The reanalysis found weak evidence for unconscious subtraction. To assess the robustness of these results, we examine how sensitive the results are to data analytic decisions. We outline a set of 250 analyses that we consider justified to perform. We show that none of the analyses indicates evidence for unconscious subtraction.  相似文献   

The scope and limits of unconscious processing are a controversial topic of research in experimental psychology. Particularly within the visual domain, a wide range of paradigms have been used to experimentally manipulate perceptual awareness. A recent study reported unconscious numerical processing during continuous flash suppression (CFS), which is a powerful variant of interocular suppression and disrupts the conscious perception of visual stimuli for up to seconds. Since this finding of a distance-dependent priming effect contradicts earlier results showing that interocular suppression abolishes semantic processing, we sought to investigate the boundary conditions of this effect in two experiments. Using statistical analyses and experimental designs that precluded an effect of target numerosity, we found evidence for identity priming, but no conclusive evidence for distance-dependent numerical priming under CFS. Our results suggest that previous conclusions on high-level numerical priming under interocular suppression may have been premature.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of consciousness is crucial for theories that see it as functionally adaptive, and for explaining how consciousness affects higher-level cognition. The invention of continuous flash suppression (CFS), a long-duration suppression technique, resulted in a proliferation of research into the process of prioritization for consciousness. We developed a new technique, repeated masked suppression (RMS), that facilitates the measurement of long suppression times, but relies on different visual principles. RMS enables a theoretical leap: It allows scientists to examine the central process of prioritization across different suppression methods. In five experiments (n = 282) we collected chronometric RMS and CFS data, finding that the previously reported face inversion effect and the face priority-dimension generalize beyond CFS. Our results validate the use of multi-method designs in the study of prioritization for consciousness. Furthermore, we show how RMS could be used online to reach diverse samples, previously beyond the reach of consciousness science.  相似文献   

The content of conscious perception is known to correlate with steady-state responses (SSRs), yet their causal relationship remains unclear. Can we manipulate conscious perception by directly interfering with SSRs through transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS)? Here, we directly addressed this question in three experiments involving binocular rivalry and continuous flash suppression (CFS). Specifically, while participants (N = 24) viewed either binocular rivalry or tried to detect stimuli masked by CFS, we applied sham or real tACS across parieto-occipital cortex at either the same or a different frequency and phase as an SSR eliciting flicker stimulus. We found that tACS did not differentially affect conscious perception in the forms of predominance, CFS detection accuracy, reaction time, or metacognitive sensitivity, confirmed by Bayesian statistics. We conclude that tACS application at frequencies of stimulus-induced SSRs does not have perceptual effects and that SSRs may be epiphenomenal to conscious perception.  相似文献   

Words with negative valence capture attention and this increase in attentional resources typically enhances perceptual processing. Recently, data using continuous flash suppression (CFS) appear to contradict this. In prior research when Chinese words were unconsciously presented in CFS and contrast was raised until the word was identified, RTs to identify words with negative valence were slower than RTs to words with neutral valence. This result might be limited to situations where a logographic writing system is used and could reflect a type of cognitive aftereffect where previewing the word causes habituation. Data (N = 60) indicate that results generalize from a logographic (Chinese) to an orthographic writing system (English). In addition, when words were previewed in CFS RTs were slowed for words with negative valence relative to words with neutral valence and this was reversed when words were shown binocularly. Implications for theories of unconscious word processing and cognitive aftereffects are discussed.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders are characterized by deficits in social domains. Extant research has reported an impaired ability to perceive emotional faces in schizophrenia. Yet, it is unclear if these deficits occur already in the access to visual awareness. To investigate this question, 23 people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and 22 healthy controls performed a breaking continuous flash suppression task with fearful, happy, and neutral faces. Response times were analysed with generalized linear mixed models. People with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders were slower than controls in detecting faces, but did not show emotion-specific impairments. Moreover, happy faces were detected faster than neutral and fearful faces, across all participants. Although caution is needed when interpreting the main effect of group, our findings may suggest an elevated threshold for visual awareness in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, but an intact implicit emotion perception. Our study provides a new insight into the mechanisms underlying emotion perception in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

Persaud and McLeod (2008) report that unconscious perception is easier to measure with forced-choice exclusion tasks when the stimuli are highly similar, such as choosing between the letters ‘h’ and ‘b’. The high degree of stimulus similarity may decrease conscious awareness of the target stimuli while leaving unconscious cognition intact. The present experiments used forced-choice exclusion tasks (i.e., choosing the opposite of a masked target stimulus) with the aim of replicating these findings. No evidence of relevant perception – either conscious or unconscious – was obtained with short duration targets. The forced-choice exclusion task was correctly performed at longer target durations (25 ms and higher), which suggests conscious perception of the target stimuli. We conclude that increasing stimulus similarity does not reliably produce exclusion failure effects and does not appear to facilitate the measurement of unconscious cognition.  相似文献   

赵佳旭  鲍敏 《心理学报》2022,54(7):725-735
研究提出一种新的连续闪烁抑制(CFS)范式, 利用透明度混合(alpha blending)原理, 使目标刺激的颜色与相应位置的掩蔽刺激的颜色时刻保持一致。研究随机招募了8名被试, 向其优势眼呈现Mondrian图像序列, 非优势眼呈现固定速率运动的多个正方形。结果表明目标为多运动点动态刺激时, 该范式依然具备掩蔽作用, 且当目标刺激与相应位置的掩蔽刺激的颜色完全一致时, 掩蔽效果最好, 证明这种新范式比传统CFS范式对动态刺激的掩蔽作用更好。相比以往修改CFS掩蔽刺激的思路, 该范式为研究无意识视觉运动加工提供了新方法, 且适用性更广。  相似文献   

采用连续闪烁抑制范式(Continuous Flash Suppression, CFS), 通过比较不同美感的图片的突破抑制时间,考察了美感对西方绘画无意识加工的影响。实验1使用黑白噪音图片, 通过单因素被试内设计考察了高、中、低三种美感等级的彩色西方绘画的突破抑制时间。结果发现, 美感高和美感中等的西方绘画比美感低的西方绘画能更快突破噪音图片的抑制进入意识。实验2考察在彩色噪音图片的抑制下, 美感是否依然影响彩色西方绘画突破抑制的时间。结果发现, 美感不影响西方绘画突破抑制时间, 且突破抑制时间显著长于实验1。这些结果表明美感对西方绘画无意识加工的影响受到双眼竞争的眼间抑制过程的限制, 只有在黑白噪音图抑制的情况下, 美感会影响西方绘画进入意识的速度。与黑白噪音图片相比, 彩色噪音图片可能对颜色信息的抑制更强, 干扰了美感对西方绘画无意识加工的影响。  相似文献   

Evaluative priming by masked emotional stimuli that are not consciously perceived has been taken as evidence that affective stimulus evaluation can also occur unconsciously. However, as masked priming effects were small and frequently observed only for familiar primes that there also presented as visible targets in an evaluative decision task, priming was thought to reflect primarily response activation based on acquired S–R associations and not evaluative semantic stimulus analysis. The present study therefore assessed across three experiments boundary conditions for the emergence of masked evaluative priming effects with unfamiliar primes in an evaluative decision task and investigated the role of the frequency of target repetition on priming with pictorial and verbal stimuli. While familiar primes elicited robust priming effects in all conditions, priming effects by unfamiliar primes were reliably obtained for low repetition (pictures) or unrepeated targets (words), but not for targets repeated at a high frequency. This suggests that unfamiliar masked stimuli only elicit evaluative priming effects when the task set associated with the visible target involves evaluative semantic analysis and is not based on S–R triggered responding as for high repetition targets. The present results therefore converge with the growing body of evidence demonstrating attentional control influences on unconscious processing.  相似文献   

Summary Four experiments are reported which involved the adjustment of two points of light in an otherwise dark room to the visual vertical. In the first two experiments different point separations (corresponding to visual angles of about 2° and 23°) were employed in an attempt to control the degree of scanning eye movements. Binocular adjustments to the visual vertical during body tilt were influenced by the point separation (Exp. 1), but monocular adjustments with the head upright were not (Exp. 2). Using the larger point separation and fixating the top point the visual vertical using the right eye was counterclockwise of that with fixation of the bottom point when the head was upright (Exp. 3), but this difference was not found for judgments during tilt (Exp. 4). The results were discussed in terms of the rotational changes in eye position accompanying scanning eye movements and ocular elevation and depression.
Zusammenfassung Es wird über vier Experimente berichtet, in denen es um die Einstellungen zweier Lichtpunkte in eine vertikale Richtung geht. In den ersten zwei Experimenten sollte der Einfluß der Fixierbewegungen der Augen geprüft werden. Der Winkelabstand der Lichtpunkte betrug 2° oder 23°. Bei seitwärts geneigtem Körper und binokularer Betrachtung wurde ein Unterschied gefunden (Exp. 1). Bei aufrecht gehaltenem Kopf und monokularer Betrachtung dagegen zeigte sich kein Unterschied (Exp. 2). Wurde in aufrechter Körperlage und bei einem Punktabstand von 23° der obere Punkt mit dem rechten Auge fixiert, so verschob sich die scheinbare Vertikale im Uhrzeigersinn; sie verschob sich noch weiter im Uhrzeigersinn, wenn der untere Punkt fixiert wurde (Exp. 3). Bei geneigtem Körper wurde dagegen kein Unterschied festgestellt (Exp. 4). Die Ergebnisse werden im Zusammenhang mit der Augendrehung diskutiert, die mit dem scanning sowie mit der Auf- und Abbewegung der Augen beim Fixieren verbunden ist.

This research was carried out while I was a recipient of a Forschungsstipendium from the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, appreciation for which is gratefully acknowledged. I also wish to thank the subjects who participated in the experiments.  相似文献   

Classical theories of automaticity assume that automatic processes elicited by unconscious stimuli are autonomous and independent of higher-level cognitive influences. In contrast to these classical conceptions, we argue that automatic processing depends on attentional amplification of task-congruent processing pathways and propose an attentional sensitization model of unconscious visual processing: According to this model, unconscious visual processing is automatic in the sense that it is initiated without deliberate intention. However, unconscious visual processing is susceptible to attentional top-down control and is only elicited if the cognitive system is configured accordingly. In this article, we describe our attentional sensitization model and review recent evidence demonstrating attentional influences on subliminal priming, a prototypical example of an automatic process. We show that subliminal priming (a) depends on attentional resources, (b) is susceptible to stimulus expectations, (c) is influenced by action intentions, and (d) is modulated by task sets. These data suggest that attention enhances or attenuates unconscious visual processes in congruency with attentional task representations similar to conscious perception. We argue that seemingly paradoxical, hitherto unexplained findings regarding the automaticity of the underlying processes in many cognitive domains can be easily accommodated by our attentional sensitization model. We conclude this review with a discussion of future research questions regar-ding the nature of attentional control of unconscious visual processing.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that D-cycloserine (DCS) facilitates extinction of Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats and enhances exposure therapy in humans. The aim of this study was to test the effect of DCS on extinction of fear conditioning in humans. In three experiments, 238 participants were given either DCS (50 or 500 mg) or placebo 2-3 h before extinction training following a differential shock conditioning paradigm. Clear extinction and recovery (return of fear) effects were observed on both skin conductance and self-reported shock expectancy measures in three studies. DCS had no influence on these effects. The same pattern was observed when the analysis was restricted to aware participants or to good conditioners, when fear-relevant cues (pictures of snakes) were used as the conditioned stimuli, or when analysis was restricted to heightened snake-fearful participants. These results suggest that DCS may not enhance the extinction, or prevent the recovery, of learned fear in a differential Pavlovian conditioning paradigm in humans. Further experimental research is needed to better understand the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of DCS.  相似文献   

The processing of visual and vestibular information is crucial for perceiving self-motion. Visual cues, such as optic flow, have been shown to induce and alter vestibular percepts, yet the role of vestibular information in shaping visual awareness remains unclear. Here we investigated if vestibular signals influence the access to awareness of invisible visual signals. Using natural vestibular stimulation (passive yaw rotations) on a vestibular self-motion platform, and optic flow masked through continuous flash suppression (CFS) we tested if congruent visual–vestibular information would break interocular suppression more rapidly than incongruent information. We found that when the unseen optic flow was congruent with the vestibular signals perceptual suppression as quantified with the CFS paradigm was broken more rapidly than when it was incongruent. We argue that vestibular signals impact the formation of visual awareness through enhanced access to awareness for congruent multisensory stimulation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine whether chimpanzees and monkeys exhibit a global-to-local precedence in the processing of hierarchically organized compound stimuli, as has been reported for humans. Subjects were tested using a sequential matching-to-sample paradigm using stimuli that differed on the basis of their global configuration or local elements, or on both perceptual attributes. Although both species were able to discriminate stimuli on the basis of their global configuration or local elements, the chimpanzees exhibited a global-to-local processing strategy, whereas the rhesus monkeys exhibited a local-to-global processing strategy. The results suggest that perceptual and attentional mechanisms underlying information-processing strategies may account for differences in learning by primates. Accepted after revision: 11 September 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This experiment utilized a masked priming paradigm to explore the early processes involved in face recognition. The first experiment investigated implicit processing of the eyes and mouth in an upright face, using prime durations of 33 and 50 ms. The results demonstrate implicit processing of both the eyes and mouth, and support the configural processing theory of face processing. The second experiment used the same method with inverted faces and the third experiment was a combination of Experiments 1 and 2. The fourth experiment utilized misaligned faces as the primes. Based on the pattern of results from these experiments, we suggest that, when a face is inverted, the eyes and mouth are initially processed individually and are not linked until a later stage of processing. An upright face is proposed to be processed by analysis of its configuration, whereas an inverted face is initially processed using first-order relational information, and then converted to an upright representation and transferred to face specific regions for configural analysis.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effect of gaze shifts on overall performance and ear differences in dichotic listening. In the first two experiments, lights were switched on and off so as to induce rightward, leftward, or upward gaze during dichotic stimulation. The dichotic material consisted of musical passages in Experiment 1 and two kinds of verbal material in Experiment 2. Vertical eye movements enhanced the accuracy of identification of music but not verbal material. The lateral direction of eye movements affected subjects' ability to localize targets in Experiment 1: localization was more accurate in the direction toward which subjects were looking. In the third experiment it was found that optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) influenced the asymmetry of performance on a dichotic consonant-vowel (CV) test. The right-ear advantage was greatest when the OKN drum rotated from left to right and least when it rotated from right to left. The effect was due to corresponding variation in left-ear scores. Possible mechanisms through which shifts of gaze affect auditory identification and localization are proposed.  相似文献   

Bentin S  Golland Y 《Cognition》2002,86(1):B1-14
The N170 is an event-related potential component associated with extrastriate visual mechanisms involved in detecting human faces and leading to their characteristic structural encoding. Consequently the N170 discriminates the processing of stimuli providing physiognomic information from the processing of other, similarly complex, visual patterns. We have used this effect to explore the top-down influence of newly acquired experience on the initial visual categorization of physiognomic stimuli. Schematic faces having the inner components mislocated did not elicit an N170 effect in naive participants. However, after normally configured versions of the schematic faces were exposed, suggesting what the ambiguous patterns represented, the same patterns elicited an N170 effect as conspicuous as that elicited by regular schematic faces. This priming effect, which changed the visual processing of distorted faces in extrastriate regions, could not be explained by post-perceptual decisions. Although accounts based on changes in focal attention, or within-vision constraints could not be categorically rejected, this outcome might suggest cognitive penetrability of early visual categorization.  相似文献   

We investigated the scanning strategies used by 2- to 3.5-month-old infants when viewing partly occluded object displays. Eye movements were recorded with a corneal reflection system as the infants observed stimuli depicting two rod parts above and below an occluding box. Stimulus parameters were chosen on the basis of past research demonstrating the importance of motion, occluder width, and edge alignment to perception of object unity. Results indicated that the infants tailored scanning to display characteristics, engaging in more extensive scanning when unity perception was challenged by a wide occluder or misaligned edges. In addition, older infants tended to scan the lower parts of the displays more frequently than did younger infants. Exploration of individual differences, however, revealed marked contrasts in specific scanning styles across infants. The findings are consistent with views of perceptual development stressing the importance of information processing skills and self-directed action to the acquisition of object knowledge.  相似文献   

In two human skin conductance conditioning experiments we investigated whether processing of stimulus compounds can be influenced by past experience. Participants were either pre-trained with a discrimination problem that could be solved elementally (A+, B−, AB+, C− in Experiment 1 and A+, AB+, C−, CB− in Experiment 2) or one that required a configural solution (AB+, BC−, CD+, DA− in Experiment 1 and A−, AB+, C+, CB− in Experiment 2). After pre-training, participants were shown an EX+, FX− discrimination. Subsequently, responding to individual components (E and F) was tested. After elemental pre-training, participants showed larger responses to the component from the previously reinforced compound (E) than to the component from the nonreinforced compound (F) whereas no such difference was found after configural pre-training. This means that the kind of pre-training influenced whether the later discrimination problem was processed elementally or configurally. The results indicate that organisms can flexibly process stimulus compounds in different ways.  相似文献   

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