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OBJECTIVE: A major problem in the delivery of mental health services is the lack of availability of empirically supported treatment, particularly in rural areas. To date no studies have evaluated the administration of an empirically supported manual-based psychotherapy for a psychiatric condition via telemedicine. The aim of this study was to compare the relative efficacy and acceptability of a manual-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for bulimia nervosa (BN) delivered in person to a comparable therapy delivered via telemedicine. METHOD: One hundred twenty-eight adults meeting DSM-IV criteria for BN or eating disorder-not otherwise specified with binge eating or purging at least once per week were recruited through referrals from clinicians and media advertisements in the targeted geographical areas. Participants were randomly assigned to receive 20 sessions of manual-based, CBT for BN over 16 weeks delivered either face-to-face (FTF-CBT) or via telemedicine (TV-CBT) by trained therapists. The primary outcome measures were binge eating and purging frequency as assessed by interview at the end of treatment, and again at 3- and 12-month follow-ups. Secondary outcome measures included other bulimic symptoms and changes in mood. RESULTS: Retention in treatment was comparable for TV-CBT and FTF-CBT. Abstinence rates at end-of-treatment were generally slightly higher for FTF-CBT compared with TV-CBT, but differences were not statistically significant. FTF-CBT patients also experienced significantly greater reductions in eating disordered cognitions and interview-assessed depression. However, the differences overall were few in number and of marginal clinical significance. CONCLUSIONS: CBT for BN delivered via telemedicine was both acceptable to participants and roughly equivalent in outcome to therapy delivered in person.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were: (1) to examine multidimensional aspects of body image of individuals with bulimia nervosa (BN) at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and at follow-up, compared to a group of participants without BN; and (2) to investigate whether measures of body image predicted outcome at post-treatment and follow-up. The clinical sample consisted of 109 females with BN who were enrolled in a 12-week cognitive-behavioral group treatment program. Participants were assessed at baseline, at the completion of treatment, and at 1- and 6-month follow-up visits. The 82 females who comprised the non-bulimic sample were assessed at comparable time intervals. At baseline, the participants with BN reported greater body dissatisfaction and overestimated body size to a significantly greater degree than the comparison group, and reported a significantly smaller ideal size relative to perceived size. Results at the end of treatment indicated significant improvement in self-reported attitudinal disturbance and size overestimation, with continued reductions at follow-up. Logistic regression analyses did not demonstrate a predictive relationship between body image measures at baseline and outcome at post-treatment or follow-up, or between post-treatment and follow-up. Implications for treatment include specifying the source of body image-related distress and enhancing treatment efforts for perceptual and attitudinal aspects of body image.  相似文献   

This study examined weight suppression (difference between highest premorbid weight and pretreatment weight) as a predictor of outcome in 188 outpatients with bulimia nervosa enrolled in a cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention. Participants who dropped out of treatment had significantly higher levels of weight suppression than treatment completers. Of participants who completed treatment, those who continued to engage in binge eating or purging had significantly higher levels of weight suppression than those who were abstinent from bingeing and purging. Results did not change when body mass index, dietary restraint, weight and shape concerns, or other relevant variables were controlled. Relinquishing bulimic behaviors and adopting normal eating patterns may be most feasible for patients who are closest to their highest premorbid weights.  相似文献   

This article presents an integrative group therapy model for the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN) and describes the 12-session format, incorporating components of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoeducation, interpersonal therapy (IPT), and relational therapy (RT), in detail. Previous reports have found CBT, IPT, and RT to be effective approaches for BN when used separately. The integrative approach may have the advantage of achieving symptom reduction by two different mediating mechanisms, those that directly affect eating behaviors and those that address the interpersonal and relational context in which the disordered eating has developed. The group approach makes use of the peer group in providing new opportunities for self-exploration and self-correction. One advantage of an integrative model is patients' exposure to several different treatment modalities from which they can identify specific approaches that are most helpful to their recovery. This identification is valuable in directing future treatment, if needed. Pilot data for this approach are presented.  相似文献   

Family therapy has only rarely been reported as a treatment for bulimia nervosa and not specifically’for adolescents. This account describes family therapy with eight adolescents who suffered from bulimia nervosa. Change was measured by assessing symptomatic behaviours and global measures of family and social function prior to treatment and again one year later. At reassessment there was a significant reduction in bulimic behaviours although many had some continuing symptoms. Some aspects of the therapy are described and implications for further study of treatment for adolescent bulimia are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: Conduct a randomized treatment trial to test whether healthy dieting maintains bulimic symptoms or effectively reduces this eating disturbance.

Methods: Female participants (n=85) with full- and sub-threshold bulimia nervosa were randomly assigned to a 6-session healthy dieting intervention or waitlist condition and assessed through 3-month follow-up.

Results: Relative to control participants, intervention participants showed modest weight loss during treatment and demonstrated significant improvements in bulimic symptoms that persisted through follow-up.

Discussion: These preliminary results suggest that this intervention shows potential for the treatment of bulimia nervosa and may be worthy of future refinement and evaluation. Results also provide experimental evidence that dieting behaviors do not maintain bulimia nervosa, suggesting the need to reconsider maintenance models for this eating disorder.  相似文献   

This study compared a brief group treatment that was designed to be purely educational (ED) with a longer course of individual cognitive-behavioural (CB) therapy intended to represent more standard clinical care. Participants were 65 women who sought treatment at Toronto General Hospital, met DSM-III criteria for bulimia nervosa at a normal weight and reported vomiting at least twice weekly. Results indicated that the CB treatment, as expected, was generally more effective than the ED intervention, but on several important outcome indices both treatments appeared to be equally effective for the healthiest 25-45% of the sample. The more intensive individual CB treatment was associated with greater improvement in patients who were more severely symptomatic. However, the ED intervention proved significantly more cost-effective and it was suggested that a sequential treatment program might achieve the superior benefits associated with the longer individual CB treatment at a reduced cost.  相似文献   

The current study tested a psychosocial interactive model of perfectionism, self-efficacy, and weight/shape concern within a sample of women with clinically significant bulimic symptoms, examining how different dimensions of perfectionism operated in the model. Individuals with bulimia nervosa (full diagnostic criteria or subthreshold) completed measures of bulimic symptoms, multidimensional perfectionism, self-efficacy, and weight/shape concern. Among those who were actively binge eating (n=180), weight/shape concern was associated with binge eating frequency in the context of high perfectionism (either maladaptive or adaptive) and low self-efficacy. Among those who were actively vomiting (n=169), weight/shape concern was associated with vomiting frequency only in the context of high adaptive perfectionism and low self-efficacy. These findings provide support for the value of this psychosocial interactive model among actively binge eating and purging samples and for the importance of considering different dimensions of perfectionism in research and treatment related to bulimia nervosa.  相似文献   

Multifactorial assessment of bulimia nervosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated a multifactorial approach to the assessment of bulimia nervosa by means of hierarchical factor analysis. Two hundred forty-five bulimia nervosa patients and 68 patients with either anorexia nervosa or eating disorders not otherwise specified were administered a self-report battery that was organized into 21 dimensions relevant to eating disorder patients. When dimensions from this battery were subjected to hierarchical factor analysis, support for bulimia nervosa as a unique diagnostic category was obtained. However, the emergence of 3 secondary factors and 6 primary factors suggests that bulimia nervosa can also be described more complexly. The emergence of a multifactorial model of bulimia nervosa that incorporates several existing undimensional models suggests the potential for both divergent and complicated clinical presentation in bulimia nervosa patients.  相似文献   

Seventeen female patients diagnosed as exhibiting bulimia nervosa participated in a shortterm group treatment program. A combination of exposure with response prevention, life skills training, and psychodynamic group interaction was provided. Results in pretest vs. posttest scores on a battery of tests demonstrated improved control over eating behavior and lowered anxiety and depression.  相似文献   

It is generally agreed that at least some aspects of abnormal eating behaviour is indeed due in part to disordered cognition. The accumulated literature illustrates cognitive impairment in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN). Yet beyond being inconsistent, these independent studies also do not reveal the magnitude of impairment within and across studies and fail to give due consideration to the magnitude of impairment so as to understand the severity and breadth of impairment and/or differences in cognitive profiles between patients with AN and BN. Hence, the present review on the subject sought to articulate the magnitude of cognitive impairment in patients with AN and BN by quantitatively synthesizing the existing literature using meta-analytic methodology. The results demonstrate modest evidence of cognitive impairment specific to AN and BN that is related to body mass index in AN in terms of its severity, and is differentially impaired between disorders. Together, these results suggest that disturbed cognition is figural in the presentation of eating disorders and may serve to play an integral role in its cause and maintenance. Implications of these findings with respects to future research are discussed.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that individuals who benefit less from CBT will be those who have more pathological core beliefs (unconditional beliefs, unrelated to food, shape and weight). Twenty bulimic women were treated using 12 sessions of conventional group CBT. Eating behavior and attitudes were assessed pre- and posttreatment. Core beliefs were assessed at the beginning of the programme, and were used as predictors of change across treatment (once any effect of pretreatment psychopathology was taken into account). Group CBT was effective, with reductions of over 50% in bulimic symptoms. Outcome on most indices was associated with pretreatment levels of pathological core beliefs. Possible reasons for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The general cognitive behaviour therapy postulates that bulimic symptoms are maintained by a characteristic set of overvalued thoughts about the personal implications of body shape and weight. Research shows that there is both a close relationship and specific interaction between thoughts and behaviours that help to maintain the overvalued thoughts. This theoretical proposition concerning the role of behaviours in the maintenance of psychological problems is commonly accepted and empirically validated. To ensure a sustainable therapeutic change in the treatment of bulimia nervosa, therapists may need to initially target these overvalued thoughts about the personal implications of body shape and weight; and then to work on the behaviours that help to maintain the bulimic symptoms. The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the conceptual and practical issues underpinning a therapeutic focus that reflects an integrated clinical approach in the treatment of bulimia nervosa. This integrated approach includes the assessment and disputation of the overvalued thoughts that are causal to bulimia nervosa, and various strategies that facilitate the change in those behaviours that help to maintain the bulimic conditions. Using a case example, this paper also discusses the cognitive behaviour conceptualization in the maintenance of bulimia nervosa.  相似文献   

Increasing empirical evidence supports the validity of binge eating disorder (BED), a research diagnosis in the appendix of DSM-IV, and its inclusion as a distinct and formal diagnosis in the DSM-V. A pressing question regarding the specific criteria for BED diagnosis is whether, like bulimia nervosa (BN), it should be characterized by overvaluation of shape and weight. This study compared features of eating disorders in 436 treatment-seeking women comprising four groups: 195 BED participants who overvalue their shape/weight, 129 BED participants with subclinical levels of overvaluation, 61 BN participants, and 51 participants with sub-threshold BN. The BED clinical overvaluation group had significantly higher levels of specific eating disorder psychopathology than the three other groups which did not differ significantly from each other. Findings suggest that overvaluation of shape and weight should not be considered as a required criterion for BED because this would exclude a substantial proportion of BED patients with clinically significant problems. Rather, overvaluation of shape and weight warrants consideration either as a diagnostic specifier or as a dimensional severity rating as it provides important information about severity within BED.  相似文献   

This paper examines the interactions in three families, one where the daughter had anorexia nervosa and two where the daughters had bulimia nervosa, and proposes some differences in the families’ patterns of enmeshment. It is hypothesized that these may be linked to differences in the development of the mother—child relationship. Implications for the choice of therapeutic strategies are discussed.  相似文献   



A number of effective treatments for bulimia nervosa have been developed, but they are infrequently used, in part due to problems with dissemination. The goal of this study was to examine the cost effectiveness of telemedicine delivery of cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa.


A randomized controlled trial of face-to-face versus telemedicine cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa. One hundred twenty eight women with DSM-IV bulimia nervosa or eating disorder, not otherwise specified subsyndromal variants of bulimia nervosa were randomized to 20 sessions of treatment over 16 weeks. A cost effectiveness analysis from a societal perspective was conducted.


The total cost per recovered (abstinent) subject was $9324.68 for face-to-face CBT, and $7300.40 for telemedicine CBT. The cost differential was accounted for largely by therapist travel costs. Sensitivity analyses examining therapy session costs, gasoline costs and telemedicine connection costs yielded fundamentally similar results.


In this study, CBT delivered face-to-face and via telemedicine were similarly effective, and telemedicine delivery cost substantially less. These findings underscore the potential applicability of telemedicine approaches to eating disorder treatment and psychiatric treatment in general.  相似文献   

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