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当代心理学文化转向的方法论意义   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
当代心理学的文化转向关注人的心理与行为的文化特性,揭示文化与人的心理发展的相互关系,为理解人类行为提供了一种新的视野。文化转向带来了心理学研究中文化的回归,全面而深刻地影响了心理学的方法论思想,揭开了心理学文化性质的神秘面纱,促进了心理学研究中多元取向的综合与多元方法的整合。  相似文献   

任俊 《宗教学研究》2007,9(3):112-116
佛教是一种重要的东方哲学文化,它的一些精神已经渗透进了当代的许多学科领域。在心理学领域,心理学在思想层面、理论层面和实践层面都能看到佛教的核心精神——Dukkha箴言(人的苦难)、Tanha箴言(人的欲望)、Nirvana箴言(苦难中的涅槃)和Magga箴言(摆脱苦难的路径)的影子。因此,探求佛教文化在当代心理学中的生存状况,寻找心理学视野下的真实佛教就成为当代心理学研究的一个基础性问题。  相似文献   

进化人格心理学的概念和理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘继亮  孔克勤 《心理科学》2000,23(6):743-744
近几年来,心理学领域出现了一种新的研究范式——进化心理学。进化心理学综合了进化生物学的各种理论和当代心理学的研究法则,开辟了心理学研究的新领域。进化心理学者(如Buss1999,Carver1996)主张用进化论的视野来看待和研究人格问题,为人格心理学核心概念的建构提供了一个系统的框架。  相似文献   

个性是心理学研究的一个重要方面,然而心理学对个性的研究却最不令人满意。这有多方面原因,而心理学往往不能从自己的学科视野去观察个性,可能是其中的重要原因之一。这里涉及到心理学中的个性理论和方法论问题,本文试就这些问题谈几点看法。人本身成为人们的研究对象已有很长的历史了,对人研究的历史已显示出许多丰硕的科学成果。例如,对人体解剖、生理的研究,使我们认识了人这个复杂的生命机体;  相似文献   

心理学视野中的社会排斥   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
社会排斥是许多社会问题的深层根源,长期为社会学者、政策研究者所关注。近年来,心理学者也将目光转向了社会排斥研究。在心理学者的视野中,社会排斥是指个体被某一社会团体或他人排斥或拒绝,一个人的归属需求和关系需求受到阻碍的现象。文章主要介绍了社会排斥影响个体认知、情绪和行为的研究。文章认为,在我国开展社会排斥的心理学研究,很有现实意义  相似文献   

后现代心理学与心理咨询概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受后现代文化思潮的冲击,后现代心理学作为一种新的心理学思潮在西方心理学界逐渐兴起并传播开来。后现代心理咨询也以其认识论的改变和研究范式的转移成为后现代思潮的表现形式之一。尽管人们对后现代心理学和后现代心理咨询还有诸多争论,但这一思潮却能引发我们推进心理学研究的本土化、扩大心理学的视野、深化心理学的实际应用,从而树立大心理学观。  相似文献   

对梁漱溟心理学思想的研究中始终存在以下问题:西方心理学框架的束缚,思想与生活实践的分离,思想演变历程的忽视。要解决这些问题,需要新的研究视野。工夫论具有“知行合一”的特质,其中思想与行动融合无间,而且具备动态展现的条件; 梁漱溟有丰富工夫实践,且与他的心理学思想有不可分离的联系。这些使工夫论作为研究视野契合于梁漱溟的心理学思想成为可能,并使之有别于既有的心理学史和本土心理学研究。  相似文献   

论心理学与文化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理学与文化之间的关系历来是心理学研究中所关注的核心问题,也是根本问题。考察与探究心理学与文化之间关系,可关联和涉及到心理学的新视野、新领域、新理论、新方法。心理学与文化心之间关系走过了一条复杂而又深刻的道路。深入考察与解读心理学与文化之间不同历史阶段的不同关系,其中折射的不仅仅是心理学研究思维和方法论的根本转变,更重要的也是心理学科学观的深刻变革。  相似文献   

彭运石  李璜 《心理科学》2016,39(5):1275-1279
说明心理学以心理、行为现象背后的本质、规律、发生机制的说明为己任,其发展先后呈现出心理-心物关系的说明、刺激-反应关系的说明、认知心理-神经机制的说明、进化心理机制的说明等形态,在方法论上则带有鲜明的科学主义特征。它致力于人的自然本性的研究,构筑了作为自然科学的心理学样态,与理解心理学一道推动了心理学的独立、成熟。未来心理学还需摒弃蕴含于说明心理学与理解心理学之中的非此即彼的思维方式,确立心理学的整合视野。  相似文献   

为了完善人本主义心理学方法论,人本主义心理学家发展了多种研究方案。每一种方案都设定了自己特定的研究问题,确定了自己独特的研究过程。现象学、解释学、启发式和体验研究方案是其中较为重要的几种。这些方案体现出人本主义心理学家试图将心理学作为人文科学的努力,使人本主义心理学方法论不再流于理论倡导,而是融入到人性研究的具体实践并因此走向完善。在未来,它尚需以辩证唯物主义实践观看待人的本质,确立心理学的整合视野。  相似文献   

Just as Sigmund Koch was a good scientist without succumbing to scientism, he was a good humanist without succumbing to the popular distortions trading on the name of humanism. When humanistic psychology was seduced by the touchy-feely encounter group movement, Koch derided its technology of authenticity as shamelessly meretricious. Later, when postmodern humanists of deconstruction and textual analysis began to be heard in psychology, Koch wryly expressed his preference for the old-fashioned kind of humanism. Koch's interests and his conception of the domain of psychology thus transcended scientific and humanistic labels and boundaries. To be good science, human psychological studies have to start with and be guided by openness to all aspects of being human. No less in the present and future than during his lifetime, the implications of Koch's vision of psychological inquiry warrant discerning and disciplined attention.  相似文献   

Much of psychological science and knowledge is significantly relevant to social justice, defined here as the goal to decrease human suffering and to promote human values of equality and justice. A commitment to social justice has evolved as a more important value in the last few decades for psychology, including for the American Psychological Association (APA). The mission, vision, goals, Ethics Code, and strategic plan of APA all provide a rationale for psychologists' involvement in systematic and visible ways of applying our knowledge to social issues. Although psychology has not been immune to the application of psychological knowledge in destructive ways, overall, psychology, many psychologists, and APA have demonstrated a commitment to social justice. This article provides a brief review of the key proponents, debates, and controversies involved in applying psychological science and knowledge to complex societal problems. Psychologists often find themselves in conflict and honest disagreement when the association addresses complex and controversial issues. An important goal is that we continue to find ways to agree or disagree in a respectful manner regardless of where each of us stands on the various positions that APA takes.  相似文献   

Gabriele Buccola, since his untimely death, often has been mentioned as the first Italian psychologist who developed a strict program of laboratory research. Buccola, a Sicilian of Albanian ancestry, is a "case" in the history of Italian psychology. A self-taught positivist, he established a relation with the major representatives of the European positivism. Kraepelin mentions him as one of the precursors of his project of applying experimental psychology to psychopathology. Buccola actually carried out research on the psychological, chemical-biological, and psychopathological "modifiers" of reaction times, following an experimental program dealing mainly with the differential study both of basic and superior psychological processes, with mental hygiene ends. Historians of psychology agree in considering Buccola the first Italian laboratory psychologist to plan a program of research that was close to European psychological experimentalism.The present article, starting from an outline of Buccola's role in the rising Italian scientific psychology, recontextualizes his experimentalism in an international sphere. This operation, which is carried out through a careful survey of Buccola's entire production-both theoretical and more properly scientific-is based on the search of the Darwinian, Spencerian, and Haeckelian evolutionist themes emerging from Buccola's program of research-a program that was influenced by the variegated European experimental panorama and characterized by the vision of science as a knowledge capable of transforming the nature of man and of society.  相似文献   

马皑  宋业臻 《心理科学》2019,(2):506-511
摘 要 当代心理学由于“本体与方法”的割裂形成科学心理学与人文心理学双峰对峙的局面,科学心理学受自然科学方法的影响而难以直面人性关怀问题;以人文心理学为研究传统的心理传记学,通过对悬疑性问题的逐层解读,直面人类心理动力系统,从而能够直面人性关怀问题。为进一步促进心理传记学的发展,对当前心理传记研究的资料筛选、研究模式、理论运用改进,以期研究者能够更好地通过史料分析进入传主生命事件的历史现场,对传主生命历程进行恰当的理论解释,从而进一步激发中国本土心理传记学发展的动力。  相似文献   

It is time to reclaim C.G. Jung’s vision of psychology as the foundational science upon which all sciences and institutions would be based, and as the discipline, theory, and practice necessary for fostering humanity’s overall psychocultural development. Jung identified eight distinct ‘types’ of consciousness through which humankind engages its emerging psychological attitude. Jung’s view of psychological development as hingeing on the differentiation of function-attitudes provides the means for understanding not only ourselves and each other, but our society as well. This paper offers an example of such an analysis by focusing on the current conflict within American political culture. The goal is as lofty as it is necessary: the operationalization of Jung’s vision of psychology as the powerful influencer of human cultural evolution that it has the potential to be. The immediate goal is to instigate the first step toward this vision of Jung’s ‘complex psychology’ by stimulating conversations among Jungians about how they can foster that vision, leading them towards taking up roles as ‘citizen therapists’, actively involved in their communities in cultivating greater empathy and the withdrawal of projections in the interest of furthering ‘collective consciousness’.  相似文献   

Pastoral psychology has, over the course of the past century, undergone substantial transformation. Changes in the territory warrant, if not require, a thoroughly revised map. This essay approaches pastoral psychology as an interdisciplinary enterprise, a bridge discipline unifying three diverse, integrally related angles of vision: as a specialized field of theology (or theological studies), a specialized field or kind of psychology (or psychological studies), and a practical-clinical enterprise. The need to systematize the field as well as demonstrate its complex relations with cognate areas recommends approaching pastoral psychology, ultimately, as theological: as a dimension of pastoral theology, a kind of practical theology, which integrates practice-theory (praxis) and research; involves religious-theological and psychological domains of experiences, patterns of behavior, and forms of reflection; and maintains a focus on the understanding and care of persons across intrapsychic, familial, community, and cultural levels.  相似文献   

马欣川 《心理科学》2001,24(3):312-314
在过去的一个世纪里心理学有了长足的进步,这主要体现在心理学研究的技术和研究的领域有了很大的发展。随着相关学科的技术发展,心理学的研究也越来越深入,越来越具体,但更多地倾向于技术化的研究,往往忽视了人的整个心灵的探索,这无疑违背了心理学发展的初衷,也影响了这门学科的进步。新世纪的曙光就要洒落我们居住的地球,我们也更加关注自身的心灵,关心自己内心的感受。因此,对人生活的意义和价值研究及提高人类精神生活质量更加受到研究者的重视。  相似文献   

The study of social environments is a neglected site of research not only in psychology, but across academic disciplines ranging from human geography to cultural studies. This paper will review contributions to studying social environments through academic writings, situationism and psychogeographical groups. It will be argued that disorientating walking practices can be used as a means to reflect on experiences of places in order to begin to think how social environments could be radically changed. It is important to question the taken for granted ways that people make sense of urban environments. It is argued that psychogeographic practice can be used to extend qualitative epistemologies and methods to argue for a ‘turn to place’ in psychology and to open up new methods and approaches in critical psychology. Finally, the implications for radicalizing critical psychological research methods will be considered in relation to the current status of critical psychology, which suffers from an apathetic vision of radicalism and criticality.  相似文献   

试析现代西方心理学的文化转向   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2001,34(3):79-84
西方心理学正在展现出对文化影响日渐增加的关注。这种文化转向既有科学哲学和历史的原因,也受到世界范围内心理学本土化运动的影响。文化转向的主要表现是:(1)对心理学自然科学模式的反思与诘难;(2)多元文化心理学的兴起;(3)跨文化心理学面临的批评及其转变;(4)认知心理学、发展心理学和健康心理学等分支领域对文化影响的关注。作者认为,文化的转向对于西方心理学的发展具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

康德著作中蕴含着丰富的心理学思想,其在继承沃尔夫理性心理学与经验心理学二分的基础上,通过批评理性心理学,消解了我思的主体地位,为解决二元论问题做出了重要努力;通过批评经验心理学,指明了心理学在成长为一门科学过程中必须面对的诸多问题。新康德主义在继承并改造康德思想的过程中,发展出一系列影响深远的心理学理论;认知心理学的重要代表人物皮亚杰基于对康德思想独具特色的把握,提出了发生认识论;而当代认知科学的图式理论,则完全是建基于对康德经验图式理论框架的全面继承上。  相似文献   

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