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家庭沟通模式对儿童广告态度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张红霞  杨翌昀 《心理科学》2004,27(3):737-738
本文以家庭沟通模式理论为基础,通过对151份来自学生及母亲的问卷调查,探讨了不同家庭沟通模式对儿童广告态度的影响,结果表明,交互型和多元型的母亲比保护型和放任型的母亲更经常与孩子一起看电视;交互型和多元型的母亲比保护型和放任型的母亲更经常与孩子讨论电视广告;交互型和保护型母亲对孩子看电视时间的控制要比多元型和放任型的母亲严:交互型和多元型家庭中的儿童对广告的总体态度比另两类儿童对广告的总体态度要积极。  相似文献   

This experimental vignette study examined children's perceptions and evaluations of helping a peer, in the context of friendships and in the presence of by-standing peers. A total of 1246 children (8 to 12 years) reported their attitude toward helping when either friends of the helper, friends of the recipient of help, or no bystanders were present. In agreement with the competitive altruism model, children most strongly endorsed helping when friends of the helper were present compared to the other two situations. This indicates that children take reputation concerns into account when evaluating helping situations. However, in contrast to lower prosocial children, the evaluations of higher prosocial children were not influenced by the presence of by-standing peers. These children seemed to base their evaluation on increasing the recipient's welfare and less on reputation concerns of the helper.  相似文献   

The present study considers the relationship between college mothers' academic achievement goals (both learning and performance) and the mothers' attitudes toward their children's schoolwork as well as the relationship between each of these sets of characteristics in mothers and their elementary-school-age children's attitudes about learning. Results indicate that a mother's adoption of learning goals in her college education is positively related to the endorsement of a process/indirect focus with respect to assisting and evaluating her child on academic tasks and is associated with more personal satisfaction with providing homework assistance and greater optimism concerning the benefits of such assistance. Results also suggest that college mothers with more of a learning goal orientation and/or more of a process/indirect focus have children who display a similar concern with learning and a positive attitude about homework. Mothers who adopted more of a person/product focus with respect to their child's schoolwork had children who were less likely to interpret homework and other school tasks as opportunities to learn.  相似文献   

This article addresses the inadequacy of the standard genogram for African American families because of its underlying assumption that “family” is strictly a biological entity. The author suggests that this assumption is not culturally valid for African American families who have a long history of defining “family” as a kinship based on biological and functional ties. Using this conceptualization, an African American genogram is proposed.  相似文献   

Four samples of 454, 333, 292, and 224 undergraduates completed the Francis Scale of attitude toward Christianity together with the short form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. The data demonstrate that a positive attitude toward Christianity is unrelated to either extraversion or neuroticism but is negatively correlated with scores on the psychoticism scale.  相似文献   

This article compares John Dewey's theory of inquiry with Jean Piaget's analysis of the mechanisms implied in the increase of knowledge. The sources for this paper are Dewey's studies on logic and the theory of inquiry and Piaget's historical-critical and psychogenetic investigations. Three major conclusions result from the comparison: first, there are significant convergences between the two theories; second, Piaget's developmental analysis makes explicit what is programmatic in Dewey's investigations; and, finally, Piaget is incorrect in characterizing Dewey's pragmatism as a method that does not meet the criteria of intelligent activity.  相似文献   

Two studies used a new paradigm to examine preschool children's (i.e., 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds) word learning across multiple sense modalities. In Study 1 (n = 60), children heard a word for an object that they touched but did not see, while word learning was examined using objects that were seen but not touched. In Study 2 (n = 60), children heard a word for an object that they saw but did not touch, while word learning was examined using objects that were touched but not seen. Findings from both studies revealed that children were able to learn words by coordinating information across multiple sense modalities and that word learning improved with age. These findings are discussed in terms of E. J. Gibson's differentiation theory (1969 Gibson , E. J. ( 1969 ). Principles of perceptual learning and development . Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice Hall . [Google Scholar], 1988 Gibson , E. J. ( 1988 ). Exploratory behavior in the development of perceiving, acting, and the acquiring of knowledge . Annual Review of Psychology , 39 , 141 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Prejudice Toward Contemporary Outgroups as a Generalized Attitude   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interrelatedness of attitudes toward homosexuals, Blacks, women, and old people was studied, as well as attitude differences on demographic variables. Three hundred and nine White undergraduates responded to the Homosexual Attitude Scale, The Attitudes Toward Women Scale, Multifactor Racial Attitude Inventory, and two attitudes toward old people scales. Nine of the ten possible intercorrelations were significant beyond the .01 levels. Prejudice toward quite distinct outgroups appears to be a generalized attitude. Attitude differences were found on the demographic variables of sex, political party, and religion. Women expressed more tolerant attitudes than men toward all four outgroups studied. Republicans were more prejudiced toward homosexuals and women than were Democrats or Independents. Participants who identified themselves as Christians were less supportive of equality between the sexes than were Catholics, Protestants, or those with no religion Christians were also more prejudiced toward homosexuals than were Catholics or those with no religion.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework to account for Whites' attitudes toward Asian Americans was developed and tested in 3 studies. An Attitude Toward Asians (ATA) scale was developed and found to be valid and reliable. Consistent with the framework, a negative factor and a positive factor were found to underlie attitudes toward Asian Americans. As expected, negative attitudes were shown to stem from both negative and positive instrumental attributes, whereas positive attitudes stemmed from positive instrumental and noninstrumental attributes. Predictions regarding emotional reactions to Asian Americans and attitude ambivalence were supported. Attitudes toward Asian Americans were also shown to influence judgments of African Americans. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

徐嘉 《学海》2006,(5):110-115
五四以来的启蒙思潮将科学理性作为启蒙的目标之一。然而,唯科学主义将科学的意义无限扩大,根本否定以儒学为核心的传统文化的价值,毁伤了中国文化之根。为此,三代现代新儒家在调和儒学与科学关系的探索中,既开启了传统儒学价值体系的现代转折,又在道统上薪火相传。他们于民族危机中坚守着文化本位,于唯科学主义的浪潮中坚守着道德本位,既有着一致的伦理态度,又随着研究的不断深入,展现出不同的思想风貌。  相似文献   

Automaticity theory and the effect of coloring a single element were tested with all or only 1 element colored in Stroop tasks. The 312 participants in 5 experiments indicated stimulus presentation color by key press. Experiments 1 and 2 replicated those of D. Besner, J. A. Stoltz, and C. Boutilier (1997) with some changes, and revealed similar results: less Stroop interference with only 1 letter colored. Besner et al. (1997) interpreted the results as indicating that coloring a single letter eliminates automatic reading processes. The cause of that reduction in Stroop interference was investigated in Experiments 3, 4, and 5 using color words, bars, and rectangles. The effect of coloring 1 element was to increase color-naming time by the same amount for congruent and neutral, nonverbal stimuli, but not for incongruent stimuli. The results are interpreted in terms of automaticity theory, and a continuous flow approach to the Stroop effect is presented.  相似文献   

Social values theory was used to examine how parents make decisions for their adolescent children. Social values theory states that decision making for others is based on the social value of an action, leading to a norm for how to decide for others, whereas self decisions are influenced by a number of additional factors. Consistent with a risk-aversion norm, in hypothetical health and safety scenarios parents made more risk-averse decisions for their adolescent children than for themselves. Further, the level of risk and inconvenience affected self decisions more than decisions for one's child. A second study showed that the norm was stronger for decisions for one's child than for oneself and more related to parents’ decisions for their child than for themselves. In sum, parents’ decisions for their children seem to be largely determined by a norm stating how they are supposed to decide, at least in the domain of health and safety. Implications for both the judgment and decision making and parenting literatures are discussed.  相似文献   

Difference in the Formation of Attitude Toward Nuclear Power   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Determinants of attitudes toward nuclear power in Japan were assessed in a March 1999 survey. The results suggested that persons with interest in and knowledge about nuclear power judged its acceptability on the basis of their perceptions of the sufficiency of electric power and the risks of nuclear power, whereas persons with no interest in and knowledge of nuclear power did not respond on this basis. Although both types of respondents based acceptability on their trust in nuclear power operation and their perception of efficiency, the influence of perception of efficiency on acceptability was stronger for the interested and knowledgeable respondents than for the others. These results partially support the elaboration likelihood model or dual process theory.  相似文献   

Discoveries in environmental science become the raw material for constructing social attitude objects, individual attitudes, and broad public concerns. We explored a model in which individuals construct attitudes to new or emergent attitude objects by referencing personal values and beliefs about the consequences of the objects for their values. We found that a subset of the major clusters identified in value theory is associated with willingness to take proenvironmental action; that a biospheric value orientation cannot yet be discerned in a general population sample; that willingness to take proenvironmental action is a function of both values and beliefs, with values also predicting beliefs; and that gender differences can be attributed to both beliefs and values. Our model has promise for explicating the factors determining public concern with environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The Children's Attitudes toward the Environment Scale, developed by Musser and Malkus (1994), gave Cronbach alpha .73 and .83 at pretest and 3-wk. later for 274 children and a test-retest r of only .47. While Cronbach alpha was similar to the value reported by the test developers, it is close to the low end of acceptability.  相似文献   

Considerable confusion and subjectivity has plagued the diagnosis of learning disabilities since the field was first established. Though clinical judgement is necessary for appropriate diagnosis and provision of services to learning disabled children, such judgement must be steeped in evidence and given clear empirical guidance. Application of the severe discrepancy criterion dictated in Federal regulations offers an excellent beginning point in objectifying learning disability diagnosis.  相似文献   

Work loyalty and attitude toward risk of expatriate and indigenous managers in the United Arab Emirates were investigated. The results indicated that foreign expatriates scored relatively higher than Arab expatriates and indigenous managers on personal loyalty and attitude toward risk. Foreign expatriates did show less attachment than their counterparts to organizational loyalty.  相似文献   

本研究运用结构性观察方法对两组4岁儿童与父母在四种活动中的互动进行了分析与比较。一组儿童为书面数符号测查高分者,二组儿童为书面数符号测查低分者。85对父母一儿童对子参加了4个各有15分钟的共同活动,阅读、数学题、纸和积木,并完成一个微型问卷。结果表明,在这些活动中包含了多种数学知识学习和多种以父母为主导的互动策略;两组对子之间在数学事件频次上无差异,但一组父母更多地运用了一些积极策略,二组父母更多地运用了一些消极策略;二组中有更多儿童对互动表现出消极回应和注意力问题。两个组的父母在家中与儿童一起进行诸如阅读和做数学题的共同活动的频次与质量上表现出差异。  相似文献   

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