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Student assignments and assessment – is there life beyond the ten‐page essay? Drawing on the theory of multiple intelligences and experience with an assignment in which students were asked to address course content in anything but an essay, the author considers the challenges and virtues of a creative format that does not rely exclusively on linguistic intelligence. The process, presentations, and evaluative approach employed in an assignment that called upon student creativity in a “Women and the Bible” course are described, and pedagogical and practical considerations explored. The analysis of a particularly memorable student submission reveals layers of complexity seldom achieved in a conventional essay format.  相似文献   

Universities in developed countries require people who can think, make new scientific discoveries, and find more adequate solutions to compelling world problems. For developing countries, integration of creative thinking skills in university education is a crucial need for shaping their future orientations and actualizing reforms in political, economic, and cultural areas. For many developing countries, creativity remains neglected, whereas in developed countries, educational philosophy and goals rely on students' enhancement of creativity and self-actualization. The Turkish educational system, which is highly centralized and achievement oriented, seeks creative and innovative teachers who are able to enhance creative thinking strategies and who respect the creative ideas of students. This study investigated whether 4 dimensions of creativity (fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration) are accounted for at the university entrance examination (OSS) to select prospective teachers in Turkey. The study sample consisted of the students of Akdeniz University, Faculty of Education. Regression analyses demonstrated that although creativity dimensions were not included in OSS in previous years, they are taken into consideration at moderate but significant levels in recent years. This shift at OSS, which is a standardized test, appears to be the sign of an educational innovation; however, it is not sufficient to produce an educational reform for a creative, developed society. This article discusses the alternative ways of selecting and training prospective teachers who are creative and who can develop creativity and innovation in Turkish society.  相似文献   


One of the most important aspects of clinical supervision is goal-setting. In the early stages of supervision, supervisees may find it difficult to connect authentically with their supervisors due to the inherent power differential in supervision. Difficulty connecting may be exacerbated when students are attempting to set goals regarding their areas for growth. Based on literature reviewed on the counselor-client relationship, the authors posit that using images may increase vulnerability between supervisors and supervisees. Additionally, the authors introduce relational-cultural theory as a framework for connecting authentically through creative images. The authors present examples of using images in individual and group supervision, specifically employing The Coaching Game made by Points of You.  相似文献   

This paper defines and describes entrepreneurial creativity, which is the generation and implementation of novel, appropriate ideas to establish a new venture. Entrepreneurial creativity can be exhibited in established organizations as well as in start-up firms. The central thesis of this paper is that entrepreneurial creativity requires a combination of intrinsic motivation and certain kinds of extrinsic motivation — a motivational synergy that results when strong levels of personal interest and involvement are combined with the promise of rewards that confirm competence, support skill development, and enable future achievement.  相似文献   

All parents have an image of the way they would like their children to be. Often this expectation is contradicted by reality for the parents of a handicapped child. Whether at the time of birth when obvious differences are apparent or later when performance differences are recognized, the discrepancy between expectation and reality causes parents to experience a loss and accompanying feelings of grief. This article suggests that the method of group counseling using a relevant framework on which to base discussion is without equal as a means of assisting parents to deal with their situations. Presented to those who lead parent groups for these persons is an applicable model and guidelines for its implementation.  相似文献   

Implicit theories of creativity have been the subject of increased research interest in recent years. These investigations are motivated by the observation that an individual's creative activities are guided by personal definitions rather than professional theories, which may be very different. Cross-cultural studies of implicit creativity theories are rare, yet they can add significantly to our knowledge of how creativity is viewed across cultures. The nature of 428 Koreans' implicit creativity theories were identified in a prestudy, and the structure of 478 Koreans' ratings of the indicated behaviors was analyzed in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, 211 participants evaluated the creativity of 44 hypothetical profiles based on the results of the first experiment. Results provide evidence that Korean conceptions of creativity are similar to Western conceptions, although Koreans may emphasize negative behaviors and personality characteristics (e.g., deviance) to a greater degree. When asked to use their implicit theories to evaluate the creativity of hypothetical profiles, Korean adults strongly emphasized specific cognitive, personality, and motivational aspects of creativity over noncognitive aspects (e.g., perseverance, independence).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The fact that attempts to gain insight into the creative process have been so unsuccessful suggests that they have overlooked at least one basic ingredient in the process. This ingredient may lie in the way the individual mind goes about remembering and manipulating data. The hypothesis is advanced that the creative persons appear to have stumbled onto and then developed to a high degree of perfection the ability to visualize—almost hallucinate—in the area in which they are creative. And their visualizations seem to be of a sort that lend themselves to easy manipulation in the thinking process. This is illustrated by reports from many of the great inventors of the past and it is easy to demonstrate that individuals differ enormously in the kind and degree of their ability to think in such manipulatable visualizations. If correct, this view of creativity suggests many research attacks and many potential changes in education for creative activity.  相似文献   

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