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The present study examines the relationship between illness beliefs and coping strategies in diabetic women patients. Measures of illness beliefs and coping strategies were administered to 100 diabetic women. Patients, who believed more strongly in psychosocial, supernatural, and environmental causes of illness, adopted avoidance coping strategies, whereas those who believed less strongly in these causes adhered to approach coping strategies. Patients, who held a strong belief in disease control by themselves and doctors, used approach coping strategies, whereas those who believed in supernatural control of illness used avoidance coping strategies. Approach coping was linked to less severe consequences of illness, less pain, and greater hope for positive outcomes of illness.  相似文献   

职业紧张与组织对策分析:LISREL建模   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究以职业紧张的认知中介理论为出发点 ,分析了管理措施、个体控制感和职业紧张之间的相互关系 ,并在此基础上 ,运用 L isrel建模方法 ,提出了职业紧张的组织参与对策、目标设置对策和领导支持对策。  相似文献   

The present study was an exploration of organizational stressors perceived by U.S. professional soccer players, and the coping strategies they employed to manage these stressors. Eight players (four female and four male) were interviewed during pre-season training camps. Results of data analysis revealed that contracts, draft, league and team structure, coach-athlete interaction, salaries, and travel demands were the most commonly cited areas of stress. Participants used avoidance, problem-focused, and social support coping strategies to manage these organizational stressors. In conclusion, more concern should be placed on the impact that organizational stressors can have on athletic performances.  相似文献   

In a 2‐phase study with a total of 392 participants, depressive symptoms mediated the association between disordered eating and lower problem‐solving confidence and an avoidance problem‐solving style. Depressive symptoms did not mediate the association between the ability to generate competent solutions to hypothetical stressful situations and disordered eating. Depressive symptoms appeared to influence responses to problem‐solving inventories/coping checklists but had less of an influence on open‐ended problem‐solving measures.  相似文献   

This mail survey measured post-traumatic stress symptoms, spiritual and non-spiritual coping strategies, and positive spiritual outcomes following the tragedies of 9/11/01 in a national, random sample of 1,056 Presbyterians. Respondents reported mild to moderate degrees of re-experiencing and hyper-arousal symptoms of post-traumatic stress, unrelated to location or knowing someone involved. People experiencing high stress used greater frequency and variety of both spiritual and non-spiritual types of coping strategies. Positive spiritual outcomes were remarkably related to positive spiritual coping strategies, in contrast to no association with negative coping. This study illustrates the significant degree of post-traumatic stress experienced with vicarious exposure and a wide spectrum of coping strategies used following the major terrorist attacks.
John P. Marcum

The sources of stress (academics, financial, family, social, and daily hassles) and coping strategies (self-help, approach, accommodation, avoidance, and self-punishment) of 166 college students were examined. The relationship between sex, specific sources of stress, and coping strategies was also investigated. Students completed a stress assessment inventory and a stress coping inventory based on a 5-factor revised COPE model (Zuckerman and Gagne Journal of Research in Personality, 37:169–204, 2003). Results found that college women reported a higher overall level of stress and greater use of emotion-focused coping strategies than college men. College men and women also reported different coping strategies for different stressors; however the use of emotion-focused coping strategies dominated over problem-solving strategies for both men and women. These results have implications for designing stress reduction workshops that build on the existing adaptive emotion-focused strategies of college students.  相似文献   

A group of 232 married women doctors, lawyers and professors were surveyed about their attitudes toward their roles and how they cope with role conflicts. Close to half of the women reported that it was impossible to rank the relative importance of their family and career roles, and a majority of women stated that they often experienced strains between these roles. Coping strategies such as having family members help with chores, having family members help resolve role conflicts, reducing standards within certain roles, considering personal interests important, and scheduling and organizing activities carefully were found to be significantly related to satisfaction. It is suggested that married professional women who develop effective coping strategies will find the challenge of combining a profession and a family a rewarding one.  相似文献   

Research on neuropsychological difficulties among cancer patients has focused on chemotherapy as a primary cause, yet several studies have now shown that some patients evidence cognitive weaknesses prior to chemotherapy. As an alternative to the ‘chemo–brain’ theory, this study examined the hypothesis that stress and coping style may be associated with observed neuropsychological difficulties among female cancer patients. Thirty-six women completed neuropsychological testing and psychological questionnaires following surgery for breast cancer and prior to any subsequent treatments. Twenty-seven percent of participants evidenced deficits on at least one measure of verbal fluency, and 14% of participants were impaired on at least one memory measure. Self-reported stress was correlated with deficits in memory, verbal fluency, and attention. Subsequent mediational analyses indicated that use of passive coping styles may underlie this relationship between stress and neuropsychological deficits. These findings highlight the potential relevance of psychological mechanisms, such as coping style, in cancer patients’ experience of neuropsychological deficits.  相似文献   

The concepts of work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict have been studied extensively in recent years. We propose a different means of understanding clergy work and family stressors because the boundaries between family and work are blurred within the clerical profession. We suggest, therefore, that the stressors associated with ordained ministry can be better analyzed if separated into two related, but distinct categories: (1) stressors stemming from the demands of the work (work-related stress) and (2) stressors stemming from the way the work impinges upon clerical family boundaries (boundary-related stress). Utilizing the Pulpit and Pew Clergy Leadership Survey of 2001, we explore the association between these two forms of stress. Correlation analysis and simple and multiple regression models are used. A strong association between work-related stress and boundary-related stress is detected; length of time spent in the profession is related to reduced levels of boundary- and work-related stress.  相似文献   

Adolescent Adjustment and Coping Strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the relation between psychosocial adjustment and coping strategies among college freshmen. Three hundred thirty-one college students completed the Inventory of Psychosocial Development (IPD; Constantinople, 1969) and the Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences (ACOPE; Patterson & McCubbin, 1987) inventory. Factor analysis of the ACOPE scales revealed two factors interpreted to represent the coping strategies of "salutary effort" and "stress palliation." For each subject a relative salutary effort score was calculated to reflect the proportion of coping efforts ascribable to mature, salutary coping efforts. Optimal adjustment was associated with adolescents whose reported means of dealing with tension reflected a high proportion of salutary effort. These findings, which support the notion of a covariation between styles of coping and psychological adjustment among adolescents, are discussed in light of psychosocial development, coping, and methodological issues related to research on coping and adjustment.  相似文献   

Identity Style and Coping Strategies   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This study examined the relationship between identity style and strategies used to cope with stressors that potentially threaten one's sense of identity. Identity style refers to differences in the way individuals construct and revise or maintain their sense of identity. An informational style involves actively seeking out, evaluating, and utilizing self-relevant information. A normative style highlights the expectations and standards of significant others. A diffuse/avoidant style is characterized by procrastination and situation-specific reactions. Late-adolescent college subjects were administered measures of identity style, ways of coping with academic stressors, and test anxiety. Within this self-as-student context, subjects with diffuse and normative identity styles employed avoidant-oriented coping strategies (wishful thinking, distancing, and tension reduction). An informational style was associated with deliberate, problem-focused coping. Findings are discussed in terms of a process model of identity development.  相似文献   

采用中学教师胜任力问卷、教师职业压力应对问卷和职业压力量表对262名中学教师进行测查,并通过结构方程模型考察应对策略在胜任力和职业压力之间的中介作用。结果表明:(1)主科教师和理科教师的职业压力显著高于副科教师的职业压力;(2)应对策略是胜任力抑制职业压力的有效中介变量;(3)积极应对和消极应对的完全中介效应是不同的,前者小于后者。  相似文献   

Objective: An enhanced stress and coping model was used to explain depression among HIV-positive women in healthcare and community settings where highly active anti-retroviral treatment (HAART) was commonplace. Method: HIV-infected women in four cities (N=978) were assessed, cross-sectionally, for mental and physical health, stress, social support, and other background factors. Results: Self-reported level of depressive symptomatology was high. Number of physical symptoms, illness intrusiveness, and perceived stress were positively associated with depressed mood, while coping self-efficacy and social support were negatively associated. Stress mediated the effect of health status on depression and coping self-efficacy mediated the effect of psychosocial resources on depression. Our enhanced stress and coping model accounted for 52% of variance in depressive symtpomatology. Conclusions: Interventions focused on improving coping self-efficacy, bolstering social supports, and decreasing stress in the lives of HIV-positive women may help to reduce the negative effects of HIV disease on mood.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents report that they experience stress in their lives and that they attempt to cope with that stress. Although most research on stress and coping has focused on adults, recent attention to adolescents suggests there are developmental changes in coping during adolescence and that particular coping strategies vary with gender and the type of stressors adolescents experience. This study examined coping strategies used by male and female students in early, middle, and late adolescence when they were coping with two different types of stressors: daily hassles and major life events. Older adolescents used a greater variety coping strategies and used methods that directly reduce the impact of the stressor and involved a cognitive component (e.g., planful problem solving; reappraisal) more often than younger adolescents. Adolescents in all age groups varied their strategies in relation to the type of stressor, but there were no significant gender differences. The findings suggest that significant changes during a relatively short period during adolescence may affect adaptive processes and have implications for intervention efforts aimed at reducing the negative effects of stress during this period of development.  相似文献   

Based on the attributional reformulation of learned helplessness theory (Abramson, Seligman, & Teasdale, 1978) and Lazarus and Launier's (1978) primary-secondary appraisal theory of stress, the present study sought to examine teleworkers' reactions to their work-related problems. The role of attributions about the sources, and cognitions about the consesquences, of these problems in promoting positive adaptation was addressed. In particular, it was predicted that teleworkers who made optimistic attributions and cognitions would be more likely to employ problem-focused coping strategies and, as a result, report more positive psychological and job-related outcomes. Based on a survey sample of 192 teleworkers, the results indicated that a tendency to engage in self-blame was related to the use of emotion-focused coping strategies. In turn, there was evidence linking emotion-focused coping strategies to negative outcomes and problem-focused coping strategies to positive outcomes. The results are discussed in relation to attributional approaches to stress which highlight the importance of cognitions about the consequences of negative events. Finally, implications for the training of teleworkers are presented.  相似文献   

Women and Stress     
《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2-3):239-247
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The aim of the presented research was to analyze differences in religious strategies of coping with stress in a group of prison inmates characterized by different levels of the sense of quality of life—general, psychophysical, psychosocial, personal, and metaphysical. The participants were 390 males, aged 19–68 years, serving sentences in prisons in Poland. The measures used were the Sense of Quality of Life Questionnaire by M. Stra?-Romanowska and K. I. Pargament’s RCOPE Questionnaire. As expected, individuals with a high sense of quality of life—both general and pertaining to specific dimensions—more often chose positive religious strategies, whereas participants with a low sense of quality of life more often chose negative strategies. The exception was the metaphysical aspect of the quality of life: individuals with a high intensity of this dimension more often chose some of the positive as well as negative religious strategies.  相似文献   

压力和应对策略在女性大学生负性情绪产生中的作用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘霞  陶沙 《心理学报》2005,37(5):637-649
通过对239名女性大学生的问卷调查,探讨了不同类型的压力和应对策略在负性情绪产生中的作用及其特点。结果表明:(1)压力和应对策略作用于负性情绪的过程模型既存在差异性又存在一致性。学业压力可以直接作用于负性情绪,也可通过消极解决问题策略的中介间接作用于负性情绪;经济压力主要通过消极解决问题和寻求支持策略的中介间接作用于负性情绪;人际压力对负性情绪的产生具有直接作用,也通过消极解决问题和寻求支持策略的中介间接作用于负性情绪;(2)在三种压力情境下,消极解决问题和寻求支持策略对负性情绪的产生均具有重要作用。  相似文献   

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