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The concept of confidentiality is fundamental to all forms of psychotherapy. The idea of protecting confidential material goes as far back as the Hippocratic Oath in ancient Greek history. Centuries later, authors continue to assert that "only by maintaining confidentiality can the essential groundwork of trust in treatment be developed" (Hough, 1992, p. 106). Others have even argued that without confidentiality, psychotherapy has no value (Epstein, Steingarten, Weinstein, & Nashel, 1977). Confidentiality in group psychotherapy is more complicated than in individual therapy because self-disclosure is at the core of group therapy and there are numerous people hearing the disclosures. Confidentiality in group therapy, once ignored in the literature on ethics, is gaining more attention as this modality becomes more widely practiced; so too is an acknowledgement that ethical dilemmas surrounding confidentiality in groups are commonplace. This article discusses the major considerations and dilemmas on confidentiality in group psychotherapy. We first review confidentiality broadly and discuss the ethical principles that are related to confidentiality. In the next section, we discuss the complexities of confidentiality in group psychotherapy. Finally, we review research on confidentiality in groups and describe common ethical dilemmas.  相似文献   

In “Advisory Opinion on Confidentiality, Its Limits and Duties to Others” the Canadian Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE) articulates a rationale for a priori limitations to research confidentiality, based largely on putative legal duties to violate confidentiality in certain circumstances. We argue that PRE promotes a “Law of the Land” doctrine of research ethics that is but one approach to resolving potential conflicts between law and research ethics. PRE emphasises risks that have never materialized, and ignores jurisprudence on challenges to research confidentiality. When we examine what the courts have actually done with research-based claims of privilege, we find they clearly recognize and affirm researchers’ ethical obligations to maintain strict confidentiality and protect research participants. Ironically, the one exception – where the court ordered that information be disclosed – occurred precisely because the researchers had limited confidentiality. The passive approach PRE espouses leaves vital questions about what protecting confidentiality to the “full extent possible in law” means, and leaves the impression that academics should accept whatever limitations the courts may impose without participating in the courtroom dialogue determining where those limits are drawn. In contrast, we believe confidentiality is so important to the protection of research participants and the integrity of the research enterprise that it is worth fighting for. The “ethics-first” doctrine of “strict confidentiality” we describe adheres to the social sciences’ and humanities’ longstanding commitment to research confidentiality and duty to the research participant.  相似文献   

Conflicts can arise within counseling in primary care settings over issues of client confidentiality as perceived from a therapeutic as opposed to medical perspective. ‘Ideal types’ of counseling confidentiality and medical confidentiality are compared, according to a proposed structural model of confidentiality. In contrast with a therapeutic concept of confidentiality as an interpersonal contract between client and counsellor, a structural model of confidentiality appropriate to medical and primary care settings would include reference to crucial aspects such as risk assessment, and the sharing of client information within a multi-disciplinary team. The client-centred counselling model of confidentiality is then explored with reference to the Derbyshire Inquiry Report on the mental health care provided for a client with psychiatric problems. The limitations of adopting an exclusive client-centred counselling approach towards confidentiality in primary care settings are noted, given the requirements of the Care Programme Approach for effective risk assessment and inter-professional liaison in the care of client and patients with psychiatric problems. The potential resultant issues of counsellor and general practitioner liability are identified in relation to complaints systems and the key legal concept of vicarious liability.  相似文献   

The protection of confidentiality in psychological practice is vital. However, confidentiality is not absolute and psychologists are permitted to breach confidentiality under particular circumstances. Ethical challenges surrounding confidentiality are complex with adolescent clients, as assessments often consider the risk that adolescents pose to themselves in addition to the risk posed to others. The current study documented situations in which Australian psychologists would breach adolescents' confidentiality to disclose information about risk behaviour to parents, with a focus on situations where adolescents posed a risk to themselves as opposed to other people putting adolescents at risk. A total of 264 Australian psychologists were surveyed online. They were each presented with 68 variations of a vignette about a 15‐year‐old boy who was engaged in risk behaviour and were asked whether they would breach confidentiality in each case. The vignettes covered six behavioural domains (smoking, sexual behaviour, drinking, drug use, suicide, stealing) and varied in behaviour intensity, frequency and duration. Consensus was reached about breaching confidentiality in 16% of cases (related to sexual behaviour, drug use, and suicide). Consensus was reached about not breaching confidentiality in 41% of cases (relating to smoking, sexual behaviour, drug use, suicide, and stealing). In the remaining 43% of cases, significant disagreement occurred (relating to all six behavioural domains). The findings suggest a high degree of variation in opinion about confidentiality with adolescents, emphasising the importance of transparent communication and informed consent. The findings also raise questions about how important consistency of psychological practice is across Australia.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the legal and ethical duties of psychologists in relation to preserving as well as breaching confidentiality in therapeutic relationships. It analyses the results of a questionnaire examining psychologists’ perceptions of the legal and ethical constraints on confidentiality and their likelihood of breaching confidentiality in different situations. The vast majority of participants indicated that the law permits them to disclose confidential information and that there is an ethical duty to disclose information to a third party when the patient is perceived to be dangerous. The results suggest that there is some uncertainty as to when confidentiality should be breached in practice and it is argued that the law is overly complex in this area and that guidelines are needed to assist psychologists in their clinical practice.  相似文献   

Although the principle of confidentiality in the relationship between psychologists and client has been vaunted, and is emphasised in the Australian Psychological Society's Code of Professional Conduct (the APS code; 1994), the confidentiality of this relationship is circumscribed by the absence of legal protections, the ethical beliefs of psychologists, institutional practices, and the provisions of the APS code itself. Lack of privilege in judicial proceedings, and statutory obligations to report certain types of behaviour, mandate breaches of confidentiality in some circumstances. Ethical beliefs of psychologists may support disclosure, especially where it is believed that there is danger of serious physical harm to the client or others. Multidisciplinary teams and institutional settings require the exchange of information for optimal delivery of services. Recent amendments to the APS code may require disclosure without the client's consent when a client is believed to be suicidal. Such developments, when considered at all, are typically regarded as exceptions to a general obligation of confidentiality. However, discussion of exceptions presupposes agreement on fundamental principle: the significance of, and rationale for, confidentiality in the psychologist-client relationship. It is argued in this paper that the obligation of confidentiality has been assumed rather than vigorously analysed and empirically explored. A critical examination of this obligation is the most appropriate starting point for the rehabilitation of contemporary principles of confidentiality in the psychologist-client relationship.  相似文献   

...Every hospital needs a policy statement devoted to confidentiality. This task is a good assignment for a hospital ethics committee. In drafting such a statement, one area that should not be overlooked is respect for confidentiality in cases used for teaching, patient conferences, and interdisciplinary meetings, including the teaching of clinical ethics! The University of Virginia's (UVA) Hospital Ethics Committee is considering a new policy statement on confidentiality....  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore issues of confidentiality relating to working with undergraduate and postgraduate students in a university counselling service. The context of a counselling service within our institute of higher education has to be understood in its relationship to academic, administrative and managerial staff, to medical and psychiatric services personnel and to the wide range of other student support and welfare services in the organization whether run by university staff or the students' union. Some reflection will be given to the need for clarity in the range of roles counsellors have to play within the different functions of the university. The client-counselling relationship cannot be seen as a dyad but as a triad or an even more complex constellation of relationships when regarded in an institutional context. The central premise is based on understanding the conscious and unconscious dynamics in the institution and how these impinge on the relationship between client and counsellor in challenging or assuming the confidentiality held by the service. Such boundary issues are identified in consultation and referral, breaking confidentiality, referral of disruptive students, calls for help and holding confidentiality. The case material drawn on to illustrate these five areas is also described in terms of anxieties raised and how these are projected, introjected and contained.

Within the service client and counsellor contract to work together. It is made clear that counselling is a professional relationship with agreed boundaries and a commitment to confidentiality. This is crucial to the working relationship and is a means of providing the client with both safety and privacy. Any limitation on the degree of confidentiality offered may reduce the usefulness of counselling. Bound by his or her professional code of ethics the counsellor will reach an agreement with the client at the outset about the extent of confidentiality they are offering, take care not to disclose information given in confidence and, when possible, be able to negotiate any change in agreement with the client.

Exceptional circumstances which may occur and give rise to the counsellor's decision to break the confidentiality formerly agreed between him or herself and the client are those which give grounds for believing the client will cause serious harm to others or themselves or have harm caused to them. Reference will be made to the role of consultant supervision in such situations and how any breaking of confidentiality can best be minimized. Attention will be given to the relevant ethical codes to which counsellors adhere and the issues of confidentiality within the legal process as well as whether the requirements of providing counselling services for students in higher education impel us, logically and practically, towards certain policies in regard to boundaries.  相似文献   

Confidentiality: a survey in a research hospital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C Grady  J Jacob  C Romano 《The Journal of clinical ethics》1991,2(1):25-30; discussion 30-4
Despite the many justifications for protecting patient confidentiality, we recognize that confidentiality cannot be absolute. Our world of automated information and easy access and storage poses many threats to confidentiality. This paper has described a survey conducted at the NIH Clinical Center to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of clinical physicians and nurses about confidentiality of patient information. The survey findings demonstrate the need for reminders and increased awareness about confidentiality in our setting. Most of the survey respondents had a good knowledge of what was expected of them, and they believed that confidentiality was important and maintaining it was their responsibility. Of interest was that in several simulated clinical situations, there was a discrepancy between what respondents indicated they should do and what they thought they would do. The biggest discrepancies appeared in situations that involved overhearing a patient conversation on the elevator, approaching an unfamiliar person who is reading a medical record in the nurses' station, and answering a patient's inquiry about the status of another patient. The findings support the speculation that this difference may be attributed to discomfort or decreased awareness, and not necessarily to lack of knowledge. Results indicate that policies and administrative expectations should be frequently communicated and enforced, and that educational programs that address issues of confidentiality should be provided. The results of this survey have been influential in guiding educational strategies and administrative activities at the clinical center. The clinical center initiated a confidentiality awareness campaign, displaying a new poster every three months in strategic locations and distributing other tangible reminders (such as pens, magnets, and buttons) containing the same confidentiality message.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Burgeoning external threats to confidentiality by claims to clinical information create unprecedented challenges for psychoanalysts. Internal threats arise from the use of clinical material for educational, scientific and historical purposes. Traditionally, confidentiality is considered a patient's right and an analyst's obligation; privacy is not usually stated as a professional requirement. Little consideration has been given to the impact of the confidentiality and privacy dilemmas that analysts encounter throughout their careers. There has been no systematic examination of the confidentiality policies of psychoanalytic organizations, nor has their role in facilitating maintenance of patient confidentiality and analysts' privacy been made explicit. The research reported here was undertaken to address these issues and to obtain baseline information about the current confidentiality policies and practices of psychoanalytic organizations in three English-speaking countries (Britain, Canada and the USA). The author discusses survey results in the light of the challenges which arise at each phase of the analytic career. She makes suggestions as to how psychoanalytic organizations can and should facilitate analysts' resolutions of contemporary confidentiality and privacy dilemmas.  相似文献   

This article challenges the importance and necessity of confidentiality, which are often taken for granted, and questions whether the default promise of confidentiality to all participants, particularly in educational research, could in fact be an unnecessary concern. This article begins by reviewing the difference in the way confidentiality is handled in different fields and the applicability of some underlying assumptions. This is followed by an explanation of why confidentiality is investigated in the sense of anonymity in this article. Then the article draws on an empirical study where original researchers and their original participants were interviewed about their views on anonymity. Lastly, the contradiction between the promises of confidentiality and the recognition of a participant’s contribution is highlighted. The article concludes with a call for more empirical observation and investigation into the importance of confidentiality.
Ke YuEmail:

This essay aims to briefly summarise the collection of articles on confidentiality issues in psychology, and to highlight apparently conflicting opinions about the confidentiality rule. Conflicts are then analysed in terms of competing systems of ethics. Finally, the role for ethics education in psychology education and training is considered.  相似文献   

All psychologists must uphold the same ethical standards about confidentiality even though each state imposes different legal limits on their ability to protect clients' confidences. The resulting ethical-legal confusion is exacerbated by legally based confidentiality training that treats legal exceptions as if they were the rule and fosters the impression that attorneys are now the only real experts about this aspect of practice. This article provides an ethics-based confidentiality practice model that clarifies the ethical rule and puts its legal exceptions into ethical perspective. Like the Confidentiality section of the American Psychological Association's (2002) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, this outline would apply to all psychologists regardless of state laws, but the details of its implementation would vary according to role and setting. It can be used as a universal training outline, a consultation and supervision tool, a guide to professional practice, and a basis for clearer ongoing conversation about the ethics of "conditional confidentiality." Psychologists can use this practice model to regain their status as experts about the confidentiality ethics of their own profession.  相似文献   

It is broadly held that confidentiality may be breached when doing so can avert grave harm to a third party. This essay challenges the conventional wisdom. Neither legal duties, personal morality nor personal values are sufficient to ground professional obligations. A methodology is developed drawing on core professional values, the nature of professions, and the justification for distinct professional obligations. Though doctors have a professional obligation to prevent public peril, they do not honor it by breaching confidentiality. It is shown how the protective purpose to be furthered by reporting is defeated by the practice of reporting. Hence there is no conflict between confidentiality and the professional responsibility to protect endangered third parties.  相似文献   

The experiences of one psychotherapist have brought to the fore the entire issue of privacy and confidentiality and the responsibilities of mental health professionals. In a computer driven culture, where data about patients become subject to public scrutiny, how does the mental health professional practice, guided by the concept of confidentiality? Where does confidentiality begin and end? What about the patient's right to self-disclose? What about patient autonomy? In this paper, illustrated by one particular case where the rule of absolute confidentiality, an intrinsic part of the practice of psychotherapy, was questioned, our current confusion comes to the surface. The reader is urged to re-think the concept of confidentiality and patient self-disclosure.  相似文献   

Confidentiality is widely considered to be of great importance in psychotherapy. With few exceptions, the breaching of confidentiality is an ethical violation and grounds for litigation. One such exception is the mandated reporting of known or suspected child abuse, representing a legally sanctioned limitation of confidentiality. Because clients generally expect unlimited confidentiality in therapeutic relationships, many therapists have begun to "forewarn" clients as a matter of informed consent. This research report: (a) briefly reviews issues surrounding mandatory reporting and confidentiality as they relate to forewarning, (b) defines and discusses forewarning as contrasted with "informing," (c) examines state statutes, case law and ethical guidelines relevant to forewarning, and (d) presents a survey of 428 mental health providers (MHPs) on their forewarning practices in which 36.9% forewarned all clients, 36.4% informed clients only upon suspicion of abuse, and 20.6% informed only after receiving a disclosure of abuse. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Confidentiality is a core value in medicine and public health yet, like other core values, it is not absolute. Medical ethics has typically allowed for breaches of confidentiality when there is a credible threat of significant harm to an identifiable third party. Medical ethics has been less explicit in spelling out criteria for allowing breaches of confidentiality to protect populations, instead tending to defer these decisions to the law. But recently, issues in military detention settings have raised the profile of decisions to breach medical confidentiality in efforts to protect the broader population. National and international ethics documents say little about the confidentiality of detainee medical records. But initial decisions to use detainee medical records to help craft coercive interrogations led to widespread condemnation, and might have contributed to detainee health problems, such as a large number of suicide attempts several of which have been successful. More recent military guidance seems to reflect lessons learned from these problems and does more to protect detainee records. For the public health system, this experience is a reminder of the importance of confidentiality in creating trustworthy, and effective, means to protect the public's health.  相似文献   

Confidentiality is a core value in medicine and public health yet, like other core values, it is not absolute. Medical ethics has typically allowed for breaches of confidentiality when there is a credible threat of significant harm to an identifiable third party. Medical ethics has been less explicit in spelling out criteria for allowing breaches of confidentiality to protect populations, instead tending to defer these decisions to the law. But recently, issues in military detention settings have raised the profile of decisions to breach medical confidentiality in efforts to protect the broader population. National and international ethics documents say little about the confidentiality of detainee medical records. But initial decisions to use detainee medical records to help craft coercive interrogations led to widespread condemnation, and might have contributed to detainee health problems, such as a large number of suicide attempts several of which have been successful. More recent military guidance seems to reflect lessons learned from these problems and does more to protect detainee records. For the public health system, this experience is a reminder of the importance of confidentiality in creating trustworthy, and effective, means to protect the public's health.  相似文献   

Confidentiality is an important ethical and legal concept for chemical dependency counselors and their clients. This article reviews the issues relating to confidentiality raised by Manhal-Baugus (1996), identifies several problem areas from that 1996 article, and offers additional information about confidentiality not included in the earlier article. Chemical dependency counselors are urged to consider the federal law covering the confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records in their practice.  相似文献   

Some ethicists argue that patient confidentiality is absolute and thus should never be broken. I examine these arguments that when critically scrutinised, become porous. I will explore the concept of patient confidentiality and argue that although, this is a very important medical and bioethical issue, this needs to be wisely delivered to reduce third party harm or even detriment to the patient. The argument for absolute confidentiality is particularly weak when it comes to genetic information and inherited disease.  相似文献   

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