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This paper presents the issues and main principles of community psychology and community research as well as associated relationships and viewpoints in terms of health psychology and social psychology. In this perspective, the paper presents the context in which community psychology has emerged and its fundamental principles such as empowerment, community involvement and the ecological model. Using two examples of research in prevention of HIV infection, the paper leads to a greater comprehension of how a particular community-based approach to involve affected populations may be particularly relevant, not only to better understand their beliefs and behaviors but also to try to encourage them to change current behaviors or generate new ones. Research with adolescents involved in promoting condom use illustrates the use of psychosocial models of behavior change through a community approach. A second research focus on medical and psychosocial innovation through the use of non-routine, rapid screening tests for HIV - which are neither carried out nor supervised by medical personnel - aims to highlight the impact of the development of preventive action by directly concerned communities. The article aims to present the innovative methodological and epistemological issues which underpin community research.  相似文献   

This study concerns the confirmatory factorial analysis test of the correspondence between a theory of the definition of the interests proposed in a list of factors and the responses from 5304 subjects in two self-evaluation questionnaires. The questionnaires were provided by a professional advice and support IT tool, Inforizon. It allows the user to explore professional worlds, according to his particular interests. The principles at work are designed to overcome difficulties regularly encountered in the use of interest scores. The empirical structure of the responses to the questionnaires appears to be compatible with the definition model. A second stage is the exploratory research of the explanatory and parsimonious dimensions of the approximately circular organisation of the interest factors.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2014,2014(124):9-22
The increasing frequency with which health scandals have come to light since the 1980s has uncovered a great deal of unlawful behavior, both in the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession, as well as in the world of “experts” (or researchers), along with journalists and specialist media companies. These types of behavior have accumulated and combined to inhibit any reaction from government, thus preventing health policy from playing its role. The State has its share of responsibility in this failure, for having been unable to conserve the impartiality and effectiveness of its administrative actions: it must acknowledge this, which is a whole other problem. However, in the case in point, it is obvious that those texts which must have been breached to allow these health scandals to occur are almost exclusively the result of professional self-regulation, with a wide range of diverse legal values: ethics for the health professions, journalistic ethics, charters between the pharmaceutical industry and media companies, alongside scientific ethical charters. These texts are the result of regulations generated by the professions themselves, drafted to counteract conflicts of interest. The sheer number of cases highlights the failure of these self-regulatory measures, leading to legislation targeting the problem, in particular that of December 29, 2011, which strengthened monitoring in terms of conflicts of interest and penalties against those placing themselves in a conflict of interest situation. Will this legislation, in direct response to the so-called Mediator® case, be able to succeed where self-regulation failed, swept away as it was by financial considerations? The arbitrations that characterized the drafting of this legislation and the resulting complexity, which affects the decrees, seem to promise many difficulties, particularly due to the scarcity of resources the authorities have to enforce it.  相似文献   

Psychological research and practice shows increasing interest for prevention and health promotion in France. Current-scientific literature recommends the implementation of targeted actions, directed towards populations expressing specific needs. The community-based approach offers a framework corresponding to the flexibility, which is necessary to the effectiveness of this type of intervention. It includes the mobilization and the participation of the citizens in the development of each unique project, in the renewal of the project according to the needs, in finding possible solutions, and in assessing the actions carried out. This article aims at presenting the importance of a community-based approach in the field of health promotion; a field which would benefit from being better known in France in order to develop intervention programs adapted to each population.  相似文献   

In the context of chronic disease, models and studies in health psychology have first focused on the patients’ adjustment. Research conducted with the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) and the Transactional Integrative and Multifactorial Model (Bruchon-Schweitzer, 2002) have shown that individuals’ social relations, and especially family support, are associated to patients’ outcomes. Recently, studies have taken more attention to the “significant others”, most often the partners. In fact, relatives are also affected indirectly by the disease and its changes on daily life. Moreover, they often play a crucial role by helping the patient to face the disease. These models are focused on the individual and are not relevant to study dyads. An evolution of these models can be proposed by integrating a systemic and dyadic approach. In fact, the way the patient and the relative face the disease, the quality of their relation but also the way they face the disease together, as a dyad, have to be considered. The first part of this article presents the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping and the Transactional Integrative and Multifactorial Model and their evolutions. The second part shows how it is possible to develop a dyadic approach based on these models. It presents the Family System-Illness Model (Rolland, 1987), the Developmental-Contextual Model of couples coping with chronic illness across the adult life span (Berg and Upchurch, 2007) and a Systemic and Transactional Model of Dyads, which help to take more completely into account the adjustment processes of patients and relatives to a chronic illness.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2014,2014(124):3-8
The conceptualization of conflicts of interests and deployment of their regulatory systems are primarily modes of economic and managerial health control. When did the legal regime of conflicts of interests, which formalizes the process, clash with the conditions of professional practice? Not all assumptions of friction or opposition of interests necessarily constitute a conflict of interests. All public sector professionals have interests but not all their interests generate conflicts. The aim of public declaration of interests is to reveal the relations of interest in order to allay suspicion. Most frequently in the form of soft law system, the declaration of interests is a way of warning about the existence of a “grey zone” or time of deontological risk. It was changed by the law of 29 December 2011  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2023,2023(179):21-26
Medical research collects a huge number of medical data sheltered in Data Centers. An European regulation rule (GDRP) or General Data Protection Regulation aims to give an ethic frame to protect personal data and delegate responsability to citizens.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2020,26(4):295-315
The narrative approach is an emerging disciplinary field, which considers the narrative to be a therapeutic, a methodological and an object of study in its own right. The objective of our contribution is twofold: (a) to present the context of emergence of the narrative approach and the notion of narrative in the field of psychology, and (b) to question the theoretical-methodological relevance of this approach in order to explore the expression of social knowledge with regard to the lived experience of cancer. After presenting some methods of collection and analysis of the narrative, we will suggest an application of this approach by analyzing narrative interviews of people with cancer. We will build on the results obtained to develop a reflection on the applied perspectives of the narrative approach, particularly with regard to the psychological therapy of cancer patients.  相似文献   

The psychological assessment of visually impaired people (blind or partially sighted) confronts the psychologist with methodological constraints regarding the choice of assessment tools. Both critical judgement and an extensive psychometric knowledge are necessary. The objective of this article is to present the results of a study in which the existing tools in this field are identified. The results of this study bring to light the shortage of tools and methods of investigation specifically designed to assess the different psychological facets (affective, cognitive or conative) of visual impairment. We will then examine the methodological and psychometric issues specifically related to assessment in the field of visual impairment. Although some tools have psychometric qualities for the assessment of blind and visually impaired people (Miller & Skillman, 2003; Reid, 1997), we note that the limits of some tests are often overlooked or ignored (Reid, 1997; Tobin, 1994; Tobin & Hill, 2011). Questions relating to the use, adaptation and translation of foreign language tools are examined. In order to illustrate these points, we present some practices used by psychologists which highlight the limits of currently existing tools for the assessment of the psychological, in particular, the cognitive facet, and in addition provide some recommendations for assessment.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2022,2022(173):34-37
Air embolism is a serious iatrogenic event, concerning many invasive medical therapies. It is a rare but life-threatening adverse event. We report a case of a cerebral air embolism occurring during a renal replacement therapy. We report the case of a court case analyzed in the Department of Legal Medicine of Farhat Hached University Hospital in Sousse, Tunisia, related to a cerebral gas embolism occurring during a session of renal replacement therapy. Then we discuss the medical liability of the medical team involved in this act. Through a draft organic law (law No. 41/2019 on patients’ rights and medical liability), Tunisian jurisprudence aims at resolving legal claims in the field of medical liability by providing more opportunities for an amicable solution and by guaranteeing an adequate and quick compensation of the damage suffered.  相似文献   

The present article offers a review of the literature evaluating work-life balance training (which includes work-family balance training). The research, spanning over 43 databases, allowed the identification of 17 pertinent peer-reviewed articles. The selected studies are analysed in light of their main characteristics (design, sample, intervention, outcomes, etc.). The analysis shows that the offering of work-life balance training benefits both employees and managers. The methodological presuppositions and limitations of the selected studies are then critically examined. Lastly, possible topics for further research, such as the importance of conducting comparative researches and of adopting quasi-experimental and experimental protocols, are suggested in manner of conclusion.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(2):179-197
In a national context of the fight against cancer, it is crucial to better understand the attitudes of the public and health professionals about the disease. This study aims to examine the contents of stereotypes and prejudices of the general population and health professionals with regards to cancer patients. The execution of the study was conducted by questionnaire survey of 142 health professionals and 190 people from the general population. The results confirm the existence of a stereotype associated with cancer both in the general population and health professionals. However, there are differences on measures of attitudes about people with cancer showing a greater distancing of health professionals. The implications for health professionals and prevention programs and information about cancer are discussed.  相似文献   



Interpretative phenomenological analysis is a qualitative discourse analysis method that has sprung up much research in psychology over the past 20 years. Grounded in phenomenology, idiography and hermeneutics, this research strategy strongly suits the understanding of individuals lived experience and their sense making of life events.


This paper aims at offering a practical illustration of IPA based on a psychosocial study regarding difficult medical decisions in oncology.


Applied to the case of a surgeon, the different steps of IPA were useful to shed light on the interpersonal (relationships with patients) and social (expectations due to the physician's medical speciality) dynamics at stake in the complex experience of this professional practice.


IPA is a fruitful methodological tool for revealing the psychosocial dynamics of behaviour and offering a psychosocial interpretation of their meaning from an individual's point of view.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the mediating role of reflexivity (West, 1996) and climate to innovation (Anderson & West, 1998) between power distances and effectiveness of work teams of engineers training. Regression analysis (Baron & Kenny, 1986) reveals a total mediation of climate and a partial mediation of reflexivity. These results are discussed from a practical perspective.  相似文献   

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