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本文以无记名问卷方式抽样调查了大学生基督徒的宗教认同问题,包括大学生基督徒宗教认同的建构与维持、大学生基督徒宗教认同的面向与层次、大学生基督徒宗教认同的呈现与形塑。研究发现,中国大学生基督徒的宗教认同状况总体上支持西方宗教心理学的研究理论,大多数大学生基督徒基本的宗教认同都是从家庭中获得的,只有少数大学生基督徒的宗教信仰是在经过一番研究和慎思之后通过有意识的追求而获得的。 相似文献
对自我的研究是宗教心理学研究的重要领域。宗教是青少年自我认同发展的重要源泉。文章对宗教在自我认同发展过程中的作用进行了深入的分析后认为,从宏观角度上看,宗教是青少年认同发展的意识形态基础;宗教为青少年提供社会化的社会环境;宗教还是青少年认同发展的重要精神背景。文章还以仪式和祈祷为例,从微观角度分析了宗教崇拜对青少年认同发展的作用和意义。 相似文献
为了解大学生对宗教的认同、态度及相应的影响因素,采用自编问卷对1679名大学生进行问卷调查。结果显示,12. 92%的调查对象表示自己相信宗教,高年级大学生更容易认同宗教;大学生对宗教的态度较为宽容,但认识较为模糊;亲友信仰宗教情况和个人的社会信仰是大学生宗教认同的影响因素。大学生对宗教的认同和态度受多方面因素的影响,高校应针对影响因素采取有效措施,提高大学生的科学信仰水平。 相似文献
现代末期的宗教及其未来在新千年降临之际 ,宗教正在经历某些彻底的变革 :首先一个变革就是世俗化过程[1] 对于各种传统宗教产生的巨大影响 ,这种世俗化以各种不同的形式从基督教开始 ,在今天和未来将依然这样进行下去 ,但它并不干预作为一个制度和公共因素的宗教的没落 ,更不必说作为一个私人现象的信仰的没落。我们正在经历的 ,毋宁说是伴随社会 文化的深刻变形而发生的作为私人领域的宗教信仰和作为制度因素的宗教的一个巨大变革和适应过程 (利翁 ,2 0 0 2 )。这种变革的两个主要因素是 ,大众传媒和消费社会的胜利以及全球化过程 (库尔… 相似文献
本文通过对韩国佛教、儒家与其本土萨满教互动过程的分析,梳理萨满教本身从有形向无形提升的轨迹,指出韩国萨满教神灵系统的开放性和天然的狭隘性。在此基础上本文着重讨论韩国基督教的发展,揭示了韩国宗教认同的一个非常悖论式的特征:外来宗教文化无法进入其核心部分,而其核心部分却又非常空洞,必须附着外围宗教形态才能运转。 相似文献
全球化时代下,现代国家大都面临着多元宗教共存的社会现实,这就形成了以宗教为载体的次级共同体与以公民身份为载体的统一国家共同体之间相互融合,不断调适的互动.直接表现为,公民群体在具有多重身份、多重认同取向的时候进行身份选择的情形,其要点在于“宗教多元的公民社会与国家统一的平衡关系问题”.而在此身份选择的进程中,宗教认同与公民身份认同形成了“一体双元”互动模式,即以利益-制度关系为基础赞同与否互动和以文化-心理关系为基础的归属与否互动. 相似文献
近20年来,学界对民众宗教信仰的关注和兴趣日浓,但主宰研究过程的价值定位依旧难脱西方宗教理论与信仰模式的窠臼,居高临下诉诸于感性色彩的批评和怀疑多于置身于特定情境之中的感受和理解,具体的研究过程则更多的是现象之泛泛描述,鲜有实地与实证的观察和考量。年轻学者梁丽萍 相似文献
Michael Stausberg Pooyan Tamimi Arab Ammar Maleki 《Journal for the scientific study of religion》2023,62(4):823-844
This article contributes to the internationalization of survey methodology by discussing a case from a totalitarian state, the Islamic Republic of Iran. In 2020, GAMAAN (The Group for Measuring and Analyzing Attitudes in Iran) conducted an online survey on religion. The survey had 50,000 participants, around 90 percent of whom lived in Iran. This article discusses the result that, after weighting, 8 percent identified as Zoroastrian—many times the number of Zoroastrians as recorded by scholarship on Iranian Zoroastrianism. We dub this phenomenon “Survey Zoroastrianism” and offer an explanation for this finding. After describing the position of Zoroastrianism in modern Iran and adding two further online surveys conducted by GAMAAN in 2022, we discuss the Survey Zoroastrians’ demographics and their religious and political views. The analysis shows that participating in surveys beyond the government's control provided affordances for performing alternative identity aspirations tied to notions of nationalism and civilizational heritage. 相似文献
Ariela Keysar 《Religion》2014,44(3):383-395
AbstractThe last US government survey that collected information on religious identification was in 1957. Since then researchers have relied solely on non-governmental data sources, primarily the General Social Survey. This paper shows how the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) series has deepened understanding of religious identification in the past two decades with its large samples (113?713 in 1990, 50?280 in 2001, and 54?461 in 2008) and its unique open-ended religion question. Giving respondents a chance to name their own religion, if any, allows researchers to identify and study small religious groups, which are placed together under ‘other’ in typical national studies. By using a consistent research methodology, the ARIS surveys form a time-series that enable tracking trends. The paper describes two case studies: how the ARIS series documented the rise of the Nones and how it tracked shifts in religious identification among American Latinos. 相似文献
William James Hoverd Quentin D. Atkinson Chris G. Sibley 《Journal for the scientific study of religion》2012,51(2):286-303
The relative size of religious groups or denominations within societies or nations influences variation in the extent to which group members psychologically identify with their religion. National‐level census data measuring the proportional size of religious groups in New Zealand are merged with nationally representative data on self‐reported psychological identification drawn from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study. A multilevel random coefficient model shows a logarithmic function for the relationship between religious group size and average group‐level religious identification. Members of smaller religious groups (less than 1.5 percent of the population) tend to strongly identify with their religion, whereas members of groups that are larger in size (over 6 percent of the population) tend to be less identified, on average. Religious group cohesion may be a dynamic process. Larger religious groups are less cohesive and experience more contested identities and ideological positions (average group identification is lower). 相似文献
族群原生性至少部分是宗教性的,它们经常会表达在宗教的话语中,影响原生性的情感认同.本文所研究的土族在与汉、藏、蒙古等多民族的互动中,也在文化上受到这些民族的一些影响,从而发生部分涵化.探讨民族认同与宗教认同中居住格局的重要影响,以及宗教信仰的复杂性和变异性.凡多民族杂居地区的民族关系是否融洽、能否和谐共处,与中央和地方政府如何正确处理、引导宗教信仰和民族区域自治政策的完善与否有着密切联系. 相似文献
Five hundred Christian therapists returned surveys describing their beliefs and behaviors regarding sexual attraction and sexual expression toward their clients. Four groups of Christian therapists responded: psychologists, licensed therapists, nonlicensed therapists, and lay counselors. Christian therapists' responses are compared with those from a similar survey of 456 psychologists selected without regard to religious values. Most groups of Christian therapists are less likely than previously surveyed psychologists to report sexual attraction and fantasy toward clients, but the differences between Christian psychologists and other psychologists are minimal. Religious factors that may increase the stigma of admitting sexual attraction are considered. 相似文献
Gostečnik Christian Slavič Tanja Repič Pate Tanja Cvetek Robert 《Journal of religion and health》2017,56(5):1812-1825
Journal of Religion and Health - The therapeutic process, which taps into the individual’s most vulnerable inner experience, can always reach a radical reversal of one’s perception of... 相似文献
宗教不仅是一种社会意识形态,也是一种传统文化模式,更是一种社会物质力量。鉴于此,笔者提出宗教渗透经历了文化意义上的广义宗教渗透、政治意义上的一般宗教渗透、资本主义针对社会主义的狭义宗教渗透(现代宗教渗透)三种历史形态。对其概念进行深入辨析,消除人为赋予该词的模糊性、神秘性、敏感性,是将其作为一个真正的学术问题而实事求是的开展研究的重要理论前提。 相似文献
Jibum Kim Yongmo Lee Jaesok Son Tom W. Smith 《Journal for the scientific study of religion》2009,48(4):789-793
Korea's religious context is not simple. According to the 2005 Korean Census, the Korean population consists of 23 percent Buddhists, 18 percent Protestants, and 11 percent Catholics, with 47 percent nonreligious. To accurately describe Korean religion in recent periods, we have used 1985, 1995, and 2005 Korean Censuses. We found that Korean people became more religious from 1985 to 1995, but that change was stalled from 1995 to 2005. The percentages of Buddhists and Protestants exhibited little change, and Buddhism continues to be an important religion in the lives of Koreans. Only the number of Catholics increased from 5 percent in 1985 to 11 percent in 2005, and the increasing percentage of Catholics occurred within all subgroups, regardless of age, gender, education, home ownership, and urbanicity. 相似文献