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Parallel and serial search in haptics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We propose a model that distinguishes between parallel and serial search in haptics. To test this model, participants performed three haptic search experiments in which a target and distractors were presented to their fingertips. The participants indicated a target's presence by lifting the corresponding finger, or its absence by lifting all fingers. In one experiment, the target was a cross and the distractors were circles. In another, the target was a vertical line and the distractors were horizontal lines. In both cases, we found a serial search pattern. In a final experiment, the target was a horizontal line and the distractors were surfaces without any contours. In this case, we found a parallel search pattern. We conclude that the model can describe our data very well.  相似文献   

The authors propose a diagnostic for distinguishing between serial and parallel processing in visual search; it is based on testing for subadditive effects of a within-trial visual quality manipulation on target-absent trials. It was evaluated in 2 experiments wherein parallel and serial processing might be expected on the basis of previous work and was then applied to a more uncertain situation in a third experiment. The diagnostic indicates parallel processing of stimuli that differ from each other on a featural basis (Xs and Os) and canonical letters that differ in line arrangement (Ts and Ls) but serial processing when Ts and Ls are randomly rotated. These results form a coherent pattern that is understandable in terms of the literature on visual search, and thus they suggest that the diagnostic may be a useful addition to the methodology used to distinguish between serial and parallel processes.  相似文献   

Modeling of individual or group differences, believed to be a powerful test for computational models, is still rare in current cognitive science. In this paper, we discuss alternative approaches to the computational modeling of both qualitative and quantitative differences among individuals as well as groups of individuals. Then, an example is presented of how accounting for individual differences in short term memory (STM) search can bring us insight into cognitive processes underlying this phenomenon, insight that otherways would be impossible. The two-phase computational model of memory search implements the idea of working memory (WM) focus of attention (FA): due to updating process a few items may be actively kept and easily accessed in ACT-R goal buffer. FA is being scanned serially first, and if the scan result is negative, a parallel chunk retrieval from active part of declarative memory outside the FA may run with certain probability. The model aptly simulates steep decrease in accuracy as well as steep increase in latency for responses to five most recent stimuli. The model also predicts the observed effect of faster negative responses than positive responses to less recent stimuli. Most important, with manipulation to only one of its parameters (i.e., the capacity of FA) our model is able to predict 94% of variance for two groups of participants that differed in latency patterns (i.e., ‘serial-like’ vs. ‘parallel-like’ groups) of the search process.  相似文献   

Parallel and serial processes in visual search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A long-standing issue in the study of how people acquire visual information centers around the scheduling and deployment of attentional resources: Is the process serial, or is it parallel? A substantial empirical effort has been dedicated to resolving this issue (e.g., J. M. Wolfe, 1998a, 1998b). However, the results remain largely inconclusive because the methodologies that have historically been used cannot make the necessary distinctions (J. Palmer, 1995; J. T. Townsend, 1972, 1974, 1990). In this article, the authors develop a rigorous procedure for deciding the scheduling problem in visual search by making improvements in both search methodology and data interpretation. The search method, originally used by A. H. C. van der Heijden (1975), generalizes the traditional single-target methodology by permitting multiple targets. Reaction times and error rates from 29 representative search studies were analyzed using Monte Carlo simulation. Parallel and serial models of attention were defined by coupling the appropriate sequential sampling algorithms to realistic constraints on decision making. The authors found that although most searches are conducted by a parallel limited-capacity process, there is a distinguishable search class that is serial.  相似文献   

Townsend has identified necessary and sufficient conditions that reaction time distributions meet if they are produced by two underlying processes that are parallel and within-stage independent. This paper describes an attempt to use one of these conditions to assess the assumption of independent parallel memory retrieval in Anderson's ACT theory. In the experimental test, subjects studied profession-location pairs, with each profession and location included in two pairs. One pair had a high frequency of presentation and the other had low. When cued with a profession (or location), subjects responded with the first of the two studied locations (or professions) that came to mind. The reaction times to these responses were used to test the ACT assumption of independent parallel search. The problems encountered in trying to apply Townsend's abstract test to a concrete situation included the need to consider mixtures and convolutions of distributions and empirical, rather than theoretical, distributions. These difficulties are discussed at length and some formal analyses concerning their effect on the test are given. Despite these problems, we were able to use Townsend's test and the results of the experiment support the within-stage independent parallel assumption of ACT.  相似文献   

Ss decided whether or not a test digit had occurred in a previously presented memory set. Decision time increased with the size of the memory set at equal linear rates for positive and negative responses. Positive decision times were sensitive to the serial position of the test digit. Together, these results are incompatible with serial-exhaustive models; some modifications are necessary in order to accommodate the obtained results.  相似文献   

Parallel processing in visual search asymmetry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The difficulty of visual search may depend on assignment of the same visual elements as targets and distractors-search asymmetry. Easy C-in-O searches and difficult O-in-C searches are often associated with parallel and serial search, respectively. Here, the time course of visual search was measured for both tasks with speed-accuracy methods. The time courses of the 2 tasks were similar and independent of display size. New probabilistic parallel and serial search models and sophisticated-guessing variants made predictions about time course and accuracy of visual search. The probabilistic parallel model provided an excellent account of the data, but the serial model did not. Asymptotic search accuracies and display size effects were consistent with a signal-detection analysis, with lower variance encoding of Cs than Os. In the absence of eye movements, asymmetric visual search, long considered an example of serial deployment of covert attention, is qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with parallel search processes.  相似文献   

Studies examining individual differences in working memory capacity have suggested that individuals with low working memory capacities demonstrate impaired performance on a variety of attention and memory tasks compared with individuals with high working memory capacities. This working memory limitation can be conceived of as arising from 2 components: a dynamic attention component (primary memory) and a probabilistic cue-dependent search component (secondary memory). This framework is used to examine previous individual differences studies of working memory capacity, and new evidence is examined on the basis of predictions of the framework to performance on immediate free recall. It is suggested that individual differences in working memory capacity are partially due to the ability to maintain information accessible in primary memory and the ability to search for information from secondary memory.  相似文献   

Remembering previous experiences from one's personal past is a principal component of psychological well-being, personality, sense of self, decision making, and planning for the future. In the current study the ability to search for autobiographical information in memory was examined by having college students recall their Facebook friends. Individual differences in working memory capacity manifested itself in the search of autobiographical memory by way of the total number of friends remembered, the number of clusters of friends, size of clusters, and the speed with which participants could output their friends' names. Although working memory capacity was related to the ability to search autobiographical memory, participants did not differ in the manner in which they approached the search and used contextual cues to help query their memories. These results corroborate recent theorising, which suggests that working memory is a necessary component of self-generating contextual cues to strategically search memory for autobiographical information.  相似文献   

The ability to detect small differences in the positions of two lines (vernier acuity) showed some improvement with practice in all eight subjects, even for subjects given no error feedback. The average decline in threshold with training (2,000–2,500 responses) was about 40%. We used three target orientations: vertical, horizontal, and right oblique. Orientational differences remained stable in only one subject. In five subjects, orientational differences present at the beginning of training diminished or disappeared with increased experience; in two, they increased.  相似文献   

Two adjacent probe letters exposed at variable asynchrony are searched for the presence of one target letter drawn from a set of one, three, or five memorized targets. Latency of decision was longer at 70-msec ISI than at 150, 300, and 500, except that at 300-msec ISI there was also an elevated response lateney to a target when it occurred as the first of two probes. Models of search through successive probes must be qualified to accommodate these divergences from monotonicity. Interference between near-simultaneous inputs may account for the longer lateney at 70-msee ISI, and competition for processing capacity by operations at different processing stages could be involved in the effeet at 300-msec ISI. 1972, Psychonomic Society, Inc., Austin, Texas  相似文献   

The effects of chronological age (5+, 7+, 10+, and adult), articulatory suppression and spatial ability were assessed on three measures (recognition memory, partial recall, and free recall) of visual memory span for patterns, using a procedure devised by Wilson, Scott & Power (1987). Although span increased into adulthood for all three tasks, concurrent articulatory suppression acted to reduce span for the 10-year-old and adult subjects. The ability to generate accurate visuo-spatial representations at retrieval is perfectly well developed by 7 years of age. Speed of response was lengthened for the youngest age group, but was immune to the effects of concurrent articulatory suppression. Good spatial ability was associated with higher span estimates on all tasks, regardless of age. Whilst the data support the existence of a system for representing visual patterns, which increases in capacity with increasing chronological age, the system (or processes accessing it at retrieval) is not immune to verbal recoding strategies. The independent association of spatial ability with span is taken to imply that nonverbal encoding and/or maintenance strategies can act to boost visual span from at least 5 years of age.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we studied the relation between degree of implicit learning and two aspects of short-term memory: (l) the activation level of the to-be-learned information, and (2) individual differences in short-term memory capacity. In all the experiments, we used the Nissen and Bullemer (1987) serial reaction time paradigm or a modification thereof. The effects of activation level were assessed by experimentally manipulating the rate of presentation. Individual differences in short-term memory capacity were assessed via traditional span measures. The experiments demonstrated that the rate of presentation reliably affected an indirect measure of learning (i.e., response time) under both incidental and intentional task instructions and under both single-task and dual-task conditions. Short-term memory span was reliably related to the indirect measure of learning only in some experimental conditions. The findings represent important constraints for models of implicit serial learning and are discussed within a general framework for understanding implicit learning and memory.  相似文献   

Age and individual differences influence prospective memory   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The influence of age and individual ability differences on event-based prospective memory was examined using an adapted version of G. O. Einstein and M. A. McDaniel's (1990) task. Two samples of younger and older adults who differed in educational attainment, occupational status, and verbal ability were compared. Results yield comparable prospective performance for the younger groups and higher ability older adults; lower ability older adults performed more poorly by comparison. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that working memory span and recognition accounted for small but significant proportions of variance in prospective performance. The contribution of ability level to prospective memory remained significant even after statistically controlling for self-reported health and social activity characteristics. Implications for current views on prospective memory aging are discussed.  相似文献   

In a haptic search task, one has to determine the presence of a target among distractors. It has been shown that if the target differs from the distractors in two properties, shape and texture, performance is better than in both single-property conditions (Van Polanen, Bergmann Tiest, & Kappers, 2013). The search for a smooth sphere among rough cubical distractors was faster than both the searches for a rough sphere (shape information only) and for a smooth cube (texture information only). This effect was replicated in this study as a baseline. The main focus here was to further investigate the nature of this integration. It was shown that performance is better when the two properties are combined in a single target (smooth sphere), than when located in two separate targets (rough sphere and smooth cube) that are simultaneously present. A race model that assumes independent parallel processing of the two properties could explain the enhanced performance with two properties, but this could only take place effectively when the two properties were located in a single target.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined how various learning conditions impact the relation between working memory capacity (WMC) and memory search abilities. Experiment 1 employed a delayed free recall task with semantically related words to induce the buildup of proactive interference (PI) and revealed that the buildup of PI differentially impacted recall accuracy and recall latency for low-WMC and high-WMC individuals. Namely, the buildup of PI impaired recall accuracy and slowed recall latency for low-WMC individuals to a greater extent than what was observed for high-WMC individuals. To provide a circumstance in which previously learned information remains relevant over the course of learning, Experiment 2 required participants to complete a multitrial delayed free recall task with unrelated words. Results revealed that with increased practice with the same word list, WMC-related differences were eventually eliminated in interresponse times (IRTs) and recall accuracy, but not recall latency. Thus, despite still accumulating larger search sets, low-WMC individuals searched LTM as efficiently as high-WMC individuals. Collectively, these results are consistent with the notion that under normal free recall conditions, low-WMC individuals search LTM less efficiently than do high-WMC individuals because of their reliance on noisy temporal–contextual cues at retrieval. However, it appears that under conditions in which previously learned items remain relevant at recall, this tendency to rely on vague self-generated retrieval cues can actually facilitate the ability to accurately and quickly recall information.  相似文献   

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