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Klaas Nevels 《Psychometrika》1989,54(2):339-343
In FACTALS an alternating least squares algorithm is utilized. Mooijaart (1984) has shown that this algorithm is based upon an erroneous assumption. This paper gives a proper solution for the loss function used in FACTALS.  相似文献   

Takane, Young, and de Leeuw proposed a procedure called FACTALS for the analysis of variables of mixed measurement levels (numerical, ordinal, or nominal). Mooijaart pointed out that their algorithm does not necessarily converge, and Nevels proposed a new algorithm for the case of nominal variables. In the present paper it is shown that Nevels' procedure is incorrect, and a new procedure for handling nominal variables is proposed. In addition, a procedure for handling ordinal variables is proposed. Using these results, a monotonically convergent algorithm is constructed for FACTALS of any mixture of variables.The authors are obliged to Jos ten Berge for stimulating comments on an earlier version of this paper. The research of H. A. L. Kiers has been made possible by a fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. The research of Y. Takane has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, grant number A6394, and by the McGill-IBM Cooperative Grant.  相似文献   

Multitrait-Multimethod (MTMM) matrices are often analyzed by means of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). However, fitting MTMM models often leads to improper solutions, or non-convergence. In an attempt to overcome these problems, various alternative CFA models have been proposed, but with none of these the problem of finding improper solutions was solved completely. In the present paper, an approach is proposed where improper solutions are ruled out altogether and convergence is guaranteed. The approach is based on constrained variants of components analysis (CA). Besides the fact that these methods do not give improper solutions, they have the advantage that they provide component scores which can later on be used to relate the components to external variables. The new methods are illustrated by means of simulated data, as well as empirical data sets.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to the first author. The authors are obliged to three anonymous reviewers and an associate editor for constructive suggestions on the first version of this paper.  相似文献   

The notion of scale freeness does not seem to have been well understood in the factor analytic literature. It has been believed that if the loss function that is minimized to obtain estimates of the parameters in the factor model is scale invariant, then the estimates are scale free. It is shown that scale invariance of the loss function is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for scale freeness. A theorem that ensures scale freeness in the orthogonal factor model is given in this paper.The authors are grateful for the suggestions of the referees.  相似文献   

We propose an alternative method to partial least squares for path analysis with components, called generalized structured component analysis. The proposed method replaces factors by exact linear combinations of observed variables. It employs a well-defined least squares criterion to estimate model parameters. As a result, the proposed method avoids the principal limitation of partial least squares (i.e., the lack of a global optimization procedure) while fully retaining all the advantages of partial least squares (e.g., less restricted distributional assumptions and no improper solutions). The method is also versatile enough to capture complex relationships among variables, including higher-order components and multi-group comparisons. A straightforward estimation algorithm is developed to minimize the criterion.The work reported in this paper was supported by Grant A6394 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to the second author. We wish to thank Richard Bagozzi for permitting us to use his organizational identification data and Wynne Chin for providing PLS-Graph 3.0.  相似文献   

Most of the factor solutions can be got by minimizing a corresponding loss function. However, up to now, a loss function for the alpha factor analysis (AFA) has not been known. The present paper establishes such a loss function for the AFA. Some analogies to the maximum likelihood factor analysis are discussed.The author is greatly indebted to Prof. Henry F. Kaiser (University of California, Berkeley) for his kind encouragement. He is also indebted to an anonymous referee ofPsychometrika for having confronted him with the problem in 1977. Financial support by the Wiener Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Mapclus: A mathematical programming approach to fitting the adclus model   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We present a new algorithm, MAPCLUS (MAthematicalProgrammingCLUStering), for fitting the Shepard-Arabie ADCLUS (forADditiveCLUStering) model. MAPCLUS utilizes an alternating least squares method combined with a mathematical programming optimization procedure based on a penalty function approach, to impose discrete (0,1) constraints on parameters defining cluster membership. This procedure is supplemented by several other numerical techniques (notably a heuristically based combinatorial optimization procedure) to provide an efficient general-purpose computer implemented algorithm for obtaining ADCLUS representations. MAPCLUS is illustrated with an application to one of the examples given by Shepard and Arabie using the older ADCLUS procedure. The MAPCLUS solution uses half as many clusters to achieve nearly the same level of goodness-of-fit. Finally, we consider an extension of the present approach to fitting a three-way generalization of the ADCLUS model, called INDCLUS (INdividualDifferencesCLUStering).We are indebted to Scott A. Boorman, W. K. Estes, J. A. Hartigan, Lawrence J. Hubert, Carol L. Krumhansl, Joseph B. Kruskal, Sandra Pruzansky, Roger N. Shepard, Edward J. Shoben, Sigfrid D. Soli, and Amos Tversky for helpful discussions of this work, as well as the anonymous referees for their suggestions and corrections on an earlier version of this paper. We are also grateful to Pamela Baker and Dan C. Knutson for technical assistance. The research reported here was supported in part by LEAA Grant 78-NI-AX-0142 and NSF Grants SOC76-24512 and SOC76-24394.  相似文献   

An important feature of distance-based principal components analysis, is that the variables can be optimally transformed. For monotone spline transformation, a nonnegative least-squares problem with a length constraint has to be solved in each iteration. As an alternative algorithm to Lawson and Hanson (1974), we propose the Alternating Length-Constrained Non-Negative Least-Squares (ALC-NNLS) algorithm, which minimizes the nonnegative least-squares loss function over the parameters under a length constraint, by alternatingly minimizing over one parameter while keeping the others fixed. Several properties of the new algorithm are discussed. A Monte Carlo study is presented which shows that for most cases in distance-based principal components analysis, ALC-NNLS performs as good as the method of Lawson and Hanson or sometimes even better in terms of the quality of the solution. Supported by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) by grant nr. 030-56403 for the “PIONEER” project “Subject Oriented Multivariate Analysis” to the third author. We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their valuable remarks that have improved the quality of this paper.  相似文献   

The paper derives sufficient conditions for the consistency and asymptotic normality of the least squares estimator of a trilinear decomposition model for multiway data analysis.  相似文献   

Homogeneity analysis, or multiple correspondence analysis, is usually applied tok separate variables. In this paper we apply it to sets of variables by using sums within sets. The resulting technique is called OVERALS. It uses the notion of optimal scaling, with transformations that can be multiple or single. The single transformations consist of three types: nominal, ordinal, and numerical. The corresponding OVERALS computer program minimizes a least squares loss function by using an alternating least squares algorithm. Many existing linear and nonlinear multivariate analysis techniques are shown to be special cases of OVERALS. An application to data from an epidemiological survey is presented.This research was partly supported by SWOV (Institute for Road Safety Research) in Leidschendam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Several algorithms for covariance structure analysis are considered in addition to the Fletcher-Powell algorithm. These include the Gauss-Newton, Newton-Raphson, Fisher Scoring, and Fletcher-Reeves algorithms. Two methods of estimation are considered, maximum likelihood and weighted least squares. It is shown that the Gauss-Newton algorithm which in standard form produces weighted least squares estimates can, in iteratively reweighted form, produce maximum likelihood estimates as well. Previously unavailable standard error estimates to be used in conjunction with the Fletcher-Reeves algorithm are derived. Finally all the algorithms are applied to a number of maximum likelihood and weighted least squares factor analysis problems to compare the estimates and the standard errors produced. The algorithms appear to give satisfactory estimates but there are serious discrepancies in the standard errors. Because it is robust to poor starting values, converges rapidly and conveniently produces consistent standard errors for both maximum likelihood and weighted least squares problems, the Gauss-Newton algorithm represents an attractive alternative for at least some covariance structure analyses.Work by the first author has been supported in part by Grant No. Da01070 from the U. S. Public Health Service. Work by the second author has been supported in part by Grant No. MCS 77-02121 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Three alternative estimation procedures for factor analysis based on the instrumental variables method are presented. These procedures are justified by the method of least squares. Formulas for asymptotic standard errors of factor loadings are derived. The procedures are empirically compared to the method of maximum likelihood. The conclusion, based on the data used in this study, is that two of the procedures seem to work well.  相似文献   

A new method to estimate the parameters of Tucker's three-mode principal component model is discussed, and the convergence properties of the alternating least squares algorithm to solve the estimation problem are considered. A special case of the general Tucker model, in which the principal component analysis is only performed over two of the three modes is briefly outlined as well. The Miller & Nicely data on the confusion of English consonants are used to illustrate the programs TUCKALS3 and TUCKALS2 which incorporate the algorithms for the two models described.  相似文献   

Canonical analysis of two convex polyhedral cones and applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canonical analysis of two convex polyhedral cones consists in looking for two vectors (one in each cone) whose square cosine is a maximum. This paper presents new results about the properties of the optimal solution to this problem, and also discusses in detail the convergence of an alternating least squares algorithm. The set of scalings of an ordinal variable is a convex polyhedral cone, which thus plays an important role in optimal scaling methods for the analysis of ordinal data. Monotone analysis of variance, and correspondence analysis subject to an ordinal constraint on one of the factors are both canonical analyses of a convex polyhedral cone and a subspace. Optimal multiple regression of a dependent ordinal variable on a set of independent ordinal variables is a canonical analysis of two convex polyhedral cones as long as the signs of the regression coefficients are given. We discuss these three situations and illustrate them by examples.  相似文献   

A new algorithm to obtain the least-squares or MINRES solution in common factor analysis is presented. It is based on the up-and-down Marquardt algorithm developed by the present authors for a general nonlinear least-squares problem. Experiments with some numerical models and some empirical data sets showed that the algorithm worked nicely and that SMC (Squared Multiple Correlation) performed best among four sets of initial values for common variances but that the solution might sometimes be very sensitive to fluctuations in the sample covariance matrix.Numerical computation was made on a NEAC S-1000 computer in the Computer Center, Osaka University.  相似文献   

Matrices of factor loadings are often rotated to simple structure. When more than one loading matrix is available for the same variables, the loading matrices can be compared after rotating them all (separately) to simple structure. An alternative procedure is to rotate them to optimal agreement, and then compare them. In the present paper techniques are described that combine these two procedures. Specifically, five techniques that combine the ideals of rotation to optimal agreement and rotation to simple structure are compared on the basis of contrived and empirical data. For the contrived data, it is assessed to what extent the rotations recover the underlying common structure. For both the contrived and the empirical data it is studied to what extent the techniques give well matching rotated matrices, to what extent these have a simple structure, and to what extent the most prominent parts of the different loading matrices agree. It was found that the simple procedure of combining a Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) with Varimax on the mean of the matched loading matrices performs very well on all criteria, and, for most purposes, offers an attractive compromise of rotation to agreement and simple structure. In addition to this comparison, some technical improvements are proposed for Bloxom's rotation to simple structure and maximum similarity.This research has been made possible by a fellowship from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to the author. The author is obliged to René van der Heijden for assistance in programming the procedures in the simulation study reported in this paper, and to Jos ten Berge, three anonymous reviewers and an associate editor for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Green solved the problem of least-squares estimation of several criteria subject to the constraint that the estimates have an arbitrary fixed covariance or correlation matrix. In the present paper an omission in Green's proof is discussed and resolved. Furthermore, it is shown that some recently published solutions for estimating oblique factor scores are special cases of Green's solution for the case of fixed covariance matrices.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new polychoric instrumental variable (PIV) estimator to use in structural equation models (SEMs) with categorical observed variables. The PIV estimator is a generalization of Bollen’s (Psychometrika 61:109–121, 1996) 2SLS/IV estimator for continuous variables to categorical endogenous variables. We derive the PIV estimator and its asymptotic standard errors for the regression coefficients in the latent variable and measurement models. We also provide an estimator of the variance and covariance parameters of the model, asymptotic standard errors for these, and test statistics of overall model fit. We examine this estimator via an empirical study and also via a small simulation study. Our results illustrate the greater robustness of the PIV estimator to structural misspecifications than the system-wide estimators that are commonly applied in SEMs. Kenneth Bollen gratefully acknowledges support from NSF SES 0617276, NIDA 1-RO1-DA13148-01, and DA013148-05A2. Albert Maydeu-Olivares was supported by the Department of Universities, Research and Information Society (DURSI) of the Catalan Government, and by grant BSO2003-08507 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. We thank Sharon Christ, John Hipp, and Shawn Bauldry for research assistance. The comments of the members of the Carolina Structural Equation Modeling (CSEM) group are greatly appreciated. An earlier version of this paper under a different title was presented by K. Bollen at the Psychometric Society Meetings, June, 2002, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  相似文献   

Millsap and Meredith (1988) have developed a generalization of principal components analysis for the simultaneous analysis of a number of variables observed in several populations or on several occasions. The algorithm they provide has some disadvantages. The present paper offers two alternating least squares algorithms for their method, suitable for small and large data sets, respectively. Lower and upper bounds are given for the loss function to be minimized in the Millsap and Meredith method. These can serve to indicate whether or not a global optimum for the simultaneous components analysis problem has been attained.Financial support by the Netherlands organization for scientific research (NWO) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

It is proved for the common factor model withr common factors that under certain condition s which maintain the distinctiveness of each common factor a given common factor will be determinate if there exists an unlimited number of variables in the model each having an absolute correlation with the factor greater than some arbitrarily small positive quantity.The author is indebted to R. P. McDonald for suggesting the proof of Guttman's determinantal equation for the squared multiple correlation in predicting a factor from the observed variables used in the parenthetical note.  相似文献   

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