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The role of ethics in technology development has been often questioned, especially in the early days of societal reflection of technology. However, the situation has changed dramatically. Ethical consideration now is generally declared to be indispensable in shaping technology in a socially acceptable and sustainable way. The expectations of ethics are large; often even a kind of “New Ethics” is postulated. In the present paper an over-estimation of the role of ethics for technology development is rejected. It is argued that ethical reflection is, indeed, indispensable in certain problem areas and situation types; but there is, on the other hand, space for technology development free from the requirement for ethical reflection. The absence of a requirement for ethical reflection, however, always has to be considered relative to some “morale provisoire” (provisional morality) as an accepted normative framework within which technology development may occur without explicit ethical reflection. If this framework, however, is doubted or is shown to be insufficient the situation changes completely. Ethical reflection in this case becomes necessary, to consider this normative framework in order to offer modifications or supplements.  相似文献   

In this essay, we demonstrate that the field of computer ethics shares many core similarities with two other areas of applied ethics, Academicians writing and teaching in the area of computer ethics, along with practitioners, must address ethical issues that are qualitatively similar in nature to those raised in medicine and business. In addition, as academic disciplines, these three fields also share some similar concerns. For example, all face the difficult challenge of maintaining a credible dialogue with diverse constituents such as academicians of various disciplines, professionals, policymakers, and the general public, Given these similarities, the fields of bioethics and business ethics can serve as useful models for the development of computer ethics. A version of this paper was presented at ETHICOMP98, the Fourth International Conference on Ethical Issues of Information Technology, March 25–27, 1998, Erasmus University, the Netherlands. Kenman Wong, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Business Ethics; Gerhard Steinke, Ph.D., is Professor of Management and Information Systems. Both authors are at Seattle Pacific University's School of Business and Economics.  相似文献   

适应性绩效:一个尚需深入研究的领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适应性绩效是指应对工作要求和环境变化的各类行为。相关实证研究表明, 适应性绩效与任务绩效和周边绩效可能存在内容上的重叠, 有关适应性绩效的具体结构维度还存在争议。一般认知能力、知识技能、大五人格、自我效能、组织内的人际支持和环境支持, 以及组织外社会关系网络等因素对适应性绩效具有预测作用。未来的研究可以从适应性绩效的理论建构、测量工具、影响因素和实践应用等方面进行深入探讨。  相似文献   


Women with disabilities are at increased risk for violence, including forms of abuse that can be experienced by all women as well as forms unique to women with disabilities, such as abuse by personal assistants. The purpose of this study was to develop an abuse-screening tool unique to women with disabilities. The tool, which was based on previous research, was field-tested with 47 women who experienced physical and/or cognitive disabilities. Final refinement of the tool's wording and formatting was accomplished through focus groups and individual interviews. Women with disabilities were receptive to participating in screening, which facilitated the identification of abuse and risk factors. Recommendations for abuse screening and risk assessment with women who have disabilities are presented.  相似文献   

Two variations of a vocal paired-stimulus preference assessment were evaluated to determine whether the verbal reports of preference, given by individuals with developmental disabilities when no access to the activity was given, matched their verbal reports when access to the activity was given contingent on their choice. The results indicated different outcomes between the two methods for 6 of the 7 participants. Subsequent reinforcer assessments, conducted for 2 participants, showed that activities identified in the preference assessments that provided access contingent on selection resulted in more responding than did activities identified in the preference assessment that did not include access to items following their selection.  相似文献   


An environmental enrichment programme was used for two passive children who had visual and hearing impairments and profound intellectual disabilities. The enrichment items, selected through stimulus preference assessments, were accessible contingent on simple adaptive responses. Data showed that both children increased their adaptive responding (thus reducing their passivity) during the programme. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

适应性测验作为一种测验形式,与传统的纸笔测验形式相比,具有省时、高效等很多优越性。测验应该适合于被试的理念最初可见于比内的智力测验。上世纪七十年代以来,适应性测验的研究从经典测量理论阶段发展到项目反应理论阶段,经历了从二阶段、三阶段、多阶段测验、固定分支测验和分层适应性测验的发展,到现在的计算机化适应性测验研究。随着项目反应理论和计算机技术的发展,计算机化适应性测验已经在教育和心理测验领域中得到广泛应用。目前对它的研究日益深入,主要有项目克隆、项目曝光、多维适应性测验、被试诊断、人格适应性测验等问题。  相似文献   

Human connectome studies suggest that the brain has a modular small world network structure with rich-club effect. Such structure emerges spontaneously in simple model neural networks, (e.g. coupled maps), through adaptive rewiring according to the dynamic functional connectivity. The utility of adaptive rewiring has so far exclusively been demonstrated for unweighted networks; it is anything but guaranteed to work as well for weighted networks. We investigate adaptive rewiring in weighted networks, comparing various right-skewed, symmetrical, and left-skewed fixed weight distributions. We examine how network clustering, path length, modularity, and rich club coefficients develop for weakly, intermediate and strongly coupled networks. At low coupling strength, the weight distribution, as well as episodes of functional synchrony, have a significant effect on network evolution. With increased coupling strengths, all weighted networks robustly develop architectures similar to the unweighted ones. Adaptive rewiring appears relatively ineffective in networks with (biologically implausibly) extreme right-skewed weight distributions but performed most economically in biologically plausible log-normal distributions.  相似文献   

采用“间接学习—回忆”实验范式,考查方位记忆的生存优势及生存记忆的性别差异。在电脑屏幕上下左右4个方位随机呈现动物或食物图片,被试相对于中央点对捕获动物或采集食物的难易程度进行评价,然后进行方位回忆测验。实验1和实验2为2(情境:生存情境vs.比赛情境)×2(性别:男vs.女)的被试间设计,发现当狩猎动物或采集食物活动与生存相关时,图片方位回忆的正确率较大;实验3为2(情境:生存狩猎情境vs.生存采集情境)×2(性别:男vs.女)的混合设计,发现不同性别被试在两种生存情境中的图片回忆正确率存在差异。表明方位记忆具有生存优势,生存记忆存在性别差异。  相似文献   

近40年来, 正常人的自恋得到了越来越多的关注.日益增加的证据显示正常人的自恋可以按照适应功能进一步区分为适应性自恋和非适应性自恋两类.本文对揭示两类自恋差异的证据进行了全面梳理, 包括二者的成分构成,适应功能,人格基础,发展规律和遗传基础.这些结果促进了对自恋复杂性的认识, 加深了对现有研究的理解, 同时也突出了未来区分二者的重要性.将来需要从理论上进一步澄清二者的差异, 编制相应的量表, 探讨二者在其它方面的不同, 特别是二者是否具有不同的神经基础.  相似文献   

The animacy effect—the finding that animates are better remembered than inanimates—is proving to be a robust empirical phenomenon. Considering the adaptiveness of the animate advantage, one might expect it to remain after long retention intervals and also to be present irrespectively of an intention to learn. The present study explores these two aspects. Different groups of participants learned (intentional learning) or rated the pleasantness (incidental learning) of animate and inanimate words; memory was tested immediately or after a 48?h delay. A significant animacy effect was obtained after both retention intervals and in both learning conditions. Two significant interactions revealed a larger animacy effect, as well as a larger effect of the retention interval, when learning was incidental. Our findings reinforce the robustness of the animacy effect and provide some insight into possible proximate mechanisms of the effect.  相似文献   

Accounts of adaptive preferences are of two kinds: well-being accounts fully theorized for their own sake and political accounts theorized to facilitate the political project of reducing oppression and marginalization. Given their practical role, the latter are often less fully theorized, and are therefore less robust to theoretical criticism. In this paper, I first draw on well-being accounts to identify the well-theorized elements that political accounts should want to adopt in order to strengthen their project and avoid common criticisms. Second, I appeal to the political project to show the shortcomings of the well-being accounts on which I draw.  相似文献   

The current study examined the role of item-specific, relational, and elaborative processing on adaptive memory. Younger and older adults received the standard survival processing, a survival-short, or a pleasantness processing instruction. The survival-short condition was specifically included to lead to fewer possibilities to engage in elaborative processing. Furthermore, half of the presented words were categorized words to boost relational processing. Younger adults demonstrated the typical survival recall advantage in that standard survival processing instructions resulted in superior free recall performance than that of the survival-short and the pleasantness processing groups. Among older adults, no mnemonic benefit of standard survival processing relative to the survival-short or pleasantness processing groups was found. Furthermore, reducing the probability of elaborative processing (i.e., through the survival-short processing instructions) abolished the survival recall advantage. Our results thus provide further evidence for the role of item-specific, relational, and elaborative processing in the survival processing advantage.  相似文献   

Courses on ethics and technology have become compulsory for many students at the three Dutch technical universities during the past few years. During this time, teachers have faced a number of didactic problems, which are partly due to a growing number of students. In order to deal with these challenges, teachers in ethics at the three technical universities in the Netherlands — in Delft, Eindhoven and Twente — have developed a web-based computer program called Agora (see www.ethicsandtechnology.com). This program enables students to exercise their ethical understanding and skills extensively. The program makes it possible for students to participate actively in moral reflection and reasoning, and to develop the moral competencies that are needed in their later professional practice. The developers of the program have tried to avoid two traps. Firstly, they rejected, from the outset, a cookbook style of dealing with ethical problems that applied ethics is often taken to be and, secondly, they wanted to design a flexible program that respects the student’s as well as the teacher’s creativity, and that tries to engage students in moral reflection. Agora meets these requirements. The program offers possibilities that extend beyond the requirements that are usually accepted for case-exercises in applied ethics, and that have been realised in several other computer models for teaching ethics. In this article, we describe the main considerations in the development of Agora and the features of the resulting program.  相似文献   

The last decade or so has seen an increase in the rate of attention to systems change and the application of multiple theories to study and influence change in systems. This article considers how these theories, described in other articles in this issues, plus theories about complex adaptive systems open opportunities for us to continue to expand our repertoire of tools and methods to address systems change. These conceptual frameworks, tools, and methods are expected to help us increase our capacity to study and influence both planned and self-organizing systems change. New tools and methods have emerged and others are needed to help us continue to explore and influence the complex social systems within which we operate.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore the attitudes and behaviors of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) related to their information privacy when using information technology (IT). Six persons with IDD were recruited to participate to a series of 3 semistructured focus groups. Data were analyzed following a hybrid thematic analysis approach. Only 2 participants reported using IT every day. However, they all perceived IT use benefits, such as an increased autonomy. Participants demonstrated awareness of privacy concerns, but not in situations involving the use of technology; their awareness is not transferred to the abstract context of IT use. Privacy breaches were revealed to be a major risk for persons with IDD, who did not seem to understand how their personal information was used. Most protection mechanisms and tools reported were those suggested and implemented by caregivers and close relatives who had a great influence on the participants’ attitudes and behaviors toward IT and privacy. Our findings suggest that when using IT, persons with IDD often experience the consequences of a trade-off between autonomy and privacy. Further research and action is needed to support persons with IDD to understand and balance the benefits of IT use and the inherent threats to information privacy.  相似文献   

Since the foundation of the Santa Fe Institute, the new science of complex adaptive systems (CAS) has seen extraordinary development, breaking with previous, more epistemological, trends in complexity theory. This article makes a critique of CAS as a model of the current global complexity. Its basic model, the cellular automaton, which focuses on the interactive dynamics among components, ignores the nature of any complex system as constructed by the observer/actor and is unable to explain the sociohistorical construction of the agents/subjects (analyzed by Foucault) and the social structure in which they are located (analyzed by Bourdieu), thus being unable to accurately represent the overall social complexity.  相似文献   

摘 要 计算机化多阶段自适应测验是基于计算机技术的测验形式,它将题目集合作为测试单元,通过多阶段自适应的形式对被试进行测试和评分。近年来通过研究各种测验形式,发现其比计算机化自适应测验和传统纸笔测验突显出更大优势。与传统纸笔测验相比,其具有参数不变性、能力估计更精确等优势。与计算机化自适应测验相比,其具有可控制题目特性、被试可检查题目等优势。如何减小测量误差,使其应用更加便捷、有效,是未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

江琴娣 《心理科学》2003,26(2):260-262
本研究用儿童适应行为量表对5-12岁的视障儿童和正常儿童适应行为进行比较研究,结果发现:视障儿童的年龄与适应行为发展之间存在着明显的相关,而正常儿童不存在这种相关。同时,视障缺损程度不同影响儿童适应行为的发展;虽然没有发现性别因素引起视障儿童适应行为的差异,但在社会责任和劳动技能的适应行为中,女孩的表现略优于男孩。  相似文献   

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