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In recent decades we have witnessed increased interest in racially diverse religious organizations. Similar trends are occuring in other institutions, like education and business. In this article I discuss the importance of understanding the role that race, as a system that advantages whites, plays in the congregational life of racially integrated churches. Drawing upon the critical race literature, I propose that because race is central to how our society is organized, interracial chruches will need to placate white members' and affirm their religiocultural preferences and interests in order to sustain a racially diverse congregation. I offer some evidence supporting this claim. I also discuss the strengths and limitations of other perspectives used to explain racially diverse religious organizations.  相似文献   

现代文明的本质特征是用文化秩序取代自然秩序,用文化选择取代自然选择。现代文明的生活方式同人的生命原理的冲突,是现代许多疾病产生的文化根源。因而我们需要一种对现代疾病的“文化治疗”。传统医学只是关注个体生命的“个体医学”。由于个体健康同物种健康之间的内在冲突,我们需要一种防止物种衰退的“物种医学”。  相似文献   

What is the value of having medical students engage in creative production as part of their learning? Creating something new requires medical students to take risks and even to fail--something they tend to be neither accustomed to nor comfortable with doing. “Making stuff” can help students prepare for such failures in a controlled environment that doesn’t threaten their professional identities. Furthermore, doing so can facilitate students becoming resilient and creative problem-solvers who strive to find new ways to address vexing questions. Though creating something new can be fun, this is not the main outcome of interest. Rather, the principle reason we recommend devoting precious curricular time to creative endeavors is because it helps medical students become better doctors.  相似文献   

医学语言具有丰厚的文化意义,在最为明显的层面上,它决定了临床实践的价值,奠定了医学科学的发展根基,拓展了语言和文学的覆盖面,推动了哲学反思的终极化;在间接或衍生层面上,医学语言承载着负面的致病作用,体现着自然科学的美学意蕴,打通了医学与军事兵法的思想渊源.  相似文献   

Gwynedd Local Education Authority (LEA) in North West Wales, UK, is funding a small-scale autism-specific specialist education service using ABA methodology. The program is available through the medium of Welsh, English or bilingually, depending on the individual needs of the child (Jones and Hoerger in Eur J Behav Anal 10:249–253, 2009). Delivering an ABA curriculum within a Welsh context raises issues regarding how ABA interventions work in a non-Anglo-American cultural and linguistic context. We describe one part of the program, as well as the mechanics of translation and interpretation: How ABA fits conceptually in a different language, how Skinner’s original ideas about developing a scientific terminology to describe behavior can be applied to a different cultural and linguistic tradition, and cultural variation in reinforcement practices.  相似文献   

The WHO/Start Study is introduced and described in its four main components. The study originated as a response to growing concerns about trends of suicide, the prevalence of which in the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization is the highest among the six regions of the WHO. So far, nineteen centers have joined the study. This ambitious project is expected to provide important transcultural perspectives on both fatal and nonfatal suicidal behaviors, together with increased awareness for these phenomena and the growth of culture‐sensitive prevention programs.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the structure of cultural identity in the United States, both across variables and across persons. An ethnically diverse sample of 349 emerging-adult university students completed measures of orientation toward American and heritage cultural practices, acculturation strategies, individualism-collectivism, independence-interdependence, ethnic identity, and familism. Across variables, results of factor-analytic procedures yielded three dimensions of cultural identity: American-culture identity, heritage-culture identity, and biculturalism. This factor structure was consistent across the three largest ethnic groups in the sample (Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics). Ethnic differences emerged in the associations of these cultural identity factors to familial ethnic socialization, acculturative stress, and perceived ethnic discrimination. Across persons, cluster-analytic procedures revealed two groups of participants–those who endorsed American-culture identity highly and those who endorsed both American and heritage cultures highly. Implications for theory and for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - The purpose of this study was to evaluate the beliefs, opinions, and experiences of medical students from a Catholic confessional university concerning spirituality...  相似文献   

This article focuses on the ways in which genograms can be an effective psychosocial tool for use with Asian families of diverse cultural heritages. Using the case examples of Asians from three countries, viz., Malaysia, Japan, and Cambodia, the authors delineate salient therapeutic themes and map changes from a transgenerational perspective with attention to socio-cultural and political processes. An anthropological stance (Becvar, Contemp Fam Ther 30:1–2, 2008) allows a therapist to be curious about Asian family and kinship systems and join with the family in creating a new narrative that broadens spaces for living. Drawing upon surveys from three training contexts, the voices of Asian mental health practitioners, suggesting culture specific issues for the effective use of genograms with Asian families, are included.  相似文献   

深层生态学的精神资源与文化根基   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过梳理深层生态学与西方传统哲学(古希腊哲学、斯宾诺莎、新黑格尔主义)、东方思想(儒家、道家、道元、甘地)、以及现代西方思想(怀特海、后期海德格尔、人本主义心理学)之间在本体论、认识论、方法论和价值观方面的联系,本文试图为深层生态学的创造潜力、精神生命力和文化魅力提供某种跨文化的注解和说明。  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics -  相似文献   

张瑞平  李庆安 《心理科学》2017,40(3):657-663
以308名大学生为被试,以《大五人格问卷》、《儒家心理资产问卷》、《生活满意度量表》和《积极消极情感量表》为工具,考察人格特质、儒家心理资产与主观幸福感的关系。结果表明:(1)五种人格特质与儒家心理资产的八个维度存在不同程度的相关;(2)儒家心理资产八个维度与主观幸福感的不同指标相关不同;(3)爱人、务民、崇德、学等儒家心理资产维度在人格特质与主观幸福感总分之间起部分中介作用。本研究是对《论语》管理智慧实证化的创新性尝试。  相似文献   

Cultural mistrust, ethnic identity, racial identity, and self‐esteem were examined among African (n = 26), African American (n = 110), and West Indian/Caribbean (n = 24) university students. African American students' scores were statistically different from those of African and West Indian/Caribbean students on cultural mistrust, racial identity, and ethnic identity measures. There were no statistically significant differences on self‐esteem among the 3 groups. Results did indicate that cultural mistrust, ethnic identity, and racial identity accounted for 37% of the variance in self‐esteem for African American students. Implications for practice and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Declining marginal utility (DMU) describes the reduced value that additional units of money or consumer goods have in comparison to units acquired earlier. We extend this idea to social resources and activities such as socializing time, free time, and number of children, suggesting that most resources will show DMU as the person experiences more of them. In Study 1, participants reported how many years of adult life they would sacrifice to have increasingly more of each resource or activity. Income showed declining marginal utility, but other goods showed an ideal-level pattern in which they were valued less after an optimal amount. In Phase 2 of Study 1, we assessed the mix of activities people most prefer. Participants rated the desirability of various combinations of time spent in different activities. Spending all of one’s free time in a pleasant activity was not as desirable as spending some of the time in other desirable, but less enjoyable, activities. In Study 2, we used a representative sample of the world to assess people’s affect balance (positive minus negative moods) on the previous day, along with how much time they spent in activities such as socializing with family and friends. The most popular activity was socializing with family and friends, but even here there was DMU for more hours of this behavior. We also analyzed several forms of well-being in reference to household income. Income showed a clear DMU pattern using daily moods as the outcome, as well as for life evaluations and satisfaction with standard of living. The results of the two studies explain why people do not pursue happiness by spending all of their time in the most pleasant activities, such as socializing, but instead choose a mixture of activities. A desire for balance in human activities and resources has important implications for the structure of the workplace, leisure time, work hours, and other important domains of life.  相似文献   

中世纪正规医学教育的诞生与经院哲学的发展有着十分紧密的联系,它们两者共同受惠于东西方文化的交融,经院哲学重视理性思维,重视人的身体的理论取向对医学教育的发展起到了积极的推动作用,大学体制和“经院主义方法”也促进了大学医学教育的发展。回顾这一史实可以深刻认识到,兼容并包的学术态度,缜密的逻辑思维方法,对生命意义的尊重,博雅的素质修养,理论与实际相联系的能力,应成为当今医学生人文素质教育所追求的基本目标。  相似文献   




结合基础医学网络资源的分布现状,阐述了基础医学资源整合的必要性和紧迫性,介绍了基础医学数据共享网建设中资源整合的技术方法和共享资源管理方式.并针对我国目前网络环境下基础医学资源整合建设中存在的问题提出相应的解决策略.  相似文献   

结合基础医学网络资源的分布现状,阐述了基础医学资源整合的必要性和紧迫性,介绍了基础医学数据共享网建设中资源整合的技术方法和共享资源管理方式。并针对我国目前网络环境下基础医学资源整合建设中存在的问题提出相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

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