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牟宗三的学思始于《易》亦终于《易》。牟早年视《周易》为"中国式的自然哲学",后来则以《易传》为"孔门义理"。所谓的"孔门义理",即《乾·彖》所全幅展现的一套儒家道德的形上学,而以"性与天道"之双向贯通为其真实的内容意义。"即存有即活动"的道德实体落实在《易传》,即表现为"乾坤并建"所开拓的理境,而"逆觉体证"的工夫则集中体现在牟宗三对王弼"复见天心"注解的批判性转化中。道德的形上学所彰显的是一价值世界与意义世界,由于这一形上学是逻辑地建构起来的,因而牟氏易学中的本体与工夫以及由工夫所开显的价值世界难免落入玄远抽象的空洞承诺中。  相似文献   

语言是最为原始和基本的文明记录及承传形式,先秦时期所见种种以流行性为核心限定的旧"谚"新"语"正是其后世的见证和延续。《论语》即条理化的孔门"语"。同作为言体与文体的"语"相比,"论"字更能体现《论语》的编纂过程及内容特点,因而在汉代即被采为《论语》的简称用字。以"《语》"相称属于后起,较之于"《论》"亦欠合适。  相似文献   

"仁"是孔门儒家思想体系之核心。仁之具体意义为何,前人所论甚多,胜义纷陈。据清人阮元《论语论仁篇》所论,大抵仁须并为,离群独处则不能成仁。《论语》中有"巧言令色,鲜矣仁",以及"刚、毅、木、讷近仁"二句,前人在理解二句之时,每多以为多言者不能成仁,少言者则近仁,其实皆与儒家传统慎言之文化相关。可是,在适当的时候说合适的话,孔门儒家绝不反对。细究多言"鲜矣仁"与少言"近仁"之原委,对理解"仁"为何物当能有所裨益。  相似文献   

《大学》是宋明工夫论的渊薮。宋明思想与先秦文本之间的紧张,导致了《大学》文本与义理的诸多争议。这些争议,应在宋明思想的内部寻求同情之了解。《大学》古义,旨在重构孔门之学的格局与次第。《大学》从"物有本末""事有终始"两个方面确立了"先后之序",最终归结为"八条目"。所谓"格物、致知",是即物而求其至善之所在,结果是"知至"。所谓"诚意",是在"知至"的前提下,诚实其好之之意,使意向变为志向,结果是"知止"。然后,再有"正心""修身"的具体工夫。"身修"即"明德"之成,是一切人伦政治实践之本,故曰"壹是皆以修身为本"。《大学》对"格物、致知"的设定,带有七十子后学的思想特征;对"诚意"的强调,源于孔门的实践关切。  相似文献   

《易经》经由孔门儒家到《易传》的发展,是一个"经典周易"的思想系列,其遵循"推天道以明人事"的路径,依据"顺天而应人"的思维方式,实现人文意识、人道精神的价值建构。"经典周易"的这种人文思考,凝成为中华文化后来发展的一种基因性因素,长久地影响和制约着中华文化的精神价值和思想特质。  相似文献   

《唐虞之道》虽是一篇反映孔门七十子后学"禅让"观念的文献,但其中却涉及不少看似与"禅让"无直接关联的内容,论"孝"的内容就是其中之一,且对"孝"的论述在《唐虞之道》中占有非常重要的位置。以儒家其他相关文献为背景,不仅可以更加清楚地看出"孝"与"禅"在《唐虞之道》中的内在关联,而且可以使《唐虞之道》中"禅让"的思想内涵得到更清晰的呈现。  相似文献   

王德成 《管子学刊》2007,(1):125-126
《孔子家语》或简称《家语》,是一部重要的儒家著作,记录了孔子及孔门弟子的思想言行.今本《孔子家语》作十卷,四十四篇,魏王肃注,附有王肃序和《后续》. 元马端临《文献通考·经籍考》引三国魏王肃注《孔子家语》所附汉孔安国后序说:"《孔子家语》者,皆当时公卿士大夫及七十二弟子之所咨访交相对问言语也.  相似文献   

宋立林 《现代哲学》2012,(3):100-107
孔门弟子仲弓是一位久被忽略的大儒,通过对上博竹书《仲弓》的分析,可以更加真切地认识仲弓之儒的政治思想与德刑观念。而这与《荀子》中所推尊的子弓正相符合。仲弓之儒应该是荀子一派的学术渊源所自。通过对传世文献与出土文献的综合考察,孔门弟子仲弓及仲弓之儒的思想特征及学术史地位逐渐凸显出来。  相似文献   

古人字前的"伯"、"仲"、"季"或"子",或存或省,并非不可变通。《论语.雍也》篇孔子说"雍也可使南面",上博楚简《仲弓》显示仲弓向孔子请教的多是临民为政之道。《说苑.修文》说"仲弓通于化术,孔子明于王道,而无以加仲弓之言"。《史记.李斯列传》说李斯"乃从荀卿学帝王之术",这些皆可间接证明荀子承传了孔子、仲弓一系之外王儒学。在《孟子》书中,提到孔门十哲中的九位,唯独少了仲弓,荀子则极力批判子思和孟子。由此看来,弓荀学派之外王儒学,与思孟学派之内圣儒学相区分,似并非向壁虚造。  相似文献   

在《中庸章句序》中朱子指出,《中庸》乃子思为承传儒家道统所作,而道统所系便是人心惟危,道心惟微,惟精惟一,允执厥中的治心工夫,所以《中庸》也被视为孔门传授心法之书。在明代心学的发展  相似文献   

陈晨捷 《周易研究》2020,(1):105-111
一般认为,商周天命观之变革在于周人以道德之天、伦理之天取代殷商的命定之天与前伦理之天,从而确立了“明德慎罚”“敬天保民”的德治传统,表现出“人道主义”“人文精神”或者“道德人文主义”的特征。但事实上,“以德受命”“为政以德”可能是源自殷商的一贯传统,而非周人的创造。周人的贡献在于,否定任何氏族、王朝与天“有亲”的观念,将“德”作为天命转移的唯一依据。然而需要注意的是,尽管周人的天命观总体上呈现如上倾向,但并不意味着此后理性精神的高歌猛进与绝对胜利:一方面,道德性成为天命的主要特征;另一方面,西周的天命观仍带有“不完全理性”的成分,与天道“有亲”的观念通过其变形依然得以留存,甚至对春秋末期孔子的天命思想犹有影响。  相似文献   

本文通过对先秦儒学"性"、"命"概念之演化与发展的历史考察,指出:《易传》的性命之论与《中庸》、楚简、孟学相契,而与荀学不类;《易传》的创作年代是在荀子之前之思孟学派形成和兴盛时期,而不是在荀子之后。  相似文献   

In Mencius’ theory of the original goodness in human nature, fate is the original source of xing (nature). Heart is the appearance of nature. There are two aspects to nature and heart: ti (form) and yong (function). From the perspective of form, nature is liangzhi (the goodness in conscience) and liangneng (the inborn ability to be good) in human beings and heart is human’s conscience and original heart. From the perspective of function, nature is the four things of benevolence, righteousness, propriety and wisdom, and heart consists in compassion, shame, respect, right and wrong. As the foundation for the theory of the original goodness in human nature, conscience and heart are a combination of human moral instinct, moral rationality and moral volition, whereas moral instinct gradually rises to moral volition and passes through moral rationality. Mencius’ theory of the original goodness in human nature is not a theory of future goodness, but a theory of original goodness. Translated by Wang Bei from Qilu Xuekan 齐鲁学刊(Journal of Qilu), 2006, (4): 16–20  相似文献   

尧舜禅让,古代以为信史。20世纪20年代,有学者提出异议,以为它只是一个传说,这传说是禅让思想的一部分,出自墨家的创造。揆诸史籍,可知,墨家的确传诵过尧举舜而立为天子的故事,对禅让说的传播有推波助澜的作用,但那只是出于宣传尚贤尚同主义的需要,为选官治官而设,并非严格意义上的禅让说。而在儒家,孔子早就盛赞尧舜;尧舜禅让以及与之直接相关的歷数观念在今本《论语》中又有明确反映,这个观念在从周公到孔子的儒家渊源中有着丰富的资源;儒家数观的实质是天命有德,儒家的天命有德思想可为禅让说提供直接的理论基础和前提,儒家的尊贤、墨家的尚贤,后世与“禅让”直接相关的新五德终始说,都可纳入其中。春秋战国时期禅让说的兴起,儒家有直接的关系。  相似文献   

A case study is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of psychoanalysis and the persistence of its benefits 20 years later in a young woman with severe depression, professional inhibition, and difficulties in partner selection due to transgenerational mandate (TGM). The investigation was carried out with psychoanalytic interviews with the patient and analyst, which were evaluated by both psychoanalytic and non‐psychoanalytic judges following a methodology based on one tested in Germany by Leuzinger‐Bohleber et al. (2003). The psychoanalytic treatment began in the early 1980s in Monterrey, Mexico. The study concludes that the psychoanalysis was effective in assisting with the patient's character disorder and partner selection, mainly because of the therapeutic alliance, the analysis of transference and character, and the patient's increased capacity for mentalization as a result of the interpretation of the TGMs.  相似文献   

During the British Mandate in Palestine, there existed among the majority Muslim Arab population a perception that the British favoured Christian Arabs for administrative positions. While such a preference was arguably justifiable during the early years of the Mandate, inasmuch as Christian Arabs were initially more qualified from an educational standpoint, over the ensuing years, the number of Muslim youths with a suitable, secular-based education very quickly increased. There nonetheless persisted a perception of Christian favouritism – that is, that Christians still enjoyed preferential treatment with respect to government employment – and this soon came to define a significant Muslim grievance, one that would periodically prove divisive between Muslim and Christian Arabs, not least within the context of the Palestinian nationalist movement. This article seeks to ascertain whether, on the basis of a statistical analysis of the actual numbers of Muslim and Christian Arabs employed by the British Mandatory government and their respective educational qualifications, Christian Arabs did in fact constitute a privileged group. Also considered (in light of certain sociological concepts regarding group and national identity) are the ramifications of such a perception – regardless of whether reflective of the actual reality – with respect to Muslim–Christian unity, the shaping of Palestinian Arab national identity and the relationship between Arab national identity and Islam.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated whether outcomes that violate people’s moral standards increase their deviant behavior (the moral spillover effect). In Study 1, participants with and without a moral mandate (i.e., a strong attitude rooted in moral conviction) read about a legal trial in which the outcome supported, opposed or was unrelated to their moral mandate. Relative to when outcomes supported moral mandates, when outcomes opposed moral mandates people judged the outcome to be less fair, were more angry, were less willing to accept the outcome, and were more likely to take a borrowed pen. In Study 2, participants who recalled another person’s moral violation were more likely to cheat on an experimental task relative to angry or neutral condition participants. Taken together, results provide evidence for moral spillover: outcomes that violate moral standards increase deviant behavior.  相似文献   

胡治洪 《周易研究》2001,26(2):20-29
本文通过对帛书易传<二三子问>、<易之义>、<要>、<缪和、昭力>四篇的分析,认为帛传四篇为孔子<易>论,其中包涵着<论语>、<孔子集语>、传世本<易传>等反映孔子思想的传世文献所隐微罕见的天人道德观念;帛传四篇表现了孔子在涵括三代以至春秋新旧天人观念的基础上对于天人内涵的初步的哲学改造,反映了孔子将传统的主宰之天转化为道德之天、并将传统的主体对于形上存在的外在超越关系转化为内在超越关系的致思取向,从而凸显了孔子作为当时敏锐而深邃的思想家的形象;帛传四篇所涵具的孔子天人道德思想补足了三代天命德政观与思孟天道性命思想之间的逻辑缺环,是经由曾子(<天圆>)而达致<中庸>、郭店儒家简、<孟子>乃至传世本<易传>所体现的天道性命思想高峰的理论根据.  相似文献   

“时”是早期儒家构建其“内圣外王”人格价值理想的核心范畴之一。在早期儒家的话语系统中 ,“时”以“时遇”、“时命”等外在于价值主体的客观条件和异己的力量 ,以中介的形式与价值主体一起对儒家人格价值理想的实践发生不容忽视乃至是决定性的作用 ,并不断地内化为一种主体价值选择的方法论原则———“时中”和一种集大成式的人格理想境界———“时圣”。早期儒家对于“时”由非主体范畴向主体性范畴转化的认识 ,充分体现了儒家注重实践理性的思维特征  相似文献   

The new European regulation of medical devices presents today a considerable stake for the economic operators. In addition to strengthening their requirements, the 2017/745 and 2017/746 regulations describe with greater precision their respective roles. Compensation for damage caused by medical devices is also a major challenge for the European legislator. In addition to an obligation of insurance towards the manufacturer, he has defined a regime of strict responsibility of the agent, modeled on the directive 85/374/EEC on responsibility for defective products.  相似文献   

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