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Relaxation training has typically been discussed as a singular procedure to be used as a therapeutic treatment technique for a wide variety of disorders. A review of the empirical literature from 1970 to 1979 is provided with an emphasis on clinical populations utilized, dependent measurement and procedural variability and lack of standardization with respect to relaxation procedures. Suggestions for future research are made which emphasize systematic evaluations of treatment components, target problems and criterion behavior change.  相似文献   

According to the procedural reinstatement principle, procedural information leads to strong retention but limited transfer, whereas declarative information leads to poor retention but robust transfer. To test this principle in Experiment 1, participants were trained to perform a serial response task in one of 3 conditions (declarative, procedural, mixed) and were subsequently tested in either the same or another condition. Required responses were identical in the three conditions; they differed only in the emphasis given to declarative or procedural information. Consistent with the procedural reinstatement principle, in terms of response time procedural information was more durable than declarative information. In Experiment 2, transfer was assessed using procedural and declarative conditions, but participants transferred between response sequences within those conditions. Although there was transfer in response time between sequences with procedural information, the greatest magnitude of transfer was found in one direction with declarative information, consistent with the procedural reinstatement principle.  相似文献   

Correspondence analysis leads to a graphical representation of the associations between categories of the row and column variables of a contingency table. Greenacre's (1988) formulation of joint correspondence analysis is a multivariate extension which finds the optimal joint display of contingency tables between all pairs of variables in a set. Greenacre presented a discrepancy function and an alternating least squares algorithm for its minimization. Boik (1996) presented an alternative algorithm, also of the alternating least squares type, for minimizing the same discrepancy function. In this paper, a noniterative procedure, not based on the minimization of any discrepancy function, is described.  相似文献   

This study examined the clinical effects of correspondence training procedures in the management of three hyperactive boys between the ages of seven and 10 years. Two subjects were intervened with the “reinforcement of corresponding reports” procedure: reports about the inhibition of hyperactivity (inattention and overactivity) were reinforced only if they corresponded with the actual inhibition of hyperactivity. The “reinforcement set up contingent upon promises” procedure was used with the third subject: the reinforcer was set up (or displayed) contingent on the patient's promises about the inhibition of hyperactivity in the immediate future, and delivered contingent upon fulfillment of the promise (actual inhibition of hyperactivity). These interventions were programmed in a multipie baseline design across two subjects and a multiple baseline design across two behaviors. A changing-criterion design was also used with all subjects: the nonoccurrence of hyperactivity had to be observed across a pre-established criterion level for the actual delivery of the reinforcer. Consistently higher levels of correspondence occurred during treatment, relative to baseline observations. The results also demonstrated the generalization and maintenance of treatment effects. The use of correspondence training as a potential alternative in the development of hyperactive children's self-control is discussed.  相似文献   

Interventions were employed to program maintenance following correspondence training. The use of reinforcement of verbalization and a mixed sequence of procedures designed to establish indiscriminable contingencies was evaluated in multiple-baseline designs across subjects and behaviors. The results indicated that target behaviors were maintained under less intrusive interventions and in the absence of programmed contingencies during extended follow-up conditions. The results are discussed in terms of changes in reinforcement schedules established in maintenance interventions.  相似文献   

The effect of a 10‐step task analysis, general case instruction, and correspondence training was evaluated for teaching appropriate personal hygiene following bowel movements. Correspondence training maintained a central role in this study. According to Israel (1978), the relationship between an individual's verbal and nonverbal behaviors is influential in self‐instruction training. Essentially, correspondence training encourages an individual to generate his or her own instructional cues; in consequence, the procedure can be instrumental in ensuring the maintenance and generalization of important verbal and nonverbal behavior. Three adults with developmental disabilities participated in this study. The dependent variables included the level of assistance required on each step of the task analysis and an end of sequence rating on a three‐point Likert‐type cleanliness scale. Results showed that all three participants learned to care for themselves appropriately following bowel movements. Moreover, the skills generalized to other settings and were maintained over a nine‐month period. The target skill was evaluated against the five criteria for a behavioral cusp and met the criteria for ‘an important behavior change’ (Bosch & Fuqua, 2001, p. 123). Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comprehensive approach for imposing both row and column constraints on multivariate discrete data is proposed that may be called generalized constrained multiple correspondence analysis (GCMCA). In this method each set of discrete data is first decomposed into several submatrices according to its row and column constraints, and then multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) is applied to the decomposed submatrices to explore relationships among them. This method subsumes existing constrained and unconstrained MCA methods as special cases and also generalizes various kinds of linearly constrained correspondence analysis methods. An example is given to illustrate the proposed method.Heungsun Hwang is now at Claes Fornell International Group. The work reported in this paper was supported by Grant A6394 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to the second author.  相似文献   

A limitation associated with communication-based interventions for problem behavior is the potential for requesting reinforcement at high rates. Multiple-schedule arrangements have been demonstrated to be effective for controlling rates of responding (Hanley, Iwata, & Thompson, 2001). In the current study, we extended previous research by teaching individuals to attend to naturally occurring discriminative stimuli (e.g., caregiver behavior) instead of arbitrary stimuli (e.g., picture cards). Following successful treatment with functional communication and extinction, 2 participants were taught to request attention differentially based on whether the caregiver was engaging in a variety of "busy" (e.g., talking on the phone) or "nonbusy" (e.g., reading a magazine) activities. Following training, each participant engaged in communication primarily when caregivers were engaged in nonbusy activities.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional role of the child's and experimenter's verbalizations in correspondence training procedures with toy play behaviors in a day-care center setting. Six children participated in a multiple baseline across responses and/or multielement design. Baseline conditions were followed by reinforcement of verbalization. This resulted in little or no change in responding, similar to findings of previous research. Experiment I isolated the child's verbalization as the variable under study. With an experimenter's prompt and postplay reinforcement held constant, the effects of including versus omitting the child's verbalization were examined. A contingency-space analysis revealed that the presence or absence of the child's verbalization exerted no influence on play with the target toy. In Experiment II, a condition in which no experimenter's prompt occurred was added. Results suggested that the complete absence of any antecedent verbalization, by child or experimenter, resulted in much lower rates of play with the target toys. Again, however, when the experimenter's prompt was included, no clear difference was noted between conditions in which the child verbalized and conditions in which the child did not. These results raise doubts about the commonly held view of correspondence training procedures as a method of promoting self-regulation.  相似文献   

The choice of constraints in correspondence analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A discussion of alternative constraint systems has been lacking in the literature on correspondence analysis and related techniques. This paper reiterates earlier results that an explicit choice of constraints has to be made which can have important effects on the resulting scores. The paper also presents new results on dealing with missing data and probabilistic category assignment.I am most grateful to the following for their helpful comments. Arto Demirjian, Michael Greenacre, Michael Healy, Shizuhiko Nishisato, Roderick Mcdonald, and several anonymous referees.  相似文献   

Joint correspondence analysis is a technique for constructing reduced-dimensional representations of pairwise relationships among categorical variables. The technique was proposed by Greenacre as an alternative to multiple correspondence analysis. Joint correspondence analysis differs from multiple correspondence analysis in that it focuses solely on between-variable relationships. Greenacre described one alternating least-squares algorithm for conducting joint correspondence analysis. Another alternating least-squares algorithm is described in this article. The algorithm is guaranteed to converge, and does so in fewer iterations than does the algorithm proposed by Greenacre. A modification of the algorithm for handling Heywood cases is described. The algorithm is illustrated on two data sets.  相似文献   

Decompositions and biplots in three-way correspondence analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper correspondence analysis for three-way contingency tables is presented using three-way generalisations of the singular value decomposition. It is shown that in combination with Lancaster's (1951) additive decomposition of interactions in three-way tables, a detailed analysis is possible of the deviations from independence. Finally, biplots are shown to produce powerful graphical representations of the results from three-way correspondence analyses. An example from child development is used to illustrate the theoretical developments.  相似文献   

Since 1994, group reaction time (RT) distribution analyses of spatial correspondence effects have been used to evaluate the dynamics of the spatial Simon effect, a benefit of correspondence of stimulus location information with response location for tasks in which stimulus location is irrelevant. We review the history and justification for analyzing group RT distributions and clarify which conditions result in the Simon effect decreasing across the distribution and which lead to flat or increasing functions. Although the standard left-right Simon effect typically yields a function for which the effect decreases as RT increases, in most other task variations, the Simon effect remains stable or increases across the RT distribution. Studies that have used other means of evaluating the temporal dynamics of the Simon effect provide converging evidence that the changes in the Simon effect across the distribution are due mainly to temporal activation properties, an issue that has been a matter of some dispute.  相似文献   

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